Read Forbidden Online

Authors: Amy Miles

Forbidden (27 page)

BOOK: Forbidden
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Nicolae’s wince didn’t go unnoticed.
He glanced at Gabriel before answering.
“They died…a long time ago.”

“Then who paid for our flights?” William asked.

“They did.
Or at least my trust fund did.” Nicolae’s face contorted with pain.
“After my parents died I was sent to live with my uncle.
He lives on a large estate just outside of
When I turned sixteen, I was given full access to my parent’s wealth.
To be honest, I never knew they had so much money.”

Sadie smirked.
the one that’s rich.”

“Not in comparison with my uncle.
But he has a highly sought after job.
I guess you could say it’s a rare commodity.”
He paused, thinking over the irony of his words.
“My uncle is a hunter.”

“That doesn’t sound so rare to me…” William cut off as a stewardess rushed forward to shush him.
She managed the time to scold them to put on their seatbelts before rushing back to her seat only moments before the wheels touched down.

After a manic rush to get off the plane and through customs, Nicolae led them to their next gate.

“Are you serious?” Sadie moaned, stretching out the stiff muscles in her back.
“Another flight?”

Nicolae nodded, beginning to betray signs of his own weariness.

doesn’t get us close enough to
We have to take a flight over to

After a brief internal flight, the weary group of friends finally departed their final plane.
“I really don’t want to get on another plane anytime soon,” William groaned, stretching out the kinks in his body.

“Not to worry.
It’s only a car ride now,” Nicolae called over his shoulder as he opened the door leading outside.
Parked next to the curb was a sleek, blacked out limo.

“This is yours?” Sadie gasped, clinging to her brother.
It was frightfully cold, with winds gusting wildly, tossing snow in their faces.
Her short cropped hair waved madly.

“It’s my uncle’s,” Nicolae corrected, his ears tinged with red.
Gabriel seriously doubted it had anything to do with the frosty air.
“Hop in.”

Sadie practically dove inside, desperate for warmth.
She completely ignored the guys as she wallowed on the soft, luxurious leather seat.
“This is what I dream heaven will be like.”

Nicolae seemed pleased with her comment, but quickly looked away, speaking strange words to the driver.
As soon as the doors closed, Nicolae settled back, closing his eyes.

“I take it this will be a long journey?” Gabriel grumbled, rubbing the sore muscles in his thighs.

About three and a half hours, depending on the snow.”

“Lovely,” Gabriel grumbled, glancing out the window at
He’d visited parts of
with his family over the years so he was familiar with the narrow streets, stone buildings and numerous people walking the streets, braving the frigid temperatures instead of simply driving to the store.
had always held a sense of wonder for Gabriel.

“You never finished telling us about your uncle,” William spoke up, not out of any real interest, but more out of boredom.

Nicolae glanced at the driver, flicking the privacy button.
As the blacked out screen rose, Gabriel’s eye brows mirrored their movement.
Apparently what he had to say was not common knowledge.
Even Sadie stopped petting the leather long enough to listen.

“I told you that my uncle is a hunter…but I failed to mention what he hunts.”
Nicolae’s voice came out barely above a whisper as he glanced warily at Gabriel.

Seconds ticked by before the meaning behind Nicolae’s gaze hit him.
“Oh no,” Gabriel moaned, gripping his stomach tightly as he bent over.
What if he was too late?
What if Roseline had something more than her husband to fear?

Chapter 12

“I’ll kill you!” Gabriel roared, throwing himself across the small carpeted isle to where Nicolae sat.
Sadie screams sent William into action.

“Stop Gabriel, you’re choking him!” William pleaded, fighting against the vice like grip Gabriel had on Nicolae’s throat.
The Romanian’s eyes began to bulge, his face turning beet red but he didn’t fight back.
William’s hand came down on Gabriel’s arm, sending shockwaves of pain radiating through him.
It wasn’t much, but just enough to loosen Gabriel’s grasp.

William wrenched Nicolae away while Sadie fought to pull Gabriel back.
“Have you gone completely off your rocker?” Sadie grunted, wrestling with Gabriel.
“Calm down you idiot!”

