Finding Ever After (9 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Hoffman McManus

BOOK: Finding Ever After
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“Yes, we‘ll paint them all pink.
Except for this one.”
She faced the wall that didn’t have a window or closet. “This one we’ll make
blue like the sky, and I’ll paint a big castle, just like in your favorite
stories. We’ll make this your princess room.” I really wanted it to be my
princess room. I smiled real big.

“Can we really Mom?”

“Anything for you.
Just wait here and I’ll run out to
the car and bring the boxes with the rest of your stuff and then you can decide
where you want everything to go while I finish unloading the car.” I liked our
new house a lot.

Mommy went back outside and I walked over to my window to look outside. I could
see the house next door. From my room I could see right into the window across
from mine. There was a boy standing in it. He was looking at me. He looked like
he was my age. I wondered if the Spiderman bike was his. We both just stared at
each other, and then he waved. He didn’t look too weird. I waved back.


I was pulled out of my dream by a familiar
Brothers ringtone. I reached for my cell phone and realized it was after six. I
had slept for almost two hours, no wonder I felt rested. I pulled myself out of
the bed and answered the phone

“Why is it you’re always waking me up

“Don’t you do anything besides sleep?”

“I took a nap after I got everything unpacked. So what’s up?”

“O’Brien’s tonight, but we’re going to meet up with Sebastian and Lissa first
to grab a bite to eat.”
Ugh O’Brien’s.
Tonight would be interesting.
“I’m picking you up at seven so

“I’m always cute, what are you talking about?”

“You weren’t so cute when you got out of bed this morning looking like a rabid

“That’s because someone woke me up too early.”

“Just go put on something sexy, no jeans. I’ll be there in an hour.” She ended
the call and I let out a groan
I don’t mind dressing up and being girly
for a night, but
opinion of what was acceptable
“going out” attire, differed greatly from mine. I knew if she didn’t approve
when she got here, she would just force me to change into something she picked
out and then I would end up looking like a three dollar hooker. We had been
through the routine enough in high school. She’s the reason I ended up at senior
homecoming in a strapless, red satin dress. My date spent the whole night
staring at my chest, until Bas punched him in the nose for copping a feel. I
for the whole incident.

I rifled through my closet and chose a royal blue slim fit, stretch skirt that
cut off a few inches above my knees. I paired it with a lacey black sleeveless,
v neck top with a draping hemline. It was low cut enough that she would find it
acceptably sexy, but not so much that I would be exposing myself all night or
worry about my scar being visible. It remained hidden.

Forty five minutes later my make up was done and my hair was falling down my
back in soft curls.
would be showing up any minute
so I slipped my leather jacket over my ensemble and slid my feet into a pair of
black Chuck’s. I knew this would drive
crazy and
she would make me change into heels, but I also knew that if I put the heels on
now she would just look for some other fault in my outfit. It was better to let
her think she was gaining this small victory.

Right on time
burst through the front door, not
even bothering to knock.

“You better be ready and you better be wearing something hot.” She called out.
I heard her heels clicking from the entryway in to the kitchen where I was
waiting. She paused in the doorway to give me her once over, her eyes narrowed
on my shoes. “No.”


what?” I feigned

“You are not wearing those. You actually look half way decent, all feisty
from the legs up, and then you go and ruin it with
those shabby, tomboy sneakers.”

“They’re not shabby, and they won’t hurt my feet all night.” I had to put up a
fight to make it more satisfactory for her when I caved.

“As your friend I cannot let you leave the house in those shoes. So march your
butt upstairs and put on a pair of heels, and they had better be at least four
inches. You’ve got killer
you need play
up babe.”

I traded the chucks for a pair of shimmery, silver satin, peep toe pumps. I had
to admit, even though my feet would be sore by the end of the night, they were
gorgeous shoes.
grinned her approval when I came
back down the stairs.

“Do I pass your inspection? Can we go now?”

