First Down (First and Ten #1) (14 page)

BOOK: First Down (First and Ten #1)
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Ana grinned. “It was fun. We solved all of the world’s problems, as well as our own. How was practice today?”

“I had a great practice, and we’re looking good for our game on Sunday. Do you want to tell me what’s bothering you?” He watched her gaze down at the sidewalk and wondered if she was going to trust him with her feelings. She usually wasn’t so quiet, and he hoped her feelings were not changing.

Squeezing his hand, she pasted a smile on her face. “Nothing. I’m looking forward to dinner. I’ve heard about this place for years, and I’m excited to try the crabs. I hope we don’t have to wait long for a table.”

“I don’t think that’s going to be a problem, sweetie.”

She shrugged and leaned against him as they walked along.

He had called ahead and told the owner that he was coming in for dinner and he said he would do his best to get him a table in the back. It was a good thing that the man was a big Sharks fan and the team had treated him well over the years, because he needed all the help he could get. This date with Ana was important and he wanted to show her that he was a good choice and not be interrupted by fans.

They walked into the busy restaurant and up to the maître d’, and Jack gave the man his name.

He asked them to wait in the bar, and he would have a table for them momentarily.

Jack led Ana into the bar and found a couple of stools for them at the end. “What can I get you, sweetie?”

“I’d like a dirty martini, straight up. Please.”

Jack got the bartender’s attention and placed an order. He beamed at Ana. “So our first official date. What do you think?”

Leaning over, she whispered in his ear, “Jack, we’ve slept together. This isn’t our first date.”

He liked her mouth against his ear and enjoyed how her breath ran along his neck. He cupped her face in his hand and stared into her eyes. “It’s our first official date that I’ve planned. The first of thousands.” He felt her lean her face into his hand and close her eyes. A small smile crossed her lips, and he felt better. Whatever had been bothering her earlier seemed to have passed. At least, he hoped it had.

The bartender delivered their drinks and took a moment to wish Jack good luck on the game on Sunday.

“Thanks, man. We’ll do our best.”

The man tipped his head in acknowledgement and moved on to the next customer.

He held up his beer to Ana and offered a toast. “Thanks for giving me a chance to become the man of your dreams.” He watched her lift her glass and smile as she gently tipped it against his. He leaned forward after she took a sip and kissed her gently. He was about to lift his mouth from hers, but he felt her press against his mouth for a second longer. He would gladly keep her mouth against hers for as long as she would let him.

She released him, sat back, and took another sip of her drink.

He watched her look around and grabbed her hand in his.

“I like this place. It’s in the tradition of a lot of old restaurants that are popular in Los Angeles. It reminds me of the Palm or the old Brown Derby. I love the restaurants that seem like they haven’t been changed since the fifties.”

Jack let his gaze fall over the restaurant and found several people studying them. It was nice that they were not disturbing them, and he hoped that would continue through the evening. He didn’t want to give Ana any reasons for second thoughts. “So what do you want to eat this evening?”

“I want the crabs, creamed spinach, and hash browns. It’s what they’re famous for. And I want the Key lime pie, too. What are you going to have?”

“The same thing. When you come to a place like this, it’s best to go with the classics.”

“How’s it going to work out with your diet?”

“I’m not on a diet. I’m on a nutritional plan that ensures that I get enough calories to fuel what I’m doing physically. I may need an adjustment considering how we are spending our evenings….and mornings. I should add another fifteen hundred calories, because you take a lot out of me, woman.”

“Excuse me, sir. I think that is completely inaccurate portrayal of the facts. I think you’re taking a lot out of me, and if you need a break, just let me know.”

Laughing, he leaned forward and planted a kiss on her lips. “We are only getting started. I’m not giving you a break, and I sure don’t need any rest.”

She looked over the rim of her glass and smiled. “We’ll see about that.”

The maître d’ came up to let them know that their table was ready. “We will carry your bar tab to the table, sir.” He placed their drinks on his tray and waited. “Please, follow me.”

Jack got up and held his hand out to Ana as she stood. He placed his hand on the small of her back as they followed the gentleman to their table. They were seated toward the back, and the table afforded them a small measure of privacy.

