Read Fleur de Nuit: Bourbon Street Bondage, Book 1 Online

Authors: Cat Montmorency

Tags: #BDSM;New Orleans;Kink;F/F Romance;f/m/f

Fleur de Nuit: Bourbon Street Bondage, Book 1 (16 page)

BOOK: Fleur de Nuit: Bourbon Street Bondage, Book 1
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“Care to share?”

Moira looked at her a grin. “The atmosphere in this place is like crack. I feel hornier than a tomcat.”

Kara’s breath caught before she laughed loudly. “We can go ask Adrian for a room, if you like. There are any number of subs here who wouldn’t mind obliging.”

“Tempting. Either way, I need a drink.”

Chapter Sixteen

Adrian greeted them back upstairs with a grin and a cold bottle of water. “Enjoying yourself, mon ange?”

Moira downed half the bottle in one go as they sat again, she and Adrian in chairs, Kara at his feet. “Thank you. I was afraid you’d be handing me another bourbon, and I really needed some water.”

“Non. We have a two-drink limit. Drunk kink too easily becomes unsafe, and some things are better to be cautious about.”

Moira nodded. “Makes sense. You put a lot of thought into the rules.”

“Necessity, mon ange. We don’t have many rules, but the few we do are important.”


Her words were cut off by a roar from the gallery below. Adrian tapped Kara’s shoulder and pointed a finger to the banister. Kara went without a word. She leaned out over the wrought iron railing, and when she turned, her face was infused with delight.

“Kara, ma petite, do share.”

She laughed and skipped over to him to whisper in his ear.

“Bon. And did she bring them both?”

Kara nodded, her smile so wide that her face looked as if it would split. Moira’s breath hitched. She’d never seen Kara excited like this before.

Adrian grinned and turned to Moira. “Mon ange noir, I have an absolutely delightful surprise for you.”

The sound of footsteps behind Moira made her sit up and turn, but not before she heard the voice. Low and sultry, like a purr.

“Maître Adrian, il a été beaucoup trop long.”

Adrian stood, and Moira belatedly followed.

“Maîtresse Tamara.” Adrian grasped her hands and kissed her cheeks. “You are more lovely than ever. Votre beauté fait mon coeur chanter.”

Moira could only stare as they greeted each other. Tamara was as tall as Kara, maybe a little taller, with fair skin and light brown curls that rivaled her own. Even in this low light, she could make out the vibrant blue-green hazel of her eyes. Her pale skin and dark eye makeup made her eyes stand out in a way that made Moira slightly jealous.

She wore a dark green leather corset with open lacing in the front over a silver blouse so sheer it was see-through, and looked almost lighter than air. The corset tapered into a black cutaway skirt, just below knee-length in back, but high enough in front to show off every inch of stocking-clad legs. Light stockings, with a Cuban heel and stitching up the back in elaborate little Xs, and black platform stilettos.

But her voice. Low and smoky, it simply dripped sex with every word.

“Mon ange noir?”

Moira started, embarrassed to be caught staring.

Tamara’s eyes tracked down and back up her. “Mmm, Adrian. I like. Does she speak?”

Moira laughed and extended her hand. “My apologies, Mistress. Moira D’Arcangelis. It’s a pleasure.”

Tamara took her hand. “Don’t ever apologize for staring. I take it as a compliment. Tamara Petit dit Saint-Pierre. And the pleasure…” she looked Moira up and down again, “…is definitely mutual.”

Tamara turned back to Adrian, but her eyes stopped on Kara, who stood with her hands clasped in front, and her eyes down. “Kara Deschamps. My favorite uncollared sub.”

If Moira had thought Tamara’s voice dripped sex before, she’d been wrong.

Kara’s eyes fluttered but didn’t move from the floor. “Mistress Tamara.” Her voice was lower and huskier than Moira had ever heard it before.

Holy fuck. These two have a history.

“Wait.” Tamara turned back to Moira. “You’re
Moira? Kara’s best friend?”

Moira grinned. “The one and only.”

“Well,” Tamara purred. “Adrian, you fucking son of a bitch. How the hell did you do it?”

“Mais, it was all our Kara.”

Tamara stepped toward Kara. “I’m not surprised.” Her hand stroked the side of Kara’s face and then trailed lower, over her breastbone, until it came to a rest at Kara’s hip. “Such a clever girl.”

“Thank you, Mistress,” Kara whispered.

Moira swallowed and glanced at Adrian. The heat in his eyes told her she wasn’t the only one turned on by the obvious chemistry between Tamara and Kara. But then Tamara spun, capturing her attention again.

“Adrian!” She grinned, looking like a sex goddess version of the Cheshire Cat. “I have a proposal.”

