Forced Out of the Darkness (2 page)

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Authors: G. Wayne Jackson Jr

BOOK: Forced Out of the Darkness
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Chapter Two




Cameron pulled out of
the garage of his townhouse looking especially handsome on his way to meet Eric.
He took some time getting to know Eric and today was the day they agreed to
meet in person. He seemed to be a nice guy and was a hard-working man, which Cameron
liked. Yes, Cameron loved being in a relationship and loved love but he wanted
it to be reciprocal. Cameron wanted to be taken care of just as much as he
wanted to take care of his partner. As he turned north on Telegraph road, he
was listening to WJLB and Frankie Darcell went old school and played one of
Cameron’s favorite artist of all time. The sultry vocals of Anita Baker came
pouring through the speakers of his silver 2006 Honda Accord EX-L Sedan. Singing
Cameron looked at the sky and he noticed the silver lining that
perfectly outlined the dark clouds that were rolling into the Detroit
Metropolitan area.

“Hello.” Cameron said
as he answered his phone. He looked at his watch and noticed that it was 6:33 pm.

“Cameron?” a familiar
voice on the other end asks.

“Yes. Hey Eric.”

“You got it man. I am
just calling to see if you were on your way. I just pulled up here at the
parking lot.”

“Umm, yes. I am on my way
now. We were meeting at the parking lot on the Telegraph side right?”

“Yes. What are you

“I am in a silver Honda
Accord. What about you?”

“I am in a blue Jeep
Cherokee. About how long before you get here?”

“I would say I’ll be
there in fifteen minutes or so.”

“Ok, see your sexy ass
soon.” Monti said seductively trying to let Cameron know that he was interested
in knowing him, although he really wanted to get him to a room and get in
Cameron’s pants.

A few minutes later he
pulled up in the parking lot. He parked next to a dark 2003 Jeep Cherokee. Cameron
stayed in his car looking around the parking lot to see where Eric was. “Why I
didn’t insist on a photo before this meeting?” He thought. “Sure, Eric had
private shots of his dick and chest on the site, but that was not going to help
pick him out of any crowd, unless they were all naked and aroused.” Cameron
looked at the Jeep next to him and saw a dark skinned guy with a baldhead
sitting in the driver’s seat. He closed his eyes and said a silent pray to God,

Please don’t let this mean looking man be Eric. He looks like he will kill
a brother, Amen.
” He went for it. Cameron rolled down the window and waved
to get the guys attention.

“I am sorry to bother
you, man, but do you happen to be Eric?” Cameron asked sheepishly.

“Cameron?” the man

“Yes, that’s me,”
Cameron replied. Cameron was not sure how this meeting was going to go. Eric
looked angry and the initial smirk on his face said that he was not one to be
played with. As Monti got out of the Jeep, Cameron gave him the one over. He
had on a pair of black gabardine slacks that hugged his ass so well that
nothing was left to Cameron’s imagination. Cameron could tell that he either
didn’t wear underwear or the ones that he had on did not give him much support
because the bulge created by his semi-erect manhood made it apparent that Eric
was pleased with what he saw in the car next to him. His black shirt was
heavily starched with an eagle embroidered on the chest. He wore his shirt
collar popped up in the back, which seemed a little odd to Cameron. Cameron
thought that he was a sexy tall dark skinned guy despite his choice of shirt
and his mean disposition.

Cameron got out of the
car to shake Eric’s hand.

“Hi Eric…Cameron here. It
is my pleasure to meet you face to face.” Cameron said.

“No, Cameron. The
pleasure is definitely mine.” Monti looked at Cameron like he was the last
bowlegged man in the country and he knew that he wanted to see if the rumors
about bowleggedness were true.

“Thank you.” Cameron
blushed. “You must have been sent down here from Mount Olympus, or you just
have a body on loan from the gods.” Cameron admired Eric’s well-defined chest
and his arms that could be classified as weapons of mass destruction. He was
still nervous about meeting this man. Cameron strained to look up to see Eric
because the sun was shining right into his eyes. This made his eyes sparkle
brighter, even though he was squinting. Cameron noticed the smile that revealed
the remnants of the orthodontic work that Eric had done. It was apparent, to
Cameron, that the work was not completed but there was just enough metal in his
mouth that made him want to know more about Eric. Cameron had a weakness for
guys with braces.

For a long time, Monti
fantasized about how sexy Cameron was, but seeing him in the flesh surpassed
even his imagination. Monti was taken by Cameron’s sexy eyes and the sun did
not help Monti’s admiration. He wanted to know why this man was single. “There’s
no way that someone this sexy was single.” Monti thought. “Fuck them, for
letting this man out of their sight. It is my time to do what I do best…charm
the pants off this dude.” Monti plotted. “I guess I hit the jackpot when I hit
you up.” Monti said.

“Wow, you are full of
compliments. Thanks man. I am just a cool laid back guy that wants the same in
a mate.”

“Who knows maybe the
night will be the start of a good friendship with maybe some extra benefits.”
Monti suggested.

“Time will tell,”
Cameron replied. It had been a while since Cameron had some manly relief
because he was newly single after a two-year relationship.

“Where do you want to
go eat at?” Monti asked.

“There is a Logan’s
Roadhouse down by Costco.” Cameron answered.

“Alright, let’s go
there. Do you want to ride together or separately?” Monti asked.

“We can drive separate
vehicles.” Cameron said, “so that we don’t have to worry about our vehicles
getting a ticket or being towed.”

