For The Love Of Leon (3 page)

Read For The Love Of Leon Online

Authors: J.S. Morbius

Tags: #erotic romance, #Gay male, #male on male, #Gay male romance, #Man Love, #LGTBQ

BOOK: For The Love Of Leon
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For the next couple of hours I moped around the flat, flicking through channels, scanning newspapers and magazines, and drinking cup after cup of coffee. When I finally decided sitting around doing nothing was only making me think about Simon, I decided to spruce myself up and have a night out.

Standing up, I began to walk toward my bedroom when a loud banging on my front door made me pause. I peered through the spy hole and saw a woman I had never seen before. Pulling the chain across, I opened the door just enough to see what she wanted. I was stunned to see her holding a large bouquet of different colored roses.

Releasing the chain, I opened the door fully.

“Can I help you?”

“Delivery for Leon,” she said. “We don’t have a last name I’m afraid. Is that you?”

“Yes, that’s me, thanks,” I said, taking the bouquet from her and closing the door.

Walking to the kitchen, I placed the roses onto the worktop and carefully removed the small card.

Thanks for all your help, Leon. I really appreciate it. Hope you feel better soon.

If you do, and feel up to it, meet me at the bar by seven.


I looked at the bouquet and then back at the card before getting the vase from one of my cupboards that hadn’t seen the light of day since I moved into the flat. After cleaning the vase first, I turned my attention to the roses and carefully removed them from their plastic, laying them out on the worktop. Nobody had bought me flowers in a long time. As I stared at the mass of flowers on the worktop I felt a warmth, the like of which I hadn't ever felt before, coursing through my body.

It was becoming more obvious Simon seemed to think of me as more than just a friend. Why else would he send me twenty-four roses? I decided the night out I was planning was now going to be a night with Simon, a night when I let him know my real feelings instead of pussy footing around the subject.




Chapter Five


Glancing at the clock, I saw it was already a quarter to five and quickly rushed into the bathroom. If I was putting myself on the line for Simon later, I was going to make sure I was perfect for him. A quick shower and shave, and I was back in the bedroom, standing naked in front of my open wardrobe.

I wanted to look my best for Simon, and as I took shirt after shirt from their hanger, trying to find which one I wanted to wear, I eventually settled on a black, long sleeved one. With a freshly pressed pair of black trousers, clean socks and boxers, I was soon ready for our date. At least, I was guessing it was a date. Picking up my shoes, I noticed that the rain from earlier had left them looking scruffy. I headed into the kitchen and polished them vigorously until I could almost see my face in them.

Another quick glance toward the clock showed it was six-fifteen, and after checking the weather out of the window, I picked up my keys and money, locked up, and started to make my way to the pub. As I walked, I went over and over what I wanted to say in my mind until I had every single word perfect. Now all I had to do was actually say them to Simon, which I knew was easier said than done.

As I arrived outside the pub, I took a deep breath and walked in, instantly spotting Simon sitting at the bar. I walked slowly over to him, almost reaching him before he turned around and greeted me.

“Feeling better?”

“Much, thanks,” I replied, feeling guilty for lying to him in the first place. “I had a bit of sleep and that seemed to do the trick.”

“Good, I’m glad about that.”

“So am I.”

“What do you fancy to drink?”

“Just a beer, thanks.”

Simon ordered my beer and a double scotch for himself.

“Shall we move over to the window, or are you happy here?”

“Window’s better.”

The two of us stood and walked across the pub just as three couples came crashing through the door.

“Tell you what,” Simon said, the noise from the new arrivals echoing around the pub, “why don’t you choose somewhere for something to eat instead of staying here all night?”

“Sounds like a good idea, looking at that lot.”

“My thoughts exactly. Come on, drink up.”

The two of us quickly finished our drinks, me emptying my beer in three mouthfuls, and we stood up, leaving the pub through the back door.

“Do we dare risk the weather or shall we take the car just in case?”

“The place I’m thinking of is only ten minute’s walk away. We should be fine,” I replied.

Walking around to the front of the pub, we crossed the road and down a narrow street, a quicker way to the center of town. Eventually we arrived at a small Italian restaurant I occasionally dined at when I didn’t want to stay in alone and rely on microwave meals.

