For the Love of a God [Gods of Olympus] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (7 page)

BOOK: For the Love of a God [Gods of Olympus] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“So, do you have any ideas for the new website we’re supposed to be building?” Neil plopped down in one of the desk chairs.

The chair was one of the modern, molded ones without arms, and Neil’s long legs ended with his feet planted firmly on the ground. Neil slouched just a little in the chair and crossed his arms over his chest.

Eros blinked, and that chair suddenly turned into the ultimate fuck toy. The image of him straddling a naked Neil’s thighs and lowering himself down onto Neil’s rigid cock floated into his mind. Of course, Talia would be sprawled across his desk, hand between her thighs, encouraging them along.

Oh, shit, if Eros’s pants got any tighter in the crotch, his dick would snap off. He adjusted himself as discreetly as possible, but the knowing grin on Neil’s face told Eros he hadn’t been successful.

“The website, right,” Eros muttered, sitting down in his own chair.

Neil scooted closer, his chair leaving divots in the carpet from dragging it over. They bent over the client request form and groaned. The client had been vague with their instructions. There wasn’t even a color scheme or instructions on the number of pages. “This is going to take a long time,” Neil said.

Eros glanced at the large whiteboard where he always listed project deadlines. “It looks like we’ve got a week and a half to finish it.”

“We’d better get started then. Any ideas?” Neil grabbed a marker and poised his hand by the whiteboard, ready to brainstorm.

Snorting, Eros nudged Neil’s foot with his toes. “I’m the programmer, not the designer.”

Neil made a face but nodded. “Well, they say they want a modern look. We should maybe do something really slick looking. You know, cool blues, blacks, maybe some grays.”

Eros’s thoughts had gotten caught up on the word slick. Sex with Talia and Neil would be very slick and wet.

It took every ounce of willpower he had in him to drag his mind back to the task at hand. “Sorry, I zoned out for a second. What did you say?”

Was it possible that Neil’s eyes were glittering from more than just amusement? “What do you think about something sleek, something sort of sexy?”

Eros stifled a groan and shifted around in his seat. Booting up his computer, he began stringing together code as Neil talked. They’d always worked well together, but it was getting progressively harder to concentrate on what he was doing as Neil leaned over his shoulder, his breath tickling the back of Eros’s neck.

By the time Neil suggested a break, Eros was pretty sure he’d developed the world’s longest case of blue balls.

Eros rubbed the back of his neck, trying to soothe the tingle Neil’s lips being so close to his skin had caused. “So, how was your date with Talia last night?”

Talk about glutton for punishment.

A charming smile crossed Neil’s face. “She’s something else.”

“That she is.” Of course, Eros already knew that.

“You know, I’m meeting her for drinks after her last class tonight, and we’d really like if you could join us.”

Eros mentally sighed. They probably wanted to thank him for introducing them the other night. He really shouldn’t go, at least not until he’d determined if they were open to a ménage with him, but his better judgment lost out to his need to see the both of them. “Yeah, I’ll go out with you.”

Neil rolled his eyes. “Jeez, you’d think we were dragging you off to your doom or something. Come on, lighten up. It’s just a couple of drinks at Enzo’s. But I have to drop Tal off at her car first. She kind of ended up spending the night at my place last night.”

Crap. The tingling of an impending climax was settling into Eros’s balls when he thought about the scene he’d witnessed—okay, spied on—last night. He took a deep breath and willed his body to behave.

Eros jumped when a gentle hand landed on the back of his neck. Neil massaged his tight muscles for a few seconds before leaning down to whisper in his ear. “You okay, babe? You look a little tense.”

A shiver worked its way down Eros’s spine when Neil’s warm breath bathed his neck. “Yeah. Just thinking about something.”

Neil laughed low and husky in Eros’s ear. “Well, whatever you were thinking about must have certainly been…stimulating.”

