Forever Distraction (Distraction #3) (19 page)

BOOK: Forever Distraction (Distraction #3)
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kay,” she blew a clump of hair out of her face, “no sex, no fucking, no humping, no banging, and no sucking.”
Oh shit,
what did I just do?
I stared her down, but she was tough. I finally rolled over next to her, my eyes catching movement, and I watched closely as she lifted her nightgown, revealing white silk panties with bows.
Fucking bows, just like a wrapped present
. Little strings held the panties together. She was not going down without a fight.

“I think I
’ve got a handle on this,” she tossed out casually as her hand dipped below the bow and covered her mound, and then I saw movement underneath the panties.
What the fuck?
She was going to rub one out right in front of me.

I placed my hand over hers to stop
my visual torture. “Please…don’t,” I asked, and she giggled…
fucking giggled.
“I don’t make deals, and no ultimatums. I don’t want anyone else. I only want you, but I can’t make any frickin’ deals. I also won’t lay right here and watch your hand pleasure
Another fucking giggle
. I had a pounding headache; she had no idea, no concept of what she was doing to me.

“No deals, no ultimatums, and no masturbating
? Mr. Riggs, I think you might have control issues,” she teased. I was trying to ignore her, rubbing the achy spot on my temple. “Sir?” Her condescending voice was like a slap in the face and woke the beast.
She’s asking for it
, I told myself
, begging
. I flipped my weight back on top of her, reached into the nightstand drawer for straps, and secured her hands to one of the bedpost. She giggled again, still not knowing what she had just done, what kind of animal she just provoked.

I moved off the bed, strapping one leg to the opposite bedpost and leaving one leg free. She was frozen, just watching me cautiously. I think she was getting it. “Tell me about birth control.” Her eyes widened and she bit her lips to prevent her mouth from speaking. I crawled up her body. “Tell me. Have you been with anyone else?”

Her eyes softened.
“No…there is no one else. What about you? What about the sofa girl? Are you safe?”

er sassy mouth was driving me to a new level of crazy.
“No questions!
Do you remember when I told you not to use
mockingly? Do you remember?” I leaned back on my heels, watching her breathe, the rise and fall of her chest, and her nipples under her white night gown. She was so pure, the white reminding me why I couldn’t lose control, even though she needed to be taught when not to talk. I had to make her learn; she needed to understand why she couldn’t treat me like everyone else. Her breathing was heavy, and I felt my skin start to tingle as the predator took over.

“I need respect from you…trust.
I fucked up!”
I growled loudly. She flinched and squeezed her eyes shut at my words, and I continued, “I know a lot of people messed up with you, and I hate I am on that list. Today, right now, you forgive me.” It was an order, a fucking command. “I’m not going to apologize over and over. I’m not that guy. I thought I could be, but fuck…I am not that guy. I’m not going to buy you gifts when you have my children either.” Her eyes opened and a small smile creased her cheeks. “I will love you in my own way without the bullshit.”

I lifted her nightgown
, examining her panties more carefully. “I am demanding and selfish, and I’m going to have sex with you every fucking day.” My eyes flickered back to hers, checking for understanding. Her eyes glued to my every action; my princess was on fire. Her breathing was more like gasps and small moans.
How could she have walked away from this?
I leaned over her trembling body and took her hard nipple into my mouth, the silk from her nightgown soft against my lips and the ring of her nipple showing through the fabric.

arched her back off the bed, moaning as I repeated the licking and sucking on her other covered nipple. It was as though she couldn’t feel it and so she ached for more contact. I smiled at the thought. I sat back, looking at my sex princess. Her dark pink nipples were visible through her clothing and pushing up in a rapid rhythm with her breathing. “Fucking beautiful.” My fingers leisurely trailed down her body, creating goose pumps in my wake. I stopped at the top of her ribbon panties.

“I want to be clear
; I think you deserve an explanation and I plan on telling you everything, but I am not going to grovel and beg,” my finger drifted over her mound, stilled over her clit, and I looked back into her velvety blues, “so I am going to teach you, Josephine. I am going to teach you about when not to speak, and more importantly, when not to be sarcastic. You are going to trust and obey me, and the most important thing you are going to do is respect me.” I put pressure on her bundle of nerves. She bit her bottom lip in response. Her hands hanging over her head remained strapped together and tied to the bed, but I reached behind me and undid the strap holding her leg.

