Flawless//Broken (21 page)

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Authors: Sara Wolf

BOOK: Flawless//Broken
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It takes me a second to realize she’s leading me to Darius. The flipping in my stomach intensifies, to the point I feel like running away. The sight of his jaw and lips reminds me exactly where they’ve been on my skin, and those places light up like wildfires. Darius keeps his eyes shut, and only opens them when Zhen clears her throat. He freezes when he sees me, flicking his eyes up and down only briefly before turning to Zhen.

“Why are you here?”

“It’s awful rude not to compliment a lady on her appearance when she spends four hours dressing up,” Zhen teases. Darius remains stony-faced, but it doesn’t discourage Zhen in the slightest. “I know you’ve seen me dressed up for showings for years now, but at least say something nice to Mia.”

“He doesn’t -” I instantly blurt. “There’s no need for that? I’m fine, really. I won’t die if everyone in the world doesn’t compliment me tonight. Seriously. In fact, I’d rather have the opposite. As little attention as possible, thanks.”

“That will be impossible,” Darius says without looking at me. “You’re the strongest Azoth in this room. Everyone can feel it, even if they aren’t homunculi.”

I glance over my shoulder, and just now do I notice how many pairs of eyes are on me. I was too dazzled by the mansion beforehand, but now I can keenly feel dozens of stares riveted on me, my dress, my scar. My nervousness transforms into moths beating against my stomach lining.

Darius’s amber eyes catch on my neck, and his gaze is so intense I can almost feel it - like a tongue of fire scraping against my skin. It stops at my necklace, his expression carefully guarded. But I swear I see a hint of pride - and relief - when he sees it.

“My darling girl,” A British-accented voice suddenly comes from behind us, and a woman laces her arm in mine. She’s older - past fifty - her soft face creased with equal parts smile lines and crow’s feet. Her blue eyes are dark, like indigo dye in water. Her dress is a sensible olive green button-down, standing out among the designer dresses. She adjusts her glasses, looks sternly over at Darius, and then pulls me away with surprising strength.

“You mustn’t spend all your time with one person, Mia. Not when so many people are eager to meet you.”

“H-How do you know -”

“Word moves quickly, dear,” She briskly keeps us walking, even though her pudgy form doesn’t seem capable of such speed. “In small circles such as this. We’ve known your name is Mia Redfield for some time now. I’m very sorry it’s taken this long for us to welcome you into the fold. We must ensure everyone who comes into the circle is both skilled and of good morals, and I can see you are both.”

“I’m not -
,” I protest. “I was just born with Azoth, that’s all. I’m not like Darius - not good at anything, really.”

“No, of course not,” The woman agrees with a steely voice. “You are nothing like Darius.”

For some reason her words sting. “What would you know about me?” I snap.

“I know much. Our sources are reliable. But it is rude of me to go on about you when you know nothing about me. I am Rose Harrington, third member of the Sage Council, and CEO of Silveria Enterprises.”

Just as I’m about to rip out of her grasp, she brings me in front of a circle of men in suits.

“Gentlemen, allow me to introduce our newest Azoth - Mia Redfield. She’s twenty-years-old, born in the heart of the American Midwest, and with a great degree of Azoth. I’m sure you’ll be looking forward to her demonstration later tonight.” Rose looks to me. “Mia, this is Butoan N’takk, the Minister of Commerce of Sudan. On his left is Kyoshi Miyamoto, son of the Prime Minister of Japan. To his left is Vladimir Leonov, Head of Foreign Trade Affairs in Russia -”

The names and titles start to blur, but all of them are important. All the men look at me the same way - appraisingly, like they’re being shown a horse or a car they potentially want to buy. Not a single one offers their hand for a handshake, nor tries to speak to me. They all direct their questions to Rose, like she’s my handler or something. I crane my neck to find Zhen in the crowd, but I can’t see her - she isn’t by Darius anymore. Darius only stares at me, at the men looking at me. His face is ice - passive and cold. Even so, I want to be standing by him, talking with him, not these strangers. The faint sound of music starting up in the next room is much nicer than Rose’s irritating voice.

People filter to the ballroom at the same time Rose realizes the dance is beginning. She makes small talk and then looks to me, finally releasing her grasp.

“Dear, I’m sure you like dancing, don’t you? Antonio here also loves to dance, and I believe you two have much to talk about - you’re similar ages.”

