First Lady (23 page)

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Authors: Blayne Cooper,T Novan

Tags: #Lesbian, #Romance

BOOK: First Lady
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They shared childish smiles. “I’ll bet so, too,” David agreed.

Dev clasped David’s shoulder and left the breaking of the news about their dining selection to her friend. Her mind drifted to Lauren’s party for a moment when she glanced around the room and noticed that, while most of her friends were here, the number of male agents in attendance could be counted on a bird’s foot. This is what happens when there’s a clothes-optional pool party.




The atmosphere was relaxed and friendly and everyone was laughing as Dev regaled the group about how she had accidentally caught sight of a very naked David once during their years as college roommates.

From across the room, David gave a loud whistle to get everyone’s attention. “The fight is ready to start.”

“Sure it is!” someone called out.

“Very funny.” He pointed to the large image that had materialized in the front of the room. “It is.”

Dev happily marched up to the front of the theater and took her customary seat, placing her drink on a small table next to the chair. She chuckled when she saw that Attorney General Evelyn Sanchez had taken the seat right next to her. She liked Evelyn, and Dev was proud of the unexpectedly solid friendship and the level of trust that had grown between them since she’d appointed her.

“Why, Evelyn, I didn’t know you were a fight fan.”

“I’m not really. But I couldn’t very well turn down an invitation to your party, now could I?” She gave Devlyn a wry grin and stole one of the M&Ms out of the large bowl on Devlyn’s tray. “Besides, it’ll be fun to see people other than my staff beating each other up.”

Dev chuckled at the mention of last week’s incident, where two deputy chiefs had gotten so frustrated with each other they had a fight inside one of the men’s bathrooms in the Department of Justice.

“That wasn’t one of my stellar moments, Madam President.”

Even in the darkened room, Dev could see the flush covering Evelyn’s olive-toned skin. She leaned over and whispered, “I’ve had my share of those moments, too.”

The image of the two boxers and a referee took center stage, making it look as if the boxers were actually in the room. The announcer finished his spiel and a loud clang filled the theater, which was taut with anticipation. Dev turned and retrieved her beer.

“Holy Christ!” Evelyn exclaimed as she rose to her feet. “What a punch!”

Dev’s head whipped around, and her eyes bugged out when she saw one of the boxers lying on the mat. The crowd was roaring, and the referee began to count to 10. “Oh, my God,” Devlyn said slowly.

The bell rang.

She shot out of her seat and turned to David. “What the hell happened?” she cried in disbelief.

“It’s over,” he mumbled unhappily. “Didn’t you see?”

Dev’s hands flailed wildly. “It took two seconds!”

“It’s not my fault that—”

“Whoa!” Frank Marlowe shook his head in appreciation of the perfect punch. “They just showed it again.”

Dev spun back around, but the image was right where it was the last time she looked. With one boxer on the mat, unconscious, and the referee counting him out. “I missed it again!” She covered her face with her hands. “Nononononononono.”

“There it was again,” David said. “Wow. What an amazing hit!”

Dev’s hands flew from her face, but it was too late. She whirled around and pointed at the crowd of her friends, who were now laughing. “Is this some sort of a sick joke?”

They all pointed back at the screen, but when she turned around, she’d missed it a fourth time.

“ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Dev wailed. The “Fight of the Century” had been a complete and total failure; no one had been expecting a K.O. in the first two seconds of the first round.

“It’s over?” Dev repeated in disbelief, her eyes round. “I was robbed.”

The room laughed again. The Secretary of the Army sipped his beer as a speculative looked overtook his rugged face. “That’s what
is gonna say when he wakes up and wonders how Maccio cleaned his clock.”

Dev groaned. “Turn it off. I can’t take it anymore.” She moved over to David and put her arm around his shoulders. “Now what, mighty party planner?”

“Never fear, we’ve got digital replay. Hang on.”

“Forget it, David. The entire point is seeing it happen as it happens.”

David’s mind raced for something else to do. “This is where I unveil my brilliant contingency plan for just such an occurrence, right?”

Dev smiled, relieved. “Yes.”





Lauren leaned against the wall, an empty, still frosty, beer mug dangling loosely from her hand. She let out a deep, satisfied breath as her eyes slid closed and any remaining tension she felt eased its way out of her system. The rhythm of the music had long since seeped into her blood, and she felt a light buzz from the various margaritas, Mexican beers, and fruity island punches she'd sampled over the past several hours.

It felt sublime.

"Hello, love."

Lauren's lips twitched into a genuine smile at the sound of the deep, lilting voice.

"You didn't think you'd avoid me all night, didja?"

Lauren chuckled and opened her arms, feeling the solid warmth of Alex as he wrapped large arms around her and pulled her into a fierce hug. "I was thinking perhaps you were angry with me for appearing on that dreadful American television show?"

"Nah," Lauren answered good-naturedly, pulling back to examine her former lover with a fond eye. "I was just waiting for Beth and Janet Marlowe to finish dirty dancing with you."

Alex exploded into laughter. "Beth, that firecracker, headed off towards the bar, leaving me and Janet alone. I was havin' a high time of it, too, until a man with a white beard threatened to cut off me privates if I didn't back away from his wife."

Lauren muffled her surprised snort. She glanced across the room to see Frank and Janet Marlowe slow-dancing, their bodies pressed tightly together despite the quick beat of the tropical music. "That would be Devlyn's daddy, Frank Marlowe." Hmm… I thought he was going to the other party? Huh.

Alex scratched his jaw as he eyed the happy couple. "Well, even though Janet laughed at his bold words, the man seemed serious enough to me. I haven't stayed alive this long by not knowing when to quit. Besides, I'm afraid I'm not man enough for those two wild lasses."

