Finding Her Fantasy (7 page)

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Authors: Trista Ann Michaels

BOOK: Finding Her Fantasy
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Erik sighed and nodded. “Her ex has disappeared.”

Jon snorted. “How is that a bad thing?”

“Marcus’s had a bad feeling since one of his security people caught Clark following
her out of the parking lot one night. Ever since then, he’s known where Clark was,
even knew he was outside Mel’s house when we picked her up, but just today, they lost

The hairs on the back of Jon’s neck stood on end. “Are you worried?”

“A little. I want to get our guys tracking him on our end, see if we can pick up his
trail. I don’t think he’s really a threat, but I want to know where that little shit
is anyway. Better to be safe than sorry.”

Jon agreed. It was doubtful Clark was a threat, but Jon had learned long ago never
to underestimate anyone, even someone as idiotic and apparently clueless as Clark.
“What do you need me to do?”

“Nothing yet, just keep an eye on Mel and keep her from getting bored.”

“Should be easy enough.” Jon grinned and headed out of the office.

“My guess is it won’t be as easy as you think,” Erik called out.

Jon ignored him and headed to the patio, where he could see Melinda wrapping a colorful
beach towel around her body. Mel certainly liked to buck the system.

He slowed his stride and watched as she lifted her hair off her neck. The ocean breeze
caught the short curls close to her ear, making them flutter in the wind. She tilted
her head back as though enjoying the air. The towel remained around her torso blocking
the view of her curves.

He’d take care of that soon enough.


Melinda sighed as she lifted her hair and let the breeze cooled her neck and shoulders.
This close to the ocean, there was always a breeze. In the distance, she could hear
the birds crying out as they dove for fish, the waves crashing against the shore,
and an occasional laugh of a woman.

Was it Maria or someone on the beach? She hadn’t seen anyone, so it must be the housekeeper.
There weren’t any houses close enough for the voices to carry to here.

She lifted her other hand and smoothed the short pieces of hair that stubbornly clung
to the back of her neck. Maybe she should go take a shower. She wasn’t sure she wanted
to walk past Erik’s office again though.

She still couldn’t believe how he’d jerked her dress off. It had angered, as well
as excited her. She snorted to herself. It probably just excited her because she was
still so turned on from the spanking and then the soft touches of Jon while they were
at lunch.

Was Jon right? Would she be begging for it before the day was out?

Strong arms encircled her waist from behind and she stiffened before trying to turn
her head to see who it was. She saw Jon’s shorter, dark hair and realized it was him,
although that didn’t help her to relax any at all.

“You’re not supposed to be covered,” he murmured in her right ear.

Goose bumps rose along her flesh as she imagined what he might do to her for disobeying…again.

He tugged at the edge of the towel and it fell to the concrete patio. She sighed in
a mixture of frustration and excitement. “I can’t have anything over me at all, ever?”

“I’m sure we’ll let you wear clothes at some point,” Jon replied, his voice full of
amusement. “After all, you can’t go to town like that, but…we may not take you to
town. I think I like seeing you this way.”

His hands feathered lower across her stomach and her muscles tensed. She wanted him
to touch her, she realized. It had been so long since a man touched her like this,
seduced her, made her feel sexy and wanted—made her feel hot.

“I like that I can just come up behind you and slide my hand between your legs.”

He cupped her pussy and gave her a gentle squeeze. Melinda sighed, letting herself
enjoy his touch without any thoughts of how crazy this was.

“I like that I can feel how wet and hot your pussy is.”

He pushed the tip of his finger between her labia lips and spread her juices around
her clit. Her legs trembled. She was already so close. She’d been turned on for so
long, it would be easy to make her come right now. She let her hands fall and grip
the iron railing of the fence that partially surrounded the patio area. She needed
to in order to keep herself upright. Her legs were that weak.

Without warning, he pulled his hands away and came to stand next to her. Melinda continued
gripped the railing and stared at him as though he’d lost his mind. What the hell
was he doing?

Jon leaned his hips against the rail and while keeping his eyes on hers, he started
to put his wet finger in his mouth and then changed his mind. He reached out and placed
his finger in front of her lips.

