Finding Sunshine (29 page)

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Authors: Rene Webb

BOOK: Finding Sunshine
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Chapter Twenty-One

~ Aaron ~

“Wha−what?” I ask aloud, coming back to my senses. I’m only vaguely aware of having been spoken to. I’m so stunned by the beautiful woman standing before me, I got lost in my own thoughts.

My entire fucking life is about to change. The reality of what is happening has started to sink in.
I’m marrying my Sunshine!

There’s no going back from this moment. Not that I’d want to. I’d have to be a complete and utter idiot to walk away from my heart’s dream. The dream I’ve kept hidden, locked in the depths of my heart for years is coming true today.

I used to deny ever wanting to get married. Pretended that being tied to one woman was nothing I was interested in. But that was the furthest thing from the truth. I just never thought I’d find someone who would trust and love me so completely, someone whom I could trust and love wholeheartedly in return.

“This is the part where you say, ‘I do.’” The officiant’s voice comes from a place seemingly far away.

“I do,” I say, coming back to reality, and then add more urgently, “I fuckin’ do!”

“Thank god.” Richard, my best man, snickers from his place next to me.

Several other chuckling voices float up to me from the assembled crowd. All I can focus on is the tinkling giggle of my Sunshine, the woman whose delicate hands are entwined with mine.

Standing before me, my bride glows in white, and her green eyes are radiating the same warmth that is burning in my chest. I don’t need to wonder if she’s feeling the same overwhelming emotions that I am—everything is reflected in the insane smile that I know mirrors my own face.

Fuck, I love her!

Dressed like a Greek goddess, my heart nearly stopped when I first saw her walking towards me. Her dress is a more respectable version of what she had been wearing the first night we truly met, that night when I paid for the privilege of her company. It would take me time to win her trust.
Her heart

The light afternoon breeze has ruffled her gauzy, nearly shear dress, revealing her curves and making her look like some kind of naughty angel. I couldn’t help the images of peeling the dress off of her from flitting through my mind. Of exposing her soft, creamy skin. Kissing every freckle. Caressing every curve. Tasting every sweet inch of her body. And hearing her gentle sighs as I bring her pleasure—all of these things ran through my head instantaneously.

Halfway through the ceremony, I notice that goose bumps had spread up her arms, and she is visibly shivering in the autumn air. Releasing her hands, I automatically take off my jacket and place it around her shoulders.

Thank you
,” she whispers, taking my hands again and holding them tightly.

I haven’t been able to take my eyes off of her since she began walking barefoot through the sand to where I stood. Anxious to have her in my arms, I met her halfway and claimed her from her mom and dad, who were both walking her down the aisle. My actions caused amusement among our assembled friends and family, but I barely noticed them. My bride and I were the only two people in the world, as far as I was concerned.

We would’ve been perfectly happy for today to have just been the two of us and no one else, but our family and friends had other ideas. Sarah, for one, insisted on being here today. After making so many mistakes, she said that me being with my bride, ‘Makes up for all of the shit-headed things you’ve ever done.’

I’m not sure
could ever excuse my past, but being with this smart, kind, talented, beautiful woman is one of the smartest decisions I’ve ever made. I’m now on a better path in life than I’ve ever been before.

Richard is now happily witnessing my greatest achievement, as I let go of the past and allow myself to love and be loved by an amazing woman. He is the truest friend a man could ask for. Having him and Russell next to me in this moment just feels right.

Standing in front of me, my bride’s brown hair spills out in a mass of curls from her crown of flowers, and I itch to feel their softness once again between my fingers. I want to bury my hands into her hair as I kiss her.

“By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

My bride!

“Thank you, Sunshine.” I tell her, resting my forehead against hers, giving her a gentle Eskimo kiss as my emotions nearly spill down my face. Cupping her tearstained cheek, I tilt it slightly as she moves to stand on her toes.

“I love you, too,” she whispers against my lips, before I seal our union. I pull her into my arms, wrapping her up tightly, where she fits so perfectly. This woman was made to be held by me, to be loved and cherished by me alone, for the rest of our lives.

Running the tip of my tongue along her lips, she opens at the invitation, tightening her hold on me and pulling her petite body in closer. I can feel her soft form against my chest as I taste pure sunshine.

My woman—
my wife
—holds onto me as if her life depends on it, her arms wrapped tightly around my waist.

Thoughts of how we got here, standing on the beach behind her parents’ house, are gone from my mind. Although, many of our family members and friends felt that things were moving too quickly. That we were crazy for getting married after having only known each other for such a short period of time. Despite their reservations, they are all here supporting us, celebrating our love for one another.

If you had told me six months ago—
, even a year ago—that I would be here today, I would’ve called you a fucking liar. I never would’ve believed that I could be standing on a beach—freezing, I might add—surrounded by family and friends, in the middle of my own fucking wedding.

Marrying my dream girl.

Back then I was still being haunted by my past, punishing myself and struggling to move on. I wasn’t really living—only existed. That all changed when the sun shined on me, in the form of my bride’s perfect smile.

It’s true you can’t change anyone. You can only make them want to change themselves. That’s what the woman in my arms did for me. She made me want to stop pitying myself and move on from my past mistakes. To be the kind of man a woman as smart, sweet, talented and gorgeous as my bride is, would want to be with.

One smile from her was all it took for there to be light in my life again.

“It is my great honor and pleasure to present, for the very first time, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Masters!” the officiant’s booming voice breaks through the fog of our kiss.

The surrounding crowd breaks out into applause, and Russell barks from where he sits at our feet, adding his own voice to the excited din.

