Read Flawlessly Broken: (Broken Series Book 2) Online

Authors: Anna Paige

Tags: #Romance

Flawlessly Broken: (Broken Series Book 2) (27 page)

BOOK: Flawlessly Broken: (Broken Series Book 2)
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“I knew it,” Brant declared smugly from his chair.

Clay was disbelieving as he asked, “Where did you meet her? How long has this been going on? Why the fuck didn’t you tell us? Is she hot?”

Brant nodded happily. “Yeah, what he said.”

These assholes were having way too much fun.

I held up a hand, not that Clay could see but it shushed Brant anyway. “We started seeing each other after striking up a conversation after a meeting I was attending on your behalf, Clay.” It was the truth, just worded so his mind would instantly go to the string of meetings I’d been taking for the Ali project rather than his sending me to check on Talia—technically a meeting he’d arranged. “Aside from that, there’s nothing more to tell. It’s no big deal and I don’t recall anything in our partnership agreement that says I’m obligated to divulge the details of my social life.”

Brant harrumphed and took a handful of candy from the dish on my desk, clearly unhappy with the lack of information.

Clay, on the other hand, was downright giddy. “That’s awesome, bro. ‘Bout time you got back out there and gave the ladies hell. With me off the market and Brant too damn quiet to talk them out of their drawers, someone has to pick up the slack.” Brant looked indignant as Clay laughed loudly, making my ears ring. “But seriously, how hot is she? She has to be a fucking stunner to get your uptight ass out of retirement.”

I thought about Talia, the look on her face the first time I’d taken her, the quick pinch of her features indicating a flash of pain that had morphed into a look of desire the likes of which I’d never seen. “She’s absolutely magnificent.”

And mine, no matter what it took.




of Friday and part of Saturday—a notoriously bad day to try to reach contractors even if you
the best firm in the business—to get the crews enough work lined up to last until the next job would begin. Brant offered to hold down the fort in Richmond as much as he could, so I could focus on helping Clay.

I sat at the foot of my king size bed and slid my shoes on, my open duffel on the bed beside me. I wouldn’t just expect to stay with Talia for the next few weeks. That would be overstepping. I had no problem booking a room at the Hilton or whichever hotel was closest. Truth was, I would be fairly busy myself and might need the solitude to get my work done without the constant temptation to bend her over and fuck the living shit out of her.

Temptation, my ass. It was a need; a base, instinctual, primal need.

Yep, a hotel room would be a good idea.

Maybe I could convince her to join me there for a night or two and we could try out every square inch of the place. Hmm...

Shit, I hadn’t even finished packing my stuff to head back and I was already consumed with the need to be with her. I was going to get a speeding ticket for sure. I knew exactly how fast the Chevelle was capable of going and had twice caught myself mentally doing the math, math that would land me a reckless driving ticket at best, and a night in jail at worst.

Fuck, man, get yourself together.

I’d texted her earlier to check how her meeting with Derek went. She’d replied that he’d been on his best behavior and the cameraman swore he got some of the best shots of the entire series. She recounted in detail all the shots taken and the endless string of compliments from the cameraman on the restaurant’s décor. She’d seemed excited about the article for the first time since the whole thing started.

I was more relieved than anything.

Her ex would have no more reason to bother her now. It was over, done.

With any luck the smarmy fucker was already back on the road to his next destination, and out of Talia’s life for good, leaving her in my capable and talented hands.

But I doubted that would sink in until I saw her again, could look her over myself and see that she was okay, both physically and emotionally. I still remembered what I’d walked in on that first night. He was toxic to her and I needed to hold her in my arms and make sure that she’d come through it all unscathed.

While I’d been planning a surprise for Ali, I’d enlisted Ali to help me with a surprise for Talia. It had been tricky to get her to help without letting on that the two of us were together. I assumed she wasn’t privy to our relationship and she gave no indication that she knew. All I told her was that her friend had mentioned something the night I’d stayed over and it had given me an idea for a great surprise to lift her spirits. Ali had needed no further prompting or explanation, thank fuck.

I could practically see the look on her face. It would be unforgettable. It was going to kill me not to say anything and ruin the surprise. Only one week, I just had to make it a week... I could do that. I’d just have to keep my mind occupied with other things... carnal things...

Snatching my bag off the bed and grabbing my keys, I bolted out the door.

I needed to see her, and the distance between here and there was feeling insufferably long.



in D.C., I knew Talia would still be at the restaurant. Rather than bother her there, I set about gathering some things to make the evening special. I’d never been one for wine and roses but I knew that Talia liked those sorts of things and I’d paid enough attention these last couple of weeks to be able to gather her favorites with relative certainty.

She loved Italian wines, one label in particular that was only available in one or two shops in the city, so I procured a bottle and then made a stop at a florist that thankfully stayed open late.

One last errand and I was ready for the evening. I checked the time on my phone and was excited to realize it was around the time that she would be heading home.

I felt like a damn teenager, preparing for his first date.

Why was I so worked up to see a woman I’d already had the pleasure of fucking in every corner of her apartment and in every position imaginable? It made no sense to be nervous, but I was.

I parked in front of her building, took my packages from the car, and headed through the lobby with an absent nod to Stony, who grunted in response. I still had my key—at Talia’s insistence—so I planned to use it to make my grand entrance. Just my luck she’d be in the fucking shower again and would end up with brain damage after taking another header into the tub.

