Forced Out of the Darkness (4 page)

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Authors: G. Wayne Jackson Jr

BOOK: Forced Out of the Darkness
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Chapter Six




Monti walked through a
solid oak door with an ovular-shaped brushed glass and an iron door handle into
an immaculately designed foyer. The floor was laid out with travertine tile made
up of different sized tiles. The white semi-glossed baseboards started the
frame of the wall. The walls were painted in alternating shades of gray. Cameron
had wainscoting with deep panels painted down pipe gray outlined with magnetic
gray. The walls were painted November Rain Gray. The nine feet ceilings were
finished with the formality of crown molding that was intricately designed so
one could see the quality of the craftsmanship. Cameron spared no expense in
his housing designs. This same motif was found throughout the house. The walls
were bare. There were no family portraits, paintings or nail holes in the walls
of Cameron’s home.

The living room had a
brown woodsy colored sofa and love seat made in leather. He had a sofa table
that backed the sofa with a lamp and basket that contained cinnamon-spice
scented pinecones. The coffee table was truly eclectic. It looked like a number
of brushed metal pieces that were intertwined together to form a triangular
shaped base with a beveled glass top. It was something that Monti had never
seen before. The drapes that he had on the windows were not meant to cover the
windows. They framed the windows majestically. The burgundy colored crushed
crepe material stretched from the floor up through two metallic gray sconces,
that held burgundy colored pillar candles that were only lit a few times, and
back down to the floor on the other side. It was a conservative splash of color
that Cameron had added to the room. The décor was a reflection of Cameron’s
conservative inner self. He was, for the most part, a clean uncluttered guy. His
home felt uncluttered and clean with just a splash of color.

Monti watched as Cameron
clicked a button on a remote control and the fireplace ignited, shedding more
light into the room. Cameron dimmed the lights in the living room to set the
mood for the night. He turned on a Bose system, which was preset to V98.7’s the
Quiet Storm. Monti didn’t want the storm to hit quietly; he wanted it to be
quite loud.

“Would you like
something to drink?” Cameron asked. “I am going to have a glass of German

“I’ll have the same.”

Monti was not much of a
wine drinker, he preferred Cognac, but did not want to be rude. He would make
sure that he worked it out so good that there would be a next time for him to bring
his own drink. Before long Cameron was back with two glasses of wine. The two
of them settled down on the sofa and talked.

“Cameron, what are you
looking for?”

“I want a long lasting
relationship where love was the most important thing and honesty is at the

“I agree with you on
that one.”

“I’m open to new
experiences and want someone that is going to be there for me in thick and

“That is interesting.”

“Interesting?” Cameron
responded. “I don’t want a one-sided relationship. I give 100 percent of myself
in a relationship and want the same in return. I don’t want to find my other
half because I am a complete person already. I need to find a mate that brings
100 percent of himself to the table also.”

“That is a tall order
you are looking for. You know how guys are; they are always on some game and
not straight up honest with you.”

“That has not been my
experience, Monti. I have met some fairly decent guys and have been treated
great. I know they are out there. I just have to find the one.”

“Are you saying that I
don’t fit in that category?” Monti questioned.

“I am not saying that. What
I am saying is that I am an out gay man and though marriage is not legal yet,
in the state of Michigan, I hope that one day soon it would be and I will be
able to marry the guy I fall for and we can build a life together. You may or
may not fit into this category. Are you out of the closet?”

“Who me?”

“No, the other guy I am
talking to.” Cameron joked.

“No, I can’t say that I

They both thought about
the conversation. Monti was touched by the candidness of Cameron. Though they
had talked via phone for a few months, Monti loved listening to Cameron share
his hopes, dreams and aspirations. He spoke about how he wanted to get out of
his native California as soon as he could. The first thing he did after
graduating high school in 1993 was joining the United States Marine Corp. One
of his biggest dreams was to be a pilot for an airline. Cameron felt that he
achieved that goal by being a flight attendant but better because he got to
work with the people. Needless to say, Cameron was a world traveler. Monti was
attracted to Cameron for a number of reasons. One was that Cameron was his own
person and he was a strong man. Sure he did have some feminine ways but what gay
guy doesn’t?

“So, when was the last
time you were in love?” Monti asked.

“Right now.” Cameron

Monti blushed because
he didn’t know what he should say to that because they just met in person a few
hours ago. Cameron sensed the nervousness so he explained.

“I am still in love
with Guy. He was…well is still a great man with a great heart. We did not argue
or anything much. He showed me what is means to be a proud gay man.”

“What are you looking
for with me?”

“I’m just looking for a
cool guy to get to know and see what he is about. I want to see where life will
take me. In time I am sure I will resolve these feelings for Guy and be able to
fully move on. I like you Monti. Our conversations have been good from the time
we started talking on the computer. I noticed that you always talked about sex
or hooking up. The reason why I always deflected the conversation is because I
wanted more.”