“Hope you like Italian,” I said, pushing the door and holding it open for Simon.

“To be honest, the only Italian I’ve ever had is frozen pizza or microwave spaghetti Bolognese.”

“There is so much more to Italian food than just those two things, believe me.”

Following Simon through the door, the two of us walked over to the small bar.

“Can I help you gentlemen?” a waiter asked.

“A table for two, please.”

“Certainly, follow me.”

The man walked us toward a square table just inside the door and handed us both a menu.

“Take your time. When you are ready, just call one of us over.”

Sitting at the table, Simon opened his menu straight away and began to stare at the numerous meals in front of him. As he was about to ask me a question, however, I stopped him.

“Before you say anything, I just want to thank you for the roses. They are beautiful.”

“You’re welcome. You’ve been good to me since I arrived in this town and...”

Simon paused, leaving his sentence unfinished

“And what?”

“It doesn’t matter. Just leave it and let’s order. I’m starving.”

“Sure, okay,” I said, a little disappointed. I was hoping he was going to say what I really wanted to hear. “What do you fancy?”

“I’ll trust your judgment. It does all look really nice.”

“If you’re sure. Is there anything you

“No, I’ll try anything once.”

Taking Simon’s menu from him, I called to one of the waitresses milling about, doing nothing.

“Yes, sir, can I help?”

“We’d like two roasted red pepper Bruschetta starters, followed by Italian style stuffed squid, lemon-braised spinach with mushrooms and croutons, and grilled vegetable salad. For dessert, creamy strawberry Tiramisu, please.”

“Certainly, the starters will be about ten minutes.”

“Thanks, and can we have a double scotch and a beer as well, please?”

“Certainly. I’ll get those for you straight away.”

Taking our menus, the waitress headed off as the barman brought our drinks over. Picking up my beer, I tilted the bottle toward Simon.

“To friendship,” I said.

Simon chinked his glass against my bottle, but the look in his eyes told me he wanted to say something else.

“Tell me what’s wrong Simon, please.”

“Please, Leon, let’s just leave it and enjoy our meal first.”

“Only if you promise to talk about whatever it is afterwards,” I said, desperately wanting to place my hand on his and show him how much I cared.

“I promise.”

Just then, the waitress walked over with our starters and the two of us began to eat slowly. Looking at Simon’s face, he seemed to be enjoying his just as much as I was. While we ate our starter, the two of us made small talk about nothing in particular. I noticed Simon was unable to take his eyes off me as we spoke, just like I was him. As soon as we had we finished our starter, the waitress came back over, removed our plates, and placed our stuffed squid main course in front of us. This time, the look on Simon’s face told me he wasn’t too sure about the food in front of him. But as he saw me tucking in, he cautiously picked up his fork and tried a small mouthful.

“Hey, this isn’t bad,” he said, swallowing and picking up another forkful.

“I thought you might enjoy it.”

Neither of us said another word until we had both cleared our plates completely, and then it was Simon who broke the silence.

“That was fucking delicious, Leon. I’m going to come here again.”

"I'm glad you liked what I chose for us, Si. Maybe we can do it again soon."

Finally the waitress walked over and placed our creamy strawberry Tiramisu down in front of us. Simon ordered two more drinks, and as we sat slowly eating our dessert, I kept glancing at him. I wished I knew what Simon had wanted to say at the start of our meal. I also wished I had the nerve to blurt out how I really felt about him.

“Look, Simon, I’ve got to tell you something and I am not sure how you are going to react,” I suddenly blurted out, putting my dessert spoon to the side.

“I think you better just tell me.”

“Okay, hope you are ready for this,” I said taking a deep breath. “The thing is, I’m gay and I fancy the fuck out of you.”




Chapter Six


For a few seconds Simon just stared at me, and I thought I had done the wrong thing. But eventually he pushed his chair back and stood up.

“Excuse me, Leon, I just need the men’s room.”

As he walked away, leaving me alone at the table, I suddenly felt about two inches tall.
Well that fucking went well.
I bet he thinks I’m a real fucking loser now.
Picking up my beer, I emptied the bottle in one swallow and indicated to the barman to bring me another.
One day I will learn to just keep my fucking stupid mouth closed.

