Forever and a Day (10 page)

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Authors: Alexis Konsantino

BOOK: Forever and a Day
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JJ The spy

They took the elevator down to the private parking level. As they got to Halo’s Black LR8 Range Rover, Halo paused and looked at JJ, “Thank you for doing this.”

“Just remember he’s married.” JJ scolded playfully.

Halo unlocked the doors and they got in. Within moments, they were driving up towards West Olympic and Halo pulled in front of the Best Western’s entrance and parked at the curb.

“I’ll wait here…” Halo smiled and leaned towards JJ and gave her a big hug, “thank you for doing this.”

“Yeah, yeah.” JJ smiled.

“Would you do me another tiny favor?”

“Oh God Halo, now what?”

“If you talk to him let me listen in by our phones.”

“Really? You are taking quite the interest in this so called Mystery man, remember he’s m…”

“Married, I know! You know me better than that, I’m no home wrecker. I just want to hear how he says things maybe it will key a memory. After all he may be the one pawing all over me…”

“Hell, I’ll just ask him if you two have met.”

“Thank you JJ!”

JJ chuckled, “The things I do for you!” Then she was out of the Range Rover fast and headed up to the door.

JJ waited as the hotel clerk called up to Xander’s room. The clerk smiled and told her he would be right down and she could wait for him at the open meeting area by the entrance. JJ thanked her and went and sat down on the nearby beige leather couch. Picking up her phone, she called Halo and set it on top of her Coach purse so the sound would not be muffled.

A few minutes elapsed and she saw Xander stride out of the elevator. He looked like he had freshened up and was wearing a pair of blue jeans and a t-shirt that did little to hide his sexy build.

JJ stood up with a smile and her hand out to him. As he grasped her hand she felt his warmth and a pleasant tingle rushed up her, she ignored it and greeted him, “Xander, here we are meeting in another lobby, what will people say?” She giggled.

Xander smiled and chuckled heartily, “Well? To hell with them I would say!”

JJ laughed along with him and made to sit down and paused, “Do you have some time to sit and talk for a few minutes?”

“Miss JJ, for you anything, please have a seat?” He waited for her to get comfortable and then sat down opposite of her. As he did, he caught a glimpse of a Black Ranger Rover parked just outside the doors. He could not see if someone was in the driver’s seat as the setting sun was glaring on the windshield. The game is afoot, he thought.

“So Xander, where can I start?” JJ said with a bit of hesitation.

Xander smiled, “How about at the beginning, it’s always a good place.” He watched as JJ reached down into her purse and retrieved an envelope.

She gave him an uneasy smile and held the envelope out to him, “I have a personal letter from my boss. Um, my boss is Halo Raines.”

Xander felt his eyes pop open and his fingers froze as he gripped the envelope in mid delivery. He looked at the beautiful blue calligraphy that spelled out his name on the front. A flood of emotions rose up and he fought like hell to push it all down.

“Xander?” JJ asked.

Xander found his voice, “Yes… Miss JJ, my apologies, this is quite unexpected.” He felt the rich linen of the envelope between his fingers as he set it down beside him as if it was something rare and breakable.

“May I ask you a question?”

Xander took in a breath and smiled, knowing what the question was, “Certainly.” He watched as JJ leaned forward.

“Xander, have you and Halo ever met before?”

He felt his ears get hot and was ready for the answer, “Miss JJ, I have not had the great pleasure of meeting Miss Raines.” Everything came together now. He was sure that was Halo in the Range Rover and the envelope was not bearing good news.

“Halo thought you looked familiar…”

Xander cocked his head at her.

“Um, Halo was watching your audition as well as the DP, and Joel Miller too. Are you sure you two haven’t met?”

Xander smiled, he felt bad for not coming clean but at least he did not have to lie, “I truly would remember meeting one of the most talented and beautiful women in all of Hollywood, Miss JJ.”

JJ sighed and did not do much to hide her disappointment, “Oh ok.”

“Miss JJ, may I ask you a question? If you are not able to answer I will understand.”

JJ smiled, “Xander please call me JJ. No need to be so formal and yes go ahead and ask away.”