“Mais, I’m listening.”

Tamara’s eyes flicked to Moira and back to Adrian. “The two of you share my collars, while I get reacquainted with Kara.”

Moira turned, realizing there were two subs that knelt where Tamara had entered. A man with longish dark brown hair, angled features and broad shoulders, wearing nothing but an X-shaped studded harness and a g-string, and a petite, curvy woman with strawberry-blonde hair in an old-fashioned looking ivory corset and stockings.

“Seth, darling? Josephine, kitten?”

“Yes, Mistress?” the two answered together, without moving from their submissive position.

Tamara smiled. “What do you say, Adrian? Our new Mistress Dark Angel? Playtime?”

Moira’s grin grew slowly to match Adrian’s.

Tamara walked back to her subs and pulled Seth up by his collar. She whispered something in his ear and sent him off at a run. She did the same with Josephine before turning back to Adrian. “I told them to have our things sent up to your dungeon, Adrian. I assume that’s all right with you?”

“Bien sûr, ma chère.” He sat again, the ice in his glass clinking as he picked it up.

Tamara took an empty seat and crooked her finger at Kara, who curled up at her feet, head in Tamara’s lap and a grin on her face.

Moira suddenly wished she were in Tamara’s place. Jealousy pooled in her center, doing nothing for the nervous edge she’d been trying to lose all evening. “If you don’t mind me prying, how long have you known Kara?”

Tamara stroked Kara’s hair and smiled. “Oh God, how long has it been? Six, seven years? I met her the year before you moved down.”

“Oh my God. You’re the one she wouldn’t shut up about? And it’s been eight years, in that case.”

Tamara stroked her hand down Kara’s back. “I didn’t know she’d even mentioned me.”

Moira laughed. “Oh yeah. That was part of what convinced me to move down here with her, I wanted to meet you. But I thought you were just her girlfriend. I had no idea you were a Domme.” She paused, wondering why those words stung to say, and shrugged it off. “But then you left right after I got here.”

“Ah. I had business that took me back up north. I had hoped Kara would come with me and finally let me collar her, but she’s too much of a free spirit, and you needed her.”

Moira watched the two women together. “I’m sorry I separated you.”

Tamara waved her off. “It wasn’t you. There was a lot going on, and our lives didn’t match up. But I do love when I have time to come for a visit.”

Seth returned then, kneeling in front of Tamara. “Everything is prepared, Mistress. Josephine is waiting at the room.”

Tamara turned to glance at Adrian, and then pulled Kara up by the hair as she stood. “Then by all means, let’s get to the fun.” She dragged Kara with her, glancing back at Moira. “If you’ll bring along Seth?”

Moira smiled and stepped to where Tamara’s sub still knelt on the floor. She placed the tip of her crop under his chin and bent down until his face was inches from her own. His gold-flecked brown eyes stared back at her with a mixture of anticipation and worry. She gave him a visible once over and stood again. “Coming?”

Tamara’s laugh echoed over the gallery, and Seth swallowed. “Yes, Mistress.”

Moira hooked a single finger in the D-ring of his collar as he stood, and pulled him along behind her as she followed the others.

Adrian’s dungeon was at the far end, past the stairs. Other club members whistled and called as they passed them by. Tamara and Adrian ignored them, so Moira did the same. Practiced indifference. It only egged the others on.

Tamara’s petite strawberry-blonde, Josephine, met them at a black wood door painted with a small silver fleur-de-lis and the number one. Josephine opened the door and stood back to let them in. “Mistress. Everything is prepared the way you requested.”

“Excellent. Go sit with Adrian, kitten. You’re his for the night.”

Josephine’s eyes flicked in Adrian’s direction, but never rose above his waist. “Thank you, Mistress.”

Moira sat and looked around the room. Seth lowered himself to his knees beside her chair. She released his collar and ran her hand through his messy dark hair. The room around them was as dimly lit as the rest of the house. Candles flickered, barely illuminating deep purple walls and a wood floor so time-darkened it was almost black. Adrian took the other seat in the corner across from her, his hand on the back of Josephine’s neck.

Tamara didn’t even look at them. Her attention was all on Kara as she threw her to the bed. “On your stomach.”

Moira watched as Kara crawled onto the bed and lay down on her stomach, hands above her head. Tamara ripped at the laces of Kara’s boots, yanking them off her almost hard enough to pull Kara with them. Tossing them to the floor, Tamara straddled Kara, sitting on her legs, and began to tear at Kara’s corset.

Moira’s hand fisted in Seth’s hair at the sight of Tamara’s violent tugging.

The corset joined Kara’s boots on the floor.