“You can always tell me to stop. Do you hear me?” She lifted her chin
, her eyes full of understanding. Normally I gave my sub a safe word, but Katarina was different; her mind was a pit of scary events and I didn’t ever want to scar her. “I will not stop if you tell me no, but you tell me to stop and everything ends.” I raised a questioning brow and she lifted her chin again, more in challenge than in agreement. Fuck, this girl was tough. With two fingers I tugged on a bow, and then the other. “These happen to be my favorite panties. It would please me very much if you wore these every day. Do you want to please me?” I gave her my most wicked grin, waiting for her to repeat my words. “Say it,” I growled.

“I want to please you.” Her voice was a whisper, but it was spoken in honesty.
That’s fucking right
. I continued untying her delicate panties, and when her pussy was bare, I leaned down to smell her. I took my time; she was my drug, and if there was a way I could just snort her and be done with it, I would. When my face was so close I could ravage her, I gradually slipped my tongue out to get a taste. Her body writhed beneath me; she no longer had the ability to hold still. I left the bed and her eyes popped open. I went to my bag on the floor and retrieved some toys and lubricant. I was going to play. I moved my hands, quickly hiding the content. She gave me the hugest puppy dog eyes.
I’m going to enjoy this.

“I want to go over the correct time to call me
Sir.” I moved to the bed, peering down at her body bound and beautiful. I picked up her hips and rolled her onto her belly. “You can say
when I ask you a question and you answer with either ‘yes, Sir’ or ‘no, Sir’. When you plead, you may say, ‘please, sir’.” I ran my hand over the round globes of her spectacular ass, loving the soft feel of her skin. I moved her legs so they were under her body and her back end was propped up on her knees, giving her a swift spank. A loud, “Oh,” escaped her lips.

…ever…say ‘Sir’ defiantly.” I followed that up with another swat to her other cheek. I slid my hand between her legs, fingering her pussy. She was deliciously wet and I dipped my head to get another taste. I used her juices to coat her back, puckered hole, and then added more lubricant; her back arched as the cold, clear fluid slid between her cheeks. I worked the tight hole, making room for the toy. I went slowly, listening for any hesitation, but she said nothing.

“I love your ass,” I coaxed as
I filled her tight hole with the toy, patiently working it, using my fingers of my other hand to stimulate her pussy. When the toy was all the way in, I sat back, admiring my work. Holy hell, she was hot like this. Her head thrashed around on the pillow and her ass was smiling at me, begging me to take her. I could never say no to a begging ass. I moved my hands to her hot, slippery pussy and set up a steady rhythm with my finger fucking.

’re my dirty girl, princess. You like me filling you everywhere, don’t you?” Her moan became more rapid and I knew she was hovering, just where I needed her to be. I slipped my cock inside her and felt her heat.
Fucking best pussy ever
. I slammed into her, creating a carnal need. As soon as I felt her body stiffen, I pulled out, knowing even a small breeze could set her off. I waited, holding her hips tightly to stop any movement. I swiftly removed the plug and tossed it toward the bathroom, and then I took Katarina’s last first.

I slowly eased myself in. She was so snug
, and I worried I was going to hurt her. I listened for a protest, even a ‘no’ would have stopped me, but my brave rabbit held completely motionless. She relaxed into me and let me take her the way I needed. When I was fully seated inside her, I took a deep breath. Time froze and I savored her. She was fully submitted to me, and the complete surrender made me horny as hell.

“Good girl.”
Those two words held my past, a world of domination, and I attempted to shield that world from her, but in that moment of her complete, brave submission, those two words slipped out. It was her response that rocked me, and as always, I found her unbelievably intoxicating. She moaned and shivered, and it sounded like a climaxing moan; I thought she might have come from my words alone. This sweet princess was made for me. I moved, mainly because it was too fucking torturous to stay buried inside her like this. I slowly impaled her again and repeated, trying hard to hold back.

