Forbidden (25 page)

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Authors: Amy Miles

BOOK: Forbidden
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“What are you looking for?” Sadie called, wrapping her arms tightly around her waist.
Her black ski jacket did little to keep out the biting chill of the arctic air that whipped down the street.

“A rock.”

Spotting a large jagged grey stone half buried under the bushes, Gabriel dug it out and tossed it in the air, getting a feel for its weight.
Before Sadie could protest, Gabriel chucked it right through the glass panel edging the door.
“Are you insane?”

“You got a better idea?” he grunted as he slipped his arm through the broken glass, gently turning the lock.
“Got it.”

The door swung open but no one moved.
“Isn’t this illegal?” William muttered, staring into the darkened space.

“It’s Rose.
Do you think she will press charges?” Gabriel asked, stepping over the threshold.

“What that…” Sadie exclaimed, turning around and around.
“Where is everything?”

“Was she robbed?” William asked, ducking his head into the kitchen.
The counters were empty, cupboards bare, fridge door slung open.
“Man they took everything!”

“No.” Gabriel shook his head, moving towards the stairs.
“This is how it’s always been.”

“But that can’t be,” Sadie pressed, hurrying to follow Gabriel up the stairs.
Her eyes flickered over the empty room on the right; its sole occupant was the largest, hairiest spider she’d ever seen.
“Gross!” she squealed, slamming the door closed.

Gabriel stopped in front of a partially open door, his hand pressed against the splintered frame.

“What’s wrong?” William suddenly appeared from the bottom floor.

“It’s her room,” Gabriel responded with a hushed voice.
Sadie glanced over at him, touched by the pain and longing in his voice.

“You need to go in,” she spoke softly.

Gabriel nodded and pushed the door slowly open.
The room hadn’t changed much.
Same stained lumpy mattress in the corner, sheets falling haphazardly onto the floor.
One single chair still rested under the long table.
But one thing was different.
The laptop lay lifeless on the floor, a fist sized hole punched through it.

“Wow, what do you think did this?” William asked, bending to poke the machine.

Gabriel’s lips thinned out.
He knew exactly what had happened but felt too guilty to say anything.
Another pile of plastic bits lay to his left.
“I guess we know why she’s not answering her phone.”

Sadie groaned, reaching down to sift the shattered phone parts through her fingers.
“Now we have no way of reaching her.”

“Maybe that’s not true,” William muttered, staring out the window.

Gabriel turned.

William turned, holding up a photo.
Gabriel and Sadie moved in closer to take a better look.
Gabriel reared back, shocked by the evidence standing before him

“I think we need to have a little chat with Nicolae!”

Chapter 11

“No mom, I’m not joking.
Will you please just put him on the phone?” Sadie sounded exasperated.

Covering the speaker, Sadie growled at Gabriel.
“This had better help Rose.”

“It will,” he assured her, focusing on the slick roads.
“Tell him to meet us at the park on
Travertine Street
, in the community building.”

Gabriel knew the instant Nicolae picked up because Sadie’s face pinched with disgust.
She quickly gave him the directions and hung up.
“He’ll be there in five minutes.”

“Good,” Gabriel nodded, pressing harder on the accelerator.
His left leg bobbed up and down, unable to control the nervous tension any longer.

The Range Rover’s tires stuttered over the ice as he slipped into the deserted parking lot.
No one in their right mind would be out on a day like this.
It was windy, icy and down right miserable.
A lone figure stood huddled against the tall wooden building.
“Let’s go.”

The three friends hurried across the grass, it crunched under their feet.
Nicolae turned and entered the abandoned building as they approached.
Sadie rushed inside, not waiting for either of the guys to open the door for her.
“It must be ten degrees out there,” she groaned through chattering teeth.

A cold draft filtered down from above.
The roof wasn’t completely covered.
The building was used as a semi-outdoor movie theater in the summer.
At least it offered a slight reprieve from the brutal winds.

“Why am I here?” Nicolae asked, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose.
He looked away, wary of meeting anyone’s glance.
Gabriel wasn’t fooled.

“You have answers.
We want them.”

Nicolae laughed.
“I don’t have anything that can help you.”

“What about this?” Gabriel snarled, shoving the incriminating picture into Nicolae’s face.
“Recognize anyone?”

Nicolae stumbled backward, darting a worried glance at Sadie’s stormy face.
“Alright, I admit it.
I sent that picture to Rose.”

“And?” William challenged, suddenly feeling brave.
“Were you threatening her with this?”

“No!” Nicolae backed up.
“It was nothing.
Just a picture.”

“I’m not buying it,” Gabriel huffed, stomping forward.
“You knew exactly what you were doing.
Funny thing though…this picture wasn’t in Rose’s room the night before the dance.
So you must have slipped into her house after I left, or yesterday when you knew she’d be out dress shopping with Sadie.”

Backed into a wall, Nicolae had no where to run.
Sadie and William flanked Gabriel.
“Is this some kind of sick joke?” Sadie questioned.
“Why did you take a picture of Roseline’s ancestor at the art museum?”

Nicolae blinked.
“Is that what you think I did?”

Gabriel’s eyes narrowed as he faintly heard the increase in Nicolae’s pulse.
He shook his head, trying to clear his head.
He had to focus.
“I want the truth Nicolae.
No more lies.
Rose is in danger and I need to help her before she gets hurt.”

Nicolae startled everyone with his bitter snort.
“Trust me, she’s fine.
Nothing can hurt her.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Sadie pressed.
She spun a lock of her short hair around her finger, needing something to occupy her hands while she dreamed of throttling Nicolae.

“You wouldn’t believe me even if I did tell you.”

Gabriel leaned in closer.
“Try me.”

