Forbidden Embrace (19 page)

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Authors: Charlotte Blackwell

BOOK: Forbidden Embrace
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Pulling out my cell, I see that a text from Nathanial has just come through.
Any news yet? Matt and I are a little worried.

I quickly type back, ‘
on our way home; we got her and OMG Caspian too.’
I hit send.

Is that your boyfriend you’re texting?” Caspian tries to break up some of the tension in the car.

Yeah, Nathanial. He’s so amazing and I think you two will get along great.”

I think you might be right; anyone that loves my baby sister the way I’ve witnessed him loving you, is worthy of my approval.”

I panic at his comment; what does he mean by the way he’s seen Nathanial love me. He didn’t…no, Caspian wouldn’t have seen us make love, would he? “What do you mean?” I ask with slight caution.

I’ve seen the way that boy looks at you, and the way you look at him. It reminds me of Ashley,” Caspian admits.

I’m sorry.”

I’m so happy to have had the short amount of time I did with Ashley. I’m just sorry it was cut short by my lack of control. Just promise me you will be cautious…I would never want you to experience the pain I did.”

I have learned from your misfortunes. I’m sorry that things turned out poorly for you and wish so badly that I could have fixed things back then. I won’t let the same thing happen to me. Nathanial is fully aware of what we are. I love him so much and we are very honest with one another.”

I think that was my biggest mistake…I didn’t trust Ashley with my heart if she found out the truth. I know better now; I only wish it wasn’t too late.”

Caspian and I go on talking just like old times; Isaac and Constance are quiet in the front seat and don’t join in the conversation. They only sit there hand in hand as Isaac takes us home; takes Caspian home, where he belongs.


Chapter 20

Together Again


The moment we pull into the drive, Matt and Nathanial both come racing out of the house. Nathanial runs straight to me, with sheer panic across his face, “Oh my God you’re hurt… what happened?”

What are you talking about? I’m fine; you don’t need to worry about me.”

Sophia, you’re covered in blood…matter of fact you all are. Someone better tell me what the hell happened tonight. Where is everyone else?”

Okay, calm down, they’re on their way. Alex and Mati went back to the pub to pick up Ebony and Eliza. This blood is from the club; they turned sprinklers on that sprayed blood everywhere. No one got hurt, I promise.”

That is the most sadistic thing I’ve ever heard,” Nathanial says with disgust.

The entire scene was a little disturbing. You will not believe what it was like there.”

You can tell me all about it later.” Then he whispers, “How are you handling all this?”

I’m okay, don’t worry about me. I am just happy my family is back together again. My whole family is back together now.”

I’m so happy for you, sweetie, but are you sure he’s gonna stay?”

I don’t know if anyone here will allow him to leave again,” I admit.

I can hear you two,” Caspian jokes.

Smiling at the brother I missed so much, I say, “Good…then you are prepared. Caspian, I would like to formally introduce you to the man who pulled me out of my shell and showed me how to love again. This is Nate, and Nate, this is my brother Caspian.”

With a clearing of his throat Matt interrupts, “And I’m Matt, but I guess I don’t matter much.”

Hi Matt, great to meet you.” Caspian holds out his hand, and Matt shakes it.

Elijah and Florence arrive with Danika just after us and lead us all back into the house. Just as we are stepping through the front door, Alexander pulls up with the girls. Matt waits for Ebony while the rest of us go in, and the moment Caspian walks into the family room he notices Ms. Edwina sitting in the chair to the right of the fireplace.

Ms. Edwina, is that really you?” He bolts over and leans down to greet and hug her.

I’m sorry; sorry I betrayed you and your mother. I let you all down.”

Now Caspian dear, accidents happen. Mother and I always knew that something could happen. What we were looking for were
who did not plan to intentionally kill or harm mortals. It has been long enough…it is time for you to let go. You have shown more remorse than most mortals would. It’s time to forgive yourself,” the wise woman encourages.

She is right Caspian; it’s time for you to come home. Both you and Danika belong here with us,” Florence says. Her demeanor is subtle…she appears almost defeated.

Taking turns, everyone takes showers to remove the dried blood from the club off us; one by one, we rejoin the rest of the family and our close friends. As the night goes on our family not only talks about what happened tonight, but as any family would we talk about our problems. Caspian agrees to spend the night and continue our conversation in the morning.

I’m really sorry, but I really just want to go to bed,” Danika admits.

I think we all should,” Elijah agrees.

It’s late, but Nathanial goes home and Matt agrees to drive Ebony, her sister and Grams home. They all agreed we needed to be alone as a family. Florence fixes up the guest room for Caspian. I guess we’ll just discuss everything in the morning. I know I won’t sleep much; I’m still in a state of shock that Caspian is back.

I hear a slight rap on the large oak door to my room. “Come in.”

Caspian opens the door, “Hey I thought we could chat like old times. I just don’t think I will sleep well tonight.”

I was thinking the same thing,” I say with a little giggle.

So tell me a little more about this Nate character.”

Well first off, he is not a character; he is amazing. Nate is very supportive of our family and he comes from such a good family too. The funny thing is, we all feel like we can’t keep any secrets from him. For some reason he just sucks secrets out, without even knowing it. Our friend Matt that was here too, he says it’s a special ability.”

Okay, that’s interesting, but what about Matt? How does he even know all this?”

