For The Love Of Leon (2 page)

Read For The Love Of Leon Online

Authors: J.S. Morbius

Tags: #erotic romance, #Gay male, #male on male, #Gay male romance, #Man Love, #LGTBQ

BOOK: For The Love Of Leon
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Switching the screen on, I spent the next half an hour examining my line work, coloring before re-saving it and opening my email. I checked through the day’s incoming messages, ecstatic to see three more contracts, two for a fantasy magazine and one advertising piece. Smiling, I opened the piece I had just finished and forwarded to the client before switching everything off. Picking up the television remote, I flicked through a few channels until I found a decent film to watch, and slipped under the thin covers. I stared at the screen, but I wasn’t really concentrating, my mind continuously wandering back to Simon, his muscular body, and the thoughts I began to have while showering. Placing my mug on the side, I slipped one hand under the covers and down over my body slowly, eventually slipping my hand into my boxers and wrapping my fingers around my semi-hard cock.

As I slowly began to stroke my shaft to full hardness, I whispered Simon’s name softly and slid down the bed until I was flat on my back, closing my eyes. His image filled my mind and I could see
smiling, licking his lips, as I imagined him watching me masturbate slowly to the thoughts of all the things I wanted to happen between us.

My hand movements grew faster, my heart started to thump, and my breath began to race as I felt my legs, then whole body, start to tremble, my balls tightening up in their sac. Groaning, I tried to hold back as long as I could, but couldn’t stop my cock from twitching violently. With my free hand, I threw the covers from my body and stretched out fully just as the first thick stream of white, milky liquid erupted from the slit and splashed down on my chest.

After the initial explosion, I slowed my hand to nothing more than a gentle stroke, making sure I milked every drop of cum from my body until the last, solitary drop of seed hung weakly from the end of my hardness. As that one drop struggled to fall onto my stomach, I released my grip, the thick, purple head landing in the pool of cum and I moaned
name once more, loudly. After a few minutes, my heart slowed and my breathing returned to normal. I opened my eyes, grabbed a handful of tissues from the bedside cabinet, and cleaned myself up making sure I had gotten every last drop from my body, as there was nothing worse than being woken up after rolling into a wet patch. I dropped the tissues into the waste basket by the bed, turned the television off, rolled onto my side, and settled for the night, eager to get a good sleep before meeting Simon the next day.




Chapter Three


I woke to the sun beaming through my windows and saw it was already eleven o’clock, according to the bedside alarm. At first I just stretched out, knowing that all the work that had to be done already was. I rolled onto my side and closed my eyes until I remembered I had less than two hours until I was supposed to meet Simon.

Swinging my legs out of the bed, I stood up and headed straight to the shower. I jumped into the water before it had a chance to warm up, hoping the cold water would wake me fully. After quickly washing myself down, I headed to the bedroom and dressed in black jeans, black t-shirt, and a pair of leather boots.

I made myself a cup of coffee while my computer booted and sat down to check my messages. More work had come in and I’d been paid for one of the two pieces I’d received, which made me feel like a good day had become even better.

Glancing toward the clock above my fake fireplace, I saw that time had flown by and it was now almost half twelve. I had just over thirty minutes until I had to be at the pub. I grabbed my keys, wallet, and mobile, heading out of the apartment and locked up behind me. Thankfully, the rain from the night before had ceased, probably long before I awoke. The sun was out again, everywhere was bone dry, and the town was bustling with people.

Hurrying through the crowds to my meeting with Simon, I noticed the thugs from the night before just hanging around the town center. Like always, they were intimidating passers-by. As soon as they saw me, they stopped and began to stare menacingly in my direction. For a second I paused and saw them whispering among themselves before turning back to look at me, and then they began to walk forward.

Turning, I quickened my step. I heard them burst out into hysterical laughter and their footsteps broke into a slow run. Thinking they were trying to catch up with me, I began to jog and was relieved when I finally arrived at the pub. Looking over my shoulder as I tried to regain my breath, I noticed the thugs were nowhere to be seen and wondered where they had gone.