“Well, your skirt could be a little shorter.” She teased and I just grabbed my
purse and dragged her from the house before I ended up with even less clothing
was wearing a colorful geo-tribal print, mini
dress, with three quarter sleeves and it left nothing of her figure to the
imagination. She had the curves and slim waist to pull it off flawlessly. I was
surprised Jake let her leave the house in something so short and tight. He had
nothing to worry about though; for all her talk,
was faithful and he knew that.

“So where is your lover tonight?” I asked her.

Like always.
The life of
an intern, tantamount to slavery.”
Over breakfast
told me all about the summer internship Jake was doing with one of the large
architect firms in Boston. “He has an important project he needs to finish
before tomorrow for some big proposal his boss is working on. He said if he
finishes before midnight he might meet up with us, but I’m not expecting it to happen.”

I thought about still going to college, it had always been my plan but I wasn’t
sure anymore if it would happen. It was hard to see all of my friends pursuing
their dreams, going after what they wanted. I just really didn’t have any idea
what that would look like for me. One more thing I could add to
my to
do list: figure out what to do with the rest of my


Chapter 6


We pulled up outside a familiar restaurant. It was the same place we ate on
graduation night. It was one of my favorite. They had the best authentic
Italian food in the area, or at least that’s how I remembered it. Inside the
hostess led us to the booth where Bas and Lissa were already seated.

The first few minutes after we slid in across from them were filled with
typical greetings and small talk while we perused our menus. Lissa seemed a
little chilly toward me when I tried asking her about what she had been up to
since high school. All I got were short, brusque responses when I tried to make
conversation with her. Bas repeatedly had to jump in and elaborate to keep
conversation flowing. I felt really awkward, especially since she had no
problem being friendly with
. I wasn’t sure what I
had done to warrant her aloofness.

When the waitress returned to take our order, I threw a questioning look at
. She just shrugged, but it was obvious she picked up on
the frosty behavior as well. Whatever it was I needed to try and get past it,
for Bas’ sake. I owed it to him to keep trying. If he loved her, I was
determined to love her as well, even if she wasn’t going to make it easy. After
we ordered I made another attempt at engaging her.

“So Lissa, Bas said you‘ve got an audition with the
Boston Symphony Orchestra. That’s really great. Congratulations” In high school
she carried her violin around everywhere; clearly it paid off for her. It
didn’t help me any though. She wasn’t any more interested in talking about her
musical accomplishments than she had been any of the other subjects I had
brought up since the evening started.

“Yes, thanks.”

“Bas says you’re incredible. I can’t play an instrument to save my life. I
tried to learn guitar while I was living in Oregon. A friend of mine got me a
job at a music shop, but that was a disaster and I didn’t last long there.”

“No, I don’t imagine that you did.” I was taken aback by the obvious jab. Even
Bas looked surprised. “I just meant that if you don’t have any musical
knowledge it would be difficult and not at all enjoyable to work in a music
store.” Yeah, I’m sure that’s exactly what she meant. Instead of saying that, I
just took a deep breath and kept the smile plastered to my face.  

“You’re right. My friend got me the job there to help me out. Unlike me, she’s
amazingly talented. Her name is Sadie. I’m pretty sure she can play just about
any instrument, and she has an incredible voice. She’s actually coming to visit
you guys would probably get along great.”

“Yes, I’m sure she’s plenty qualified to work in a music store.” She sounded
skeptical. “Did she study anywhere?”

“She hasn’t studied anywhere. She’s been through some rough times and hasn’t
been able to pursue her music the ways she wants, but I know she’ll make it. I
think her mom played the cello and at first she wanted to follow in her
footsteps, but now the indie/ folk scene is more her style than classical.”

“A lot of musicians don‘t have the discipline for it, yet every half decent
artist out there thinks they have what it takes to make it. To an untrained ear
it probably seems that way as well. Good musicians are as common as groupies at
an Ashes and Embers show.”