Eros cursed his fair complexion when he felt the blush work its way up his throat and on to his cheeks. He was the god of love, damn it. He should not blush so easily when someone flirted with him.

Warm lips closed over Eros’s earlobe, sucking gently before moving in a damp caress to the spot on his neck that Neil had discovered the other day. Eros ground his palm against the log in his pants, not really sure if he was trying to prevent an explosion or provide the friction he needed. “Door’s open,” he panted.

“Right.” The word was muttered right against Eros’s mouth.

They jerked apart, and Neil sat back down. Luckily, it was lunchtime, and their floor was usually vacant by now. Of course, Eros could have erased anyone’s memory, but that sometimes got messy if they had a particularly strong mind.

Neil cleared his throat and began doodling on the pad of paper in front of him. “So, maybe you’d like to come out for that drink tonight?”

The breath caught in Eros’s throat. Could it really be as easy as this? “Are you sure?” he asked, wanting to kick himself for even questioning Neil’s invitation.

“I am,” Neil answered. “We talked last night and both agreed that we’d love it if you could come out with us.”

Well, who was he to look a gift horse in the mouth?

Chapter 8


Talia licked her lips in anticipation. Neil had texted her saying that Aaron had agreed to meet them for a drink after all. She’d been distracted all day by the thought of having Neil and Aaron all to herself. She’d gotten halfway through her anthropology class before she realized that she hadn’t taken a single note. For the first time in her life, she thought about ditching a class. It wasn’t like she was going to be actually learning anything anyway.

Deciding to go to the campus gym instead, she sweated her ass off on the treadmill for twenty minutes. She eyed the free weights with distaste and decided that she’d had enough for the day.

The showers were empty, and she took the time to luxuriate in the endless hot water. It was a good thing she’d thought ahead and brought her date clothes with her. She’d spent so long in the shower, scrubbing down with her favorite vanilla sugar scrub, that it was almost time for Neil to pick her up.

This time, she’d scrounged through her roommate’s closet and borrowed a maroon sweater dress, gray leggings, and black stiletto boots. Her roommate had tried to convince her that the pair of black fishnet stockings was a good idea, but they were a bit too much. She wanted to look sexy, not slutty.

She quickly dressed and made her way to the bank of mirrors along one wall. There wasn’t enough time to do much with her hair, so she ran some gel through it and slicked it back into a high ponytail. Grabbing her makeup bag, she dabbed on a bit of lipstick and applied just a touch of smudge-proof mascara.

Satisfied that she looked as good as she was going to, she stashed the rest of her stuff in her gym locker, including her backpack. She probably wasn’t going to get any studying done tonight. Or she hoped she wouldn’t have time to study, anyway.

She rushed out of the gym and across campus. By the time she made it to the admin building, Neil’s car was already idling by the curb.

“Hey, Tal? I didn’t make it to anthro. Can I borrow your notes?”

Now was totally not the time for a fellow student to be asking her for her notes, especially not when Neil and Aaron were frowning at the jock who’d stopped her. “Sorry, my notes are back in the gym locker room, and my friends are waiting for me.” Not that she’d actually taken any notes.

The football player, Jud, reached out and grabbed her arm. Strong fingers wrapped tightly around her wrist. “Come on. It will only take a minute.”

She pulled against his grip. “I really don’t have the time. I think I saw Brian on the way over here. He always takes good notes.”

Jud didn’t take the hint, and he tightened his fingers even more. “Talia, come on. I’m desperate here. If I don’t get a
on this next exam, I can’t play.”

Aaron was next to them in a flash. He pried Jud’s fingers off her arm one by one. “The lady said no. Now, do I have to make things even more clear?”

She couldn’t be sure, but she thought Aaron may have bent one of Jud’s fingers back a little more than necessary to make his point.

Jud winced and pulled away. “Ow, dude. What the fuck? I was just asking her for her notes.”