Just as I was about to peek around the corner, a large hand grabbed my shoulder and I spun around, half expecting to get a fist in my face

“Is everything okay, Leon?”

“Yeah, I think so.”

“You look pretty fucking pale.”

“I thought I was being chased for a minute.”

Simon stepped around the corner and looked up and down the street.

“If you were, there’s nobody there now.”

This time I did peek around the corner and saw he was right. Unless I was being chased by a couple of pensioners who were busy shuffling along with their shopping carts, that is. Turning back to Simon, I saw a smile forming on his lips and I was convinced he was going to burst out laughing at any second.

“Those pensioners are dangerous with those carts you know,” I said. “Always running over your toes with the wheels.”

That was all it took and Simon completely lost it. He began to howl with laughter before finally regaining some self-control.

“So now that I’ve saved you from Hell’s Grannies, are you expecting anyone else? Primary School Mafia, maybe?”

“Shut the fuck up, Simon,” I said, pushing his shoulder and causing him to stumble back. "Anyway, how's the home hunting gone this morning?"

“Awful, to be honest. How many estate agents can a small place like this have?” Simon asked.

“There’s about five altogether,” I told him as I reeled off the names. "Why don't we eat and then I'll come around the rest with you?"

"Sounds like a plan."




After we had eaten, Simon chose the closest agents to where we were. Five minutes later we were inside, scanning the property boards for anything suitable. I was just about to give up and go outside for a smoke when Simon grabbed my arm and dragged me all the way across the office.

“That’s the one.”

Staring at the property he was pointing at, I had to admit the place looked nice. Standing on its own plot of land, it had both front and back garden, and the two bedrooms he wanted. The only thing I thought was it looked more suited to a family, or even a retired couple. Not a young, single guy.

“So what do you think?”

“It certainly looks nice,” I replied.

“I think so too. Let’s see if we can get an appointment to view it.”

While he went off to find someone to help him, I nipped outside and had a smoke. Standing there dragging deeply on the filtered tip, I happened to notice sky had darkened considerably.
Fucking great, yet another storm coming.
I dropped my cigarette and headed back inside to Simon.

“We can go and see it in an hour,” he told me as I walked through the door. “This kind lady will meet us there when she finishes what she has to do here.”

“Great, but I better warn you, it looks like a storm is coming.”

“Fucking great. Neither of us has a jacket or anything,” Simon moaned. “How long do you think until the rain starts?”

“Five minutes, tops.”

“Then we better get a move on. I have a spare jacket in my car that should fit you perfectly.”

“Okay, but let’s hurry.”

After shaking the woman’s hand, the two of us headed back outside and started to make our way quickly through the town. We kept one eye on the sky, trying to get in ahead of the downpour that was sure to come any moment now, but just as we’d spotted our destination the heavens opened. Within seconds, the two of us were drenched to the skin.

“Fucking great, now I’ll have to go and get some fresh clothes before I can come with you, Si.”

“You’ll be okay. I’ll lend you a pair of trousers and a top.”

“If you’re sure you don't mind.”

Entering the pub, the two of us looking like we had swam through town, Simon led me up to the room he was staying in. He found the trousers and top for me, as well as dry things for himself, and quickly ripped all his wet clothes off right in front of me, clearly at ease with his body.

Unable to resist, I stared at the back of his naked body. I admired the smooth, chiseled contours of his frame and his firm tight ass before hurriedly stripping my own, soaked clothes off. I dressed in what he had given me, only just getting the trousers done up and my rapidly hardening cock hidden, before he turned to face me.

“Right, I’m ready.”

I noticed him staring at my naked, muscular chest and wondered what was going through his mind. “Just let me get this top on.”

“You keep yourself in good condition,” Simon said, his eyes never leaving my body, trailing from my chest to my stomach, and then lower. “Very good condition.”




Chapter Four


Although shocked by the way Simon commented on my physique, I was also more turned on than I should be. Either he was just being complimentary and I was reading him and his tone of voice all wrong, or he really was gay, and seeing my body had done the same for him as his had for me.

