Forever and Always (12 page)

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Authors: Beverley Hollowed

BOOK: Forever and Always
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She was soaking in the bath about twenty minutes when she heard her phone beep telling her she had a text message. She quickly climbed out of the bath wrapping a towel around her and went to check her phone.

It was from Sam

“Can u come over 2 my house, need 2 show you something”

Melanie smiled and quickly typed back her response.

“Be there in ten minutes x”

Melanie quickly dried herself and pulled on her matching white lace underwear. Quickly she slipped her dress over her head and pulled the zip at the side up. She released her hair from its bobbin and ran a brush threw it. She decided to leave it down tonight. She slipped on her shoes and went to the full length mirror to check her reflection. All she needed to do was apply some lips gloss and a little perfume and she was ready.

Chapter 9

When Melanie reached Sam’s place the door it was already open. She tapped on it lightly before she pushed it open and stepped inside.

When she walked into the room her heart almost stopped. Sam was standing in the middle of the room wearing a black linen shirt and black trousers and looking heart stoppingly gorgeous. Around him he was surrounded by what looked like hundreds of tiny twinkling candles. There was soft music playing on the stereo and behind him the table was set for a candle lit dinner.

“Wow” was all she could manage to say as she slowly stepped further into the room. He slowly walked towards her and took her by the hand pulling her closer to him.

“You look beautiful Melanie” he whispered as he leaned in slowly to kiss her, his lips touched hers softly.

“You scrub up pretty well yourself” she said with a smile. “The place is

“As tonight might be the last night we get to spend the entire night together for a while” he explained and he gently stroked her face. “I wanted it to be special”.

“Well so far so good” she replied. Suddenly “if I ain’t got you” by Alicia Keys comes on the stereo.

“Dance with me Melanie” he whispers. She slid her arms around his shoulder and
him to pull her flush to his body and the
slowly move
in unison, their bodies almost becoming one.

As they danced he softly kissed her neck. His touch mixed with his glorious scent made her heart race. She closed her eyes and wished that this moment would never end.

“I love you Melanie” he whispered softly into her ear. “I have never loved anyone or anything more, and I doubt I ever will”.

“I love you too” Melanie said her breath hitching in her throat. Finally the song ends.

“Come” he said with a grin stepping back and holding out his arm for her to take. “Dinner is served Madame”.

Melanie giggled and took his arm and followed him to the dining table.

He pulled out a chair for her and waited as she took her seat. He quickly removed the silver lid from the plate in front of her revealing Melanie’s chicken pasta carbonara, her favourite dish.

“I had Revello’s deliver dinner” he admitted. “Which gave me enough time to get all this ready” he waved his hands out referring to the candles and everything else.

“It’s wonderful” Melanie said shaking her head in disbelief. How had this happened to her? She was just a simple 17 year old school girl. Yet here she sat having one of the most romantic experiences anyone could every dream of, with the most gorgeous amazing man in the world. She had to pinch herself so she knew she wasn’t dreaming.

As they sat and ate diner they talked about the future. About Melanie’s final year in school and about where she hoped to go to college after she was finished.  About the 18th Birthday party that she was having and how she had been planning it since she was 13 and that made him laugh.

Sam talked about his time in College and about how he felt about starting medical school in the fall. He told her more about his Mom and Dad and his brother Andrew. Melanie told him all about Jamie and about how much she missed him. And about her dream of one day being a school teacher. How that was all she had ever wanted since her first day of school and she met her junior infant’s teacher, Mrs Daly.  She told him how she thought there was nothing better in the world than little kids. They were honest and open and you always knew where you stood with them.

Before they knew it they were finished dinner. Melanie felt happy and contented sitting there looking at Sam. This night couldn’t be any more perfect.

“Can I help you clear up” Melanie asked as Sam stood up from the table.

“Oh I think that can wait till morning” he said with a mischievous grin. He walked around the table and held out his hand to Melanie and pulled her into his arms when she took it.

“Dance with me again” he asked her. She nodded and suddenly he released her and walked over to the stereo. He pulled a CD from the shelf above and put it into the player and switched it on.

“Ok” he said as he slowly walked back towards her. “I know you are here for a few more weeks. But after tonight I don’t know when I will get to hold you all night or wake up with you again. So I want this night to be one you will never forget. I want you to know just how much I love you”.

“Hello again” by Neil Diamond started to play on the stereo.

“I love this song” Melanie said as soon as she recognised it. “My Mom loves Neil Diamond”.

“I’ll tell you a secret” he whispers. “This is my favourite song, but off course you tell anyone I will deny it completely”. Melanie giggled.

He slid his arms around her waist and pulled her to him and slowly they began to move. Melanie rested her head on his chest and listened to the soft words of the music. And suddenly a tear escaped from her eye and slowly trickled down her face. She turned her face into his chest and sobbed quietly.

“Hey” he said touching her chin and tilting her face up to his. “Why are you crying?”

“I am just being stupid” she tries her best to smile through her tears.

“Please tell me” he asked her and then kissed her forehead.

“It just feels like something is changing” she sniffs. “Like it is ending and you are saying goodbye”.

“Melanie” he whispered
he pulled her head to his chest and held
her tightly. “I will never say goodbye to you. I love you and not even the Atlantic Ocean can keep us apart. This is forever and always”.

She moved her lips to his and kissed him gently. He pulled her to him tighter and his kiss became harder and deeper. Suddenly he lifted her up by the hips and she wrapped her legs around him and he carried her to his room.