Aaron sneered at the bigger guy and got right in his face. “Yeah? Asking for her notes required you to bruise her wrist? Get the fuck out of here before I do more than bruise

It wasn’t until her chest began to ache that she realized she was holding her breath. Jud was a big guy, built like a house, and did not have a reputation of being particularly patient on or off the field. And while Aaron was tall, his muscles ran more toward the long and lean swimmer’s type instead of the bulked-up steroid-out type Jud sported.

Jud must have seen something in Aaron’s eyes, though, because he nodded and backed off. “Dude, I was just trying to pass my class.”

Aaron wrapped his arm around her waist in a possessive gesture. It should have pissed her off. She was a grown woman and totally capable of taking care of herself. Hell, she had a black belt in karate. Her hands were lethal weapons.

Instead of being insulted, though, Talia found herself thrilled with the closeness and the completely unnecessary male display of machoness. She didn’t even bother to squash the urge to snuggle into Aaron. “You know, I really don’t need you to threaten guys for me, right?”

Aaron looked properly chastised. “I’m sorry. I just kinda saw red when he grabbed you.”

She smiled to show she wasn’t angry. “Well, I don’t need you to chase people off, but I did like it. It was hot, in a caveman sort of way.”

“Oh, so now I’m a caveman?” He kept his arm around her as they walked to Neil’s car.

She poked him in the side and laughed. “Okay, maybe not a caveman. You’re just a smidge too young to be a caveman.”

The look Aaron gave her was weird, a mix of weary and irony. “Sometimes I feel that old.”

Before she could ask him for clarification, Neil was out of the car and opening the passenger side door. “Everything okay?”

She slid into the car, taking care to arrange the sweater dress so that it showed an appropriate amount of thigh. Her legs may have been covered by leggings but there was no reason she couldn’t try and tempt them a little.

Aaron climbed in behind her, and Neil joined her in the front. “So, where to?” Neil asked.

Both men were silent, clearly waiting for her to make a suggestion. Did she have the guts to tell them where she really wanted to go?

Yes, she did. “Actually, I was thinking about takeout. At one of your houses.”

She stared out the front window, concentrating hard on keeping her hands still. Two sets of eyes burned into her, but neither man said anything.

“Never mind,” she muttered. “Let’s just go to a bar or something.” A stiff drink was definitely on the menu.

“I vote for Aaron’s place,” Neil shouted. His hand massaged the back of her neck even as he eased out into the road. “And I can’t speak for Aaron, but I didn’t say anything right away because you took me by surprise.”

“Actually, I was sort of thinking about rolling those tights off your legs and kissing each and every inch of skin I find. And I do mean every bit. My tongue sort of got stuck on the roof of my mouth when I wondered if you were wearing a thong.” Aaron’s voice floated over the back of her seat, and she relaxed. So they weren’t completely turned off by her boldness.

She relaxed completely back into her seat. “So, is it okay if we go over to your place, Aaron?”


* * * *


Could they go back to my house? Fuck, yes!
“Of course we can go to my place,” Eros said instead.

Eros could feel Talia’s relief, and he wanted to summon her into his lap and soothe away any remaining nerves. But of course, neither Neil nor Talia had any idea he was a god. He contented himself with the vow that Talia would never be anxious about asking for what she needed or wanted again. Neil, either, for that matter.

“You know where you’re going there, stud?” Eros asked. He enjoyed the visible shiver that ran down Neil’s frame.

Neil cleared his throat and gripped the wheel so hard his knuckles turned white. “I remember, except you may need to remind me exactly which house it is. I was sort of distracted at the time.”

Eros couldn’t help the smirk that crossed his face. “Good. That means I was doing my job.”

But that was a few days ago, and Eros needed to think about where to go from here. “So, Tal. I hear Neil told you about our kinks.”

Maybe it wasn’t the most graceful way of raising the subject, but it got the ball rolling.

“I assume you’re talking about the fact that the two of you are bisexual and are into threesomes?” Talia asked as she craned her neck back to smile at him.

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