“Fucking perfect
…argh…” I wanted this moment to last forever. “I need you like this, my sweet submissive.” I drank in every detail from the head of the bedpost where her tied wrists pulled together in a secure V, to her black silky hair sticking to her sweaty forehead and back, draping over the stark white sheets. The clear, perfect skin on her back peeked out from beneath the unruly hair, and the parts you could see was bubbled with beads of sweat. Her face was resting on a soft pillow, and her eyelashes brushed against her rosy cheeks; I could see her full lips part as sounds of pleasure seeped through.

I continued to fill her and she liked it
, and I gripped her hips as my eyes fell all the way down to her surrendering ass. It was just too much. With my mind and body on sensation overload, I exploded; I couldn’t hold back any longer. I came hard, every ounce of my liquid pleasure flooded her ass, and I stared down as my white sperm oozed out, running down to her pussy. I groaned and closed my eyes, savoring the erotic picture.
Best. Fucking. Orgasm

“Good girl!” I yelled when I slammed in uncontrollably one final time
, and I heard her release. She screamed her orgasm like a fucking champ. My champ.

Chapter Twelve



I felt the bed dip and I knew she was getting up. I laid there with one eye open and watched from the bed as Katarina disappeared into the bathroom. She tiptoed and I found it funny, because she was sneaking and I was wide-awake. I waited for her to return, thinking she was gathering enough courage to escape me, but she didn’t leave. She came back to bed and collapsed right next to me, never actually touching me. I felt her hot breath on my face and then her lips landed on my mouth. I couldn’t pretend any longer.

“How do you feel?” I whisper
ed, not really sure, I wanted to know the answer. The thought of me harming her in anyway made me overwhelmingly enraged. Enraged and a little frightened of my inability to control my greediness to own every part of her, and to be her every sensation.

’m horny.” She giggled, and I couldn’t help the thickness that came to life at that tiny giggle.

My reaction was immediate;
I reached my hand out, gripped her ass, and pulled her closer to me so our bodies touched. I leisurely traced the contour of her body with my finger and felt her shiver under my touch.

“Jason,” her voice wa
s soft, her face buried under my chin, “how many times did you have sex with the girl on the couch?”

I pause
d, momentarily whiplashed from picturing her heated and horny, to picturing her mind wrapped around me with other women. I felt my body tense, and I racked my brain to think about how to answer her question. Then, I started up with the finger tracing, attempting to soothe her while I responded as simply as I could. “Twice…she’s Alex’s friend and he shared. He was trying to cheer me up.” Fuck, it was awkward telling her about shared girls.
I wasn’t ashamed…was I?

! You both had sex with her…like at the same time, or did he watch you?”

hey were valid questions, questions I would proudly answer, but not to her and not right now. “Katarina, we shared; it’s exactly how it sounds.” My voice came out as irritated as I felt.

“Do you want to share me?”

My hand stilled on her back and I squeezed her tightly. “No, I will never share you.” I buried my nose in her hair, smelling her scent. “I thought I loved you, but I don’t.” I rolled over so I was on top of her, trapping her beneath me. “How many times did you think of me over the past two weeks? You told me you loved me and then you left.” the whites of her eyes disappeared, and I knew she was closing her eyes in deep regret. “I thought about you every fucking minute of every day. I wondered where you were, if you were safe. I could never leave you. I watched you leave me again today and
it pissed me off. You don’t love me, princess, and I don’t love you…not in the way
people love.” I fucking tortured myself with that word. “What I feel for you is a perverse, possessive, twisted form of love. I want to own you. I want to keep you in my pocket like a hamster, take you out to play with you, and then put you back in my pocket.”

giggled, and it triggered confusion mixed with anger. What I was telling her was threatening, and it should scare the shit out of her. I moved her legs apart with my knee, positioned the head of my cock inside the rim of her pussy, and she silenced. I heard her heavy breathing, saw the whites of her eyes appear, and then I finished my tirade. “I love the way you smell and taste. I love the noises you make. I even love the fact you’re not scared of me when most people are, but…” I slammed my cock inside her to make my point, “…most of all, I want to smother you.” I began rocking my hips with force. It was my right; she was in my bed and it felt so fucking good.