She looked pointedly at me. What had Bas told her? Not
only was she insulting my friend but was she also calling me a groupie? “I’m
sure if she had what it takes she wouldn’t let anything stand in her way. But
at least she has her job at the music store.” Well she wasn’t having a problem
talking now and I was taken aback at the contempt in her voice. I wasn’t the
only one. Bas sent her a questioning look before turning to me.

“Sorry, I’m sure Liss didn’t mean for that to come out sounding so harsh, she’s
just really passionate about her music.” He turned back to her.

“Of course, I didn’t mean to discredit your friend” I doubted her sincerity.
“If you’ll excuse me I just need to use the restroom.”

“What was that about?” I asked after she was out of sight.

“She’s just had a rough week, don’t take it personally. It’s just a mood.” Even
he wasn’t buying his own excuses. He forgot I knew him too well for him to get
away with lying to me.

“Oh come on Bas that felt pretty personal to me.” The look on his face told me
he knew what the problem was.

“Just give her time to warm up to you. I’ll talk to her later.” I wasn’t
reassured, but I could understand that he didn’t want any conflict between the
two of us. I would let it go for now.

Our food came just after Lissa returned from the bathroom. The meal remained
slightly awkward and tense.
and Bas kept
conversation flowing, but Lissa and I avoided speaking directly to each other.
If the rest of our night was like this, it was going to be a long night. When
we were finally sliding into
car, I breathed a
sigh of relief.

“Yeah, that was tense. I’ve never really seen her like that.” Obviously it was
my presence that incited her atypical behavior. At least the less than pleasant
dining experienced had served to distract me from my unease about O’Brien’s,
but now it was back.

O’Brien’s was a popular Allston Pub, one that used to be regularly frequented
by a certain crowd associated with my father. There was a possibility I would
be seeing more familiar faces tonight, ones I would rather not see. I could
only hope that they had found a new watering hole in the last three years,
after all Boston was a big city with plenty of bars.

Even though I knew the chances of running into anyone were slim, my
apprehension didn’t lessen any as we walked down the street toward the busy
stopped me when we were still a block away.
picked up on it after I failed to respond to some comment
she made.

“Hey, what’s up? Is this still about Lissa? Because we don’t have to hang out
with her tonight, we can just dance and have a good time ourselves.”

“No it’s not that. It’s probably stupid, the chances of him or any of them
being here are low, but O’Brien’s used to be a favorite of some of the guys who
worked for my dad. ”

“Shit, Connor?” I just nodded. “I’m sorry babe, we didn’t even think about

“Like I said, I’m just overreacting, he won’t be here and if he is, well I’m
sure it will be plenty crowded and I’m not alone.” A guilty expression spread
across her face.

“Yeah, it will definitely be crowded tonight . . .
Ashes and Embers is playing.”

“Awesome.” The night was just getting better and better.

“I’m sorry. We would’ve told you they were playing, but I was afraid you
wouldn’t want to come. I really wanted it to be the three of us again, but Bas
and I will make sure no one bothers you, even if I think you should let a
certain sexy someone

“I’m a big girl. I don’t need you or Bas doing anything for me. I especially
don’t need you meddling. Let‘s just go have this fun you speak of.”

The place was packed, and the guys were already up on stage seducing the room from
behind their instruments. Their performance incited a similar reaction as the
night before. Everyone was going wild and once again I was ensnared by Kyden’s
intensity up there. His deep voice wrapped around me. The low rasp was soft and
warm like a caress, and when he hit the higher notes I was blown away all over
again by his ability.

His hips moved and my eyes followed. The crowd swayed and danced with him, just
as enthralled as I was. I really needed to get some air before I did something
crazy like climb up on stage, strip him down and ravish him in front of the
entire bar. I couldn’t believe how affected I was by him. No other guy had ever
gotten to me in that way.

step outside, it’s a little stuffy in
here. I’ll be right back.” I practically had to yell so
could hear me over the noise level. She smirked, not at all fooled by my lame
excuse. She gestured asking me if I wanted her to come with. I shook my head
and left her moving to the rhythm with a drink in her hand. Bas and Lissa were
dancing not far off. I was past the bar and almost to the door when I felt
strong hands on my hips and a hard body pressing into me from behind.


