Fool for Love (Believe #2) (21 page)

BOOK: Fool for Love (Believe #2)
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She shrugs lightly as she rips the foil away. Warmth spreads throughout my body. The knowledge that I will be possessing her at last is overwhelming.

“I find that I like calling you that,” she explains as she starts to roll the condom on. I brace myself as I feel her soft, yet firm hands take a hold on the base of my dick, and I can’t keep the deep hum reverberating in my chest at bay.

“Fuck, I love hearing it, waif.” With something akin to abandon, I let my head fall back as she strokes my dick, and my breath leaves me on a sigh.

But – enough is enough.

Perhaps I’m being too rough with her, but all rational thinking has left me. I grab her hands and push them off my dick, leaning down to bite her left earlobe. She gasps, and I lick it quickly, trying to soothe the sting.

“Enough talking,” I growl, eliciting a breathy sigh from her. “Now it’s time to show you how a man fucks, Suzy.”

I push inside her, all the time holding my breath, ordering myself to go easy on her. But it’s not that simple. With every push, I tremble harder, her hips meeting me, her soft moans spurring me on even more. I hold onto her hands for dear life.

“Aaahh,” I grunt when I’m buried to the hilt inside her. “So tight. So warm. So greedy for my dick, aren’t you? Fuck, Suzy…”

“Garrett – I need more,” she gasps. Her teeth biting down on my neck makes me thrust inside her.

“Harder,” she begs. I pick up the pace, doing as she wants, the tight ropes on my control slipping away entirely. I grunt as I slam inside her, my mouth moving down her neck to find her left breast. When I clamp down on her nipple with my teeth, she lets out a small shriek, but her hips meet my every thrust. She is eager, accepting, inviting me to take as much as I want from her.

Murmuring unintelligible words to her as I feel the tingle in my spine intensify, I release one of her hands to wrap my own around her neck. Her pulse beats frantically, and I suckle harder on her nipple, at last giving myself up to the beast inside me. On a roar, I come inside her and still, but I know I have yet to see to her needs. I want her to come on my dick.

Lifting off her to sit back on my knees, I grab a tight hold on her hips, pulling her against me. Her hands have moved from the headboard, and the sight of seeing them on her breasts, overcome with the need to pleasure herself, is beyond anything I’ve ever seen.

“Have to make sure you come, waif,” I grunt, my breath heaving, and I look down to watch her pussy. Spitting on my fingers, I reach down to rub her clit, and she jumps in my hold.

“Oh, Garrett! Oh, fuck, shit, fuck,” she moans as I rub her harder. “Yes! I’m coming!” she yells at last. I lean down to kiss her one last time before pulling out of her. Her hand moves to my cheek, but trying to be subtle about it, I move away from her touch.

Like I said before – I don’t cuddle.

I place her gently on her side and lie down next to her on my back.

I’m utterly spent, drowsy, and sated for now.

I’m not a young fool, thinking that what we just did was an act of love. But, deep inside me, I know that it was more than fucking.

It scares me to death.

Her quiet laughter grabs my attention, and I turn my head to look at her blinding smile and shaking body.

“Oh…my…god!” she yells. I almost jump in surprise. “Holy shit, that was intense,” she exclaims as she sits up on her elbow, cheeky smile in place.

I narrow my eyes suspiciously at her.

“What are you up to?” I ask her, not trusting the calculating glint in her eyes.

A devious grin covers her lips, and my heart skips a beat.

Wait – I’m not supposed to have a heart.

“Oh, nothing.” I don’t trust the innocent tone of her voice. “Just wondering how long it will take you to recuperate so we can do that again.”

My suspicions evaporate, and I give her one of my rare chuckles.

“Just give me half an hour, and I’ll be good to go. But first…” I sit up and run a hand across my beard as I stare back at her.

“Yes?” That elated smile is still to be seen on her lips, and the churning in my gut relaxes slightly.

“First I need to get rid of this condom, and then we need to fuel up.”

The damn skip hits me again in full force as she blows me a kiss and lies back on the bed, stretching languidly.

“Sounds good,” she murmurs, closing her eyes.

I know she’ll be fast asleep in a minute so without saying more, I get up and walk to the bathroom. I shut the door behind me and remove the condom, flushing it down the toilet. As I wash my hands, I take a good, hard look at myself. The date tattooed on my chest above my heart mocks me like always, but I force the darkness from my thoughts like I do every day.

For now, I have a new plaything waiting for me – and I intend to lead her down a path that will only confirm what I have known from the beginning.