“Right, I’m ready,” I finally said, smoothing the t-shirt over my torso.

“Come on then, we will take my car. I’m not getting caught in another storm like that.”

Heading down to the parking lot, my mouth fell open as Simon pressed the central locking button on his keys and unlocked his car. It was a fifty thousand dollar, top of the line, Range Rover Sport. I was still standing, staring open-mouthed, as Simon climbed in and started the engine.

“Well, are you coming?” he called through the window.

Nodding slowly, I opened the passenger door and climbed in beside him. The soft seats molded around my frame, and as soon as I had shut my door, Simon drove out of the parking lot and turned into the traffic smoothly.

“You’re going to have to direct me.”

“Sure. It’s not too hard,” I told him. “Follow this road to the end, turn left, second right, then third left and we’re there.”

Twenty minutes later, Simon pulled the car onto the street where the house was, and drove down to where the woman from the estate agents was already standing outside waiting.

“Sorry we’re late, we got caught in the storm and had to change,” Simon told her once we had both climbed out.

“Okay, but let’s get on. I have another appointment in half an hour,” she replied, unlocking the door and leading the two of us inside.

While Simon walked around with the estate agent, I hung behind, making out I was listening, but really watching Simon. My mind was still wandering, not really paying attention, when I heard the estate agent ask Simon what he thought.

“I’ll take it. What do you think, Leon?”

“Sorry, what? I was miles away.”

“I’ve just said I’ll take it,” Simon repeated. “What do you think?”

“It’s up to you, you’ll be living here. But yeah, it is a nice place and you’d be a fool to miss out.”

“There that settles it definitely, then,” Simon said, turning to the estate agent. “When can I move in?”

“As soon as you have paid the deposit plus one month’s rent in advance and signed the paperwork. Will tomorrow be soon enough?”

“Sure. I can cope in my room one more night.”

Shaking the woman’s hand, Simon and I walked back outside. As I went to the car, Simon turned back and took another look at the house.

“You know what, Leon, I think I am going to like it here,” he called over his shoulder to me without turning around.

“You should. It is one of the nicer places of the town.”

“So where’s your place, then?”

“I have an apartment nearer the town center. Just one bedroom, though.”

“Maybe you’d like to show me sometime.”

“Why not now? I’ve nothing to do. Unless you’re busy?”

“Nope, nothing to do until tomorrow when I sign for this place,” Simon said, unlocking the car.

I climbed in and waited as Simon took one last look at the house. He climbed in next to me, started the car, and pulled away.

“What do you really think, Leon?”

“It is a nice place,” I reiterated, “but personally I wouldn’t like to live there alone. It would be too much.”

“Guess I’ll have to find someone to spend some time with me there, then.”

“That would be what I’d do,” I replied before turning and staring out of the window.

Apart from me giving him directions to mine, nothing else was said by either of us. He was concentrating on the directions I had given him and I was thinking about what he had said about finding someone to spend time with in his new home. As soon as we pulled up outside mine, I climbed out, pushing the door closed harder than necessary. I walked over to my door and unlocked it without looking at Simon, my mind still preoccupied with what he had said about getting someone. He hadn’t mentioned anyone he wanted to spend time with at his new place, not even me, which disheartened me more than it should have.

As I opened the door, Simon climbed from the car, locked it, and followed me in.

“Is everything okay, Leon?”

“Sure, why shouldn’t it be?”

“You just seem quiet. A bit distant.”

“I’m fine,” I said. “Maybe I’m coming down with something. I don’t know.”

“Look, maybe I should go and let you get some rest. I can come back later.”

“Yeah, probably be for the best. I’ll go and get my head down for a bit.”

Another lie, but I couldn’t tell him the thought of him finding someone else to spend time with had actually made me quite jealous. As he walked back out to his car, I closed and locked my door before heading to the living room. Sitting alone, I couldn’t believe how I felt when he said what he did. I assumed yet another person I fancied didn’t feel the same way. At least I hadn’t given myself to this one like I had all the others.

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