Forbidden Contract (The Birmingham Brothers Series) (31 page)

BOOK: Forbidden Contract (The Birmingham Brothers Series)
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Location of your inquiry reply

Beckett Birmingham

KRichardson @


Thanks for the info. Keep me up to date on whereabouts of all four of our men. Need to you to do more digging into Bailey and Matts relationship. Need also to dig deeper into her personal history, financial status, any contact prior to the last few weeks with any member of her family. Need you also to look into past allegations where Jasper and Rhett are concerned. Want details. I know as always you will be discreet and I appreciate it.

Will keep your advice in mind and keep the holidays open this year. Mother expects you to come with your latest love for Christmas.





He hit the send button then shut down his computer. Standing now he grabbed his workout clothes intent on hitting the gym before he went back to the estate. He needed to mull over everything before he faced Bailey again. Beckett hadn’t heard anyone enter the office and had just removed his shirt when he heard her gasp. Turning he saw Bailey standing in the doorway of his office with Ethan glaring behind him. Her face was pale and there was no mistaking the hurt in her eyes.

“What are you doing here?” He asked grabbing his T-shirt from the chair. He pulled it over his head as he continued with a hint of accusation in his voice. “I thought you were going to Ashton’s home?”

“We are, I just forgot something in my office and Ethan was kind enough to stop.” She said scanning the room as if looking for someone.

Beckett suddenly realized she had seen the fresh scratch marks on his back and by her reaction has assumed the worst. Part of him felt the need to explain but the other half, the one with the fresh doubts Macy had planted was pleased by what she thought. This was the part that allowed her to go to her office and then quietly leave
with Ethan. What right did she have to be upset with him when she was going off to another man’s home?  He finished dressing, hung his suit back up and grabbed the damaged shirt as he left the office. When he reached the parking lot he found it empty and this only fueled his anger as he pictured her with Ashton, laughing at his jokes, enjoying his company and encouraging his attention. He thought about Ethan’s expression just before he turned and his anger increased. What right did his brother have to judge him? Ethan was taking her to spend the afternoon with another man. He hadn’t done anything to deserve any accusations. He had taken Macy to the hotel, ended things as planned. Ok so things got heated in the parking lot but he had stopped it. It hadn’t been easy, she was an expert where his body was concerned and his anger at her revelation cried for satisfaction. He could have easily used her body. She wanted the heated sex they would have had. He would have used her body and it would have been brutal. Leaning against his hood he considered what might have happened. Macy had driven him to anger and doubt. She knew what his reaction would be and as in the past their sex would have been primal. As he thought over the past few years there had never been a gently moment between them when they had sex. It had always been raw and at times almost violent. Macy liked it rough and insisted he take it to a level that made him uncomfortable. As he thought now about Bailey he realized that while their attraction was intense and at times uncontrollable there had also been tenderness to it.

Beckett was confused now more than ever. Was this all part of an elaborate game Regina was orchestrating? Was his doubt in Bailey because he feared his true feelings ran deeper than physical desire? He had seen the hurt expression on her face when she stood in the doorway. Was it an act for the benefit of his brother or was it truly real?
What of her relationship with Matt, did she still harbor feelings for him? He needed answers before he could decide his next step.


When Bailey had seen Beckett’s car in the parking lot she had been surprised. She knew he had gone to the airport to pick up Macy and
assuming the worst figured they would go back to her hotel. When she entered the building she remained quiet listening for voices to see if he was alone. Ethan had come with her planning on grabbing a few folders while the kids waited in the car. Movement from his office drew her to his door and when she peered in she froze as the color drained from her face. Beckett stood there with his back to her. Fresh scratch marks ran across both of his shoulder blades evidence of his recent dalliance. She couldn’t help the gasp that escaped her lips as she searched the room fearing a half-naked Macy would suddenly appear. Beckett had turned his eyes narrowed in anger as he looked first at her than his brother who now stood behind her.

What are you doing here?” He asked grabbing his T-shirt from the chair. He pulled it over his head as he continued with a hint of accusation in his voice. “I thought you were going to Ashton’s home?”

“We are, I just forgot something in my office and Ethan was kind enough to stop.” She said scanning the room once more.

Bailey felt as if her whole world had suddenly crashed in on her. She was afraid her legs would not move as she commanded them to turn and walk away. He didn’t even attempt to stop her as she grabbed a package from her desk and headed to the door. Ethan had remained there for a moment considering what to do before he joined her.
He took her arm gently as he led her to his car. Bailey glanced over at Beckett’s and noticed her sunglasses were sitting on the council. No wonder Beckett hadn’t said anything to stop her; Macy was there in his office. She was either hiding or using the powder room. He hadn’t broken up with her, he may have gone to the airport with that in mind but the evidence on his back told her otherwise. Her greatest fear had come true and she suddenly felt sick. Bailey wanted to go home, she wanted to crawl back under her covers and let the pain she felt inside sweep her away but she couldn’t. Tristan was looking forward to seeing the Arabians and she couldn’t let him down. Before he opened her door Ethan looked at her and the sympathy she saw in his eyes almost undid her.