Nicolae scanned Gabriel’s face, paling as he noticed the glow building in his eyes.
“Oh no,” he shrank back.
“You’re one of them.”

“One of whom?” William cried.
He was pacing back and forth, waiting for this little prat to give them answers.

Nicolae winced, glancing at Sadie.
“A vampire.”

Sadie grumbled.
“I knew this was going to be a waste of time.
He’s a nutter!”

Gabriel didn’t break eye contact with Nicolae.
Something struck a cord with him as Nicolae stared back.
There was fear in his eyes but something else.
“What do you know?”

“Think about it,” Nicolae said, leaning forward. Gabriel backed off, but not by much.
“She’s irresistibly gorgeous, youthful and yet exudes the vibes of an older woman, guys flock to her anytime she gets excited.
She doesn’t have any family, her house looks like a tomb and she’s from

“Then that makes you a vampire too, if we go by your logic,” Sadie snickered at her cruel joke, enjoying the way Nicolae’s face blanched.
“So what you’re saying is that our Rose is a descendent of Dracula or something?”

Gabriel didn’t think it would be possible for Nicolae to lose any more blood from his face, but he was wrong.
Not a descendant.
His wife.”

“Ok, that’s it,” Sadie cried, stalking forward.
“Are one of you gonna hit him or do I have to?”

No one answered her.
William’s shocked gaze flitted between Nicolae’s apprehension and Gabriel’s intense scrutiny.
“Don’t tell me you’re actually thinking of believing this guy,” Sadie scoffed, pacing back and forth, itching to rearrange Nicolae’s face.

“I get that your country is riddled with tales of vampires or whatever, but to stand there and claim something that ludicrous about Rose is just plain wrong,” William scolded, crossing his arms over his chest.

Gabriel said nothing.
Instead he stood and watched every facial tick, every flicker of a lip or blink of his eye.
Gabriel was normally a pretty good judge of character and as best he could tell, Nicolae was telling the truth.
His fear was genuine.

“You really believe that, don’t you?”
Nicolae’s nod was brief but adamant.
“Why?” Gabriel whispered.
Something was beginning to stir in his soul, like a long awaited answer was brewing and he was about to get his hands on it.

“Come on Gabriel.
We’re wasting time.”
William tried to pull Gabriel away but he shook William off.

I’m gonna stick around and see what else Nicolae has to say.
Why don’t you two go get warmed up.
I’ll call you when I’m done.”

“Fine,” Sadie nodded, eager to thaw out.
She felt like a five foot tall walking Popsicle.
“Just make sure it hurts!”

Gabriel’s lip curled into a smile at Sadie’s hostility.
He couldn’t blame her, but unlike her, he had something vested in this.

“Come on Will, I’m getting outta here.”
William turned and followed his sister, glancing back one last time, reluctant to leave Gabriel behind.

The door closed behind them.
Gabriel and Nicolae were all alone.
“Talk,” Gabriel growled, grasping a handful of Nicolae’s shirt.

“So you’re taking Sadie’s request seriously I see,” Nicolae smirked, dropping the scared little boy act.

“Don’t push me.
You know I can make it hurt.”

Nicolae nodded, tilting his head to observe Gabriel.
“Yes, but why?”

“That’s what you’re gonna tell me.
And stop with the Vampire crap.
I’m not interested in your tall tales.”

His bitter laughter filled the room.
“Ah Gabriel, I thought you of all people would be willing to listen to a history lesson.”

Begrudgingly, Gabriel set Nicolae back on the ground.
“I’m listening.”

“Good, because I will only say this once.
You are not human.
Neither is Roseline.”

Gabriel raised his fist, preparing to smash in Nicolae’s face, but he hesitated.
“Go on.”

Nodding, Nicolae held up the photo for Gabriel to see.
“What do you see?”

“A girl that looks like Rose’s twin.”

“A twin?
Take a look at the bottom of the painting.”

Gabriel’s gaze drifted to the bottom of the photograph.
Even though the wording was small, it was still legible.
“Roseline Enescue.”
His blood ran cold.

“Name ring a bell?”

“Oh God,” Gabriel gasped, holding his stomach as the contents churned violently.
“She’s my step-mother?”

“What?” Nicolae exclaimed, rushing to Gabriel’s side, weaving with him.
“What did you just say?”

Lucien Enescue.
He’s my biological father.”

Nicolae’s finger clamped down painfully on Gabriel’s arm but he barely noticed as Nicolae’s next words brought sweet relief to his tortured soul.
“She isn’t your step-mother Gabriel.
Lucien is her brother-in-law.”

The relief vanished, followed by crippling grief.
Gabriel fell to his knees, choking on the sobs that rose in his throat.
“She really is married?”

To the man you would call Dracula.
His real name is Vladimir Enescue.”

“This isn’t possible,” Gabriel groaned, rolling onto his back.
He shoved his fists into his eyes and fought for control.
“She can’t be married.”

“It get’s better,” Nicolae whispered next to his ear.
“She’s over three hundred years old.”

Gabriel’s howl shook the rafters, sending nesting birds into the sky.
Nicolae sat next to Gabriel, confused by the boy’s grief.
“You honestly didn’t know?”

“No,” Gabriel gasped, fighting for breath.

“But you’re one of them…” Nicolae trailed off, brow furrowing deeply.
He leaned in close, sniffing the air around Gabriel.
“Your scent…it’s human.
So that must mean Lucien was your father and your mother was human?”

“Yes,” Gabriel whispered, rising to his knees.
His arms fell over his legs, palms to the sky.
Nicolae leapt forward, yanking Gabriel’s sleeves up.
Nicolae shoved his arms together and blanched.

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