Forever Changed (7 page)

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Authors: Jamie Gibson

BOOK: Forever Changed
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It was like they were playing a part in a play because their eyes were smiling at each other. It seemed to me that they had a secret between them that they couldn’t voice out to me. I still was not going to have her talking to Julie that way.

“No, heat your own damn breakfast!” I yelled at my mother. “Julie has been a part of our family for years and you will not treat her as if she is scum! Seriously, what is your problem? You will not talk to her like that, and another thing at least I HAVE someone to eat breakfast with since my father is gone!” I looked at her with so much hate that Julie was squirming in her chair. My mother just looked at me with her mouth opened slightly in shock. I had screamed at her in front of Julie and she didn’t know how to react. My mother was scared of me, just like she was with my father. She feared me, but for reasons unknown Julie and my mother walked on egg shells with me.

’re right Elizabeth, so sorry Julie! I will grab something on the way to my office. Have a lovely day ladies,” and with that she grabbed her purse and her keys and headed out to the garage.

“Oh my Elizabeth is everything ok? I mean it is not my place to say anything, but I have never heard you talk to your mother in such a tone.” Julie said wrinkling up her blond eyebrows in concern.

“Everything is fine Julie, it was just, well a very long weekend.” I smiled back at her reassuring her everything was just fine.

“Well then you should be off to school before you’re late. I am going to get busy with my chores. See you at dinner?” Julie asked quietly.

“Yes, I will see you at dinner!” I grabbed my backpack, my lunch Julie prepared for me, my keys, and headed to the garage as well. “Bye Julie”

“Bye Elizabeth,
have a great day,” Julie said to me while she cleared off the table.

























Chapter 13


With m
y keys in hand, I went to where my car was parked in the garage. I always had to stop and admire my car before I could get in.


My father had bought me a dark blue 2010 GT Shelby Coup Mustang with white racing stripes from rear to bumper. I received it when I had turned sixteen.

Now can you see why I can’t just get in? I actually have to stop and stare. I would be the one to have someone chasing me, trying to do a number of different things to
me and I would stop long enough to admire my gorgeous car. Then everyone would hear on the news about Elizabeth Marcus found murdered in the street. Yup that would be me because my car is so gorgeous. Even after having a year and ten months later, I still have to stop and stare.


I pressed the button on my keys to unlock the doors, I opened the door and crawled into the charcoal black leather seats, that also had racing stripes.


I loved my steering wheel because in the center the signature cobra was etched on it. My car has so many different things that I could do with it. It has an optional Sirius voice activated navigation systems, it also has a SYNC system as standard equipment.


It provides me with 911 assistance, vehicle health reports, and Bluetooth

. The best part, well besides the car itself, is that I have an Ambient Lighting System that gives me the options to customize my dash and interior lighting. Which by the way are red, plus the lights illuminate the door scuff plates. It was a newer update to the older mustangs that was for sure. Don’t get me wrong I love the old mustangs, but sometimes new is just better. It also had the shifter knob with a racing-stripes theme, they wrap around the knob from end-to-end. I loved my car.

I started up my car and looked through my review mirror before opening the garage. I was startled when my eyes connected to Landon’s. I was not scared I was just surprised to see him standing there.


While still looking into his dark black eyes, I flipped the switch to the garage door. I dropped the door switcher causing me to lose eye contact with him when I reached down to pick it up. When I looked through the review mirror again, he was gone with no signs that he was even there.


I even turned around to look through the black tinted windshield, but he was gone. Eerie, I thought to myself. I wonder if I am going to have another stalker. But I was also disappointed to see that he was gone.


I thought about Landon on the ten mile ride to school wondering why he would just stand there and not approach me. Yeah, he said he was a demon. I believed him especially after the hole in my floor disappeared when he did, but I was not scared of him.


In fact, I was drawn to him and I was not sure why. He was gorgeous even though he needed a bath big time, his hair trimmed up, and don’t get me started on his teeth. I would love to get a hold of him to do a makeover. That is if he would let me, but I had a feeling he would let me do anything I wanted to do to him.


I pulled into the parking lot at school luckily, a little early. Every morning when I get there early, most of the other kids are

outside around their cars. When I pulled in they all stop talking and stare at me as if I am not supposed to be there. They were jealous of my car, but from the everyday rumors, I am supposedly weird and for some reason everyone feared my family.