They shook hands and
got into their vehicles. Monti pulled off first and Cameron followed him onto
the expressway towards the restaurant. As he was driving, Cameron’s phone rang.
He looked at the caller ID and decided not to answer it. It was another guy who
had been interested in Cameron but had stood him up previously. Cameron did not
want to talk to him at that moment, plus he was on a mission to get to this
restaurant to find out more about Eric. The traffic was heavy as people were
headed home from work. The sun shining into Cameron’s eyes forced him to put on
his sunglasses. Once he put on the sunglasses, Cameron could see that Monti was
deeply engrossed in a conversation with someone. Monti was animated with his
hands while driving. “Who is he talking to?” Cameron asked out loud. “What is
he talking about?” Cameron questioned.






Chapter Three




“Dee, man you got to
see this kat I just met.” Monti said.

“Monti, who are you
talking about? What does he look like?” Dee responded. From the first time they
met, Dee always called him Monti. He told him that he doesn’t call ‘no
bourgeois road construction dude’ Montague. They had been very close friends
for many years.

“This guy is named
Cameron and his name tells you to how sexy his ass is. He got hazel green eyes
that are sexy as fuck. I had to shift my shit when I got out the Jeep because
he was sexy as shit. He seems different man. He looked at me like he was
looking through me instead of looking at me.” explained Monti. “Something about
him makes me want to let down my guard and get to know him more.” Monti

“Don’t go falling for no
piece of ass you just met because you found you a lil sexy dude, you don’t know
what kind of crazy stuff he has going on.” Dee replied.

“What you saying that
for man, my hoe days are over…I am a new man. I am not falling for anyone right
now. You know my ex-wife still acting crazy and turning my kids away from me. I
am done with that bitch. I need some ass and I am going to take this one

“Just be careful,
Monti, you know how hard you fall. I don’t want to have to get you out of jail
like I had to do last time you tripped out on your boyfriend. You are still on
probation remember; and you don’t need any more problems if you plan on getting
this expunged in 5 years,” instructed Dee.

“I got this man…I will
be alright. Look, let me go I will call you later when we are done eating. I am
about to park the jeep and go look at this sexy kat some more. Holler back.”
Monti said as he disconnected the phone call. They parked next to each other in
the parking lot of the restaurant. Monti wanted to make sure he saw every bit
of Cameron’s body when he got out of the shiny Honda.

Cameron had made sure
that he was dressed to impress. He picked this particular selection of clothing
because the blue and brown would ensure the best reflection of his eyes. He had
on a pair of brown brushed Guess jeans with blue hues in the distressed seat
and legs and to match a blue vintage Guess shirt that had asymmetrical opaque
buttons. Cameron opted to roll the sleeves up to display his beautiful light
reddish-brown skin. His shoes were bone colored dress shoes he purchased on one
of his many excursions to Europe while working. He opted to wear his
brown-banned silver faced Guess watch to accentuate and complete his look. He
never left the house without his three silver hoop earrings that shined just as
bright as his eyes.

Cameron’s smile was
flawless and he knew how to use it. As a young boy growing up in the black
church, Cameron mastered wearing the mask. He was taught only to allow people
to see what you wanted them to see. What happened at home, stayed at home.
Cameron’s mother drilled it into his head for years. It was hard for him
because he was the only child and didn’t have many people with whom he could confide
in when he was younger.

Cameron exited his
vehicle and saw that Eric was checking him out. He knew that this was going to
be interesting. In the car, Cameron shifted his semi-erect endowment because he
did not want to show the evidence of his arousal when he walked into the
restaurant, as well as his physical attraction to Eric. Cameron was blessed with
a decent sized endowment that was apparent when he became aroused. Cameron did
not like wearing underwear all the time. Plus he liked the attention he got
when he went out the house commando. This helped him to know that he was still
attractive even though when he looked in the mirror he saw the fat boy of his
youth. Tonight, Cameron knew he was looking flawless and he intended to ensure
that Mr. Eric had a lasting impression.

They walked to the door
of the restaurant and were greeted by the hostess. She was welcoming and
friendly. Cameron knew that the service would be great because this was one of
his favorite restaurants despite the peanut shells scattered all over the
floor. The rolls were to die for. Cameron knew that his food would be right. They
were seated at a round table, in the front portion of the restaurant, not too
far from the bar. The server came over and introduced herself. Cameron did not
even notice her name because he was busy studying Monti’s face. He noticed the
dimples Monti had and how his skin was smooth and dark. He thought of how their
skin would contrast each other in bed.

Cameron was color
struck since he was a kid. When he would go to family events all he saw was
light skin and the fine hair his family inherited from their Irish and Native
American blood. He never dated a darker skinned man, so the thought of this
possibility was consuming his mind.

Cameron came back to
reality when Monti asked, “Are you ok?”

“Oh I am fine, Eric. I
am sorry what did you ask me, again?” said Cameron coming out of his daydream.

“She asked what you
wanted to drink.”

“I’ll have a light
beer, thank you.”

The server left and
then the conversation began. “Tell me more about you.”

“What do you want to
know, Cameron?”

“I don’t know tell me
more about what you do, your dreams and aspirations, and what you are looking

“I am just a guy that
is looking for a good time, not really looking for a relationship, but I am
open to it if one presents itself. I work for a hospital off Jefferson as an
EMS manager. I am only doing this right now because I am in school finishing my
Bachelor degree in Marketing. I want to continue my education and get my Ph.D.”
Monti said proudly. “What about you, Mr. Sexy ass?”

“I am a flight attendant
for a major airline. I plan to start my grad program in the fall. I only
started going to school to be closer to my best friend. I don’t really know
what I want to do in the future. I do know that it would be good to be in a
relationship. I am a little cautious about jumping in another relationship because
my last relationship just ended about two months ago. My ex and I didn’t argue
that much but the relationship was definitely strained. We talked about this before,
remember?” said Cameron.

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