Forever Changed (11 page)

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Authors: Jamie Gibson

BOOK: Forever Changed
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“How do you appear so quickly?” I asked, “
never mind we will talk about that later. I am worried and I am kind of scared,

Landon.” I said with worried eyes looking at him.

“Why what is wrong?” Landon asked with concern in his voice. Landon was so sweet, that I had a hard time believing he was a demon.

I quickly told him about the note in my locker and that Lucas would be waiting on me at my car. I
even told him about the tormenting that I had endured from him, during school.

“Take him with you, Elizabeth. If you need me all you have to do is call. He may know something you don’t. He is able to tell you, but I can
’t.” Landon said with a sigh.

“Ok,” I said,
feeling a little bit better. I knew Landon would be there in a heartbeat, if I needed him. “See you when I get home.”

“I will be there waiting. Bye Elizabeth!” With that Landon disappeared.

I splashed cold water in my face, dried it off, and headed out the door to the parking lot.

Sure enough Lucas was standing at my car
, waiting on me. People were looking at Lucas as if he was crazy, but he just smiled and cracked up with a few of them.

When he seen me however, his smile dropped and he turned pale. What in the world? What did he know that I didn’t know?

I hated confrontation, but I put my big girl panties on and walked right up to Lucas.

While grinning
, I said, “Hi Lucas. Did you miss me?”

Lucas looked up at me
, stared and very quietly said, “More than you know.” We were actually putting a show on for all the people standing around. Making it sound like we missed each other and had been friends for years.

Lucas walked up to me and leaned over so
close that I could feel his hot breath on my ear. “Hug me and let’s make this look real, but don’t try anything funny.”

I giggled, I had no idea what he was talking about, but I wrapped my arms around him all the same. I heard a little growl from som
ewhere and looked over his shoulder.  He smiled while turning in circles swinging me around. It looked as if we had been together and dating for years.

I caught a glimpse of Landon standing behind the crowd
, of the kids who had gathered around to watch me and Lucas. My eyes connected with his and I winked at him. I knew he was watching out for me, but I noticed a little bit of jealousy in the deep dark black of his eyes.

When Lucas sat me back on the ground, Landon was nowhere to be seen. The kids around us were all whispering and Lucas told them,
smirking at them. “We didn’t want anyone to know we were dating,”

He opened my car door for me and I slid into the driver seat. I started the car and waited for him to walk to the passenger side and get in.

              “Where to?” I asked Lucas through gritted teeth.

“Anywhere that no one will hear us and no one will find us.” He said stiffly, I noticed a hint of fear in his words.

“I know just the place,” I replied while a little smile appeared on my face. I sensed Lucas looking at me and I just kept looking out the windshield straight ahead.


              We ended up behind my house, on the path that leads to the waterfall. We were walking side by side. All of a sudden Lucas said,

“I know your secret, Elizabeth. I know you are some kind of witch.”

My mouth dropped open in horror as I asked, “How could you possibly know this.”

“Because you showed me your secret at the mall,” he said smiling.

I didn’t know what he was talking about. How did I show him this? What did he see? All I could really think about was what my father said in his note about our secret.

“I have no idea what you are talking about Lucas.” I said annoyed.

“Oh but I think you do Elizabeth your face tells me that.” He said smiling.

By this time we were at the falls. We were standing on the same rock that I had been laying on taking pictures.

“So what do you want?” I asked him seriously.

“I want you to make me rich. You have the money. I can tell that by your mansion you live in and you have that gorgeous car. I want to be rich like you. Since you are a witch, I want you to cast some kind of spell on me so that I can be rich for the rest of my life.” Lucas slowly finished talking to me as if I didn’t know how to speak English. He stood a little straighter when he finished.

I started laughing and Lucas looked at me like I had lost it. “Do you seriously think I would do this for you? Do you think that I would cast a spell on you? Do you really think that blackmailing me will do you any good?”

I was getting closer to him as I was saying this and he kept backing up. “You better, Elizabeth or everyone will know your secret. I will make sure I tell everyone and trust me they will believe me considering your family history!!”


All of sudden he lost his footing and was falling over the side of the falls. I grabbed his hand
s, slamming onto the rock with my stomach. The pain was intense, but I held onto Lucas with all my strength, trying to pull him up.

“Don’t let go Elizabeth” Lucas screamed at the top of his lungs.

              “Please don’t let go,” he whimpered.

“I can’t hang on much longer,” I cried out.

Lucas was hanging on to both of my hands, for his dear life. He was dangling over the edge of the 300- foot waterfall. I locked eyes with him, my blue eyes to his crystal blue. At that moment, we both knew that I was going to let go. There was nothing else I could do? I couldn’t hold on to him and I was losing my grip.