“Do you want to go home?” He offered.

“No.” She said shaking her head. “Tristan has been looking forward to this since I told him. I don’t want to disappoint him.”

“Bailey.” Ethan began to apologize for his brother.

“Don’t Ethan.” She said stopping him. “We both knew he was with her today.”

“My brothers
an idiot.” He said angrily grinding his teeth.

“Thankfully, I’m not.” She said trying to smile. “Shall we?”

Ethan had opened her door and placing a smile on her face Bailey slid into the seat. As Ethan closed the door she handed the package to Tristan. It had been a toy Matt had ordered for him before they had left California and Regina’s lawyer had it forwarded to the office. She watched as Tristan ripped open the box and pulled out the newest edition to his Xman collection.

Wow…its Wolverine as Logan…….look at his sword.” He said holding up the package.

Bailey smiled as she saw the way his face light up. Matt was always searching out the latest addition to Tristan’s collection and Wolverine was his favorite. Her thoughts wandered to Matt and how much he truly cared for them all. It would be so easy to turn to him. He loved the kids, he loved her and he would never hurt her. Tristan’s next words stabbed her heart.

“I can’t wait to show Beckett.” He smiled and Bailey looked away as the first tear fell.

On the drive to Ashton’s Ethan kept the conversation flowing knowing Bailey was trying to deal with what had happened back at the office. By
the time they pulled up in front of Ashton’s home she had managed to bury the hurt and was determined to enjoy their time at Ashton’s. Despite both Ethan’s and Beckett’s warnings Ashton was the perfect host treating Bailey with the utmost respect. Not once did he make any overture or inappropriate comment where she was concerned. He proudly showed off his line of Arabians and to the children’s delight took them both for a ride. Even Ethan conceded on the drive home he may have been mistaken about Ashton’s intention. As they pulled up in front of the house Bailey noticed Beckett’s car was parked in the drive. Bailey could only assume he had been watching for their return because he stepped out to meet them as they approached. Intent on not letting him know how much their earlier meeting had hurt her she put a smile on her face as she approached. Thankfully Tristan prevented any real conversation as he ran up to Beckett to show him his new toy.

“Beckett…..look….I got Wolverine….” He smiled as he held it up for Beckett’s inspection.

“Wow.” He smiled as he kneeled examining the action figure.

Matt sent it to me.” He said. “Look he has a sword.”

Bailey must have been imagining because she swore she saw Beckett tense when he mentioned Matt’s name. When he looked up at he
r she thought she saw a question in his eyes before he quickly masked his expression. He stood looking first at his brother for clues before meeting her gaze.

“How was your visit at Ashton
’s?” He asked insinuating his opinion of Ashton had been correct.

“It was quite pleasant.” She smiled sweetly. “He’s invited us back anytime.”

Beckett frowned and she saw the way he looked back at Ethan. She took pleasure in the fact he was now confused. Feeling the need to lash out and hurt him as she had been hurt earlier she added.

“He also invited me to the opening of his art gallery tonight and I accepted. If you will excuse me I need to get the kids settled before I get ready.”

Beckett’s eyes narrowed as he turned his look back on her. She knew he was trying to control his anger in the presence of the kid which was what she had hoped for. What she hadn’t expected was his response.

“Really, I’d be interested in seeing Ashton’s taste in art.” He smiled challenging her.

“I’m sure you would be bored….besides, I assumed you had other arrangements for tonight.” She answered back.

“No….free as a bird all weekend.” He smiled back. “What time do we need to leave?”

Bailey wanted to tell him he wasn’t invited but she sensed he would just follow in another car. She had no intention of letting him ruin her night so smiling sweetly she replied.

“We need to leave by 7:00 and it’s a black tie affair, you do have a tux don’t you?” She asked hoping he didn’t and knowing it would be too late to rent one.

“Of course….would you like to go somewhere for dinner first?” He smiled back at her.

“No thank you….I’ve already made plans with Tristan and Alexis.”

“We’re going to barbeque hot dogs over the fire pit.” Alexis grinned. “You can come too!”

Beckett looked up at Bailey and by his smile she knew he was pleased to have received the invitation knowing Bailey had no intention of extending one herself.

“I love hot dogs…..are you roasting marshmallows too?”

“I don’t know.” She said turning now to Bailey. “Can we?”

“If they have them in the kitchen.” She signed now frowning at Beckett. He seemed to be enjoying himself at her expense. “Alexis, why don’t you go ask the cook while Tristan and I get the fire started.”

“Why don’t you let me help Tristan while you and Alexis check in the kitchen, if we’re lucky they have chocolate and graham crackers
too. We could make Smore’s.” He added causing the children to squeal.