Gabriel relented, breathing heavily as he glared icily at Nicolae.
William sat back, rubbing his hand over his face.
“What the heck was that all about?”

“Ask him,” Gabriel growled, stabbing an accusing finger at Nicolae’s chest.

All heads swiveled towards Nicolae.
He stared back at them with bleak eyes.
“I’m sorry.
I never meant to hurt you,” he glanced at Gabriel.
The regret in his eyes mirrored his sentiment.
“It was my job.”

“You tricked me,” Gabriel roared.
Nicolae nodded solemnly.

Sadie frowned, glancing between the two guys.
Back up a second.
What’s going on?”

Gabriel broke his stare down with Nicolae to look at Sadie.
He was still seeing red, furious over Nicolae’s betrayal, but Roseline’s friend deserved the truth.
“Nicolae isn’t a normal exchange student.
He was sent to spy on Rose.”

Sadie’s gaze flickered towards Nicolae, suddenly unsure.
“But why?”

“Because of what his uncle hunts,” Gabriel answered through gritted teeth.

“Which is?” William asked, completely baffled.
He was beginning to wonder if the high altitude had gone to his friend’s heads.


Sadie gasped as Nicolae’s face crumpled under the weight of his guilt.
“You were telling the truth?” Nicolae nodded reluctantly.
Sadie backed away, shaking her head rapidly as she fought against her mounting confusion.
No way!
That’s not possible.”

William rubbed his forehead as he tried to sort through the insane thoughts muddling his brain.
“So you’re saying that our Rose is a….” he couldn’t bring himself to finish.

“Yes,” Gabriel answered, shocking Sadie and William.

“You knew?” Sadie shrieked, pulling her legs up into a ball on the seat.
She began to rock, her eyes wild with fright.

“Of course I did.
You both heard what Nicolae said at the park.
It’s not my fault you didn’t stick around to hear his proof!”

“Or for them to hear about you Gabriel,” Nicolae added.

Sadie blew out a breath.
“Ok, I want to know what the heck is going on, and I want to know right this instant!”
She was losing control but she really didn’t care.
Sadie was freaked out and felt vindicated in her tantrum.

William stared, wide eyed, out the window.
“Why are we here?” he whispered.

Gabriel whirled towards him, shocked.
“Because Rose needs us.”

“Does she?” William asked, shooting a haunted glance back at Gabriel.
“If what Nicolae says is even possible, and at this point I’m assuming we believe that it is, then what could she possibly need us for?”

Gabriel opened his mouth to answer, but he didn’t know how to respond.
What could he say to that?
He didn’t even really know why he’d come.
Only that he’d had to.
“I don’t know William.
I don’t know anything right now.”

“But he does,” Sadie murmured, glaring at Nicolae.
William and Gabriel glanced over at Nicolae, seeing that he’d got himself under control again.
“So what are we?
Bait?” Sadie growled, leaning forward.

Nicolae closed his eyes.
I’d never risk your…” he clammed up, shaking his head.
“I tried to warn you but you are so stubborn!”

“Then why did you give in?” Sadie pounced, getting right up in Nicolae’s face.
His eyes widened, his
apple bobbed as he fought to swallow.
Nicolae gently pushed her back before he answered.
“Because she means so much to you.”

Why do you even care?” she retorted, practically spitting in his face.

Nicolae looked away.
“Because I do.”

Sadie sat back, shocked.
Her brother glanced between the two of them and ground his teeth.
“Oh no you don’t!
You don’t get to sound like the noble hero in all of this Nicolae,” William cried angrily.
“I don’t know what kind of crazy fling you have for my sister but its not gonna happen!”

Shocking everyone in the car, Sadie rounded on her brother.
“Says who?”

William blinked.
“Are you telling me you like this guy now?
All I’ve heard for the past two months was how annoying he is.”

Sadie didn’t even bat an eye.
“Yeah, and I meant it.
But he’s obviously risking a lot for Rose…so I gotta appreciate that.”
She glanced back at Nicolae, surprised to find him staring frankly at her.
Gone was the meek, pimply face boy that had tagged along with her, annoying her like a younger brother that didn’t know when to leave her alone.
“He’s changed.”