When they got to his room he sat down on the bed with her legs astride him. He moved his hands from her hips to her hair and kissed her harder and hungrier. She returned his kiss with just as much passion. 

He slid his hand from her hair to the side of her dress and slowly pulled her zip down then moved both hands further down to the edge of the dress and lifted it slowly over her head and he dropped it to the floor.

Quickly, in one move he pulled her tighter to him as he lay back down on the bed and rolled over so he was now on top of her.

She reached down and began to slowly unbutton his shirt and slid it off his shoulders and down his arms. She then reached back up and pulled his face to her and their lips came together. His hands slid down her body until they found her behind and he held it tightly pulling her closer to him.

“I love you so much Sam” Melanie whispered into his mouth. He quickly leaned up on the bed and pulled opened his trousers and removed them and his boxer shorts so fast. Melanie couldn’t help but gaze at his body. He was gorgeous. She wanted him so badly she could barely contain herself.

Slowly he let his hands sweep up her legs sending shockwaves through her already over sensitised body making her arch her back and cry out in pure desire and pleasure. Finally when his hands reached her white lace panties he hooked his fingers inside the waist band and slowly slid them down her legs. 

“God you are beautiful” he whispered breathlessly.

Lying down on top of her he allowed his fingers to explore her, God how he loved her. She was so beautiful he could barely breathe as he watched her body react to his tender touch. Finally he reached up and unfastened her bra, which was hooked in the front. She quickly removed her arms from the straps. Now they both lay there naked, skin on skin.

His lips pressed against her neck and slowly, kiss by kiss, he moved down her body till he reached her breast. He softly kissed her and then took her nipple into his mouth and sucked gently making her moan softly in pleasure.

He placed his hand on her thigh and slowly slid it up until his hand brushed across her and he could feel how much she wanted him and how read she was. He slowly sank two fingers into her and gently stroked her deep inside. She could hold back no longer and she cried out as she climaxed around his hand.

He reached to his bedside locker to retrieve a condom. Quickly and without much care he rolled it down over him then pressed his body over her. Sliding his legs between hers he slowly entered her body as she cried his name loudly as she was still coming down from her first release.

Moving slowly, he took his time letting both of their bodies enjoy every moment of pleasure. His pace gradually increased pushing them both higher and higher. She pulled him closer to her and matched him thrust for thrust. Gone was the shy girl he first made love to two weeks earlier. Instead she was now a woman and she was his lover.

“Open your eyes” he whispered as he could feel her building around him. “I want to see you. I want your eyes on mine”.

She flicked her eyes open and they were met by his ice blue eyes staring back into hers. They were filled with fire and passion and complete and utter love.

This was enough to push her over the edge as she came around him calling his name and pulling him even tighter to her. One more thrust from him and he stilled as he cried out in pure pleasure. “Oh God Melanie, I love you”.

They lay together, both unable and unwilling to move, not wanting to break the connection of their bodies.

Finally Sam carefully rolled off her and removed the condom and tied it in a knot and putting it down on the floor next to the bed.

Then lying back down beside her he pulled her to him and kissed her hair softly.

“Is sex like this for everyone” Melanie asked surprising Sam.

“It has never been like this for me before” Sam replied. “I think this is what it’s like when two people love each other truly. It has to be because until now I have never loved someone the way I love you. And I have never felt what I feel when we are together. When our bodies come together it’s like some kind of magic. I want to feel this for the rest of my life”.

“I really do wish I never have to leave you” Melanie whispered as her heart suddenly aches at the thought of not having Sam next to her every day.

“I know Melanie” he sighed as he instinctively pulled her closer. “I can’t imagine going a day without kissing your beautiful lips or hearing your sweet voice. I would miss your smell and the way your eyes twinkle when you smile”. Melanie was unable to reply. She was fighting hard not to cry.

“Melanie I can’t be without you” he said shakily as he leaned up on one of his elbows and looking down at her. “I have been doing some research and I was thinking of maybe applying to a Collage in Dublin to finish my studies. There are some great collages over there and then we could be together”.

“Are you serious” Melanie said utterly shocked by what he had said. “You would really consider doing that. Sam you hardly know me”.

“I know I love you Melanie” he said honestly. “I would follow you anywhere”.

“I love you too Sam” Melanie replied and smiled happily.

They lay wrapped each other’s arms after having made love one more time. Melanie lay there long after Sam had fallen asleep. She watched him in amazement. How did this happen to her? How could she have been so lucky to have found this beautiful, wonderful man?

She thought about her life back home. She thought about Mike and how ridiculous thing had gotten over their relationship. She thought about her Dad and how the relationship she had with him was once the most important thing to her.

And she realised her Dad had been right. Getting pregnant at her age for a boy like Mike would have ruined her life. Her Mom had been lucky in a way because she had gotten pregnant for her best friend. He stood by Sarah and Melanie every step of their lives, even when they were no longer together. But Mike was nothing like Alex. He would have left her alone with a baby. And she would have had to bring up the baby all by herself.

But Sam was like Alex. She knew he loved her and there was nothing he wouldn’t have done for her. She trusted him just like she trusted her Dad. He had become her best friend.

Suddenly she wanted to make peace with her Dad. She glanced over at the clock on Sam’s night stand. It was almost half three in the morning. Which meant it was already morning back in Ireland. She slowly slipped out of bed and wrapped Sam’s dressing gown around herself and then made her way out to the living room where she had left her bag. She quickly pulled her phone from her bag and typed in her Dad’s number. It rang a few times before it went to voice mail.

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