Focus (The Crescent Chronicles, #2) (33 page)

Read Focus (The Crescent Chronicles, #2) Online

Authors: Alyssa Rose Ivy

Tags: #new orleans, #paranormal romance, #college, #college romance, #new adult, #new adult romance

BOOK: Focus (The Crescent Chronicles, #2)
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You sound like a career
services pamphlet.” Even I could hear the bitterness in my

You aren’t really going to
quit, are you? We’re almost done with first year. It’s all easier
from here on out.” Her voice was soft, but there was some real
desperation in it. We were each other’s closest friends, and I knew
it scared her to watch me go.

In theory she was right, but after
watching my fiancé Adam stress over making law review, getting the
best evaluations from his summer associate positions, and finally
land the big firm job, I knew there was still a bumpy ride ahead. I
decided to keep the thoughts to myself. No reason to burden her. “I
have to do what’s right for me.” Saying the words made me feel bad.
I knew I played right into her weak spot. Becca had to be the most
supportive person I knew.

Okay then, at least finish
the semester and take your exams. Then you can take a leave of
absence and decide if you want to come back in a year.” It was just
like Becca to come up with the reasonable response.

I understood why she suggested it. I
was usually a very rational person, or at least I had been for the
past five years. But little by little, the reasonable, rational
adult mask I wore fell off, and the unbalanced, risk taking kid
showed her face.

I can’t. I’m done.” I
crossed my arms, both out of habit and to warm myself against the
air blasting down from the air conditioning vent.

You mean right now? Like
you are walking out that door and not coming back?”

Yes.” As sudden as the
decision was, it wasn’t one I questioned. I’d made up my mind when
I walked out of the classroom.

Becca hugged me, leaning down to pull
me close. Even without heels, she towered over my five foot three.
“I wish I could help you. I wish I knew how to make it better.” I
appreciated that she knew me well enough to know this wasn’t an
idle threat. I was leaving.

You’ve already done so
much.” It was true. Becca had been there for me when, only days
before Thanksgiving, I’d gotten the call that brought me to my
knees. She had already proven herself an amazing friend through all
of undergrad, but she’d taken it to new heights that

What are you going to do?
Where are you going to go?”

She knew without me telling her that I
was leaving Boston. Without school, there was officially nothing
left for me in the city.

I don’t know.” I hadn’t
thought that far ahead, but I went with the first idea that popped
into my head. “I’ll probably go home for a while.”

Home? You mean to North

Yeah… My mom’s not there,
so the house is just sitting empty. It could work.”

Are you sure an empty
house is a good idea for you…” she trailed off, likely noticing the
telltale signs that I was about to snap at her.

It’s not any worse than an
empty apartment. At least I don’t have memories of Adam there.” Of
course, lots of other memories waited for me, but they weren’t
quite as new or raw.

Okay. I know there is no
way I’m going to change your mind, so I’m going to go ahead and
give you my blessing.”

I cracked a smile. “Your

You know what I mean.
Maybe this will be what you need. Maybe you’ll finally heal.
Promise to stay in touch? You’ll call me?”

Of course I will. I’m not
leaving the country; it’s just a different state.” It was my turn
to hug her. I had trouble letting go.

She wiped away tears, smearing some of
her mascara. “I love ya, Molly.”

I love you

I made myself continue down the hallway
before I could take a look back at my friend and lose it
completely. I had a fleeting thought of trying to return my
casebooks to the bookstore for some cash—lord knew I needed the
money—but I didn’t have the strength. I threw my contracts book in
the trash, enjoying the thud it made when it hit the bottom of the
empty barrel. Putting the second strap of my backpack on my back, I
headed out the door for the very last time.



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