Pulling back, I stare down at the most important person in my world. Eyes sparkling with excitement, lips swollen from use, and her breathing ragged—my bride has never looked more beautiful.
, how did I ever fucking exist without this woman?

My wife!


~ Nina ~

Two Years Later

Thank you
,” I whisper, looking up at the man who owns my heart. I’m holding the most beautiful baby girl I’ve ever seen in my arms. The culmination of all my hopes and dreams, the manifestation of the love I have for one man—all of it shows in her perfect little face.

“No, Sunshine, thank
.” Aaron replies with a smile, bending his head down to give me a gentle kiss, before placing an equally soft kiss on our daughter’s downy head. Neither of us can tear our eyes away from the six pounds and nine ounces of joy I hold safely in my arms.

Golly, a lot has happened in the past two years.

After moving to Pinetree, we quickly decided to stay and are now happily settled into our new lives.

Aaron sold his share of his parents’ home to Sarah and Bennett giving us the money to buy a gorgeous old Victorian home, located on a side street just off of Main street. It’s the perfect size for us, with just enough room for our growing family. My parents then gave us a substantial amount—against Aaron’s prideful objections—towards the renovations.

In addition to the sprawling backyard the property also includes a large, stone three-bay carriage house at the end of the driveway. One of the bays is home to our new navy SUV, another we converted into an area for the puppies Aaron plans on breeding this spring, and the third bay houses an assortment of the usual junk all couples seem to accumulate over time. The second floor is a spacious in-laws apartment. Right now, a history professor from the college is renting it out.

Aaron has stayed on as the manager of
Royal’s Pub & Brewery
and I found myself working right along side him. It all happened unexpectedly. One minute I'm helping my Luddite husband set up the pub’s
page and
account, and the next I'm running all of their social media accounts. Life never goes according to plan.
But isn't that the most exciting part?

I have an office above the pub where I work part-time. The other half of my time is spent pursing my love of photography. In addition to selling prints and framed photographs online, I also have photographs hanging in various businesses in the area—including
Royal’s Pub and Brewery
. Maybe someday I’ll open up a gallery, but right now I’m focusing on the most important thing
, my family

The door to the hospital room opens, interrupting my thoughts and making Aaron and I both look up at the intruder.

“Good morning. How are my patients doing this morning?” Dr. Allen asks, smiling brightly as he walks into the room.

“We’re great,” Aaron and I reply, smiling simultaneously.

Our response makes Dr. Allen laugh. “I meant Mommy and baby,” he says, grinning. He walks over toward the bed as he flips through our paperwork.

“We’re doing great.”

“Once we get your paperwork in order, you’re clear to go home. Do you have a name chosen yet?”

“Star Claire Masters.” I say softly, looking down as she blinks open her blue eyes and yawns before closing them again. She snuggles closer into my chest, her tiny head resting right above my heart.

Your heart's dream can come true.

Mine did.





Author’s Note

This couple came to me when I least expected them to. I was beginning to play with telling the rest of Tom Allen’s story from
A White Hot Christmas: Novella
, when he and his brother, Dr. Peter Allen, entered
Royal’s Pub & Brewery
and ran into an acquaintance, Aaron Masters.

Although I initially had a completely different trajectory planned for Aaron and Nina’s story, I quickly found out that they had their own ideas for how their H.E.A. should be told. I’m always fascinated with the journey characters will take you on, if only you’ll let them!

While writing, I had a chance encounter with a Russell. In early versions of this story, his name was Bear. Then one day on the Metro, I met a real life black English Labrador named Russell, who was a service dog to an Iraq veteran. He had been trained in a prison for eighteen months, and I suddenly knew that I was on the right track! After several kisses, having asked permission to pat him first, I was in love, and Bear became Russell.

Another alteration came in the form of Aaron’s nephew’s name. Originally, it was Henry, but after the birth of my own nephew, Harrison (Harry), I decided to pay tribute to the little guy who’s so loved by my family.

I hope you have enjoyed reading Aaron and Nina’s story. I loved spending time with these two characters, and watching them find themselves, in each other.

Happy Reading!

About the Author

Rene Webb, a former Catholic schoolgirl and child of the ‘80’s, is a recovering Soap Opera addict who grew up watching 
General Hospital
. She became weary with the relentless drama and sought out stories with happy endings that lasted. Now, Rene is an erotic romance author, where there is always a happily-ever-after!

Growing up in New England, Rene spent her childhood playing make-believe, acting out stories with her Barbies, Legos, My Little Ponies, and Playmobile. She has since taken to writing down the dramas that invade her mind.

Authors such as Jane Austen, Kristen Ashley, Cherise Sinclair, Sierra Cartwright, Donna Fletcher, Jennifer Ashley, and Bianca Giovanni have inspired her. They all create strong female characters, swoon-worthy men, and stories that leave their readers with the hope that you, too, will find your own H.E.A.!

Rene also enjoys reading, baking, seeing movies, going to museums, and spending time with her friends and family.

Rene lives in Washington DC.

She is also known as Kitty Bennet, on the book blog, 
Lit. 4 Ladies
, which she runs with her sister.

Also by Rene Webb

A White Hot Christmas: Novella

How the hell did I get here?”

It's Christmas morning, and June Evans is wondering how a solo vacation in search of a white Christmas has led her to having a hot and hard man moving between her trembling thighs.

Tom Allen, a mounted police officer, was meant to be spending a quiet holiday with his family, but a freak snowstorm traps him with what he wanted most this year, a chance at love.

Keeping warm has never been this hot!

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