“I hope this will suffice, sir?”

“Yes, thank you, Ronald. I appreciate it.” They shook hands, and Jack passed him a fifty dollar bill. He sat and smiled at Ana before picking up his menu.

“Nicely done, Mr. Ellis. I think it took a lot more than whatever you passed the man to get this table so quickly.”

“The owner is a big Sharks fan, so I called him earlier and let him know that I was planning on bringing you in.”

“Wow, it’s pays to be dating a big football star. I wonder what other kind of perks are coming our way this evening.” She took his hand and smiled. “Maybe they will give us free pie, I hear the key lime pie is fabulous.”

He took her hand and looked at his menu. “I know you’re making fun of me, and I don’t care.” He watched her laugh and couldn’t remember the last time he enjoyed himself so much on a date and felt so relaxed. She seemed to be interested in him for who he was and not what he did. She wasn’t impressed with his celebrity status, and that was one of his many favorite things about her. “So crabs and lots of them?”

She smiled in agreement. “I’m going to let you order, since you’ve been here before.”

The waiter came up, and Jack proceeded to order them a ton of food.

“Are you sure that’s going to be enough? We could always order the fried chicken as a side,” Ana asked.

“I have big plans for after dinner, and I want to make sure that I have all the fuel that I need. I plan on working on that list of ours.”

“Where is that waiter? Let’s get him back here, because I think you’re definitely going to need the fried chicken.” She watched him laugh and then lean forward. Their faces were close, and she moved her lips to his and whispered against his mouth, “Thanks for bringing me here. I’m having fun.” She pressed her mouth to his and felt his hand cup the back of her head as stars exploded behind her eyes.



Ana walked back from the ladies’ room and tried to get her happy mood back. What the girls had said was nothing more than jealousy, and she knew it. Boy did it feel lousy, though, to hear what they thought of her apparent deficiencies. So what if she wasn’t a glamour girl? She saw Jack at the table surrounded by fans, and wondered if she could go hang out at the bar until he was done. Apparently, this was par for the course if you dated someone who was so popular. She walked to the table and waited for some of the people to move on so that she could sit. She tried to find a spot to stand, so that she would be out of the way.

The restaurant was busy, and the waiters were moving around at breakneck speed, trying to take care of the customers.

A large gentleman didn’t notice her and stepped back.

As she tried to move out of his way, she collided with a waiter who had a full tray of food. Everything happened at once. The sound of the plates crashing to the floor was deafening. Her foot slipped on something. She fell back, her dress flew up, and she landed against a chair. She knew that she hit it hard, because she felt herself slip into blackness. Her last conscious thought was that it was a shame she wasn’t going to be able to try their Key lime pie.


Jack sat next to Ana in the ambulance and watched the paramedic check her vital signs again. How had this night ended up in such a disaster? He knew he should’ve booked the private room for their dinner. Why had he wanted so badly to show Ana that he was a regular guy to date? He held her hand and kissed her head as they made their way to the hospital.

Her head had clipped a chair in the fall, and she was knocked out.

The paramedic assured him that she would probably wake up before they made it to the hospital.

It was probably going to be a while before they could laugh over this one. Their children would probably find it funny how Dad screwed up with Mom on their first date. He glanced down again at Ana and noticed that her eyelids were starting to flutter. Leaning down, he kissed her cheek and waited.

Slowly opening her eyes, she was greeted with Jack’s worried face very close to hers. She attempted to lift a hand and found that she had an IV inserted into it. Closing her eyes again, she tried to make sense of what was happening. She felt someone poking at her, and she was about to give Jack a hard time when she realized that it wasn’t him. Jack’s hands were large and warm. Whoever was poking her had cold, skinny ones. “Jack, who’s poking me?”

“It’s the paramedic, sweetie. You clipped your head on the chair when you fell at the restaurant.” He watched her lift her head and look around. She didn’t seem too happy to be riding in the back of an ambulance. “We’re going to have you checked out, and then I’ll take you home.”

“No Key lime pie.”

“What, sweetie?”

