Forbidden Love With a Thug III (4 page)

Read Forbidden Love With a Thug III Online

Authors: Shvonne Latrice

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Urban, #Genre Fiction

BOOK: Forbidden Love With a Thug III
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I went to sit down at one of the desks in the warehouse, before opening my laptop to log in the amount of bakery products. Kill hadn't changed the product listing to beer yet, so I just treated it the same. As I was typing, Rachel came over and sat at the edge of the desk. Although covered up completely, all I saw were those pictures she flooded my phone with.

“Working hard, huh?” she grinned down at me before biting her lip.

“I try to. Aye, what's up with you sending me pictures and shit?” I had to know what her intentions were. I was tired of pretending like the shit wasn’t happening.

“You don't like them?” she cocked her head.

“Nah, that's not it, Rachel, I have a girlfriend.”

“Oh shit! Why didn't you just say that? I would've stopped if you had. I'm not that type to go after another woman's man.”

“My bad, I guess if I had just texted that, the pictures would have stopped.” For some reason I didn’t believe her pretty ass, but I was gonna give her the benefit of the doubt.

“It's cool, I'm sorry about that. I hope we can still be cool co-workers.”

“Of course we can.”


Two: Ivy Horne

“Mmm, uuuh,” I bit down on my lip to muffle my moans as Elijah pounded into me from behind.

I grabbed the pillow to bite down on it because I was seconds from screaming at the top of my lungs in pleasure. Donovan was still asleep, and I didn't want to wake him up just yet. I exploded again for the fourth time, and then finally so did Elijah. He showed no mercy in the bedroom, and I could not complain.

“Damn,” he whispered as he slowly pulled out of me.

My body was tired as hell, so I collapsed onto the bed, lying on my stomach. Elijah just laughed at me as I laid there like a dead person. I was sore between the legs already, and knew walking around campus today would be a struggle. I rolled onto my back, and placed my hand onto my stomach, which was drenched in sweat. I loved cumming, but damn did I hate when he fucked me like this before class. How the hell was I supposed to trudge around campus with an aching pussy?

“Come on and let's shower. You can't be late for class, ma,” Elijah patted my thigh.
Fuck you
, I thought.

“Why did you fuck me like that, knowing I have to get up and stuff?” I frowned but didn't move a muscle.

He scooped me up and then carried me into the bathroom. Sitting me on the closed toilet top, I watched him cut the shower on and test the temperature, before coming over to me and pulling me with him. We climbed into the shower, and washed off only, since I was too tired to get dicked down again. We stole kisses here and there, and it made me smile to think about how I'd finally gotten happiness with someone. Elijah was so perfect to me; well, perfect

After showering, we brushed our teeth since there were two sinks in our bathroom, and then I got dressed. Since I would just be in class all day, I threw on some tights, a t-shirt, and some Adidas. I tied a sweatshirt around my waist in case I got cold during the day, and then put my long golden hair into two Pocahontas braids. Once I sprayed my body mist, and put on my deodorant, I was ready to go. I wasn’t too fond of makeup, so I only wore it when Elijah took me out or when I used to work at Starzz.

“Have a good day, beautiful,” Elijah smiled as he slipped his boxers on, looking like a sexy ass piece of caramel candy.

“I will try, baby.” I leaned down to kiss his lips a couple times once he’d sat down on the couch in the bedroom.

I then went down the hall to get Donovan, before bringing him in the room with Elijah. After that, I was gone.

I pulled up to my school and was happy to park up close since I'd finally gotten enough to buy a parking pass. Before, I would have to hunt and search for a damn park around the corner because I refused to pay the fee for the lot. And don’t think you could park for free, because they would ticket your ass in a hot minute. I parked my car and then grabbed my book bag from the back seat before exiting. I was here a little bit early, so I decided to stop by the food court so I could get a cup of tea, and some kind of pastry since I hadn't eaten yet.