“Sorry I can get stuffy in unfamiliar situations.” Xander paused trying to formulate his question, he looked down and saw JJ’s phone was on in her purse. On the screen was a picture of a blonde girl… Halo Raines. He quickly looked up at JJ, “I get the feeling that under these circumstances that the news concerning the audition is not good.” He saw JJ cast her eyes away momentarily and her cheeks flushed, “I see.” He replied politely.

“Xander, we are so sorry, but there is a silver lining! I believe Halo’s letter will explain everything.”

Xander gave her a polite smile while his mind raced, “Honestly JJ? Getting a personal letter from Halo Raines would have a place on the highlight reel of my life, let alone the opportunity to audition for her. He smiled big, showing his perfect white teeth and chuckled, “I had no preconceived notions of landing this role. I was told I was up against a heavy Hollywood hitter.” He watched JJ nod with a look of distaste on her pretty face.

“Yeah… Johnny Stone.”

“Oh, that guy?” Xander blurted out then quickly recovered, “A very accomplished actor…” He watched JJ roll her eyes.

She scoffed and leaned close, “Halo hates him.”

“I… uh understand completely.” There it was he thought. He glanced out to the SUV outside, “JJ, I don’t mean to keep you and your ride waiting. I’m sure you’ve had a long day?”

JJ cut him off, “Halo fought like hell for you… oh, I uh just thought that you should know.”

Xander smiled and it looked like JJ was surprised at her own outburst. He felt his heart thumping wildly in his chest at JJ’s admission. He smiled again at her and let himself relax a little, “JJ, you are such a breath of fresh air! Thank you for that.” He laughed good heartedly. “Please, will you give Miss Raines my deepest and sincere gratitude? I feel odd mentioning this…” he paused wondering if what he wanted to say would be right. He heard JJ say ‘go ahead’, and so he did.

“I am just a small time actor in this big Hollywood sea here, but would you please let Miss Raines know that if she, uh if the film needs me in any capacity that it would be my honor to be of assistance.” He watched JJ’s smile spread wider and her blue eyes twinkled happily at him.

“That is great of you to offer! I know Halo will be really happy to hear this!”

Xander felt his heart hammering away in his chest, he ignored it as he gently picked up the envelope and looked at JJ, “I best let you get going.” He saw her begin to rise and he offered his hand out to her and helped her up.

JJ held his hand for a long moment after she got up, smiling she answered, “I hope to see you again soon. Thank you.” She felt her cheeks get warm and she let go of his hand.

“It was an absolute pleasure meeting you JJ.” Xander stepped over to the door and pushed it open for her. Normally he would have walked her to her car but if Halo was driving? That would be awkward, not to mention that he was not even close to being prepared mentally to meet one of the most beautiful of women in Hollywood.

JJ waved and let the door close behind her. He looked down at the envelope and felt a trickle of sweat roll down his temple. He found himself in front of the elevator and as the doors opened, he stepped in. The blue ink was the same color as her eyes, his name in her handwriting looked beautiful… like a work of art, he thought.

Back in his hotel room, he sat on his bed and stared at Halo’s letter to him. His stomach was in knots and his heart felt like it was straining in his chest with every beat. He finally turned the envelope over and saw in printed blue ink her full name: Halo Heaven Raines. Her personal stationary he mused. He placed his finger under a small section that was not sealed and a thought came slamming into his mind: Her full lips and tongue sealing his envelope closed.

He broke out into a cold sweat and his heart picked up its already rapid beating. His thoughts kept drifting back to that fateful day where he had crossed paths with her. Was this full circle? What will she do if she realizes he was the one who rudely turned his back on her and ran away? What would finally happen if he looked into those gorgeous blue depths one more time? He knew the answer and he began shaking, his belly felt sour and quickly accelerated into cramping.

Dropping the letter on the bed, he sprinted for the cold white porcelain in the bathroom.

Halo’s Ride Home

“Holy hell!” Halo exclaimed as she saw Xander open the door for JJ. She quickly hid down behind the wheel and sighed with relief as he ignored her car and let the hotel door close as JJ strode up to her car. By the conversation she eavesdropped in on, she knew that he knew it was her in the car.

“The things I do for you Halo!” JJ giggled as she slid into her seat. “Did you hear it all?”

“I did! Thank you for being my spy. For a moment I thought he was going to walk you to the car… he knew I was driving didn’t he?”