Lauren backhanded him gently in the belly. "That's not true, and you know it."

Alex just shook his head. "Lordy, if I'd known you were such a wild bunch in
, I would have come years ago." He winked at her,
his expression went a little serious. "By the way, love looks grand on you, Lauren. I've never seen you smile so much.

Lauren beamed. "It feels as good at it looks."

"Ah," Alex sighed wistfully. "I'll just bet does."

She patted his forearm. "It'll happen to you someday, Alex. But until then—"

"I'll continue to share myself among the ladies of the world," he interrupted, grinning from ear to ear.

Lauren nodded at the handsome, undeniably charming man. "Just to be fair, of course."

"Of course."

They shared conspiratorial grins. Their love affair had been brief, torrid, and sweet and had ended when Lauren had to take an extended trip from
while working on her last biography. Their short time together was something they each recalled fondly, but both were well aware, even then, that they were good friends and nothing more. It was that sure knowledge that made things easy for them now.

"I must admit, I was surprised to hear who your president was marrying." He gave her a pointed look. "If I'd known you liked the ladies, we could have double dated when you returned to
. I've got a cousin who's studying to be a nurse, with eyes the color of emeralds and a shape that could bring a man… or woman… to her knees," he said dreamily. "It's God's own joke that we're related and she's forbidden fruit for me, but you'd love her."

Lauren felt a surge of affection for her friend, and she hugged him again. "That means a lot to me, Alex," she murmured against his broad, dark chest. She suddenly felt as though she was going to cry. Why couldn't her father's reaction to Devlyn have been half that accepting? But Lauren pushed those thoughts aside for the time being; tonight was a night for fun.

Alex opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by a shrill scream.

"Get him away from me," Liza cried, doing her best to slog through the pool water. In one hand was a pork-loaded sandwich, in the other a tall drink with a cheerful umbrella poking out the top. Gremlin's will power had finally snapped. His tiny teeth bared, he was doing a frantic doggy paddle, swimming after her, intent on stealing her sandwich.

Alex lifted an eyebrow. "Gremlin! I've missed him so." He stripped out of his bright Hawaiian shirt, leaving himself clad only in a pair of skimpy black Speedos. "Time to be a hero." Without another word, he bolted for the pool and executed a perfect dive into the deep end as he headed to rescue Liza's sandwich.

The noise in the room was suddenly cut in half, as nearly every woman and even a few men stopped in mid-conversion to gape at the specimen that was Alex. Multiple sighs and whistles sounded as he smoothly swam over to Liza, who nearly dropped her sandwich when his muscular torso emerged from the water.

Beth stalked over to Lauren and demanded, "What is wrong with you?"

Lauren tore her eyes off Alex long enough to say, "Huh?"

"Look at him." Beth pointed. "How can you not like men? How?"

Lauren lifted a pale eyebrow and lowered her voice so that it was for Beth's ears only. "I do like men, Beth. The damn press are the ones who, for some reason, insist I have to pick men or women just on principle. Well, I've got news for them, I'm — not — doing — it."
Her eyes drifted to Alex again, and she smirked. "He was every bit as good as he looks, too," she said, knowing full well it would torture her friend.

It did. Beth bit her lip and whimpered.

"I find both sexes attractive, but I'm in love with Devlyn and want to build a life with her. She's funny and gorgeous and sexy as hell and… and…" she put a hand on her hip, "why am I telling you all this?"

Beth laughed. "Because you've had too much to drink." She reached over and lifted Lauren's empty mug.

Lauren looked hard at the glass and grinned. "Oh, yeah."

"Let's go and get a refill."

Lauren's eyebrows drew together. She licked her lips. "I dunno, Beth,” she said skeptically. “I've—”

“Stop being such a party pooper. C’mon.” She grabbed Lauren’s hand and began tugging her towards the bar.”

“Beth,” Lauren laughed.

“Excuse us. Excuse us. Coming through.” Beth and Lauren sidestepped a wildly wriggling conga line led by Jane, Devlyn’s private secretary.

“Hey, wasn’t she at Devlyn’s party?” Lauren asked, craning her head backwards to see as Beth continued to lead her across the room.
Lauren waved at her agent from Starlight Publishing, who was wearing a floppy straw hat, T-shirt, shorts and black knee high socks with his sandals, and trying his hand at playing the bongos. “You sound great!” Lauren gave him
a thumbs

“Thanks!” he called back, returning the gesture.

When they reached the bar, it took a moment for Beth to get the attention of one of the bartenders. “Can I get the bags behind the bar now, please?”

He nodded and pulled out a large paper sack. When he handed it over, Lauren detected the clanking of metal.

Beth stood on a chair and motioned for the band to stop playing. The room suddenly went silent, and all eyes turned to Beth.

“Strip!” someone shouted, and Lauren turned to find a smiling David fixing himself a plate at the buffet.

“Later,” Beth answered sassily, and the room erupted in cheers.

David heaped more food on his plate, figuring he’d need all the carbohydrates he could get for later.

What’s he doing here? Lauren wondered.

“Okay, everyone,” a wild grin split Beth’s face, “pick a partner — it’s time for the limbo contest!”

There were more cheers and several groans from a few of the less limber party-goers.

Beth held up the bag in her hand and shook it. It clanked loudly. “Limbo with a twist!”

Both of Lauren’s eyebrows shot skyward.




Dev walked down the hall, scowling as she looked up at a grandfather clock and realized how quickly her party had broken up after the pathetic fight. “Should have let Michael plan it,” she grumbled to herself.
Her guests had disappeared one by one until even David snuck out while she wasn’t looking.

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