Forever and a Day (14 page)

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Authors: Alexis Konsantino

BOOK: Forever and a Day
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Xander smiled and waved as Brooke picked up the phone and happily greeted the caller. Saved by the phone Xander thought as he opened the door to the empty men’s locker room. He sat down on a bench by the lockers and pulled out his armband and phone. He slipped the band around his arm and woke up his phone by depressing the home button, “Damn, telemarketers.” He muttered when he saw the call from yesterday was anonymous. He wished they would stop pestering him, someone always trying to sell him something for the business.


He stood up and put his ear buds in and stowed his bag in a locker then pressed the message icon on his phone. Greeting him was a sweet feminine voice and he immediately froze in place, his head began to spin and his heart raced in his chest at whose voice he was hearing: ‘
Oh! Hello Xander. I, um this is Halo Raines calling…


He quickly hit the pause icon and sat down hard on the bench. “Oh my God.” He muttered. His breathing was coming quick and it felt like he just did his thirty minutes of cardio. He fanned himself with one hand as he stared at his phone in the other.


He took a deep breath then another. A thought rang out in his scattered mind; she is calling to tell him that they will not need him after all. His excitement traveled to the opposite spectrum to disappointment as he stared at his phone. He felt the nervousness of the situation in his belly… he was never one to panic, but this was such an odd feeling.


For some strange reason he remembered an incident when he was eight… he smelled smoke in his home, he ran into the kitchen and found the stove was engulfed in flames. The angry fire was beginning to consume the cabinets above the stove. He saw it all again in his mind: he had quickly grabbed the kitchen phone, pulling the cord to its limit away from the flames. He remembered the phone was an ugly avocado green. It seemed like forever as the rotary dial rotated back agonizingly slow with each number dialed to the local fire department. After the call, he ran downstairs into the garage to get his mother who was busy folding laundry, oblivious to the emergency.


Then at another intense time, there was Evie almost having Athena in the hospital parking lot then there were two client having heart attacks and emergencies galore. He always remained calm and collected and did whatever the situation called for.


Hearing Halo Raines on his phone had sent him into a near panic and his heart was still pounding away. He was at a loss on what to feel: dread or elation. He reminded himself to stay cool, “Relax, dammit.” He took several deep slow breaths and let the last one out slowly.


Xander watched his finger tremble as he began the playback from the beginning, “Here goes nothing.” He whispered and he hit play.


Halo’s sweet melodic voice filled his ears like a beautiful love song, his belly decided on butterflies as its choice for the moment and it felt like they were having an all-out Rave concert in his guts as he listened on.


Oh! Hello Xander. I, um this is Halo Raines calling… I know this is unexpected and I hope you don’t feel my calling you is inappropriate. Uh, that said… I uh, want to thank you again for coming all the way down on such short notice Saturday. Your performance at the audition was awesome! Our director, Deacon James, thought so too…
” He heard her pause and try and gather her words. When she said ‘awesome’ she sounded excited…


Xander, I am not sure how to word this properly—well?
”  She chuckled. Halo seemed to catch herself by cutting it off and cleared her throat, “
I am just going to have to trust you! Please, please be discreet on this Xander.
” He heard her sigh, “
Johnny Stone is going to be walking a very fine line on this production. I sincerely doubt that he will be able to toe the line, so to speak.
” He picked up some agitation in her beautiful voice; he remembered that she was also an accomplished singer.


He heard her clear her throat softly again, “
So what I am getting at is this: since your performance was the best out of all the actors, I um, am really going to need—ah count on you for this picture. Trust me on this, if I could I would cast you in some minor part and have you down there and ready. Unfortunately, the politics going on here preclude me from doing that. Woo! Sorry this is going on so long. Ok… I am going to give you—um my office’s private cell number. Ari trusts you with his so I will with mine. Please keep this number only to yourself, it goes directly to JJ, then rings to me if she doesn’t answer. JJ mentioned that you were more than willing to help me out, so if you feel that you cannot do that, from one professional to another, please text or call and let us know. Um
,” Xander heard her laugh and his heart felt warm, “
ok, I think I took up too much of your time already,
” she laughed again, “
I hope we get to meet soon, I am really looking forward to working with you, thank you again Xander. Um... bye!


The message ended and her adorable voice ceased its melodious song in his ears. Wow, he thought. A personal call from Halo Raines… she sounded a bit nervous herself he realized and smiled. Probably not used to calling Noobie actors like himself he gauged. She must have called during his flight…


Damn! He loved how she said his name! The ‘a’ was softly spoken and not a hard like everyone else said it. She made it sound like, ‘Zahnder.’ A chill tingled up his back and he shivered. Help her? No doubt about that!