Well, he is a descendent of a
and he too will be one when he passes on.”

What on earth is a

Oh, well they are like
guardian angels
. A
helps to train them, and protect them. They have supernatural powers and pretty much know everything.
are chosen from birth and begin training right away. They don’t complete training until after they die. It’s really neat. Not the dying part, but the whole training and how much they know.”

Sounds like it.”

Caspian and I spend hours just talking. I fill him in on everything that has been going on; he admits to knowing a lot of what we as a family have been up too.

So tell me more about what you have been doing,” I request.

Not a lot really. I have just been making sure the family is doing okay. I was there the night Nate got attacked and almost showed myself then. I thought Alex was going to need my help, but Isaac came to the rescue. And during your big war with the Cerberus, I kept a watchful eye. Even before all this, I was always close. A few times I disappeared for a bit, but always came back to be close to the family.”

I knew I’ve spotted you nearby before. Now why didn’t you come home if you were so close?”

Because I had already hurt you all so much, I didn’t want to take a chance of making things worse.”

Caspian, what happened with Ashley was an accident. We all know that and never blamed you.”

I blame myself. I should have been honest with her, like you are with Nate.”

I didn’t want to tell him; there was just no hiding it anymore, he had proof,” I admit.

I can understand that, but it must be so much better with him knowing.”

It is, but I was pretty scared telling him.”

How did he take it?”

Like I told him my green eyes were contacts; it wasn’t even important to him. I can’t wait for you to get to know him.”

Me too; I really hope to be around a little bit more again.”

What do you mean, ‘hope you will be around a little bit more’? You’re back, end of story,” I say, with fear that he’ll correct me.

Sophia, this is all something to talk more about in the morning when the family is with us.”

Ouch, the brush off.”

Yup; so, you ready for bed yet? We have been chatting for a few hours now.”

A few more minutes pass and Caspian returns to the guest room. I turn on my stereo, letting it play randomly on my IPod as I lie back on my bed. What a night this has been. Danika running away has brought Caspian back to us. I have to remember to thank her in the morning. Oh God, then I have to deal with this fantasy of her thinking she’s in love with me. I really hope we can get past all this. Maybe all my sibling rivalry should get tossed in the trash. Danika handled herself so well tonight; I think the whole family has underestimated her strength. I get lost in my thoughts and drift off to sleep.


Chapter 21

Awakening the Savior


Morning comes soon and the family gathers around the large mahogany table. Florence brings out some warm blood coffee. I love this stuff, and it’s the perfect combination of blood and espresso warmed to the perfect temperature. She’s also prepared some blood sausage; with everything going on since New Year’s I forgot how much I actually enjoy sitting around the table to eat like a family. As Matilda helps Florence serve the meal, I pull my legs up to my chest, resting the heels of my feet on the edge of my chair. The pink flannel pajamas I’m wearing are perfect to rest my head on. Pulling my coffee mug to my face as I raise my head, I take a deep breath and enjoy the wonderful aroma, the two distinct flavors of coffee and blood complimenting one another. With a habitual blow in to the mug, I take a small sip, allowing the flavors to dance around in my mouth as they flow down to warm my throat, soothing the burning and ache of hunger inside of me. We all thank Florence for her wonderful meal; she is the perfect mother figure. Florence is one of the most caring women I have ever met. I know she never had children in her mortal life; she said she wasn’t able too. Being over three centuries old, Florence never knew the reasons for her infertility. I know she wanted children, so to have us around and considering us her children has been and still is a great pleasure for her. What she doesn’t realize is that it’s even better for us. I love seeing her like this right now, so happy and relaxed. Last night was a difficult night for her; almost losing Danika nearly destroyed her. I have never seen her so distraught before, but now a new kind of peace that we haven’t seen in years shines across her ageless face.

Thank you for the meal Florence, delectable as always,” Elijah complements. “So, I believe we have some matters to discuss. Caspian and Danika, maybe we should start with Danika.”

Danika sinks in her seat, preparing for the big lecture. “I’m sorry,” she mutters.

No Danika, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have always been so hard on you. I feel really terrible that I pushed you in to the arms of the Cerberus.” I release my tension and allow the sincerity to come through in my words.

I had no clue they were Cerberus, until they mentioned it last night. I’m so glad you all came to save me. It was awful there. Drake is not nice, and tried to force himself on me; his dad actually saved me, and made Drake stop. Then that awful woman that prepped me for the initiation. I just can’t believe the things that happened last night and the things I saw. I thought my vulnerability was gone…I mean I’m a
Yet they controlled me like a puppet. I was terrified! Cas…ah, I mean, Caspian…was the nicest to me. I feel so stupid for not clueing in that you were the long lost brother I always hear about around here,” she rants uncontrollably.

I didn’t want you to know. I only started going to Club VC because I saw Drake trying to lure you. I had to protect my family and you are now part of that family, even if we had not met before. I’ve seen you through so much, and I feel like I know you very well Danika. You’re far too trusting, and need to learn a lot. After all, you are only sixteen, less than two years as a
. You would still be a teenager if you were mortal, and we all need to realize you are still a teenager. Now, don’t think I mean that in a bad way. All I mean is that you need to gain some life experience and enjoy being a teen for now, since you are stuck as one forever. You are a smart girl, I see that. Just know not everyone is a good friend.”

I know, but can we stop with the lecture?” she pouts.

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