“You want to know why I came inside you, why I wanted you
pregnant? Because that moment was the same as right now. Your complete offering, the surrendering of your body, is a drug and it frickin’ intoxicates me. I own you, and if I want to spill my seed inside your body, I do. It’s simple, really.” I started to pick up the pace; I wasn’t going to last long. “My obsession with you, with having control over you, and the fucking pleasure of it all,” I leaned in and whispered in her ear, “You should have run, because right now I want to shove you in the trunk of my car and take you away from here.”

I was reaching the point
where I would normally pull out.
No trace left behind.
“You better tell me to
fucking stop
.” I felt the rage inside me coming to a head as my growl turned to shouts. She didn’t say it; her breathing was rapid, and moans slipped from her lips. “Come for me. Be my
good girl
and come.” I held her eyes as I continued to shift in and out, and I found the hope I didn’t think existed anymore. She moaned a final time and her blue eyes fluttered. I impaled her two more times and released my hot fluid deep inside of her. She tightened her muscles around my shaft and I rode out my orgasm feeling the intense hold she had on me everywhere.
Fuck…this girl.

I rolled on
to my side and pulled her with me, our sweaty bodies fitting perfectly together. “Tomorrow, you’ll swallow my come.”
Then I would be able to relax, knowing that a piece of me was everywhere inside her. It will calm me for sure. I fell asleep with my arms tightly around her.




Voices woke me in the morning, and I opened my eyes to see people walking in
playroom. I had gotten in the habit of leaving the doors unlocked. “Get the
out,” I growled and started to get up to enforce my aggressive statement, but the little lady that had reached the foot of the bed peered over at me and then scurried for the door, just like a mouse. I heard the door click closed and I turned toward Katarina, watching her eyes flicker.

My emotions and lack of sleep creat
ed a confusing feeling of calm and insane sexual heat. She was going to wake up and run. I knew I should have anxiety, but her tiny body looked so beautiful with the white nightie wrapped around her waist. Damn, I wanted her again. She had my come everywhere in her, on her, and I wanted her more. My brain couldn’t function without the stimulation she provided. My head throbbed…both of them.

,” her sleepy eyes turned away from me, “you want me to leave?” Her legs were moving with her words, so I wrapped my arms around her body, sealing her close to me before she moved from the bed.

“Not you
.” I pulled her close, smelling her. I smelled me all over her, our sex, and the scent made me suddenly and uncomfortably hard. She immediately relaxed, and I slid my teeth over her shoulder and nibbled at the spot between her neck and shoulder. “We need to take a shower. How do you feel?”

Mmm…” I could hear the smile in her voice, “tired.” She paused for a moment. “I thought about what you said last night. I laid in bed listening to you sleep and thought about every single thing you said.” She took a deep breath and I remained perfectly still everywhere except my heart, which was erratic. “I did love you, Jason, and I still do.” I gritted my teeth, burying my nose in her soft hair, not sure if I heard her right. “I am going to say it every day like it’s the most casual thing. You have a great dick…I love you. I like your shirt…I love you. I’m craving something Italian for dinner…I love you.”

She was freaking me out
. I place my heavy hand over her mouth to silence her.

When I moved
toward the shower, her feet padded behind me; the sound was calming. I reached for the nozzle and her silence was welcoming. I knew she didn’t fucking love me, but I liked the fact she thought she did. Love was a painful thing for me, and Katarina hadn’t experienced that pain like I did over the past couple weeks; she couldn’t know what real love was.

,” she whispered and I turned slowly, finding her blue, heated gaze. “What you said last night…” she swallowed and then a huge smile graced her swollen lips, “…it was perfect.” She swallowed once again and I realized she was battling tears, shoving them down to appear strong. “The way you perversely love me…it’s perfect for me,” another intake of air and then she continued, “Because it’s me you feel that way about, not my money, not my name. You have a weird fetish with comparing me to animals; that’s why I laughed. I would go in your pocket right now if I could fit. The way you feel…fits me. It sounds like the purest form of love, raw and exposed.”