“Yes, but I knew he wouldn’t walk me here.”

“How so?” She asked and started up her car and pulled out into traffic.

“You should have seen him when I handed him your letter…”

Halo turned expectantly at JJ, “Well go on!”

“It was like a huge rush of something come up in him and I could tell he fought it back. You do get that from guys, but I didn’t expect it from him.”

“Why? Was it a bad thing?” Halo said biting her lip.

“Oh hell no. It stunned him that it was from you. He’s very polite and controlled but your name and letter almost brought him down. He really didn’t expect that, that is for sure!” JJ laughed.

“Did I hear it wrong or did he figure it out?”

“Oh no, he got it right away I think. This is weird…”

Halo turned to her friend again and saw her cheeks turn pink, “Oh? Something wrong?”

“I, um… well all I can say both times when I shook his hand? It felt nice… like I could trust him.” JJ trailed off.

“Jenni Jones! Look at you, you are blushing, tell me more!” She laughed.

“Um…too bad he’s not single.”

Halo was surprised and blurted out, “JJ! Are you and Doug having problems?”

JJ began to laugh, “We are fine! I meant for you.” JJ stared at her friend.

Halo felt JJ’s eyes on her and she did not dare meet them, she kept hers on the road ahead, “I am not looking for a man, I’m too busy anyway and besides that one is taken.”

“The good ones usually are, aren’t they?”

“Or gay.” Halo smiled.

JJ watched her best friend as she drove along towards home. She knew Halo used her as a crutch and she enabled her by always being there for her. She thought Halo was truly like a beautiful bird in a gilded cage. “I bet his wife is beautiful.” She finally poked at Halo.

“Yeah, and probably tall…” Halo said quietly then added, “So did you believe him when he said we never met?”

JJ nodded, “Yes. He looked me right in the eye and said it without fail.”

“I dunno… I know, I know him from somewhere. It’s like an itch I can’t reach… I know the memory is there but it keeps running off. It’s really got me intrigued.”

JJ gave Halo a little shove and laughed, “Maybe you met him in a past life, you should ask your mom!”

Halo groaned, “At least she is not as bad as Shirley MacLain.” She miffed.

“Must be something about winning an Oscar with those two… if you win one are you going to go all new age on me too?” JJ laughed.

“If I do you can slap my ass silly!” Halo laughed in return.

“You got it!”

Halo stopped at a red light and looked in her side mirror then groaned out, “We have company…”

“Oh shit, who is it this time?” JJ said looking back.

“FMZ guys again, the same blue Honda.”

“Halo! Why are you rolling down your window?”

Halo turned to her and rolled her eyes, “Better to let them get the picture and see who is in the car with me.”

“You are being way too nice to those guys.” JJ said with a huff.

The blue Honda pulled up alongside and both passenger side windows were down with camera’s pointing out. Halo waved at them as one of the paparazzi leaned out and waved. The guy was skinny and geeky looking and gave Halo a big smile.

“Halo! Where you going tonight?” The young paparazzi yelled out.

“We are going home…” Halo declared with a wicked smile.

“WHO IS WE?” Yelled the geeky guy.

“Why it’s JJ of course! Say hi, JJ.” Halo moved back as JJ leaned over and waved.

“Oh…” Was his disappointed reply. “Hey Halo, can you take off your sunglasses for quick pic?”

Halo smiled and lowered them, “How’s that?” She laughed.

“You are so cool Halo! Thanks!”

A horn sounded behind her and she began rolling, with a smile she turned to the guys in the Honda, “Make sure you delete the bad ones!” With a wave, she rolled up her window and sped off towards home.

Halo pulled up to JJ’s home, which was the first house she herself had ever purchased. As part of JJ’s perks, Halo let her live there rent free and to have her close to her current home. JJ handed her a folded piece of paper, “What’s this?”

“It’s your Mystery man’s itinerary and information you asked for… and why?”

Halo felt her cheeks get warm, “Oh, well? Earlier I thought I’d give him a call—just to leave a message while he was in the air. I ended up writing the letter…” Halo trailed off and gave JJ a shrug as she continued staring silently at her friend. “Ok! Ok! I wrote him a check too.” Halo shook her head, “I felt so bad making him come all the way down here for maybe nothing. Don’t you remember the old days when we were so pumped up on nailing an audition and thinking we did and then someone else got the part. Didn’t you find it heartbreaking?”