“Yeah,” Gabriel growled.
“He’s real good at acting isn’t he?”

Sadie began to protest but Nicolae spoke up.
“You’re right Gabriel.
I am.
It’s what I’ve been trained to do.”

“By your uncle?” William asked, hating that Nicolae still piqued his interest.

“My uncle made it his mission to hunt down vampires after my parents died.
Most kids got to go to a normal school to learn normal things.
Not me.
I had to learn kill shots and master weapons training.
I didn’t have friends growing up.
I had sparing partners.
Instead of a summer break, I was sent on vampire raids all over the continent.
My uncle was brutal, working me from dawn till long after dusk.
Always preparing me.”

“For what?” Sadie asked, her eyes wide with awe.

“To take down a vampire.”

“So you’re a…vampire slayer?
Like that old TV show with Sarah Michelle Geller?” Sadie smirked, amused by the idea.

Nicolae shrugged.
“If she killed vampires, then yes.
I guess that’s what I am.”

Sadie leaned forward, engrossed in the tale.
For the first time since meeting him, Sadie found him irresistible.
There was a new strength to his words, a confidence that called to her wild side.

“Are you even listening to yourself Sadie?” Gabriel growled, pulling her back.
“He was hunting Rose.
Your best friend, remember?”

Sadie’s sappy grin instantly vanished and a new wariness took its place.
“You’re right,” she whispered, staring coldly at Nicolae once more.
“Why didn’t you kill her when you had the chance?”

Nicolae scratched the back of his head, embarrassed.
“Well, I’ve never…um…I’ve never actually killed one before.”

Gabriel snickered, rolling his eyes.
You claim to be this badass vampire killer and it’s all a joke.”

Nicolae’s black eyes burned with fury.
“It’s not a joke!
Roseline killed my parents!”

William was sure that things would have exploded if Sadie hadn’t fainted.
Everyone rushed to catch her as she fell forward, her eyes rolled back, her pulse slowing.
Are you ok?” William screeched.

“She’ll be fine,” Nicolae responded, pulling Sadie into his arms, rocking her gently.
William started to protest, but Nicolae’s glare stopped him in his tracks.

Slowly Sadie came around.
She blinked, shocked to find herself cradled against Nicolae’s solid chest.
“What happened?” she groaned.

Nicolae smiled warmly.
“You fainted.”

Sadie blushed.
I don’t think I’ve ever done that before.
I’m not normally so pathetic.”

“Do you remember why you fainted?” Nicolae asked, searching her face for any sign of recognition.
She shook her head, confused.
“I mentioned something terrible that Roseline had done.”

Gasping, Sadie jerked upright.
“She killed your parents?”

“No,” Gabriel snarled.
“She didn’t.
Her husband and my father did.”

William had to pick his jaw up off the floor.
“I’m sorry.
Did you just say your father?”

Gabriel nodded, grimly.
Rose’s brother-in-law is my biological father.”
He hated to speak of the man, if he could even be considered to be a man.
Gabriel highly doubted it!
Surely Lucien was more monster than anything.
But no matter how hard he tried, Gabriel couldn’t put his precious Rose in the same category.

Sadie blew out a breath.
“Man this just gets better and better.
So Rose is married?”

Nicolae nodded, ignoring Gabriel’s pitiful wail.

“And she really is Dracula’s wife?” William asked, struggling to wrap his mind around the conversation.
None of this made any sense.
It couldn’t be real…and yet everything that’d happened told him that it was.

“I’m afraid so,” Nicolae spoke softly.

Sadie shook her head.
I can’t believe it.
She doesn’t hold up to any of the myths,” she muttered, wrapping her arms around her knees.
“She comes out during the day, she’s not afraid to go inside a church, and she doesn’t seem particularly afraid of sticks.
Plus she eats normal food and her teeth are perfect.
I haven’t seen any sign of fangs!”

Nicolae agreed.
“You’re right.
Her family does seem to defy all of the normal vampire laws.
I’ve questioned my uncle on that very thing but he just tells me to mind my own business and get back to training.”

BOOK: Forbidden
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