First Lady (33 page)

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Authors: Blayne Cooper,T Novan

Tags: #Lesbian, #Romance

BOOK: First Lady
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Lauren was hanging onto Dev’s hips, thinking her tongue might fall off soon, when Devlyn sat up, desperately grabbed her face, okay… her ears, and said, “ALLLLLLMOST, baby. Right here!” Abruptly, she pulled Lauren’s face forward and the younger woman’s teeth collided with a very, very sensitive spot.

“UGH!” Dev hissed, her face turning beet-red. Then she let out a protracted wail that shook the rafters and sounded very much like a cross between Tarzan and a cat whose tail had just been caught under a rocking chair. Her legs slammed shut with stunning force, boxing Lauren's ears and causing her to howl.

“AHH!” Lauren rolled over and grabbed her ears… and took a nosedive off the side of the bed. She landed with a loud thump.

When Devlyn could think again, she looked up, trying to find Lauren. She couldn’t see her, but she could hear pitiful whimpering and the occasional curse word coming from somewhere in the darkness.

Finally, Lauren weakly crawled up onto the bed and laid her head carefully on Devlyn’s stomach, wrapping her arms around her waist and kissing the soft skin beneath her lips.

Devlyn slowly stroked Lauren’s hair.



“Is this supposed to be as dangerous as running with scissors?”

They both dissolved into laughter.

“I never thought so until now,” Devlyn admitted with a smile. “I guess that ‘for better or worse’ stuff starts early with some couples, huh?” She could still feel Lauren’s chuckles warming the skin of her belly.
“C’mere.” She scooted over a little so that Lauren could share her pillow. Twin sighs escaped them as blonde and ebony hair mixed against the pale blue pillowcase.

“Can we just go to sleep?” Devlyn asked. “Please, oh please? There’s always tomorrow.”

“For the love of God, yes!” Grunting happily, she kissed Devlyn’s cheek, then nuzzled her neck, drawing in a satisfying breath of Dev-scented air.

Dev shot up a silent prayer. “How are your ears?”

Her voice was filled with concern, and Lauren snuggled closer eager to reassure her. She was sure the ringing in her ears would stop. Someday. “I’ll live, sweetheart. More importantly, how is your—”

“I’ll live too,” Dev said quickly. She sniggered at herself. “But just barely.”

“Darlin’” Lauren whispered after a few silent minutes. “That was still better than my wedding night with Judd.”


Two sets of giggles filled the cabin along with the morning sun.




The cameras couldn’t be avoided as they made their way across the tarmac to Air Force One. Dev gave Lauren a questioning glance as they got out of the car, and she nodded, smiling bravely as she followed Dev towards the crowd of reporters. After only three and a half hours of sleep, their eyes were bloodshot and their backs stiff, but they consoled each other with promises of long naps on the plane and many hours of doing nothing more than being together on their honeymoon.

Once they were in range of the press corps, the questions started flying like bolts of lightning from the storm the day before.

“Where are you going on your honeymoon, Madam President?”

“I have no earthly idea.” Dev grinned, tightening her hold on Lauren’s hand. “Our honeymoon is classified and only the First Lady, whoever her co-conspirators were, and the pilot know where we’re going.”

“And I’m not telling,” Lauren said enigmatically, deciding to give up the fight for now and make the best possible impression she could. She held her breath for a few seconds until the reporters began to laugh at her comment.

“Where are your children?” a reporter asked, his nose in his notepad.

Devlyn answered, “The children are safe and sound and enjoying a vacation of their own with Chiefs of Staff David and Beth McMillian.”

“So you’re going into hiding for a romantic getaway and escaping the kids?” a woman near the back of the pack asked.

Lauren’s back stiffened. She didn’t like the way the question was phrased; who took their children on their honeymoon? But she knew what the reporter was getting at. “I’m quite certain that where the children are going we won’t be missed. And the President and I are very much looking forward to some downtime alone. I think we’re due, don’t you?” she couldn’t help but add, feeling Dev squeeze her hand.
“They’ll be joining us later in the week.”

“Will you be working on the President’s biography, Mrs. Marlowe?”

“It’s still Ms. Strayer.” Which I know you know because Devlyn was forced to issue a press release about that very subject last week. “And, no, I won’t be working on the book.” Her patience was thinning faster than she’d imagined. “I hope I’m going to spend most of my time totally nak—”

“Well!” Devlyn jumped in. She smiled broadly. “It’s certainly a warm morning here in
, isn’t it?
Any other questions?”

Just then, Liza, who had arrived in another car, caught Devlyn’s attention by pointing at her watch.

“That’s all for now, ladies and gentlemen. But somehow I’m certain we’ll run into each other again soon.” There were more chuckles as the Agent-In-Charge escorted Devlyn and Lauren to the gangway. The President returned the brisk salutes of the servicemen flanking the gangway as she and Lauren separated from all but a bare bones staff and quickly disappeared inside the plane.

Once inside, Lauren sighed and leaned against the wall and closed her eyes. “I’ll never get used to that.”

“You will,” Dev assured her, nodding her greeting at several crew members.

On his way to the galley, a scurrying steward offered both women a beverage, which they politely declined.

“Remember, Lauren,” Dev fondly brushed a piece of windblown hair from Lauren’s face. “I won’t be President forever.”

Lauren sighed. “Thank God.” The sudden silence in the room caused her to open her eyes. “I’m sorry, honey.” She stepped closer to Devlyn, her eyes conveying her regret. “I didn’t mean that the way it sounded.” She was very aware of the disapproving stares she was receiving from several junior staffers, and she felt the tips of her ears heat.

To Lauren’s relief, Dev smiled. “I know how you meant it.” Then she lowered her voice for Lauren’s ears only. “I think the same thing about half the time.”