I glanced away trying to gather my emotions
. I stepped into the shower, reached my hand out, and she slipped her gentle one inside mine. I engulfed it, like I always do. I sharply tugged on her hand and her body crashed into mine. I wrapped my whole body around her, wanting to be everywhere at once. She wedged her hands out of my hold and her fingers moved frantically around my body. I allowed her touch; she was taking her comfort from me and my heart echoed throughout my body knowing
could comfort

After long moments under the water
, she wiggled out of my hold, licking the water on my chest. It was erotic the way she coated me with her saliva. She reached my shoulder and suddenly, pain radiated from my shoulder to my fingertips as she bit me hard. She then licked around the area before she bit me again. I peered down, water spraying all around us, and I struggled for breath. Her bright smile was like hitting my head against a concrete wall, causing me to see stars and feel dizzy. It was a smile filled with hope and playfulness. I leisurely traced her smile with my finger, dipping the tip between her lips, and mirroring her smile when she drew my finger into her hot mouth.

is this one of the top ten sexiest things she does?
It was just a finger, but somehow, I felt her in every pore of my body. She takes the next finger and repeats the sucking and finger pumping, simulating what she does when she sucked my cock. I pushed her shoulders down and she went willing, licking her lips in the most seductive way. My cock danced at the sight of it. She glanced at me as she took me into her mouth.
Fuck yeah!
She amazed me the way she took charge of it, and if I didn’t know better, I would think she was educated on dick sucking. She tilted her head back and lowered her body. I viewed this as a form of surrender and pushed forward, slipping my fingers through her wet hair.

attempted to take most of me and used her hand to mimic her pace. I needed this from her, my beautiful princess servicing me. I leaned over her to control my movements in and out, lavishing in the warmth of her wet mouth. She peeked at me through her thick eyelashes while humming. The sensation vibrated through my cock to my balls. I released her hair as she squeezed my sac and began her own rhythm of fucking me with her mouth.

I ca
me fast without warning, complete spontaneous combustion, surprising myself. She swallowed and licked until my trace was completely gone. I was slightly disappointed it wasn’t lingering all over her face and down her body as proof. I studied her as she stood, her smile wide, her hands gliding over my body as she traced my muscles. She was at peace; I could feel it.

“I want you to lighten up a little. I need you to find reasons to smile. That’s what I was first attracted to…your all-teeth smile.”

I grabbed the shampoo, squirting some in her hand and then in mine, thinking about what she just said. “All right,” I agreed, and just like that, she rewarded me with another smile. I winked, and a small giggle slipped out of her mouth, and fuck it if I wasn’t horny again. After I finished washing my hair and body, I kissed her, biting her bottom lip before exiting the shower.

“I am going to tell your people to give you fifteen minutes.” I dried my
self and then peered back in the shower. I watched her soapy hands glide down her body and dip in-between her legs, and then they returned to her breasts. It was mesmerizing the way she cleaned herself. Her eyes opened, and I think she was startled at my staring. It
was funny what startles her.

“Your eyes are sexy
, Mr. Riggs…I love you.” Another beautifully intoxicating smile followed and I was speechless. I disappeared to the closet, dressed, and then exited the bedroom. Uncomfortable with the confused emotion; hope for us oscillated with the negative reality that she would leave me again given the chance. Then, frustration took over and fueled my quick motions.

When I
exited the bedroom, I inhaled deeply, not sure what I was walking into. A shorthaired lady I recognized from earlier moved quickly around me to get into the bedroom.

“She needs fifteen minute
s.” Her deep brown eyes met mine, and I knew she was going to challenge me.
This will be fun.
“Don’t you fucking touch that door!” I growled, and her face contorted in disgust and then anger. Her hands crossed over her chest and she glanced over at a large man dressed in a suit. I looked over at him, giving him my deadly stare. I might not be able to take him, but I would love to try. This guy was almost a foot taller than me, and he just looked psychotic and mean. He gave a short nod to the lady, and I chuckled when I heard a loud, unhappy sigh.

BOOK: Forever Distraction (Distraction #3)
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