I made it to the court, and after getting my snacks, I took a seat at one of the free tables and began tearing into the pepper jack croissant I'd ordered. It was so buttery and cheesy, which meant it was bad for me but I didn't care. Not like I ate this shit everyday.

“Hey, Ivy, right?” Some guy sat across from me. I recognized him from my class, so I just nodded since there was a whole bunch of croissant in my mouth.

“I'm Kevin, and I was wondering if you had all of the notes for biology class from earlier this week.”

“Nice to meet you Kevin, and yes, I have them. I saw you in class on Monday though, why didn't you take them down yourself?” I questioned as I dusted the remnants of the croissant off my hands.

“I was dealing with some stuff, so my mind really wasn't in the class,” he shrugged.

“Oh okay, I know how that can be. It's a lot of notes and we're taking more today, so when do you think you could have it back to me?”

“Umm, how about next Wednesday?”

“Could you get them to me this Friday? I don’t have classes, but I will be up here typing a paper, if you don't mind driving up here.”

“I have a class that day, unfortunately for me, so Friday is perfect. Do you not have a computer at home? I couldn't imagine having to type a paper up here, especially on a day I don't have class.”

“No, I have a nice laptop at home, but I bring it up here to type because I need the peace and quiet. At home I get bothered by my son and boyfriend too much to get any work done,” I chuckled.

“Oh, I get it. I like that you're dedicated to your work.”

“Yeah, I have to be. I work for a call center right now which I hate, so every time I clock in, it reminds me to work harder to get the hell out of there.”

“Makes sense. What days do you work?”

“I work on Tuesdays and Thursdays only, since I have classes Monday and Wednesday. I don't make as much as I used to because I'm off on weekends too, but my boyfriend helps me a lot,” I nodded.

“Oh, dope. Yeah, I need to keep my head in the game like you, shorty, because my mind is all over the place right now.”

“What is it? Your job?” I sipped my tea.

“Nah, my brother and his girl just got murdered about a month ago, and shit has been hard. He, my other brother, and I were real close, so it's hard being without him, ya know? I ain't used to this shit, so I can barely concentrate.”

I shook my head slowly because I felt so bad for him. I could tell he was really hurting, and I couldn't imagine having to do all this class work while grieving. People and things didn’t seem to matter much until they were nothing but a sweet memory. That shit taught me to cherish the little things in life.

“Well, I applaud you, Kevin, for being strong. Most people wouldn't even be able to make it to class, let alone go around asking for the notes to make sure they kept up. I'm sorry for your loss as well.”

“Thanks, I just hope the person who did it gets caught.”

“Well if they don't, karma is always waiting in the trenches to enact revenge for us. Just let it go and let life handle them.”

“I like that. Shit, class starts in five minutes, wanna walk together?”



Two: Raleigh Warren

“Wait, so you never told me how you got Trixie to get out of the house?” I smiled at my little sister Jersey, as we painted one of the bedrooms in my father’s house.

“You have to promise to keep your mouth shut,” she smiled and set the painting roller back into the tray filled with paint.

We had all the furniture placed in storage, except for the living room and kitchen things. We’d come up with a plan to make this place a boarding house in a sense. We were gonna rent the rooms out, and we’d already gotten someone to supervise, who we would allow to take up a room for free. It was a great way to make some extra money, especially because the inquiries for renting a room that we’d gotten so far, were from people who had a pretty good income. I guess because the house was located in a great neighborhood.

“I promise not to say a word. You should know that by now, babe,” I replied and continued painting.

“Well, Kilexis took care of him, her, or whatever the fuck she went by. He just bumped her off and that’s it.”

“And no one has said anything? Her lawyer was pretty involved in her life.”

“Was is the keyword, Ral. He jumped ship once she didn’t get anything. He needed moolah to keep backing her, and once he saw she wasn’t getting shit, he chucked them deuces up.”

“Damn, that’s what her ass gets! I’m just happy she chose
to blackmail and not me,” I laughed and Jersey rolled her eyes.

