Forbidden Embrace (18 page)

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Authors: Charlotte Blackwell

BOOK: Forbidden Embrace
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Cyrus and I have ruled for centuries; he found me and Embraced me. I have been by his side ever since, as a good queen should. Now will you stop with the silly questions; you need not concern yourself with my duties and history,” she snaps.

I am a little terrified; no one has ever been that intimidating to me before. She lays a few dresses out on the sofa. “Try these on.”

Miss Marci, is there a changing room?”

NO, you will do it right here! I must get a look at what we are getting.”

I, um, I don’t…”

You don’t anything, young lady. Around here you do what you are told.”

Yes, Miss Marci.”

I’m now terrified, but try not to show my emotions as I’m sure I would just get reprimanded again; this lady scares the crap out of me. I proceed to disrobe and try on the first outfit; white leather pants and a corset style top, also in white. She points and instructs me to spin around with only a wave of her index finger. Then with one swift motion she shakes her head and waves off the outfit. This goes on for the next five outfits. Finally she gets up and swings open the closet doors, and after a moment of digging around she pulls out a white garment bag and hooks it on the door of the closet. Unzipping the bag reveals a long white silk gown.

Here try this one; maybe it will look good on you,” Marci snarls.

Why do I even need to change?”

You will not ask questions, girl.”

Sorry Miss Marci, it is very beautiful.”

Okay, enough talk; haven’t you noticed I don’t really care what you think? Now try on the dress.”

I nod and do as told; no matter what she says I really do love this dress. It looks to be a replica of Pippa Middleton’s dress from the royal wedding of Prince William and Catherine Middleton. I am such a royal fan, but never let anyone know or they would tease me…at least I think they would tease me. Right now I would prefer that to how I’m currently being treated. Before I can get too lost in my thoughts I’m instructed to spin again. Finally she cracks a small smile and nods in approval. She then opens a large case filled with make-up and hair products and proceeds to do my hair and make-up. If she wasn’t so mean and I wasn’t so scared this might just be fun.


Chapter 18

Working Together


Caspian approaches us. “I’m quite concerned about Danika. Drake took her into the back and he has since come out again, but she hasn’t.”

Let me try to connect with her; if she is in danger or hurt, her guard will be down and I may be able to get through,” Alexander suggests.

Good idea…just don’t contact her yet. It may make the situation worse and we still don’t know who can tap into our thoughts, or if someone else is already in her thoughts.”


We watch as Alexander concentrates. We can telepathically see him searching for her, and in moments his eyes open again.

I can’t get in, but I do sense her emotional connection to us, so I believe she is still okay,” Alexander asserts.

I can’t help but feel confused right now; it has been 30 plus years since Caspian has interacted with us as a family, and here he is working with us as if he never left. How did he even know about Danika? I guess my suspicions were right and he has been keeping track of us. I wonder how he felt about us bringing her into the family, and does he know Elijah gave her his ring to use?

So what is the plan now?” I ask.

I think we should just wait and see what happens. I have been hanging around here lately and gathering some information about the Cerberus. Let’s just see how it pans out.”

I nod and then realize that maybe Constance saw this coming…maybe she knew Caspian was around.

Sophia, you do realize Alex has your thoughts still connected right?” Constance questions.

Oh…um…yeah, sorry. I’m just a little overwhelmed right now.”

Don’t you think we all are? But we’re here to save Danika…we can figure everything else out later. Oh, and for your information, no I didn’t see Caspian. Everyone knows I have been trying to, but we have been removed from him for too long–my connection to him was lost years ago. I would have prepared you all for this had I known.”

Will you two stop fighting? This is my entire fault…I’m the one that left way back when, and I’m the one that decided to help Danika after I realized what was going on. I promise to explain everything later.”

Elijah agrees. “Caspian is right. We are all in shock here; we are dealing with more emotions than we have in a long time. Let’s just focus on the task at hand and Caspian can join us back at the house later to discuss…”

Before he can even finish, the music stops and every light goes out, only to have a large spotlight shine right in the middle of the stage, where Drake and Cyrus are now standing.

Cyrus begins to greet the patron’s. “Thank you all for coming and showing your growing support for our way of life, and for our freedom from the vampire laws. These laws created by my siblings have held us back, prevented us from our rightful place as rulers of the Earth. Today is initiation and this brings us one step closer to taking back our rights. All of you who would like to pledge yourself to the fight, please step forward and bring your minion along if you have one. If you did not bring one and would like to pledge, we can provide one for you.”

The crowd erupts in cheers and nearly two dozen
step forward, many with a mortal in tow. Caspian begins to step forward, but I grab his arm. “What the hell are you doing?”

I need to appear as if I’m willing…someone needs to be on the inside to protect Danika and the family.”

And who will protect you?” I begin to panic at the thought of losing him again.

Caspian, Sophia is right…this is not the way.” Elijah tries to stop him.

Sorry, but I have been setting this up for a while now and I can handle it; you just have to trust me. I need to be on the inside–that’s how we’ll stop them.”

Elijah releases Caspian’s arm, nods, and peels my fingers from him, allowing him to join the others at the front of the stage.

Cyrus raises the mike to his mouth again. “As you know I am ready to pass on my family legacy and step down from the throne, from being the leader of the Cerberus, the true believers. Tonight, Drake is finally ready to accept his right as your leader. My son has presented to me a young woman, a young
and he is ready to make her his queen. She is here and will lead you through the initiation tonight, and help Drake lead you to freedom for our kind!”