Okay, so maybe I should enter with no fanfare. Probably safer.

The elevator deposited me on the seventh floor and I was already grinning like a loon. I could actually smell her perfume before I even opened the door, and it made my dick twitch.

I balanced the wine, flowers, and small gift bag in one hand, and entered the quiet apartment with a minimum of noise, only the soft crinkling sound of the gift bag announced my arrival.

I was poised to call out my customary ‘Honey, I’m home’ when Talia’s voice sounded softly from down the hall. She was obviously on the phone, so I walked over to the kitchen to set down the flowers and wine. Her voice was clearer now that I was closer, and I stiffened at her words.

“Of course not. I didn’t tell Spencer anything. It’s none of his business. This is between you and me, always has been and always will be.” There was a pause and the sound of a drawer opening and closing. “No, he’s not here. We can talk freely.”

A feeling of dread started to crawl through my gut, working its way around and around until I felt like I would suffocate.

She laughed softly. “I love the pictures, too. I can’t stop looking at them. They really captured the action.”

Thoughts of her bent over the bar stool while I photographed her flooded my mind. This couldn’t be happening again. Not again, goddammit. I’d started to look for a corkscrew to open the wine and thought better of it, the more I heard of her conversation. Who the fuck was she talking to? Was it Derek? What kind of photos did they take? Or did she let him take some more intimate ones after everyone else was gone?

I plunked the wine bottle down on the counter, not caring that Talia’s conversation came to a sudden halt and called out, “Surprise, sweetheart. I’m back!”

I stepped over to the end of the hallway and crossed my arms over my chest, instantly rewarded with Talia’s gorgeous face peeking out of her bedroom. She looked startled but recovered quickly, giving me a warm smile in greeting and holding up a finger. “Hang on, Spencer, I’m putting away clothes.” She turned her attention back to the phone in her hand and disappeared back into her room as she spoke. “I’ll have to call you back. I have company.”

Did she use my name when she talked to me as a warning to whomever was on the line?

Her voice faded out and it sounded like she stepped into her closet, speaking so low I couldn’t hear the end of the conversation. Was she hiding so she could say her goodbyes without me hearing?

My fists were balled under my arms when she stepped out a minute later, beaming up at me. There was something in her eyes, though, that I didn’t like. Something she was hiding.

She strode straight up to me and raised up on her tiptoes to give me a scorching kiss. I responded with marginal reciprocation, but my mind was a million miles away. She pulled back and cupped my cheek with one hand. “I’m so glad to see you. I wasn’t sure when you’d be able to get back, and I definitely didn’t think it would be this soon.” She seemed pleased, almost.

I couldn’t keep the edge out of my voice as I asked, “Should I have called first? Double checked that you weren’t...
” That last word was something akin to a sneer. I was so angry, I was shaking. I snapped my fingers as if remembering a key detail. “Oh, that’s right, you were already on the phone.” I glared.

She furrowed her brow and stepped back out of my personal space. “Why do you seem so pissy? Bad day at the office? You still having trouble getting things in order after what happened?”

“I’m not interested in talking about what happened at work. Let’s talk about what’s happening right here, right now, shall we?”

Her expression said she was confused but there was a hesitation that told me she suspected that I knew something. “Um, okay. What exactly are we supposed to talk about?” She glanced over at the kitchen counter and her eyes softened. “Wine and flowers? Was this a special occasion and I forgot? If so, I’m sorry.” She smiled sweetly and headed around me to the kitchen, before rifling through the drawers and plucking out a corkscrew.

I stood at the end of the counter, by the entrance to the kitchen, and glared. “No, no occasion. I was just excited to see you, was looking forward to spending a few days—maybe even a couple of weeks—in the area because that meant I would be close to you.”

She beamed up at me and bounced on her toes. “Really? That’s so great, Spencer. I was worried I wouldn’t see you for weeks.” There was something forced in her reaction, just a bit off center.

“I bet.” I smirked, watching her open the wine with expert precision. “So, tell me again how it went with Derek and the photographer.”

She shrugged. “Fine. He was professional, the pictures turned out great. They probably left for the next assignment this morning.”

I huffed angrily. “And where was he last night? Here?”

She froze, nearly dropping the wine glasses she’d been pulling from the cupboard. “What?”

“Who were you talking to on the phone just now? Was it him?” I unfolded my arms, needing to move but not knowing what to do so I stood there flexing my jaw and rubbing a hand over my hair.

She took a moment to set the glasses down on the counter and turned to me, her every move slow and deliberate. “Come again?” Her voice was low and even, somewhere between hurt and angry. I knew that tone. Ivey had used the same one when I’d confronted her with her lies.

“Are you going to tell me you weren’t on the phone with another man just now? How could I not assume it was Derek?” It hit me like a blow to the gut. “Fuck, was all this with you and I just your way of making him jealous? Was it all a lie?” I felt like I might be sick.

I’d known for a while that I was in love with her. I’d been planning to tell her tonight. The bile rose in my throat as I watched her, her honey-brown eyes darting around the room as if looking for a way out. She hadn’t said anything to either confirm or deny it. Wouldn’t an innocent person be livid right now instead of looking for all the world like a motherfucking deer in the headlights?

BOOK: Flawlessly Broken: (Broken Series Book 2)
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