He stood up with a little jump in his step, “Time to go chase these Raving butterflies away with some weights!” He mumbled happily, as he selected his workout mix on his phone and headed blissfully into the gym.

Business as Usual

Monday morning found Halo at her office finalizing details for the film project. The location manager in Brisbane, Australia reported that they were ready as soon as the first and second film units arrived along with their equipment.

Next on the list was the location manager’s report in American Samoa, Halo felt a jump of excitement at getting the chance to bring much needed work there. She read over the emailed report, craft services were booked, security, and lodging was booked. First aid and transportation were all set as well. Following her plan, she fired off an email to the location manager in Pago Pago, the capital of American Samoa, requesting two personal security people for her own detail.

Halo closed her emails and looked at the envelope from Joel that awaited her this morning. It was Johnny’s contract and she made a little snorting sound, Joel must really be eager for her to sign it and be done with it she thought. She opened it up and began reading the contract. She made notes on a pad while she read it through. When she looked at the pad, she saw that all her stipulations were addressed. She turned back to the last page and saw that Joel and Johnny both had signed it yesterday. She read it once more and when she was satisfied, she signed it and placed it back in the envelope.


Halo pressed a button on her desk phone, “JJ?” Halo queried.


“Yes boss?”


“Stoner’s contract is signed. Could you arrange for a courier to take it to Joel, please?”


“You got it boss.”


Halo read Joel’s other letter to her, he reported that he and Johnny will be leaving for Brisbane on Saturday. Good! She thought, Joel won’t be at the Children’s Hospital event. Hers, JJ’s and Deacon’s flight for Brisbane was booked for Sunday night. They would be arriving Tuesday morning, Australian time. Even though she was flying first class, she groaned at the thought of all those hours on board an airplane.


Reading on, she saw that everything on Joel’s end was set. He would have the second unit director shoot some B roll footage in Australia. The other Merc actors will be training and rehearsing with two Australian SAS soldiers provided to them courtesy of the Australian Army. She noted that she was scheduled for a half-day seminar with the SAS soldiers on Wednesday for hand-to-hand, edged weapon, and small arms training beginning at five AM.


Reading on: First unit arrives Friday before them with David Parker the assistant director, they will do an equipment check and fly out to Pago Pago on a charter. When they all arrive in Pago, the first scenes to be shot will be 227, 228 and 229 at location at a beach in the eastern part of American Samoa.


Halo took in a quick breath, they would be filming her attempted rape scene with Johnny first thing... her belly soured and gurgled. She so wished it was her Mystery man instead. Then they will back track and film sequentially up to scene 227, that way they can get the ugly part out of the way first, Joel described. He scheduled four extra days just in case of inclement weather or delays. As always, there would be some sort of delay. In all of her film experience, it always seemed like a fight to complete a film.


Halo’s reading was interrupted by a knock at her open door, “Halo, got a sec?”


Halo looked at her curiously, “Sure, what’s up?”


JJ came around and sat down in front of Halo’s desk, facing her boss, “Well, Paul called and asked me to talk to you.”


“Oh hell, now what?” Halo brushed her hand over her forehead.


“Paul wants to set you up on a date for this Saturday’s ball…”


Halo emitted a groan, placed her head in her hands, and shook her head. Paul Nader was her longtime manager and could really be a pain in the ass at times. Times just like this, she groaned to herself. Halo looked up at JJ who was biting at her fingernail. “JJ! Stop that!” Halo reprimanded.


JJ dropped her hand quickly to her lap, “Oh, sorry.”


“So who does he want me to be seen with this time?” Halo grumbled.


“Robbie uh, Robert Montclaire. He represents him now too.”


Halo laughed, “Robbie?” Halo motioned JJ close and leaned across her desk towards JJ, “So, his handlers don’t want him coming out just yet, eh? This should be a fun date at least! He’s handsome and oh so fabulous when he’s out of public view! Hell, we can talk about fashion and gossip all night long! Hey! I won’t have to deal with any awkward moments at goodnight…”


JJ was not sure if Halo was being sarcastic or not, “Uh, I guess so. You don’t seem too upset?”


Halo smiled, “Just a little irritated, Robbie is a nice enough guy.”


“Paul thinks it would give Robbie and Pantamount Pictures a nice boost before their picture is released.”


“Oh yeah, Ari’s production… hey isn’t it a big macho war movie? When is the release date, Thanksgiving weekend?”


JJ nodded, “Paul says you will be away filming, so when it’s released there won’t be any awkward questions about you two dating.” JJ watched Halo’s face relax, “So you’ll do it?”


“Why not.” Halo looked at JJ sideways, “What else is there?”