“Madam President?” A young Air Force officer approached her hesitantly. “We have a secure call for you. It’s urgent, ma’am.”

Dev sighed. She closed her eyes and nodded slowly. We’re not even in the air yet! “I’ll take it in my office. Will you escort the First Lady to our quarters please?”

Dutifully, he nodded. “Of course, ma’am.”

Devlyn leaned forward and gently kissed Lauren on the lips, ignoring the blush the serviceman was now sporting. “I’ll be as quick as I can. I promise.”

“I know you will.” Lauren rested her palm on Dev’s cheek and gave her a loving, if tired, smile. “Such is the life of a wife of a superhero. Go save the world, Devlyn. I’ll see you in a few.” She watched as two aides instantly appeared at the President’s side and her partner’s demeanor shifted into that of the no-nonsense Commander-in-Chief. One of the aides pressed two thick folders into Dev’s hands and the other opened her office door and ushered her inside. A worried expression overtook Lauren’s face.

“Ma’am? Excuse me, ma’am?”

She looked up to find the serviceman still waiting for her. “Sorry,” she muttered absently, her finger moving to her glasses.

He motioned toward the door that led to the private living areas on the plane.

“No, thank you.” She paused and read the man’s nametag and took note of his rank, something she’d learned to recognize in recent months “No, thank you, Lieutenant Felznick. I think I’ll go to my office instead.” Lauren laid her hand on his forearm. “You don’t need to bother showing me, I know the way. Thank you.” She smiled warmly.

“Of course.” He smiled, pleased she’d addressed him by name. He couldn’t wait to send a letter back home to
and tell his mother. He politely excused himself, feeling 10 feet tall.

When Lauren opened the door to her office, she found a large stack of mail on her desk and a note from Beth that said:


I know how boring these those long flights can be while Dev is busy
working . In the future, I’ll assign one of your new admins to sort through this kind of thing. For now, however, I thought it might be fun for you to get a taste of what type of mail you can expect. Aren’t we “Miss Popular’?! You’d think you were… oh, I dunno, THE FIRST LADY!

Congrats, my friend. I can’t tell you how I happy I am for you and Devil. The difference you’ve made in her life…well…I think you already know about that.

Okay, back to business. If by some miracle, Dev is actually
busy and you have no time to look at these, don’t worry. That’s why you have a staff.

I know how important it is to you that you be able to continue working on the biography, Lauren.
Being First Lady doesn’t mean you have to trash your own career or put it on hold.
Well, it has in the past, but while this administration is making history, we might as well change that, too.

Have a safe and wonderful honeymoon!


Taking a seat, Lauren pulled the chair closer to the desk and adjusted her glasses. The first 10 letters were all invitations for her and Devlyn or her alone to attend charitable functions. Then came one asking for a private interview from a New York Times reporter who was interested in her personal opinion of the DNA Registration Act. “Yeah, right.” Lauren snorted, recognizing a can of worms when she saw one.
That piece of legislation was a significant place where their political views diverged. “Like I’m that stupid.”

The next three letters contained invitations to a birthday party for the Chief Justice of the Ohio Supreme Court, an anniversary party for the Emancipation Party leader, and a Labor Day fundraiser for the League of Women Voters (LWV) that was to be held in the Nation’s Capital. “Oh, boy.” Her eyes widened. How can I decide between these? Neither one of us has time for any of them!” she moaned, but after a few more moments of thought, she put in a large manila folder marked “Declined” every envelope but the LWV invitation, which went into another folder marked TBD (To be Determined).

“No complaining, Lauri,” she told herself as she grabbed the next stack of letters. “Soon you’ll be feeling the warm sun on your face. She paused a moment to let out a wistful sigh for what she knew was coming. “And whatever Devlyn’s dealing with is a lot worse than this.” With that, she sent good thoughts to the office next door and got back to work.




Dev sat behind her desk, rubbing the bridge of her nose, trying to quell the headache that was creeping up on her. They’d been in the air for close to two hours. Her aides had been dismissed so that this phone call could take place in private.

“Madam President?” Secretary of Defense Brendwell
inquired somewhat curtly. “Your orders, ma’am?”

Devlyn asked, “Can I assume that the appropriate organizations have been notified, including Vice President Vincent?”

“Absolutely, Madam President. We sent a complete intelligence report to everyone, as you were being contacted. Vice President Vincent is awaiting your decision.”

“Okay.” Devlyn nodded, satisfied, for now. “I want to continue to monitor the situation. If those missiles move an inch I want to know about it.” She sucked in a quick breath, remembering where she was. “Scratch that. I am to be kept abreast only of any significant changes in the current situation. Geoff is there for a reason.”

There was a long silence on the other end of the line before,
“I’m not sure what you mean, ma’am.”

“The hell you don’t, John,” Dev shot back, irritated.
“You can advise him all you want, but Vice President Vincent will determine what is and what is not significant. And if he decides that it’s necessary, only then am I to be notified.” It was killing her to let go of the reins, but she'd trusted Geoff enough to make him her running mate. At some point she had to have the man do more than go to State funerals and finagle votes out of Congress. It was time to put her money where her mouth was. She couldn’t help but add, “However, I want a full written report summarizing the day’s events ready if and when I have time to review it. Understood?”

“Yes, ma’am,” came the grudging answer.

“Our presence hasn’t been detected, correct?”

“Correct, ma’am. We have a contingent of operatives in the area to supplement our satellite surveillance. At last report, they were undetected.”

“Those operatives are a top priority, Secretary Brendwell.”

“Understood, Madam President. We have an evacuation plan in place, if the need arises.”

“Anything else?”

“No, ma’am.”

There was another uncomfortable pause before he said, “Enjoy your honeymoon, Madam President.”

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