Forever Changed (16 page)

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Authors: Jamie Gibson

BOOK: Forever Changed
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My father went to mak
e sure he actually did leave. When returned and nodded his head yes, telling us he was gone. We all relaxed and breathed out slowly. That was a close call. I know they would rule his death as an accident and I would be in the clear. I had committed the perfect murder.

“Well, now that is
out of the way, at least until he returns,” my father said a little more relaxed. Then, while his body tensed up and his eyes became more serious, he said, “Now, we have to prepare for the arrival of the Dark Lord.”

I tensed up a little, but I was ready to get it over with and I planned on just that.

I would defeat the Dark Lord!

















Chapter 29


It had already been week, since Officer Benton stopped by my house for answers. We had totally transformed our living room into a work room and from there we stayed from sunrise to sunset practicing. My father said, “We need to prepare for the Dark Lord.”

My father was showing my mother how to use her witch powers, but she was
not succeeding in them. The most she managed to do, was push out a little line of white light.

Something was wrong with this. From what I read
, about witches, they had some major powers. They could shoot out red, green, blue, or black type balls of fire, to defeat their enemy. I was not sure, but I think my father was wrong about my mother being a witch. She didn’t look like a witch and she didn’t act like one.

She was pretty and except for the day that she murdered my father
, I have never seen her angry. The only time she cried was when my father hit her and I only heard her cry. I had never seen her cry. She only always smiled, even when he did hit her, she smiled and then stayed in bed afterwards. It was weird, but I was curious. After we defeated the Dark Lord, I will investigate further and find out the truth.

Landon was a pro, he didn’t need to prep, but I was worried if he would be able to do anything
, when he faced his father. I was afraid that he would not be able to stand against him. I hoped he could and he promised and promised that he would protect us the best he could. I believed him and I knew he would do just that.

My father was a pro as well. He could become pissed off in a blink of an eye. His eyes would turn a bright red; he could even shoot flames from them. If he could concentrate hard enough, his anger could shatter a lamp or crush a chair into a hundred pieces. It was awesome and I was having fun with all of it.

I, on the other hand, had to learn how to channel my anger in order to do as my father done. In the beginning, my days were short from being exhausted, but the more I practiced my powers, the less tired I became.

I had perfected myself on concentrating, smashing, and crushing things with my eyes. I however struggled with the flames that came from the red, in my eyes.


My parents and Landon were amazed at how the storms formed with each time my eyes changed, from their brilliant blue, to the bright red. There was never rain that followed with the storm, just the darkness, the lightening, and of course the deafening thunder. They couldn’t understand why the storms appeared when I was angry, nor could I.

, had foreseen that the Dark Lord would be coming, with his army of demons in three weeks. I had two weeks to practice and perfect my powers, or we would all be screwed. We would be spending eternity in damnation. After seeing what happened to my father….ummmm….yeah that was just not in my agenda.

The start of the second week
, I finally got the flames to shoot out of my eyes. Landon stood on standby, with a bucket of water, so that he could extinguish the flames from the burning curtains.


“I did it!!” I screamed with relief. The feeling was amazing, even though it burned like hell the first few times.

“Finally,” my parents and Landon said in unison.

“Well, sorry, but some things take time,” I replied with a grimace. “You all make it look so easy and it’s not. Plus when I felt the burning in my eyes, the first time, I was scared to release it, fearing that my eyeballs would turn to mush.”

“No worries about that sweet heart. I felt the same when I was discovering my powers.” My father said with a chuckle.

“I want to try one more thing, now that I know my eyeballs are not going to turn to mush. I have a different feeling I want to release.” I said with curiosity springing out in my words.

“What is it, Elizabeth?” my father said with as much curiosity that I had. He looked concerned though. He knows that I have more powers, than just the ones he has, but I have had to discover them.

I have two different feelings that associate with my eyes, when I get pissed. The first one is very painful with an extreme amount of burning. It starts at my eyes and works its way down both my arms. I feel like they are on fire and it hurts, but not so bad that I want to scream.

The second one is much stronger and a lot more painful than the feeling in my arms. The burning of course always starts at my eyes, but instead of stopping at my fingertips, it proceeds down to my toes. My whole body feels like it is on fire and it is only caused when I feel extremely pissed beyond my control.

I wanted to try them, so I had the family taunt me and piss me off. I started feeling my eyes grow hot, and felt the tingle work its way down to my fingertips. I raised my hands up, laying them out flat with my palms up. I watched as red balls of fire formed and hovered above the palms of my hands. I moved my hands a little bit testing them out and they moved with me. I lifted my right hand up behind my head and threw it at the living room wall. It went straight through, leaving a gaping hole to see outside.

I took the other ball of fire and moved it back, from hand to hand. I was slowly moving it, one hand above the other, never touching the ball of fire, as if I was stroking it gently. With less force, I tossed it into the fire place and watched the fireplace light fire to the wood instantly. It burned so strong and fierce that the flames shot up the chimney. I am guessing that if anyone was standing outside the house, looking up, they could see the flames rising out as well.