“Me too, because if it had have been you, you would’ve let her tarnish Daddy’s name for sure.”

“You’re damn right, fuck that nigga. Maybe if Trixie had have come out to the world and let them know what she really was, they would’ve gotten off mama’s back.”

“I doubt it. I think it would’ve made shit worse,” she sighed.

Suddenly, the doorbell began ringing repeatedly. Whoever it was, was pressing it constantly, and obviously trying to get fucked up. Jersey and I looked at one another, clearly thinking the same thing, before putting down the paintbrushes and descending the stairs. When we made it to the door, I looked out the peephole to see Sonny’s stupid ass out there pressing the doorbell.

“What the fuck is he doing over here?” Jersey frowned.

“Hell if I know.” I snatched the door open, and Jersey and I stood there, waiting for his hoe ass to talk.

“Good morning, ladies,” he grinned and lifted his hand lazily.

He was so basic compared to Ka’Shea, and I was starting to feel slightly embarrassed for fucking with him. Don’t get me wrong, Sonny was handsome as hell, but Ka’Shea Camren was on some other shit. Jersey and I declined to respond, so there was silence as we waited for him to continue talking.

“Raleigh, baby girl, can I talk to you for a minute?”

“About?” Jersey raised her brow.

“I was talking to—”

“Nigga, I don’t give a fuck who you were talk—”

“Jersey, it’s cool. Go back and paint, and I will be up there in like five minutes. Go,” I chuckled because she was staring at me with her eyes squinted. “What?” I stepped outside with Sonny and folded my arms.

“I ain’t seen you in a while, shorty.”


“Aight, I’m gon’ come right out with this shit. I was embarrassed but now I’m not. I miss you and I want you back. I swear I’m done with all the games and bullshit.”

“Oh you are?”

“Yeah, I am.”

“Hmm, so you’re not with Marley?” I smiled and he shook his head no. “Funny, because Cheyla said you had her in the club with you that night Kantwan fucked you up.”

“Cheyla don’t know what the fuck she’s talking about! Plus, Marley and I have always been homies, she and I are not together though,” he frowned as if I were out of my damn mind.

“And Alicia?”

I dropped that bomb on him, and by the look on his face, I knew he thought I didn’t know. Wilmington was small, well the areas I hung in were. We all knew the same people, and everyone talked to somebody. Alicia’s aunt worked at the call center with me, and she told me how Sonny’s pedophile ass had allegedly gotten her niece pregnant. Sonny was for real a bottom feeder ass nigga.

“Who is Alicia?” he finally asked.

“Damn, how dumb are you, Sondre? It took you that damn long to come up with a response, and that’s all the fuck you had to say?”


“Stop, this is a waste of my time. I don’t even know why I’m out here questioning you, when I don’t even care. I just think it’s funny that you try to pull little shit like we don’t know the same people, Sonny! All of us grew up together! My brother is your best friend for Christ’s sake!”

He pinched his nostrils as he looked off to the side, before turning his attention back to me.

“All the shit I’ve done for you, and just because this nigga got good hair and some bread, you saying fuck Sonny.”

“Good hair, good dick, good money, good everything, and what do you have, Sondre? You ain’t got shit but your dick going for you. Oh and excuse me, Shea has phenomenal dick. The least you can do is step your dick game up if you ain’t got shit else going for you.”

“Ah!” he rushed me, but I karate kicked his ass in the nuts before his hands could even make it to me. Dropping down to the ground, he gripped his nuts and rocked back and forth. “Fuck!”

“Make that the last time you attempt to put your hands on me, nigga. And instead of showing up here trying to convince me to let you fuck, you need to be worried about not going to jail over impregnating a little ass girl.”

“Fuck you, Raleigh! When that nigga gets him a new bitch and starts cheating on you, you’re gonna be back over this way,” he panted as he finally stood to his feet.

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