Tamara ran her hands down Kara’s back and back up again. Kara gasped as Tamara’s nails slid down her back the second time, and then again. Tamara quickly stood, ripping Kara’s panties off and adding them to the pile on the floor.

Moira forced herself to relax her hand before she pulled Seth’s hair out. She let her fingers slide down until they rested at his neck while Tamara tied Kara to the bed.

With a last tug and another small gasp from Kara, Tamara stepped back and grinned. Moira watched as she bent over, coming back up with something that even in the dim light steamed. A surge of heat shot through her as Tamara pulled the object taut between her hands with a distinctive metal clink.

“Do you remember how much fun we had with our chains, Kara?”

She didn’t wait for an answer, but let the metal length fall against Kara’s back.

Moira inhaled sharply, and Seth twitched under her hand. She forced herself to relax. Again.

Tamara dragged the chain down Kara’s back slowly, lifted it and let it drop again. “The trick is not to strike hard, but let the weight of the chain do the work. And gloves, so you don’t burn your hand. I like my chains very warm, don’t I, Kara?”

She dropped the chain across Kara’s back twice more before releasing it. Bending down again, Tamara brought up another set. She climbed on the bed, wrapping the new chain around her hands. Pulling it tight, she stretched them over Kara’s shoulders and drew the chain down in a straight line the length of her back and over her buttocks. At the tops of Kara’s thighs, she changed direction and ran the links back up to her shoulders.

Moira took a deep breath and licked her lips.

Tamara bore down harder with each pass, until Kara couldn’t keep silent. Her groans echoed through the room until Moira was practically squirming in her chair. She was impossibly turned on by the scene, but part of her wished she were the one taking hot chains to Kara’s back.

With one last pass, Tamara sat up and dropped the chain to the side of the bed, retrieving the first set again. She glanced back at Moira, who was biting her lip so hard she was sure there’d be blood soon. Tamara winked. “Two sets so I can keep them warm.” She straddled one of Kara’s legs and put the new set down on her back.

Kara gasped, whether from the heat or the weight, Moira didn’t know.

Tamara ran her hand gently over the curve of Kara’s ass and between her legs. “Mmm, so wet, my little pet.” Kara moaned as she stroked her and whimpered as Tamara pulled her hand away.

Moira bit her lip harder as Tamara bent over Kara. The flickering candlelight illuminated the slow progression of Tamara’s mouth up the side of Kara’s body. Every nip of her teeth, every kiss, every lick and every shudder, until Tamara reached her neck with a sigh. “I can’t wait to taste you again, pet.”

Moira tried hard not to sink her nails into Seth’s tense neck muscles. She failed when the chain clinked again, and Kara cried out. As Tamara drew link after slow link between Kara’s legs, Moira breathed deep and massaged Seth’s neck.

It didn’t help. Tamara’s amused coaxing combined with Kara’s cries of pleasure and pain had already made her absurdly wet. She needed a distraction before she came just from watching.

But then, wasn’t that the point?

Moira made up her mind. Sliding her fingers along Seth’s jaw, she tapped his chin. In the dim light, she could see him breathing heavily, his eyes as full of lust as she was sure her own were. Moira snapped quietly and pointed in front of her.

Seth crept between her legs in silence.

Moira grabbed his hair, bringing his mouth to her. She propped the heel of her shoe on his shoulder and smiled as his hands drifted over her thighs. He had strong hands and deft fingers. He pulled her panties to the side and slid his tongue against her even as Kara’s cries grew louder.

Tamara pulled the last bit of the chain out from under Kara with a laugh. Kara moaned, her chest heaving, while Tamara leaned over the bed. In one smooth motion, she retrieved a crop and brought it down on Kara’s ass with a crack so loud that it caught the breath in Moira’s throat.

Kara’s muffled scream, as she bit down on the bedding, was considerably quieter.

“How many years has it been, Kara? Answer.”

Moira smiled as the heat from Seth’s mouth covered her, his tongue rasping against her clit.

The crop dropped again. Kara whimpered. “Eight, Mistress.”

Another crack. “Count for me, then.”

Tamara slapped the crop across her back.

Kara gasped. “One.”

Across the thigh. “Two.”

Upper arm. “Three.”

Moira’s fingers tightened in Seth’s hair as his mouth stroked against her.

Buttocks. “Four.”

The top of one calf. “Five.”

Seth’s hands gripped her thighs with bruising strength. Moira bit her lip harder, relishing the pain.

Other arm. “Six.”

Other thigh. “Seven.”

Other calf. “Eight.”

BOOK: Fleur de Nuit: Bourbon Street Bondage, Book 1
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