“I don’t want to -”

The same Antonio from earlier comes up, smiling broadly. He extends his arm to me, and Rose looks on expectantly. When I don’t move, she leans in and whispers.

“Come now, darling. I’m trying to help you out, here. The other alchemists interested in buying you are far older than he is. You’d get along much better.”

What does she know?

“Just one dance,” Antonio grins. “And then I’ll leave you alone for the rest of the night. I promise.”

I take a deep breath and sigh, putting my hand on his. “Alright. Let’s get it over with.”

Antonio doesn’t lose his smile as he leads me to the marble ballroom. Men and women pair off on the dance floor, facing each other and waiting for the music to signal the beginning of the dance. In my head, I nervously go over the steps Lake taught me, and pray this dance is the same one. I see Lake in the crowd, and he gives me a thumbs up.

The music is gorgeous, and I manage to keep in step with Antonio. His hand on the small of my back makes me even more nervous, and throughout the dance I try not to look into his eyes.

“You’re quite standoffish, aren’t you?” He smirks. “I like that in a woman. Friendly women aren’t a challenge at all, and they’re…what is the expression? A ‘
dime a dozen

“I don’t really care,” I shrug. As we spin, Antonio’s grip tightens and he crushes me against him, the breath pressing from my lungs. I can barely breathe.

“I will make you care,” Antonio sneers. “Someone with as much power inside you as you…you must care. You
care about me, you
be mine.”

“Let go of me,” I gasp.

“You don’t order me around,” He snaps. “I will give the orders, from now on.”

A strong hand latches onto Antonio’s and pulls him off me.

“Oy, don’t crush the merchandise,” Lake says lightly, putting his body between Antonio and I protectively. “You’re not the only one who’s interested in buying, yeah?”

“A Reaper, pushing an alchemist around?” Antonio sneers. “I could have a word with your superiors and get you expelled.”

“Well, see, here’s the problem with that; A. My superiors love me, everybody loves me, which is something you’d know nothing about, and B. I did you a favor just now, buddy. Another second of your shenanigans and our resident homunculus would’ve been very unhappy with your general body parts.”

Lake jerks his head to the wall where Darius is standing, his fists clenched white and his face frigid with a shadowy rage. Antonio goes pale, looking between me and Darius with a sudden terrified expression. He walks off the ballroom floor quickly, Lake winking at me as we walk off the floor towards the drink table.

“I owe you,” I say. “That guy’s a total sleaze-bag. Rose just pawned me off on him.”

“I figured that was the case,” Lake passes me a cup of punch. “Here.”

“Thanks. I’m gonna go get some fresh air.”

I move to one of the many balconies, except this one is half-hidden by ivy and a marble statue of an angel. Her wings shield me from the majority of the ballroom’s eyes. I sip punch and cool my harassed throat - these alchemists are so pushy. I feel small, insignificant. I feel like an object instead of a person.

“Are you feeling alright?”

I know the voice instantly - Darius. I don’t turn around, watching the night sky light up slowly with diamond stars.

“I feel like a kid again, a kid who has no control of her life, relying on idiot grownups who just argue,” I say.

He walks up beside me, careful space kept between his shoulder and mine. He stares at the dark ocean lapping at the moonlit sands.

“Helplessness is the worst feeling,” He agrees. “But at least you have your necklace.”

“I wish you made it so that no alchemist could touch me, instead,” I pout. Darius surprises me by chuckling darkly.

“Only the young ones are like Antonio - drunk with power and emotionally crippled by inexperience. But he is far from harmless. I am glad Lake helped you.”

“I saw your face,” I say, downing my punch. “You looked like you wanted to help, too.”

“I did,” He nods. “But I cannot.”


“If I threaten too many alchemists, if I
a threat, the Sage Council would ban together and perform an alchemy to confine me,” Darius traces a circle on the balcony’s railing. “I would normally not care - I’ve been confined in many awful places, and I deserve to be confined in many more. But alchemy has a special place for the worst of their criminals.”

“Right - the Darklands. You mentioned them the first time we met.”

Darius’s face softens. “I’m surprised you remember.”

“I remember everything about those two days,” I set my chin. I realize how that must sound - like I enjoyed our time together - and I suddenly can’t meet his eyes.