Alexis grabbed Bailey’s hand dragging her into the house while Tristan took Beckett’s and they headed round back. Bailey was fuming as Alexis pulled her towards the kitchen. How dare he join them as if nothing had transpired earlier.
Beckett had made it clear he had already made plans with Macy for the weekend. She had seen the evidence of what types of relationship they shared earlier and couldn’t help wonder why he wasn’t with her now. She smiled at the thought that they might have had some type of an argument. Maybe after their little tryst he had mentioned breaking up and Macy had thrown him out. Bailey wondered if Beckett actually believed she would resume a relationship with him after what she had seen. Did he think she was that desperate for his attention? As Alexis searched the kitchen for the supplies they needed Bailey watched Beckett help Tristan build the fire in the pit. Her heart felt the fingers grip it and squeeze as she pictured Beckett and Macy together. Bailey realized he hadn’t rejected her out of consideration for her or the contract. She could only imagine the type of relationship he shared with Macy and knew there was no way she could compete. She once again built up the barrier around her heart and with the supplies in hand she followed Alexis outside.

Beckett was on his best behavior and for a moment Bailey enjoyed herself. Then she caught him watching her and the wall went back up. As with before she had fallen for his charm forgetting that for him this was only an act, a means to an end. After dinner while the kids played she showered and prepared for the evening ahead. As she did her make
-up she took extra care to enhance her features. She chose to put her hair up knowing the lines of the dress would accent her neckline and bare shoulders. After she added the diamond earrings and necklace from the jewelry her grandmother provided she stood back to examine the results. It took her a moment to realize the vision in the mirror was her.  The dress she had chosen was pale lavender and it was accented with tiny rhinestones that reflected the light as she moved.  The lace bra lifted her breasts providing ample cleavage without being indecent. Bailey loved how the matching lace panties and garter made her feel sexy giving her the confidence she needed. She knew Beckett had a thing for garter belts and with the way the dress was cut she knew once they were seated in the car he wouldn’t be able to help but notice. Adding a dab of musk oil to her neck and wrists she grabbed her wrap and headed for Alexis’s room to say good night.

“Bailey….you look like a princess.” Alexis said walking over to touch her dress. “It has diamonds.”

“Rhinestones…..but they are pretty aren’t they?”

“Yes.” She said lifting the material and moving it so the light reflected off the stones. “
When I grow up can I have a dress like this?”

“Of course….maybe we can find one for the party next week.”

“Really?” Alexis asked smiling.

“Really.” She smiled leaning down to kiss her. She then looked over at Tristan who was frowning as he looked at her. “What’s wrong?”

Tristan scrunched his face as he tried to decide if he wanted to tell her or not. Finally he made up his mind and looked at her.

“You’re pretty.”

Bailey smiled at his admission. “Why thank you Tristan.” She said as she approached him. Lifting him up she kissed his cheek.

“You don’t need diamonds to be pretty Bailey.” He said trying to explain what he meant.

“I don’t?”


“Don’t you like my dress?”

Tristan again scrunched his eyebrows together. “I like the sparkles”

“So do I.” She smiled as she put him down.

“Bailey.” He said gripping her hand. She turned and saw his fear.

“What is it Tristan?” She asked as she knelt before him. “What’s wrong?”

“Don’t change.” He said voicing his fear.

“I won’t.” She said pulling him into her arms. “Why would you think that?”

“Cause you’re a princess now.” He said looking at her as if she was stupid. “You won’t be able to play anymore.”

Bailey grinned. “I’m not a princess….though this dress makes me feel like one. No matter what I wear Tristan I will always be your sister and I will always be able to play with you.”

“What if….when you marry Bec
kett….what if he wants us to go?”

“Has Beckett told you that?” She asked suddenly wondering if he had.

“No.” Tristan said shaking his head. “He said he wants us always.”

Bailey felt her emotions threaten to overtake her.
How would they react when the year was up and Beckett walked out of their lives? Would she ever be able to prepare their hearts for the loss? A tear slid down her cheek and Tristan reached out and touched it.

“Why are you sad?” Tristan asked. “Did I make you cry?”

“No.” She said pulling him into his arms. “Sometimes grownups cry when they are happy.” She said trying to cover up the real reason. A knock on the door brought her back to reality. Turning she saw Beckett in the doorway and her breath caught in her throat. Dressed in a black tux he was devilishly handsome. But what held her captive was the way he looked at her. Releasing Tristan she stood and faced him. For that moment she believed he cared for her. She saw his desire but she also saw something else in his eyes she couldn’t name.

“You’re beautiful.” He said in a velvety voice that made her knees go weak.

She held her breath as he walked towards her. She swore he could hear her heart pound against her chest and when his gaze moved to her lips she imagined the feel of his lips against hers. She hated he had this effect on her but she was powerless to break the connection. When he stopped before her he reached up caressing her cheek before moving his hand down to her neck. He smiled as he felt her pulse racing beneath knowing he was the cause. She could feel herself leaning towards him, knew in a moment she would feel his lips graze hers.  Her skin tingled in anticipation as he drew nearer. Then Alexis broke the mood as she tugged on Beckett’s coat.

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