That submitting herself to me will bring her nothing but pleasure – and a bit of pain.

That there is a freedom in our agreement that she will not find anywhere else.

That she might submit to me, but that she is the one that holds all the power.

In the end, she will realise that there’s a side to herself she never even knew existed.

I feel privileged to be the one given the task to educate her.

Though, I wonder if my suspicions are correct – if she will end up teaching me a thing or two herself.



There’s something to be said about older men. Sexually, I mean, and only if most of them are like Garrett. I guess I can’t compare him to anyone else, as I’ve only been with boys so far. And girls, but being intimate with women is entirely different to men.

When Garrett fucked me, there was no fumbling around. He wasn’t nervous, and he didn’t try to sugar coat what we were doing. Commanding my body, feeding on my skin as if he had been without a willing woman for an eternity, was unbelievable. When he bit me – I can feel how sore my nipples and neck are – it was like he was a wolf claiming his mate. As if
was his mate. I revelled in the sensational feelings his ministrations evoked in me.

It was raw, pure sex, nothing more. The way he took control like that spoke to me on some kind of primal level unbeknownst to me, and yet I already yearn for more.

I’m insatiable – a wanton creature who has met her match.

Or just a lovesick fool who desperately hopes that
man…this closed-off, secretive, and confusing male will end up seeing me for who I am.

I woke up a little while ago, but in need of processing my bewildered thoughts, I haven’t let him know yet. I can hear him rummaging around in the kitchen, and the delicious scent of warm chocolate hits my nostrils.

One part of me wants to run to him and attack him with my mouth.

The other part knows that this type of behaviour will displease him.

So here I am, undecided, lying in wait for what he has planned next. I know, without at shadow of a doubt, that he isn’t done with me yet.

My bladder tells me that I have to get up, and so I start to stir, stretching languidly as I open my eyes. The apartment is almost completely dark, apart from the lights coming from the TV, where Rufus seems to be watching a talk show; as I sit up, I notice the soft glow from the overhead lights above the bar in the kitchen are lit, and that Garrett is wearing his jeans and shirt from earlier.

“How long have I been asleep?” I call out softly as I get up. I walk closer to the bathroom, not caring in the least that I’m only wearing a corset and fishnet stockings. There’s no reason to be embarrassed now. He’s already seen my most intimate parts, anyway. He’ll soon see the rest.

Garrett turns to me and I smile when his eyes grow darker as I walk closer to him.

Female power is thrilling.

“Only an hour,” he murmurs as I stop a few steps before him.

I nod. “Okay, then.” I sniff the air. “What are you cooking?”

“Hot chocolate. I have some tiramisu in the fridge; I thought we could make use of it later.”

My pulse speeds up as his eyes travel up my body, and I turn my back on him.

“Please help me get out of this thing. I need to go freshen up, and then I’ll be back.”

I turn my head to glance at him, and I instinctively lick my lips as he walks closer. His breathing is level, but loud, as he loosens the satin laces. I don’t really need his help, but I want to feel his skin on me again, even just for a short while. His hands rest on my owl tattoo on the back of my shoulder for a couple of seconds, but then they continue to untie the ribbons. When he’s done, he puts his hands on my arse. He leans down and breathes in my scent, and my breath hitches.

“When you come back, be naked,” he whispers. I shiver at the roughness of his voice.

I nod. “Yes, Sir.”

He massages my arse cheeks softly, and I moan in pleasure. I want to purr like a cat being petted.

I jump when his right hand suddenly smacks me lightly, and my breath speeds up.

“Hurry,” he says before releasing me, and he gives me a gentle push in my back.

I obey him again, because how can I not? His demands thrill me. I’m not new to some light bondage, of course, but I have a feeling that Garrett’s kind of lessons will be unlike any I’ve ever encountered before.

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t eager for my next one. I only hope he’ll let me touch that gorgeous cock of his with my mouth this time. I can’t wait.

Quickly, I walk to the bathroom and relieve my bladder. I remove my smudged makeup and take off the corset and my stockings. The shakiness in my body and the butterflies in my tummy tell me that I should stop and think about what I’m doing, but I refuse to think.

It’s time to let my body feel instead. To let my head rest. I came to New York to find out who the real Suzy is, and now I’m learning one more part of me. It may not be what I had in mind, but I have to admit that I’m beginning to understand myself more – that I’m slowly, but surely, coming to grips with the fact that giving up my control in one aspect of my life allows me the liberty to just
. The freedom it provides is fascinating to me.

BOOK: Fool for Love (Believe #2)
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