“I missed out on having the Key lime pie. I was really looking forward to it.”

“I’ll have the restaurant bring some over. I’m sorry about all of this.”

“It’s not your fault. It’s what happens when you date someone who’s popular. Next time, I suggest we order the food to go. I don’t think going on dates is such a good idea.”

Jack gripped her hand and shook his head. “Oh, no. You’re not getting out of dating me, Ana James. One bad date doesn’t mean that we’re doomed. I have a lot wooing to do, and you are not going to stop me.”

“I’m not trying to stop you. I’m just trying to figure out how I’m going to survive it.” She lifted her hand, felt around her head, and discovered a big lump that had started to form. “That’s a pretty good one. No wonder I have a headache.”

Jack leaned over her and cupped her face in his hands. “I’m so sorry.”

Pulling on the back of his head, she brought his face close to hers. She pressed her mouth gently to his and felt a whole lot better. She released him and whispered, “Key lime pie. That’s what’s going to make this all better.”



Thursday Morning


They sat at Ana’s kitchen table, drank coffee, and stared at one another. “Please tell me,” Ana begged.

“No, sorry. Not going to happen.”

“I would think that since I suffered a minor concussion last night on our date that you would be more willing to give me what I want. I don’t like surprises anyway.”

“You’re going to like this one. So be patient and prepare to be amazed.” He got up, kissed her nose, walked to the counter, and started putting dishes in the dishwasher. He felt her walk up next to him and lean on the counter. “I’m not going to give you a hint, even if you stand there and flash me all day. I’m a strong man with a lot of will power.”

Standing, she adjusted her tank top. “If I was well-endowed, I bet I could’ve made you sing like a canary. Flashing you is never going to get me what I want.”

Turning off the water, he dried his hands and regarded her. “Ana, you are the sexiest woman in the world to me, and I think you should’ve figured that out by now. I’m tempted by you all the time, and I think I’ve proven that. In fact, I just did…twice. So don’t try and play that card with me.”

“One tiny hint is not going to kill you.”

“No it wouldn’t, but then it wouldn’t be a surprise.” He turned on the water and started to whistle as he finished the dishes. He watched her walk out of the kitchen and swore that she put more sway into her hips than was completely necessary. That was fine, because when he told her it was all going to be worth it.

He walked into her office and noticed that she was hard at work on her computer. He sat in the chair next to her desk and admired how pretty she was. Her hair was on top of her head, and she was wearing a tank top and a pair of his boxers. He wasn’t quite sure how that happened, but he wasn’t going to complain. Seeing her in his stuff turned him on and made him happy. He didn’t care if it made him a caveman. After today, she was going to have more than enough boxers to choose from. “What are you working on, sweetie?”

She finished typing something, glanced up, and smiled. “I’m writing the grant proposals for my new study. It has preliminary approval, and all I need to do now is get the funding. I’m working at home today, so I can get them all done.”

He thought about telling her what he was up to but decided not to. Worse case, she would just end up with more than she needed. “I should be done around five or six tonight. Do you want me to bring home some takeout?”

“No, remember I’m cooking you dinner, since you’re leaving tomorrow. We can eat around seven.”  She uncurled her legs and sat up. “Are you sure about this whole boyfriend-girlfriend thing? Maybe we should just keep it casual for a while and see how we do.”

“No, Ana! You said yes last night, and you can’t take it back. Not every date we have is going to end up in the ER. I promise the next one is going to be great.”

“All right. I guess we can give it a try. You did get me Key lime pie after all.” She watched him stand and hold his hands out. She allowed him to lift her up and into his arms. Laying her cheek against his T-shirt, she took a deep breath in. She swore her heart was starting to beat in rhythm to his. Maybe the whole boyfriend thing would work out after all. She felt him kiss her head and tighten his hold, and she decided that it was definitely worth trying. The picture in her head was slowly changing, and it was Jack’s face that she was seeing.



Ana looked at her phone and was surprised to see that it was Jack calling. After all the mystery this morning, why would he have time to check in? “Hi, honey. Are you ready to tell me about the surprise?”

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