Melinda hesitated for a just a second, then slowly wrapped her lips around his finger.
She sucked it deeper into her mouth and twirled her tongue around his knuckle to lick
the juices off it. Jon’s eyes narrowed as she gently sucked and scraped her teeth
along his flesh as he slowly withdrew it.

“I almost expected you to bite me,” he said softly as his gaze traveled down her heated

“I may yet.”

Jon’s soft chuckle rolled over her like warm chocolate. She liked his laugh. It was
softer than Erik’s. She really needed to stop comparing them. They were so much alike
and at the same time, so different.

“How long have you and Erik been friends?” she asked, trying to take her mind off
how badly she wanted to jump him.

He appeared thoughtful as he brushed the back of his knuckles over her nipple. It
hardened almost painfully, and she had to fight the desire to lean forward so he would
cup her entire breasts. She wanted him to squeeze it, lick it, suck it. Just thinking
about it now made her want to start undulating her hips.

God, if she spread her legs wide enough, the breeze alone would make her come. She
was almost sure of it.

“A long time,” he said. “About twenty years or so.”

“Have you always shared?” she asked, startled at the sound of her shaking voice.

His eyes met hers as he cupped her breast and gave it a sharp squeeze.

She moaned and then bit down on her lower lip to stop herself from getting any louder.

“Does it matter?”

She shook her head and swallowed. “No. I suppose it doesn’t really.”

He bent his head and licked his tongue over her pert and overly sensitive nipple.
“Yes, we’ve always shared,” he whispered, but in truth, she barely heard him.

He straightened back up and studied her face for a brief second. She wanted to hide.
She was so embarrassed that her desire was clearly written across her flushed face.
She knew it was. She had no doubt. How could it not be?

“Do you want something, Mel?” he asked softly.

For a moment, Melinda wasn’t sure what he was asking her.

“Do you want something inside you?” he purred as he pinched her nipple, making her

“I think that’s rather obvious, don’t you think?” she snapped a little more harshly
than she’d intended.

Jon’s lips lifted in a soft smile. He ignored her smart retort. He moved closer and
pulled her against him. His clothes felt good as the material brushed over her nipples,
but she wanted to feel his bare skin, his warmth. His thick cock pressed against her
stomach, and she shifted against it, both thrilled and anxious about his size. He
felt huge.

His lips brushed along her jaw, and her head fell back, her eyes closed at the feel
of his lips on her skin. His hands moved lower along her spine before coming to rest
at her ass. He gave her a squeeze and then mashed her against his cock, putting pressure
on his thick rod.

“How long has it been, Mel, since a man made you scream?” he asked against her mouth.

Melinda tried to think. She’d had sex with Clark, but he’d never made her scream.
He’d never made her head explode or her body shatter. He’d never made her feel the
hunger that this man did, and he hadn’t even kissed her yet. God, help her when he

“A long time,” she whispered.

His mouth swiped across hers. She moaned and lifted her hands around his neck. He
coaxed her mouth open by applying slight pressure to her lower lip. She couldn’t deny
him and let her lips part. His tongue slid inside and licked around her teeth before
sliding deeper, teasing hers with slow, deliberate twirls and flicks.

Melinda couldn’t stop the moans of pleasure that escaped, one after another. Wow,
he could kiss. Or was it just her need that made her think that? She didn’t believe
that was it.

Putting one hand behind her thigh, he lifted her leg around his hip. The move put
her pussy more fully against his erection and she almost exploded right then. She
rocked her hips as Jon pressed forward, applying exquisite pressure against her clit.
It felt so good, she began to rock faster, pressing against him harder, trying to
get his cock inside her even through their clothes.

“Slow down, baby,” he whispered against her mouth as he pushed her leg back down.

Slow down? What the hell did he mean slow down? Melinda wanted to shout, she was so

Her legs shook as he stepped back away from her slightly, putting some distance between

“Don’t leave me hanging again,” she said, much to her surprise. She hadn’t wanted
to say anything, but the words had tripped out on their own.

“I’m not about to leave you hanging,” Jon replied.

Chapter 7

“Go lie on that lounge.”