“You did not like what
I was talking about?”

“Yes, I did. It was
very hot, but I am not looking for just sex. I get sex thrown at me all the
time just like you do, I’m sure; however I feel that I am worth more than just
meaningless sex. I have a lot to offer the right person but it has to be 100
percent reciprocated. I don’t want a one sided situation.”

As much as it pained
Monti, he knew that this was going to be a challenge. Monti loved a challenge
and he felt that he had to take on the challenge of conquering Cameron. As he
began to think about what he saw…a handsome man, a strong man, a man with
goals, dreams and aspirations, Monti thought how much of a power couple the two
of them could be, if it went that way. He knew that he would have to take it
slow, well not that slow…and get to know Cameron’s heart but hoped he could get
to know him intimately before winning his heart.

Monti had his own
dreams and aspirations. He wanted to finish school and become a Ph.D. He wanted
to start a business and help other at risk males. Monti had deep desires to be
in love and to give his heart unconditionally to someone. Despite his demons,
he wanted to be a partner, lover and friend to a significant other. He wanted
to live freely without being constrained to societal standards. His upbringing
still held him back from achieving success in love.

“What do you want to do
tonight?” Monti asked hoping to get some sign of Cameron’s sexual desires.

“I want to talk and
enjoy your company.”

With that Monti opened
his arms. “Come here.”

“Come where?” Cameron

“Come lay here on me.”

walked over to where Monti was sitting and laid his head on Monti’s chest while
Monti’s arms wrapped around him. Cameron could hear Monti’s heartbeat and could
feel the rise and fall of Monti’s breathing. The comfort of the moment, coupled
with the three glasses of wine they had, made sleep come easy. Cameron felt comfortable
in Monti’s arms and soon found himself dozing off. Monti was right behind him. They
both stayed there in the moment basking in the comfort that each provided to
the other. Cameron had not had much sleep in the past few weeks because of the
breakup with Guy. Monti had not slept well because of the constant nightmares
he had because of his soon-to-be ex-wife Yolanda Burroughs.

            “Hey sexy
man.” Monti whispered. “Hey sexy man.” Monti said a little louder this time
rubbing Cameron’s freshly shaved head. Cameron’s stubble felt soft like a brush
one would use to keep their beard appropriately groomed. This felt good to
Monti because it felt similar to a 5 o’clock shadow but on this handsome man’s

“Yes, what’s up?”
Cameron answered as he stirred in Monti’s arms.

“What time do you

Cameron pulled his arm
from around Monti and looked at his watch. “Its 3:48 am.”

“Oh damn, I have to go.
I did not know it was this late.”

“Why do you have to go
now? By the time you get up and get your stuff together it will be 4:00 am. You
have another forty-minute drive from here so you will get home about five in
the morning. Why not just stay here and you can get up first thing in the
morning to head home.”

“No, I really have to

Cameron had to think
fast, even in his groggy state. He found the right answer; at least he hoped it
would be the right answer.

“If you go now, I will
be tired in the morning because I will not be able to sleep from worrying about
you. You don’t want me sleepy tomorrow right?”

“You are right; I don’t
want you to be tired so ok, I will stay.”

“Alright thanks…Monti?”


“Do you want to go upstairs
and get in the bed?”

“I thought you’d never

With that they both
ascended the staircase to the third floor of Cameron’s townhouse. They took off
their clothes but kept on their underwear. They got in the bed and sleep
swiftly engulfed them. Before they knew it, morning was upon them, the sun was
beaming through the bedroom windows cascading its light upon their faces.






Chapter Seven




Monti woke up before
Cameron and was surprised at how much sleep he got. He felt rested. Last night
was the first night in a long time that he didn’t have the nightmare, which
stole many nights of Monti’s sleep. Monti was a family orientated man and
wanted nothing more than to be the best father he could be. He did not want to
be like his father; he wanted to shower love and affection on his children. He
could not help falling out of love with his wife. He could not understand why
the thought of masculinity turned him on more than the feeling of the softness
of a woman. He could not help that a fine man made him feel some kind of way.
The urge that he had deep within coupled with his scorned wife only served to
make reconciliation impossible.

            After their
conversation last night, something inside Monti knew that Cameron was going to
be the one he would want to grow old with. He had to be willing to make sure he
did everything in his power to make that happen. Cameron stirred in his sleep
as Monti was examining at him. He must have felt Monti’s dark eyes taking in the
very curves of his face, noticing how an occasional freckle appeared and the
combination of different colors of hair that made up Cameron’s sandy brown
hair. Cameron opened his eyes and smiled at Monti.

“Good morning, Monti.”

“Good morning handsome.
How did you sleep?”