I dropped my hands, relaxed a little while my anger subsided. I looked up at my family and they were all staring at me with their mouths hanging open just a little bit.

“What, what did I do?” I asked with concern. “Did I hurt anyone?”

My mother slowly lifted a finger pointing. I followed her finger and looked through the hole I had made. I walked closer toward the hole and seen the damage I had caused. The woods that led pass the driveway was on fire. Trees were blazing and smoking. I of course looked back at my family in shock and took off running out of the living room door.

I had to stop the fire or someone would come running to our house to inspect and I couldn’t have that. I ran out of the front door and stopped at the edge of the driveway looking into the woods. I was not really thinking about what I was doing, but I closed my eyes, threw my arms out, as if I were flying, and inhaled. I inhaled slowly and deep. I felt the heat on my face and then felt as the flames engulfed my body. I kept breathing in and deep. I stood there doing this for five minutes, then I dropped to my knees.

I heard footsteps running from behind me and I slowly opened my eyes. The fire was gone. I had inhaled every bit of it into my body. The trees didn’t look burnt, there was no smoldering fire, and there was no smoke. I looked in shock at what I had just done.

“Wow, Elizabeth, how did you know what to do? How did you know you had that power? Are you ok? You look a little pale.” My parents and Landon were talking all at once in their excited voices. I responded with mumbles and blubbers, back at their concerns and questions. I was in complete shock. How did I do that? It was amazing.

I looked up at each one of them, meeting their eyes. They had squatted next to me, touching me to make sure, I myself, was not on fire or if I was ok.

“I am not sure I am ready to try the next one of my powers.” I said.

“Elizabeth, you just inhaled the woods full of fire. You did that because you were scared. This was unexpected by any of us.” My father said slowly and gently. “We thought you were going to die, Elizabeth. Your whole body was blazing while you sucked in the fire. Now my mind is curious about what else you can do.”

“I am afraid to try. I was scared someone would see it and then bust us all.” I said with a frown. “I was afraid, we would be taken to jail for starting a fire. If that were to happen then the Dark Lord would take us all, one at a time.”

My father shook his head with empathy. “You took care of it. Now we have to see your other strengths, we are running out of time.”

“Ok, but this next one we have to do outside and I want everyone to stand far back, away from me. I think that if I can draw fire to my body and absorb it, then I can also release it.” I said getting to my feet. Landon pecked me on the lips with a quick kiss and my father patted me on the shoulder. They ran to the other side of the driveway.

With them watching, I got into position. I spread my feet a little a part. Opened my arms as if to fly and this time I didn’t need my family to piss me off. I could become pissed off at the blink of an eye, just like my father. So, I pushed myself to get extremely pissed and felt my eyes grow hot. I felt the pain and the burning through my body and down to my toes. I slowly pushed more anger out of my body and watched as flames sparked out of me. I was a walking fire ball. Covered in flames from head to toe, that of course is what my family sees and what other people would see.

I walked around and then started running; everywhere I ran I left a streak of fire behind me. This was so fun and so awesome, but it felt natural and so good to release the build up inside me. It felt like sex when you finally reached your climax and released. This is what it felt like, wonderful and amazing.

I twirled around in a circle and danced around the driveway. I couldn’t hear anything, but the roar that was behind the flames. I saw my family looking at me, in amazement and laughing at me as I danced around in the fire I created with just my body.

As quickly as it came out, I quickly pulled it all back in. The flames disappeared; my clothes were not melted or burned on to my body. My hair was not singed from my scalp and not a strand was out of place. I loved it.

I walked toward the house and my family was laughing at me. My father said quietly, who seemed to be lost in thought, “I wonder what else you can do, Elizabeth.”

“Oh Mitch, I think that is enough for one night. Let’s let her rest, all of us really need it. We will pick back up tomorrow. I am so proud of you Elizabeth, you have done so much today.” My mother said with pride beaming from her eyes.

We were all in agreement, so we decided we would take the rest of the day off. I had accomplished flames shooting out of my eyes, balls of fires in my hands, inhaling the flames from the woods fire, and setting myself on fire. Amazing, now I was going to work in the dark room, I grabbed Landon’s hand. “Come on I want to show you how this works.” We ran into the house and up the stairs to my dark room.


We were sitting down to the beautiful dinner Julie made for us. Landon was going on talking about how I taught him everything in the dark room.

              “Well where are the pictures you developed.” My father asked Landon.

“Ummmm…Elizabeth threw almost all of them away and well the other few we have, are drying.” He replied without making eye contact with my father.

“Why did you throw them away, Elizabeth?” My father asked, with a weird look on his face.

How was I supposed to tell my father that they were pictures of his murder? They were sad, gruesome, and depressing. The picture of his body lying, in the floor showed the blood splatter, as the sign for the devil. I didn’t want them anymore. My father was here, in flesh and blood. I didn’t want to see him in dead.

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