She spotted the lounge he referred to and walked over on wobbly legs that seemed barely
able to carry her. She positioned the back of the chair until it laid flat, then settled
onto the cushions. The sun felt warm against her skin, and beads of sweat began to
cover her flesh as she watched Jon remove his shirt.

Her eyes remained glued to his wide chest as he shrugged the shirt off his shoulders
and dropped it onto the ground. Wow, he looked good. Smooth tan skin over taut, hard
muscles. There was hardly any fat on him at all, she noticed as her gaze wandered
down his rigged abs.

After he pulled a condom from his pocket, his fingers worked loose the buttons of
his slacks, then lowered the zipper. Melinda held her breath as he pushed his pants
and underwear over his hips, releasing his engorged cock to her hungry gaze.

Wow, he was bigger than she initially thought. Thick and long, the head purple and
moist at the tip as precum oozed from the slit. She licked her lips, and Jon’s eyes
narrowed on her mouth.

“Keep doing that and you’ll have my cock in your mouth instead of your pussy.”

Melinda blinked at the rough sound to his voice. At that moment, he looked so much
like Erik it was startling. “Are you sure the two of you aren’t brothers?” she asked.

“The two of who?” he asked in amusement as he grabbed one of the pillows from the
chair next to them and tossed it onto the patio at the foot of the lounge.

“You and Erik,” she replied, hardly able to breath as she wait for Jon to take her.

He grabbed her ankles and tugged her forward so that her ass was at the edge of the
lounge. Melinda squealed and bit back a giggle at his hot, rough handling.

“We’re not brothers,” he said as he spread her thighs wide. “Although I think of him
as one.”

He put the flat of his hand on her pussy, and her hips bucked off the cushion, seeking

“I think we can come up with something to talk about other than mine and Erik’s relationship,”
Jon said as he dipped his head between her legs. “Like how good you look.” He spread
her labia with the tips of his fingers and swiped his tongue over her clit. “And how
good you taste.”

He dipped his tongue into her opening. She cried out and lifted her hips off the cushion
toward his face. Jon backed away and shoved her back down with his hand on her hip.

“Don’t you dare come yet,” he commanded.

Her eyes went wide as his words sank in. Was he serious? Don’t come? She doubted she
could stop it, especially when he did things like lick her. Was he nuts?

“Just relax,” he said in a softer tone as he dipped his head again.

Melinda bit her lip and tried to hold her hips still as he nibbled along her labia.
His teeth and lips teased and tormented her at the same time, making her moan and
wiggle, despite her attempt to remain still. He drove her crazy, and she had a feeling
he knew it.

She let out a low groan and said, “Oh God.”

Arching her back, she thrust her breasts toward the warm sunshine. His wicked tongue
made her crazy, made her want to shout and beg him to take her, make her come, something…anything.

He again pulled away from her and straightened.

Melinda whined in protest. “Don’t,” she whispered.

“Patience,” he murmured.

Melinda watched as he came to his feet and walked to the table a few feet away. She
admired his tight ass, unable to take her eyes off him as he grabbed a handful of
grapes and began to walk back to her. His cock stood thick and tall, almost reaching
his naval. He looked bigger now than he did earlier. She frowned slightly, wondering
when he’d rolled on the condom. God, she wanted him. She wanted him so bad, she actually
ached inside. The need tightened the walls of her pussy and made her hips lift slightly
as the warm summer breeze blew across her exposed clit.

Without even thinking about it, she slid her hand down her stomach toward her pussy.
She needed something, even if it was her own touch.

Jon grabbed it, stopping her just as her fingers reached her swollen nub.

“We’ll do that another time,” he said.

Holding the other hand above her pussy, he squeezed the grapes. Juice dripped over
her labia and she moaned as even that featherlike touch made her want to howl. He
moved his hand upward, letting the juice drip along her stomach and over her breasts.

He tossed the grapes aside and bent to lick the juice from her breasts. Melinda moaned
and squirmed, arching her breasts farther into his mouth. Her hips wiggled as well,
searching for something to press against, but he was careful to keep himself away
from her. He deliberately kept his touch just out of reach.

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