“Yes. I remember you getting most of the parts.”

Halo gave JJ a sorrowful look, “I’m sorry. You know me… I kinda get really focused when I want something.”

JJ chuckled, “Halo Raines, I’ve told you many times that I would not trade places with you! I like this side of the camera and the spotlight. I’m happy to work with my generous best friend.”

“I don’t know what I’d do without you JJ, thank you.”

“Ha! I know what, you’d actually think about dating again. Keep this up and you’ll be an old maid.”

“Dating for real in Hollywood? Me? Ha, back at you. They either want to conquer me by bedding me, have me help them or me be their trophy… between that and the paparazzi? No thanks.”

JJ simply shook her head smiling sadly at her friend, “Ok then. Mystery guy’s transportation is being handled by our guy Larry from Blacktie Limo. I ordered the Town car. Oh, and Monday is your fitting for the Children’s Charity ball—don’t forget!”

Halo nodded, “Aww I like Larry!”

“He’s just goofy but yeah you can always count on him. All right then! I’m going to go enjoy my day off, love you!”

“Love you back!” Halo said and waited until JJ disappeared into the tan Mediterranean styled home.

Halo backed out of the driveway and drove the block away to her home. She pressed a button on her visor and the large double wrought iron gates opened up. She proceeded up the short drive to the red cobbled circular driveway in front of her home. In the center of the drive way stood a large marble water fountain of an angel.

Her home was traditional Spanish style: white stucco, tall arches, and red tile roof. Her home was situated around a courtyard, and had three levels of nine thousand square feet of living space. She always paused before she pulled into the garage to gaze lovingly at her home, it truly was her dream come true.

Once inside, she began her long walk to her kitchen, her high heels echoing down the Italian tile hallway. As she entered her kitchen, she pushed a button on a pad built into the wall and the interior of her home lit up and music began softly filling up the expansive mansion. She kicked off her pumps rubbed her aching toes then began exploring the refrigerator. She chose a prepackaged salad mix then from a nearby cupboard and decided on a can of smoked salmon. From her tall wine cooler, she pulled out a bottle of Chardonnay.

She placed her dinner on a tray and headed to the back of her home. Opening wide the expansive French doors, the deep blue lighting from her swimming pool reflected off the white arches and enveloped her. She switched on the exterior lights, went to the marble table, and set her meal down. She pulled up a wicker chair, pulled her feet up, and sipped at her wine.

The sun was now down and the lights of Los Angeles flickered like a million stars down below. As she began eating she mentally ran through all of the day’s events and her Mystery man’s face was always there either smiling or looking sad like in the audition clip.

She racked her brain trying to remember where she knew him from, but it was as if the memory remained purposely veiled from her. An odd thought drifted through her mind that maybe, just maybe, she was not supposed to know. She shook her head and decided that she had to uncover the truth.

She ate most of her dinner then pushed the tray away and cradled her glass of wine in both hands with the intention to curl up in her chair. Instead, she abruptly stood up, “Should I still call him?” She asked aloud, testing the sound of her question out in the open. No answer came from the emptiness surrounding her.

With a sigh, she sipped at her wine and began a slow walk around the pool. She stopped and looked out at the millions of twinkling lights from her vantage high above the city, “Why is he making me feel this way?” She muttered, turned then sat down at the edge of the pool and dipped her feet into the cool water.

She thought back to the men who had been in her life… meaningless was the predominant emotion she felt. She drifted further into her past then felt the old remnants of pain from the time she was misled and used; which in itself was a defining moment as an adult and learning the hard truths about life in the film industry.

She gulped the rest of her wine down and the handsome face of the Mystery man infiltrated her mind. She felt a measure of guilt in knowing he was off limits and her continued thoughts of him, but it was as if he was right there in her…

A buzzing sound, reminiscent of a weed eater interrupted her thoughts. She jumped up, spun around as a flying camera drone ascended the dark canyon and hovered high above her.

“Fucking paparazzi…” She groaned and headed to the table, grabbed her phone and immediately dialed up the security office then quickly ducked inside her house. 

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