They were all waiting to know when my father was dead because of course they h
ad heard the history of the fathers who have died at the hands of their wives.


It was funny, but I enjoyed not having to deal with drama, boyfriends, exes and gossip. It really was not my cup of tea so I kept to myself. I liked it that way.


Sometimes I wished I had a friend to talk to or someone to hang out with, but that was wishful thinking on my behalf.


I grabbed my book bag from the backseat and opened my door to get out. I watched, as the kids would avert their eyes when I looked their way and start talking

me in whispers. I kept a straight face and kept walking toward the school.

I passed a blond girl on the way to the entrance and heard her say to her brown headed friend, “I feel sorry for her, I mean I
never see her talking to anyone and her family history. Really?”


The brown headed girl said, “Shhhhh…she will hear you, stupid.”


“What do you think will happen? I will get her family curse?” coming from the blond headed girl. They both giggled and I walked into the building. I despised school because of the rumors and other bull shit that went on.


I headed down the hall and made my way to my locker. I worked the combination and opened the locker, dug my books out of my bag, and was fixing to shut it, when someone ran into me. They knocked my books out of my hands and they went flying as I fell to the floor. The hall became really quiet, no shouting, talking, or slamming of lockers everyone was still watching to see what happens. I looked up to see who had run into me, when my eyes focused on the captain of the football team, Lucas Sheath.

He stood there for a minute eyes wide waiting to see what
I would do. I picked myself up off of the floor, squatted down, and began picking up my books and the papers that flew out of them.


He never offered a hand, or did he ever apologize; he just stood there watching me. This annoyed me, the most he could have done was apologized, but of course why would he. He is the most popular boy in school and the captain of the football team.


I stood up and headed down the quiet hall to class. Once I was about ten feet away from Lucas, the tension let up and the noise started back up.


I smiled while walking down the hallway.
I smiled, but I was very angry. I imagined what the newspaper headline would read, 

























































Chapter 14


Lunch was always different. I did sit with other pe
ople or rather they sat with me. I actually sat maybe two seats away. They never looked my way and never attempted to talk to me. I didn’t mind though, I would sometimes listen to their conversations and sometimes I escaped into my own little world. 


Today, I was escaping to my own little world. The hallway incident long forgotten, I thought about Landon and let it sink in that he was a demon.


For some reason I was attracted to him and had no idea why. I was thinking that the reason is because other than my mother, father, Julie, and clients of my father’s, I have never had anyone to talk to. I have never had a friend. Just because he was a demon didn’t mean that he couldn’t be my friend. I was excited and I wanted to see and talk to him again.


I was so lost in thought over Landon that I hadn’t noticed that Lucas walked up to my table. He wore a big smile on his baby face, making his crystal blue eyes radiate back at me.


I sat there looking at him with a straight face. “Hey Elizabeth,” he said sweetly.


I could see behind him his group of friends giggling, some holding their breath, others appeared to be nervous, but all of them anxious. The whole cafeteria had become quiet, when they noticed the most popular kid in school was talking to me.

I just looked at him, I really had nothing to say and he pissed me off by swaying my thoughts away from Landon.


“Well, ok, I just wanted to apologize for running into you earlier in the hallway. I didn’t mean it at all really. The guys and
I were messing around and one of them pushed me into you.” He stopped talking waiting for a response from me and I just sat there looking at him. He continued as his smile slowly faded from his face, “I am sorry as well that I didn’t help you pick up your books. I mean I should have, but I was afraid…”


“Afraid of what?” I asked him, which startled him and I heard gasps all around the cafeteria.


Everyone at the school thought I was a mute. I never talked to anyone, not even in class. So of course they would think that. I was graduating at the end of this year

after four years of going to school with all these kids and them not hearing me talk. I couldn’t blame them.

“That I might bite you? That I might scream at you? What were you so afraid of Lucas?” I asked him with a scowl.


Lucas was wide eyed and quiet for a minute with no signs of a smile looking everywhere else now, but at me. Amazing how I could intimidate the captain of the football team. I giggled to myself, but still kept a straight face. I watched him a bit annoyed while I waited for him to reply.


“I am not sure really. I mean your different you never talk to anyone and actually you have never talked at all, for that matter. So I was afraid.” Lucas said innocently.

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