Fire - Betrayal

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Authors: Amelia Grace

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Fire - Betrayal
Katie’s Gate Quadrilogy [2]
Amelia Grace

Fire – Betrayal book two of the Katie’s Gate Quadrilogy

Cate is caught in a prophetic nightmare about marrying Ben, and when he her to a Pacific Island to escape the nightmares, she sees the church of her nightmare, and reacts aggressively at the sight, renouncing her acceptance of his marriage proposal. Cate attempts to take her own life, and Ben is shattered. But their love cannot be broken, and they reunite, their love stronger.
They then return to Grandy’s house where a group of Terreans come looking for The Warrior of Une Autre Terre, believing it to be Ben, who dramatically denies that it is he.
Worried, Ben wants to marry Cate in two weeks time. But, her house is fire bombed and Cate is believed to be dead, Ben accused of her murder. He is interrogated, released, and then sets about returning to the parallel world for good.
Unbelievably, Cate is at the portal entrance, and they go to Une Autre Terre. But their happiness is not to last, as Ben is The Warrior and must complete a mission. Cate and Ben’s love is forbidden, with Ben destined to be with a Terrean woman. Cate must accept The Rule and return to the Earth alone and incapacitated again.
As time heals wounds, Cate falls for Nic. Their love develops deeply, Nic planning to ask Cate to marry him at the Ball.
BUT, during the final waltz, Cate receives an electric jolt from a hand – Ben’s.
Now she must choose between the two loves of her life. Only a kiss will reveal her true feelings.






Amelia Grace







Copyright  2012 by Amelia Grace




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This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental.  The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.



Young Adult/Adult Reading Material


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Book 2 of the Katie’s Gate Quadrilogy


Earth –



– Shattered

– Zedekiah




Fire –





Copyright  2012 Amelia Grace




Table of Contents



Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3
Presence and Doubt

Chapter 4
Mind Games

Chapter 5
Defenses Down

Chapter 6
The Historic Stone Church

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9
The Promise Ring

Chapter 10
The Visitors

Chapter 11
Moonlight Sonata

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15
The Love of His Life

Chapter 16

Chapter 17
The Portal

Chapter 18
The Last Piece

Chapter 19
The Sign

Chapter 20
Poison Arrows

Chapter 21
The Warrior

Chapter 22
Rebellious Acceptance

Chapter 23
The Abyss

Chapter 24
The Journey of the Portals

Chapter 25
A Chance Meeting

Chapter 26
Complete Strangers

Chapter 27

Chapter 28
Danger Zone

Chapter 29
Mission Completed

Chapter 30

Chapter 31
Burning the Midnight Oil

Chapter 32

Chapter 33
A Want, A Need

Chapter 34

Chapter 35

Chapter 36

Chapter 37






Life, every beat of my heart, every breath that I take, every thought that I generate, every emotion that I feel, everything that I give, until I can give no more.

Life, is it mine to choose, or has it been chosen for me? What if, my destiny was not in my own hands?

What if, everything that I did was meant to happen? And that, if I wandered off the path of my destiny, something or someone would subtly guide me back to my ultimate destination.

What if, my life plan was mapped out as I lay in my mother’s womb, or before that perhaps, when my Creator gave me my soul? What if, I was an instrument vital in the fulfilling of a destiny of bigger things to come?

And what if, I did not fulfill my destiny, would everything fall into a heap, causing pain and sorrow for others?

Is absolutely everything that happens predestined, or only some of it?

And what of my life anyway, if you looked down at me from space, seemingly so small and so insignificant, and yet, draw closer, and see the intricate web that I weave, my life of complexities, of triumphs, of tragedies, of hope, of faith, of love.

Can our complex, intelligent and spiritual bodies be here by accident? I choose not to believe so. I choose to believe that we have a purpose, a destiny to reach, guiding and helping others along the way………..


For some, l
ife is full of twists and turns.  The path is hard and winding, interspersed with challenges along the way.

And h
ope comes in bounds, and dwindles away with disappointments.

But h

One must never give up hope, and dreams

Chapter 1





The historic stone church was picturesque
. It had sat for 200 years beside the beautiful yale blue lake with a backdrop of snow covered mountains.  The gothic stained glass windows filled the entire church with a soft mystical light, dramatically contrasting to the vast floor to ceiling glass behind the minister, taking advantage of the beauty of the body of water that lay beyond the sacred building.

I peeked through the crack in the oak door.
The invited guests were waiting for me to arrive. I was, as I was supposed to be, traditionally late.

hey sat in walnut stained old wooden pews that had been ornately carved with detail.  The heart shaped designed floral pew end decorations were beautiful, adorned with fresh pale pink, yellow and white roses with green foliage interspersed to create a balance of colour and shape.  The rose fragrance filled the entire church, adding an ambience to the church that was warm, calming and romantic.

The q
uiet voices chatted happily and excitedly.  My marriage to Ben had been long awaited amongst the families and friends.  And now our union would finally occur.

As the bridal music began, t
he heads of each and every guest turned to look at the entrance of the beautiful church, eager to catch a glimpse of me as I entered the aisle, arm in arm with my father.

I kept my
head bowed, but a triumphant smile could be seen on my face.

wore a stunning, elegant ivory wedding dress. It had a tightly fitted upper bodice, detailed with intricate beading with a scattering of Swarovski crystals on the neckline and bodice. In the centre of the bodice, a slight v was cut, that showed a little more cleavage than I was used to.  The tank sleeves sat beautifully on my shoulders, while the skirt of the wedding gown was full tulle. My hair was styled with a side swept updo at the front, while it had the bohemian look at the back, with miniature fresh white rose buds through my curls. In my hair I wore an elegant crystal tiara. I looked like a princess.

I heard t
he audible sounds of the guests oohing and aaahing as I walked passed them to the altar where
was waiting.

continued to keep my head bowed as I walked.  I did not want to look up at Ben until I reached him, because I knew the effect that he would have on me.  I knew that my breath would be taken away, that my heart would beat erratically, and a tear would fall from my eye, and possibly, I would faint in anticipation of finally becoming his wife.  At least, if I made it to the altar safely,
would be there to hold me up when my emotions got the better of me.

breathed in deeply, calming myself.  I smelled the sweetness of the fragrant roses, and saw the soft filtering light coming in through the captivating stained glass windows. The music flowed melodically, with a pure and romantic tune.  I was about to marry the man of my dreams, my soul mate, my one and only true love.

My father slowed our walk as we
neared the end of the aisle where
would be standing, waiting for me, with his beautiful cerulean eyes burning into mine melting my heart.

felt my heart quicken, but I kept my breathing even.  This was the biggest and by far the best day of my entire life, and I had waited for it for a long time.

, my father stopped the bridal walk.  We had come to the end of our journey as father and daughter, but the beginning of my journey with Ben, as his wife.

hesitated before I looked up at Ben, enjoying the anticipation of the moment.

Breathing calmly,
I closed my eyes gently, and then opened them to look up at the love of my life.

It was then that
I screamed. 
stood there not.  His presence of being, was absent. His gorgeous dark wavy hair, chiseled boyish looks and cerulean eyes as if vanished.

Instead, in Ben’s place was his brother, looking very sorry and apologetic, shaking his head.  Ben would not be coming to the church to marry

sat up in bed, gasping for air, sweating and panicking.  My breathing was erratic and fast and the horror showed on my face.  I had dreamed this sequence over and over again since Ben had left for the parallel world two years ago. I had waited patiently for his return, but
never came.  The pain of being separated from him was agonizing, and I felt in my heart every minute of every day.  My life had become numb and pointless.  My life was as good as done.

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