“I slept well. Lying in
your arms, I did not want to get up. I felt safe.” Cameron said.

“I felt comfortable,
too. It was the first time I got a good nights sleep in a long time.” Monti

“I am glad you felt at

“I want to ask you
something and I hope you don’t get offended.”

“Sure go ahead, ask me

“I have been waiting on
this all night…would you mind if I gave you a kiss?” Without waiting for an
answer, Monti moved his head slightly and began to kiss Cameron. Cameron’s lips
were soft and sweet and Cameron’s kiss aroused Monti.

            “Did he
just ask to kiss me and not even wait for my response to the question?” Cameron
thought as he kissed Monti back with all he had in him. Cameron also loved a
challenge and he was not going to let Monti out kiss him. They both became
aroused sharing intimacy.

            After they
kissed, Cameron got his bearings together and got up to give Monti a clean set
of towels to use before he made his way home. Monti got up and went to the
bathroom to take care of his morning grooming. After Monti was done washing his
face he came back into the room with Cameron. Cameron wanted to go further last
night but he didn’t want to ruin the purity of the night. He didn’t want to
reduce their meeting to just a sexual encounter. Neither of them had an issue
getting sex when they wanted or needed.

“What do you have
planned today.” he asked.

“I am having brunch
with Shaine, my best friend, and then I really don’t have any plans. I am going
to take it easy today.” Cameron replied. “What about you?”

“I have to go to the
Eastern Market to pick up some fruit and vegetables. Then, I have praise team
practice so that we are ready for church on Sunday morning. You know I have to
make sure that my team is on point. After that I don’t have anything to do. Maybe
I can call you and see what you are doing after that?” Monti proposed.

“That sounds good. I
would like that Monti.”

“Cool. You know
something Cameron?”

“What’s that?”

Monti looked at
Cameron. “I want to thank you for such a nice evening. I have to admit that
when I saw you yesterday, I wanted you right then. I wanted to skip dinner and
go right to dessert but you made the evening so nice. I can’t remember the last
time that I enjoyed myself as much. I really hope to spend more time with you
and get to know you better.” Monti knew that Cameron was different from the
other conquests he had and wanted to take a gamble at what this could bring

“The feeling is mutual,

            The two of
them walked down the two flights of stairs to the front door. As Cameron was
reaching to open the door to let Monti out, Monti grabbed Cameron around his
waist. He pulled him up against him, looked Cameron in his eyes and kissed him
one more time. He had to let Cameron know that he meant what he said about
seeing him again and getting to know him better. Monti kissed Cameron with all
the passion that he had.

stood there dazed and breathless as Monti walked out the door and closed it
behind himself. As Monti walked to his Jeep, he knew he succeeded in putting
the exclamation point on the date. Cameron stood in the foyer of his townhouse
for a moment to take into account what just happened. He told himself that he
had to take it slow and get to know Monti better but the stiffness in his
loungewear told him it wanted to take the express road.

went back upstairs and pondered getting back in the bed until he had to get
ready to meet Shaine, but his stiffness would not let him. He went into his
bathroom and turned on the shower. He lit the candles he kept in the bathroom
for days when he just wanted to relax and soak the stress of the day away. This
morning was not one of those days though, Cameron had a fire inside him that
Monti ignited. Cameron was obligated to extinguish it. He took his loungewear
and robe off and he disappeared into the hot steamy shower.

            He let the
hot water cascade and envelope his nakedness as he closed his eyes and relished
the night as he replayed the evening in his mind. With the ability to recall
events in vivid color, he was able to smell and taste things he experienced. Last
night and this morning were two events he was reliving. His stiffness grew as
he thought about how his tongue danced with Monti’s. He thought about the
feeling of Monti’s swollenness pressed against his stomach when they kissed at
the front door. He knew there was no turning back. He had to relieve this
pressure that was swelling in his manhood.

            He reached
down and grabbed his black raspberry vanilla shower gel. He squeezed some into
the palm of his open hand and rubbed his chest and stomach. The fragrance of
vanilla and raspberry permeated the shower as he let his hands slip farther
down his torso until they met his precum dripping manhood. As he leaned on the
shower wall he slowly caressed his sex in his hand as he grabbed his family
jewels with the other. He closed his eyes as his hips slowly thrust into his
hand. He was feeling so good that he opened his mouth slightly as he began to
breathe harder. His arousal started to take over his body and he began to moan
as his abs tightened and his jewels pulled back.

“Ahh”…escaped from his

“Yes.” he said in the
midst of ecstasy.

“Oh…shit.” as he approached
the point of no return.

At the height of his
arousal, he felt warmth radiate through his body as he pumped pure lust out of
his manhood onto the shower floor. Cameron shocked himself as his orgasm took
over and he yelled out…“MONTI”

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