After five minutes, Simon still hadn’t returned to the table and I began to wonder if he had made a quick exit out the back. Standing up, I made my way to the men’s room and pushed the door open slowly. Quietly walking in, I couldn’t see Simon anywhere, just a lone man standing at one of the urinals having a piss. Pretending to do the same, I waited until he had walked out, put my cock back in my trousers, and turned to look at the fours stall doors. Two were open and two closed.

Making sure no one was coming, I peered under the first door, and when I couldn’t see any feet, pushed it open. It was empty. Moving to the only other door he could be behind, I tapped lightly on the wooden door.

“Simon, are you in there?” I said softly.

At first nobody replied, but when I pushed the door and it didn’t move, I knew he had to be behind the door.

“Come on, Simon. I’m sorry if I’ve upset you or made you uncomfortable. Please just come out. We’ll split the bill and go our separate ways.”

Still there was no answer, but as I turned to leave the men’s room, I heard the lock pulled back and the door creak open slowly.

“Leon, wait,” Simon said softly, and judging by the sound of his voice, he had been crying.

Turning to face the man I was falling in love with, the man I had obviously yet unintentionally upset, I felt guilt wash over me.

“Look, Simon, I’m sorry. I should never...”

“Leon, just shut up and listen for a minute, please.”

Simon sounded almost like he was begging, causing me to fall silent instantly.

“The truth is, I’m gay too, and since the day you walked into the pub I have wanted you. But...”

“But what?” I asked, wishing he would stop leaving sentences unfinished.

“But, I have just come out of a five year relationship which ended badly, and I came here to forget. Not fall in love again, which I slowly am doing...with you.”

Stunned, I stepped toward Simon, lifting my hand toward him slightly. As he reached forward, our fingertips met and it felt like a bolt of electricity had torn through my body.

“Whatever happened between you and your ex, I can promise you, I am not a bad guy.”

“I didn’t say you were, but how do I know for sure?”

“You don’t, Si, you really don’t,” I said, my fingers wrapping around his.

“I can’t get hurt again like he hurt me, Leon,” Simon said. He started to sob, his eyes filling with tears and his chin quivering “I just couldn’t take it.”

Pulling him toward me, I placed my hand on the back of his neck and pulled his head down onto my shoulder.

“All I can do is ask you to give me, give us, a chance.”

“I want to, I really do, but I’m fucking scared.”

“So am I. I have never had a real, loving relationship before. Every time I get close to someone, they just leave me. No reason, no warning, nothing.”

“I would never do that, ever.”

“I believe you, Simon. Just believe me as well. Please.”

I took my hand from the back of his neck, placed it under his chin, and lifted his head. Using my free hand, I lightly wiped the tears from under his eyes and looked deep into them. The urge to kiss him, to show him how much I thought of him, was growing by the second.

“I won’t ever hurt you, Si.”

“Promise me you mean that, Leon.”

“I promise.”

Simon suddenly leaned forward and placed his lips against mine. He lingered for a few seconds before pulling away, but I stopped him. I returned his kiss, this time more passionately, and we were quickly kissing each other like our lives depended on it. Eventually though, he pulled his lips from mine, but held my hand tightly.

“Come on, I think we ought to pay before they think we’ve both done a runner.”

“You go. I’ll be out in a minute,” I said, pecking him on the lips and letting my hand fall from his.

“Don’t be long.”

“I won’t,” I said, as he opened the door to the men’s room. “Get us both another drink. I think we could do with one.”

With that, Simon walked out, leaving me alone. I turned to look at myself in the mirror and saw a tear forming in my eye. Lifting my finger, I wiped it away, turned the cold tap on, and rinsed my face. Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes for a few seconds, my heart racing at the thought of Simon and I becoming an item. Eventually though, I reopened my eyes, stepped out of the men’s room and went back to our table where Simon was already sitting sipping his scotch. Sitting opposite him, I waved for the waiter to bring us the bill, picked up my beer, and took a large swallow from the bottle. A shiver ran down my spine as I swallowed the ice cold liquid, but three swallows later, the bottle was empty.

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