Again the crowd cheers and excitement erupts through the masses. Drake takes the mike, and holds his hand up to silence the crowd. “I would like to introduce you all to Danika.” A woman with long black hair and a look that could freeze a person on their spot walks out with Danika on her arm. Danika is wearing a long white dress, with heavy make-up on and her short bob cut is pinned up with only little wisps falling down around her cherub-like face. I finally realize that Danika is nothing more than an innocent little girl. Someone did this to her and now because of the way I have acted, she has turned to these evil monsters. Drake reaches his hand out to her; she is reluctant to take it until the dark haired woman leans over and whispers something in her ear. She takes Drake’s hand and I can feel the waves of disgust coming off of her as he kisses her. “Danika, these are your people now; they are here for you, for us and for themselves. I promise your eternal life will be more fulfilling than you ever imagined.”

With one swift raise of his arm the music starts again, the bass pumping so loud I swear the building is shaking. A small hiss is heard above the music and everyone looks up. I can’t help but wonder what is happening, and thanks to still being connected through Alexander I can tell the rest of the family is wondering the same. The smell of blood then overpowers, and I feel the change happening, my jaw aches as I feel my fangs emerging and my eyes burning. I look up, the sprinklers begin to spin and blood pours from them over the crowd. More cheers break out as the patrons dance and drink what they can catch. I look up at Danika and see the terror in her eyes; she is covered in blood and Drake proceeds to lick it off her. I notice her giving Caspian a pleading ‘help me look’, and he notices too. Through our telepathic connection, we can make a plan.

As soon as I get a chance I’m going to grab her. I will run straight from stage left all the way by the wall to the stairwell. Try to block a path for me; when I grab her there will be a mad rush for me and I need your help to get her out. Someone is going to have to take care of the door man so we can get out,” Caspian explains.

I think maybe we should wait till the actual initiation begins; once those that stepped forward are feeding on their victim they won’t be so easily distracted,” Elijah suggests.

Maybe you’re right; we’ll do it once they start feeding and before Danika starts. We can’t let her sink her teeth into a mortal or it is all over; she will belong to them,” Caspian agrees.

Alexander and Isaac agree to control the stairwell and the door man; Elijah takes the area near the front as that’s where the crowd is the densest. Constance, Florence and I all spread out between Elijah and Alexander; I believe the path should be clear enough for when Caspian gets Danika. As we prepare for our escape, the sprinklers start to slow and the blood shower ceases. I think the initiations are about to start. I still can’t believe stuff like this is happening in our world today; I guess some things never change.


Chapter 19

Breaking Free


A group of people walk out to the stage as Drake takes to the mike again. “My darling Danika, you may have your choice from the beautiful and tasty mortals. Tonight is your night.”

Danika looks around, giving Caspian another pleading look. The dark haired
that led Danika to the stage whispers something to her again and Danika nods as she begins to inspect the available selection. I notice her eyes filling with tears as she tries to fight the urge to break down.

I…I think this one will do.” She takes a young woman by the hand.

Now the rest of you may choose yours.” Drake insists as he leads the remaining mortals to those at the front of the stage ready to pledge to the Cerberus.

I can’t help but wonder if these mortals think they will be Embraced or if they have been compelled to obey. I wish we could help them, but Danika is our concern tonight.

Once your new queen has pledged, you may join her and pledge your immortal life to us.”

I look at Elijah for guidance, “How’s our plan going to work now?”

Caspian responds, “I must move now, before it is too late. Are you all ready?”

We all agree and brace for what will come as soon as Caspian grabs Danika. With one last nod from each of us, he catches Danika’s attention and shakes his head to the side, encouraging her to step away from Drake and the rest of the
on stage. She takes the hint and slowly steps to the side. One swift move and Caspian jumps on the stage, scoops Danika up and she wraps her arms around his neck. With her in his arms he leaps through the air, nearly flying 20 feet over the crowd and landing perfectly between us and the wall. He runs like superman and reaches the stairs in a nano second. As the crowd tries to rush him, we fight them off, also trying to close in on the stairwell for our escape.

No, let them go. We will find them later,” Drake commands.

We are able to escape to the stairwell and out the exit. Alexander telepathically directs Caspian to our car and he is already there when we arrive. Danika is protesting as she realizes we are involved in saving her.

Danika, I’m so sorry that you felt like you had to leave,” I plead as Caspian holds her from running.

Really? You sure the hell could’ve fooled me when you were beating me to the ground.”

Okay, so I went a little overboard. I really am sorry. I should’ve handled the situation better. I know I haven’t been easy on you, but you’re my sister. I didn’t want to let you in because I was so devastated when Caspian left, I swore I wouldn’t let anyone hurt me like that again.”

Caspian lowers his head, “Sophia, I’m sorry I hurt you, but please know I was never very far from you. I always knew what was happening with the Pierce family and I swore to protect you all. I know I hurt you guys more than anyone before and I never wanted to see you hurt again. I guess I just never knew how badly it hurt you.”

Florence interrupts, “I love to see all my children having a heart to heart, but can we please go home for this? I do not think we should stay here like sitting ducks.”

Alex and I will go grab Ebony and Eliza and meet the rest of you at home,” Matilda suggests.

We all agree and Danika gets in the car with Florence and Elijah as I jump in Isaac’s car with Constance and Caspian. Driving away, I can’t take my eyes off Caspian, he’s back; he’s really back. Tonight so much is happening, but I can honestly say this is something I never expected. All of a sudden I feel a vibration from my back pocket.

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