              At that instant, memories flashed before my eyes of all he had put me through. That was enough for me. Something grew within me. Something changed. My eyes turned red as blood. He seen this change and he knew what I was about to do. Terror struck his crystal blue eyes as he bore into my red ones. I heard the rushing water! I felt the wind whipping wisps of my dark brown hair in my face. The clouds grew dark and the wind picked up, thunder rumbled, and streaks of lightning flashed all around.      

“Don’t do this, Elizabeth!! Please don’t let go.” Lucas screamed. You could hear the terror in his pleading voice.

“It’s time to let go” I told him with half a smirk on my face.

I let go!

It took him a minute, after trying his best to hang on to my limp hands. I was entertained, but he couldn’t hang on long. I listened to Lucas scream as he
plummeted 300-feet into the pool of water below. I watched as his body slammed into the rocks and I was half hoping that he would resurface and come after me. He never did though. I watched as his body was washed down the river, leading through the woods. I felt nothing other than anger.

I was still lying on the side of the waterfall, with my arms dangling over the edge, as if I were still holding on to him. I was looking down and afraid to take my eyes off the water, for the enjoyment I would have if he would resurface. I laid there for only God knows how long waiting. Then, with a small grin on my face, my body went limp with the relief that for the first time, for as long as I could remember, I relaxed! My secret was safe, but I knew at that moment, I was forever changed.

























Chapter 21


I got up and headed
back down the path, toward my home. All my questions were answered. I knew who I was. I was a demon just like Landon. Just like my father.

I was half witch and half demon. Now
, I understood completely. The powers I possess are unique. I have control over my destiny and I have the power to have everyone fear me. I have the power to control my future and the power to lift the Marcus curse.

My father changed and he knew that he could change because of me. Now they hold him in damnation
for eternity. Well that won’t be long because I am going to bring him back.

My mother was my protector and eventually she will know she is a witch. My father is my guidance to perfect my powers and teach me all I need to know. Landon,
hmmmm, I still was not sure where he was to play a part. I know that he has something to do with my destiny as well. In just a few days I have grown feelings for him.

I realized as well why I was so attracted to the falls. Lucas was what the final change would be. He would be the one to change me and he did. All the pictures I had taken
, was leading me to my change, to tell me who I was.

He was the boy I seen in my lens
, when I was taking the pictures. I had a peek of my future, but I didn’t understand. I knew I could heal myself through my anger and I know I can bring my father home where he belongs. I had the power to change Landon and give him a different look at life.

My mother will soon glimpse my power and she will learn about hers too. We would make a perfect family, but I had plans.

I made it home and my mind started spinning. I had simmered my anger on the walk and I was now worried about the outcome of what would happen to me over Lucas. My first step was to get my father back; however I first needed to talk to Landon.

I walked in through the back door. Julie was making dinner.

“Enjoy your walk, Elizabeth?” she asked looking like she was smiling at the dinner she was stirring.

“You could say that,” I replied to her weakly. All the energy had been sucked out of me. Julie I guess
recognized the tone in my voice and she looked up at me. Her smile faded and she seemed worried.

“Elizabeth, what happened?” She rushed over looking at me from head to toe. I looked at my reflection through the glass
, in the window and noticed that my hair was array. I was filthy and covered in dirt. My arms were scraped up and bleeding something awful.

“Nothing, I slid and fell on a rock on my way down the path
, coming home,” I lied. Julie was so kind hearted that I hated lying to her, but I didn’t want to take another innocent life away because they found out my secret.

“I am going to go upstairs and clean up Julie,” I said weekly heading toward the stairs. Julie followed close behind.

“Would you like me to bring you dinner?” She asked quietly.              

“No thank you, I am not really hungry, but you can save me a plate if you would like.” I said with a weak smile.

“I certainly will, get some rest.” She replied and headed back into the kitchen.

made it to the second flight of stairs, before I collapsed, quietly and weakly I whispered, “Landon.”

“I am h
ere, Elizabeth,” he said gently. I felt his arms slowly and gently pick me up and carried me up the last flight of stairs, to my bedroom.

He took me straight in the bathroom and sat me down gently on the toilet. He turned on the water
, filling the tub up. The steam rolled off the water. He walked over and started peeling off my dirty clothes, after removing my shoes. He discarded them in the floor. He picked me up gently and sat me in the tub of water.

It felt so good too. He r
olled up a towel and placed it behind my head. I laid my head back, closed my eyes, and my body relaxed. He sat down beside me on the tub and looked at me.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk,” he said shaking his head at me. “You should have called me sooner
, instead of walking home. The first time that you fully change is the most exhausting.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked him opening my eyes and looking at him.

“I was not allowed to or I would have been imprisoned, for the at least a century, with brutalizing torture. I could handle the torture, but I couldn’t handle not seeing you Elizabeth,” he said with sadness in his voice, while lowering his head.

“I would have saved you,” I replied with a weak smile.

“You wouldn’t have been able to Elizabeth, remember I am the son of the Dark Lord.” He whispered so low I almost couldn’t hear him.

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