“Time to shop, so to speak, Lewis called and needs you after lunch for your final fitting for your dress, he sounded awfully exasperated. He said to tell you that.”


Halo nodded at JJ. Lewis Langston was her stylist. Tall, black, thin, and handsome; also very gay and over the top, but he was one of the best.


“Lewis scheduled his crew to arrive at your house at 2 PM on Saturday for hair and makeup. Lewis will be there before then. I scheduled the caterers to arrive at 12 PM. Oh, and Harry Winston Jewelers emailed some pictures of some necklaces for you and Lewis to decide on.”


“Good.” Halo replied and leaned back in her high back executive chair, “Send the jewelry pics to Lewis, he’ll freak if I pick them out by myself. On second thought… do you have the pics?”


JJ opened a red folder on her lap, pulled out several glossy 8 x 10 pictures, and handed them to Halo, “Here you go!”


Halo paged quickly through them and came to an abrupt stop at one picture, “Oh wow… a pink diamond ring. Did you see this?” Halo asked showing JJ the picture.


JJ laughed, “Yes! I knew you’d like that one.”


“That is gorgeous!” She looked at the fine print at the bottom, “Three hundred and twenty thousand. Nope!” She laughed and looked through the rest of the pictures. She held up another picture to JJ, “I like this ruby and diamond teardrop necklace, let Lewis know.”

“Got it!” JJ said taking some quick notes, stood up and reached out to take back the pictures from Halo, she didn’t let go as JJ pulled.

“JJ, I saw that the first unit is headed out soon… why don’t you take a day off?  You and Doug can spend some time together before he leaves.” Halo said finally letting go of the pictures.


JJ’s mouth came open and she quickly shut it, “Uh, are you joking with me, as payback for yesterday’s joke?”


“What? Oh no! That would be way too mean, but…” Halo giggled and winked at JJ, “you might just deserve it, girlfriend!” Halo waved her off with her hand, “For real, take tomorrow off and spend some time with him. It’s the least I can do as we will be swamped for the next couple of months.”


“That would be so awesome! Thank you! He leaves Wednesday so that would be great!” JJ did a little excited bounce up and down.


“Hey, about Mystery man… before you go let’s get him booked on a flight, make sure it’s refundable and changeable.”


JJ sat back down and pulled out her notepad, “What class do you want him on?”


Halo stared at JJ for a moment, “Go business class. Book him with us at Sadie’s in Pago Pago. If there is room give him his own, if not bunk him with one of the crew.”


“What about Brisbane, when he lands?” JJ asked writing it all down.


“Someplace nice, go upscale. He’s helping us out and I haven’t heard from him…“ Halo speedily slapped her hand over her mouth as her words betrayed her and watched JJ’s mouth fall open.


“What?” JJ exclaimed, “What do you mean you haven’t heard from him?” JJ crossed her arms, “Halo Raines, what did you do?”


Halo felt her face flush, “I left him a message, that’s all.”


“No… you didn’t?” JJ gasped as Halo nodded at her, “You gave him your number?”


Halo shook her head and wrinkled her nose at JJ, “I gave him yours.” Halo began laughing and pointed at JJ, “Oh my, the look on your face right now! No, I gave him the office’s forwarding number, that way he can text and I’ll get it too.”


JJ shook her head, “Halo Raines. I don’t know what’s gotten into you!”


Halo stuck her chin up slightly at JJ. “What? I didn’t do anything wrong…”


JJ took a moment and watched Halo’s face, she squinted at her friend, “He’s been on your mind, hasn’t he?”


Halo felt her eyes widen for a split second and she knew JJ saw it, “No… not really.” Seeing JJ ready to interrupt, she held her hand up at her, “He’s married, I know! I tell you JJ, I know him from somewhere, and not some show. I just know it.” She replied adamantly.


“Halo, I’ll just call his agent and ask, ok?”


“No! I want to see how this plays out. He said we never met, so be it, but I want to ask him myself.”


“IF, you see him… and IF you do, do you really want to scare the poor guy? Remember his look I told you about when I handed him your letter?”


“See!” Halo began to say and JJ quickly cut her off.


“Halo, you need to remember who you are to people! I know you are just like… ok, not quite like everyone else, but you get my meaning?” JJ saw her friend’s cheek turn a shade of pink.


Halo let out a long breath of air, “Yeah… how can I forget.” She grumbled, “Don’t call his agent. I’ll figure a way to ask, or I’ll have remembered by then.”


“You got it boss lady.” JJ said standing up and held up her note pad to Halo, “I’ll go take care of these details.” JJ saw Halo nod at her and she slowly turned her chair towards the picturesque window and begin stare out of it in deep thought.


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