, you smell just as good as I remember.” The
harsh voice was barely above a whisper but the sharp lust dripping from every
word froze me in my tracks and a wave of disgust rolled over me. I yanked
myself from the crushing grip and turned to see a face I recognized from my
nightmares. His cold, dark eyes bored into me.
I knew it was possible I would run into him, yet I was
unprepared for the sight of him standing in front of me, wearing the most
lascivious expression. I had to fight the nausea that rose as every inch of me
revolted against his presence.

“When Finn rang me half an hour ago and said he had
spotted you in O’Brien’s I told him there was no fucking way that was possible,
but he insisted it was you. I came down here expecting to have to beat his ass
for wasting my time. Imagine my surprise when I walked in and there you were,
looking just as exquisite as ever.” I cringed as his eyes traveled down the
length of my body. He moved closer and ran his finger along my collarbone.

“Don’t touch me.
I smacked his hand away and
took a step back, but he just matched my movement.

“Now now baby, that’s no way to greet me after all this time.” His lip curled
up on one side in a menacing smile.

“Just back off Connor.
I don’t have anything to say to
you, and there’s nothing you could have to say to me that I want to hear.” I
tried to push past but his hand shot out and gripped my upper arm, pulling me
into him and holding me in place. He leaned in real close. I could feel his hot
breathe on the side of my face.

“That’s alright, it wasn’t really talking that I had in mind.” His grip
tightened on my arm as I struggled to free myself from his grasp. It was going
to bruise, but that was the least of my problems at the moment. “I like it when
you squirm, baby.” I looked around for help, but no one seemed to be paying us
any attention. Everyone was caught up in the performance happening on stage. I
knew he wouldn’t do anything in a public place. I needed to get away from him
before he managed to drag me outside and away from all the witnesses. Who knows
how long it would be before
and Bas noticed I
didn’t come back.

“Let me go before I put my knee in your groin.” This only provoked him and he
was shoving me backwards before I could get enough momentum to do anything more
than graze his thigh when I tried to follow through on my threat. He slammed me
hard into the wall behind. My head ricocheted off the hard surface and he
pinned me in place. His whole body pressed up against me while the tight grip
of his fingers bit into both of my wrists.

The impact rattled me and left me slightly disoriented. It took me a second to
realize the music had stopped. As I registered the change in the atmosphere I
also caught the movement of a tall figure pushing through the crowd toward me.
A second later Connor’s body was ripped away from mine and I struggled to stay
upright. Kyden was in front of me, standing over a surprised Connor. Every eye
in the place was trying to see what caused the disruption.

Before anyone had the chance to say a word, Bas came pushing through the crowd,
followed by
and Lissa. Their gazes traveled from
me, to Kyden and then down to Connor. Bas’ eyes met mine in a questioning look.
I nodded, confirming I was alright and he returned his attention to Connor.
rushed to my side while Connor dragged himself up off the
floor and faced off with Bas and Kyden. Finn and some other guys I didn’t
recognize stepped out to back Connor up at the same time that the rest of the
band appeared.

“I see you’re still playing the bodyguard, Cross.” Connor practically snarled.

“And I see you still haven’t learned your lesson. How many times do I have to
break your nose before you get it through that thick skull of yours not to come
near her?” He fixed Bas with a hateful glare. Bas stepped forward until there
was barely a foot between them. I wasn’t sure who was going to throw the first
punch, but I knew it was coming. Lissa tried to pull Bas back, but he just
shook her off.

“Sebastian, come on. You don’t need this, just walk away.” He didn’t even look
her way, but just continued to stare down Connor. Thankfully before either one
could take a swing, two big
looking guys broke
through the crowd.

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