“Regardless,” Darius says after a long silence. “Antonio is dangerous. I was concerned.”

“For my Azoth’s safety,” I finish dully.

“No. For your safety,” He insists. “Mia’s safety.”

An electric shock stabs straight into my heart. It dissolves as warm tingles throughout my arms, into my fingers and toes.

“Whoever you go to, you must feel safe with them,” Darius continues. “Whoever your alchemist is, you must be able to be happy with them.”

“Why?” I murmur. “You said I wasn’t good for anything except my Azoth back at the University. But now? Why the change? Why would you care whether or not I feel safe, or happy?”

Darius looks over at me, his eyes suddenly gentler than I’ve ever seen them. It’s alarming, unnatural, like watching snow burn or rocks float, and just as awe-inspiring. My chest feels tight, and the space between my thighs burn. He doesn’t say anything, the music and voices from the party dimming into background noise. All that’s left is the ocean’s murmur, and Darius’s soft golden eyes drinking in my face, and me melting beneath his gaze.

“Mia! There you are -”

Antonio comes from behind and grabs my hand, Darius hidden from his view by the statue. Darius is faster than he is, reaching out and twisting Antonio’s arm behind his back. Antonio struggles and swears, but Darius holds him tight and speaks slowly, darkly.

“You will not bother Mia any longer.”

“I-I have the right to bid on her as much as any alchemist, munkie,” Antonio snaps, though fear makes his voice shake wildly and his eyes wide. Darius leans him over the balcony, forcing his head to look at the hundred-foot drop to the rocks below.

“Are you threatening me?” Antonio spits. “Good! D-Do it! I’ll tell the Sage Council and they’ll destroy you like the rabid dog you are!”

Darius laughs, the sound sending chills down my spine. “No, child. They decided long ago to let me live. That is my punishment for a crime you couldn’t possibly comprehend.”

Antonio shoots a furious glance at me. Darius laughs again.

“You, on the other hand, are a lackluster alchemist from a family whose power is waning. And most of all, you’re getting greedy. She is not yours. She is not an Azoth you can manipulate into bedding and abusing. She is
Azoth. She is our hope. And the Council knows that. Imagine what they’d do if they saw you trying to hoard her for yourself.”

Antonio freezes. Darius holds him upright, towards me.

“Anything you’d like to add, Mia?” Darius asks lightly. I swear his eyes are dancing.

“Yeah,” I snarl at Antonio. “ If you talk to me again, I’ll kick your nuts into your asshole.”

Darius releases him. The second he’s free, Antonio scrabbles into the ballroom, disappearing from sight. Darius turns to me, smiling faintly.

“I had no idea you could be so…
with your threats.”

“You haven’t seen anything, yet,” I smirk. My heart swells strangely - excitement and pride and gratitude. Darius is suddenly so much closer than I remember. The heat of his chest radiates into mine.

“Do you…” I gulp. “Do you want to dance?”

“I would -” Darius closes his mouth, as though he didn’t mean to say something so fast. “No. No, we cannot. There are others that need your attention.”

“Like Antonio?”

Darius exhales. “You know what I mean. You are more rare and precious than diamonds, here. You should spend your valuable time with other alchemists in order to figure out which of them is suitable for you.”

Maybe it’s the beauty of the night intoxicating me, or maybe it’s the fact I won’t see him after this, but I lean my head on his chest.

“If you wont dance with me, then at least let me stay here. Like this.”

“Mia -”

“Just for a second,” I laugh, burying my face in his suit, the divine smell of ash and cinnamon getting me drunk better than any cocktail. “Just let me have a second, please.”

He stands completely still, and I nearly laugh again at how stupid I am - how stupid I could be to think he’d ever want to dance with me. Me; the scarred girl. Me; the girl who’s evil.

“Thank you,” I say, my hand moving to find his large, warm one. Our fingers meet. “Thank you for everything.”

“I did nothing,” Darius says, his voice low and strained.

“You made the necklace for me. And it’s helped me feel safer.”

“Good. That’s all I want - for you to feel safe.”

“Is that…” I lace my fingers in his. “Is that
you want?”

His body goes still. I backtrack.

“S-Sorry. Nevermind. I feel stupid for - I feel stupid for even saying that. It just would’ve been nice, you know? It would’ve been nice to - to be with you.”

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