Finally (8 page)

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Authors: Miranda P. Charles

BOOK: Finally
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He started walking, pulling Sarah’s suitcase and engaging her friends in conversation. They seemed genuinely intrigued that he’d come to pick Sarah up, although they didn’t verbalise it. He was sure they knew about his short affair with Sarah. Didn’t she say she couldn’t keep a secret from this bunch of women?

They reached the car and Magda opened the door to get out, a quizzical but accommodating look lining her features.

“Hi Magda,” Sarah called out. “My friends came to say goodbye to me and I thought I’d introduce them to you. You’ve said you wanted to meet them.”

“Oh, yes! Hello, girls.”

Jeff watched as Magda embraced the women like they were her long-lost granddaughters. Well, with Rebecca marrying Zach, the whole family was bound to see more of Sarah and Rebecca’s best friends. For Magda, knowing what the two nurses were like was enough for her to decide that their friends were just as loveable. What was more, he suspected that his grandmother was longing for young female company to balance out the male energy he and his brothers exuded.

“You’re all coming to the engagement party and staying the weekend, right?” Magda asked.

The three nodded their heads.

“We’re looking forward to it,” Brenna said.

“You know, you can all come early if you want? Stay for a few nights before the engagement party. There’s plenty of room for you to stay,” Magda offered.

“Yes, why don’t you girls come a week early?” Jeff interjected. “That’ll be my birthday and I’m officially inviting you to my party.”

All the girls looked at him in surprise.

“I’m serious,” he continued. “Sarah and Bec would be there all of that week. Besides, you can help out with spotting problems before our official reopening. You can give us your feedback and tell us your experience at Magda’s Place so we could iron out whatever kinks that might still exist.”

“Say yes,” Magda encouraged. “My grandsons and I would be inviting a few friends and relatives to stay at various times for that very purpose, to make sure the hotel is fully ready before opening again to the public. You might as well be a part of it.”

“Um, If you’re sure...” Gemma murmured.

“Of course we’re sure,” Magda said. “What’s more, I like being surrounded by young people. It makes me feel young.”

Jeff was watching Sarah the whole time. He could tell she was willing her friends to take the offer with her eyes. He grinned. He missed that lively, lovely face.

“Okay,” Amanda said with an excited smile. “I accept, thank you. I still have to ask work to give me that week off but I’ll plead and beg if I have to.”

Brenna and Gemma echoed Amanda, and Sarah’s face split into a wide grin. Ah, there was that smile that melted everything in its path.

Jeff mentally shook his head. His intention to resume an affair with Sarah just became stronger. He could see himself making frequent trips to the Hunter Valley between now and his birthday.


ow, it’s just amazing.”

“It is, isn’t it,” Jeff agreed, enjoying Sarah’s awed reaction as she stared at the sight ahead of her. He’d taken a detour and stopped on a particular hill where they could see a panoramic view of the Carmichael vineyards. Orderly rows of green sprinkled with yellow and red-orange were before them, the vine leaves changing colour with the onset of autumn.

“That would be Magda’s Place, wouldn’t it?” Sarah asked, pointing to a group of one-level structures occupying a large area on the perimeter of their property.

“Yup. That smaller building beside the main one is the pool house. The building next to it is the spa. Unfortunately, our massage and beauty therapists aren’t starting work until the reopening so you won’t be able to use their services yet.”

“The garden’s huge,” Sarah gushed, then turned her gaze to the far left, to a building separated from Magda’s Place by the vast vineyard. “What’s that over there?”

“That’s the winery.”

“Oh, wow. Harvesting’s finished, isn’t it?”

“Yes. The last grapes were picked in February since we had a really hot summer. But you’ll get to see some of the winemaking process.”

“Yay,” Sarah said, doing little hops of excitement.

He laughed, restraining himself from giving her a hug.

“Oh, you’ll love it, Sarah,” Magda piped in with equal glee. “I’ll take you around myself. Tomorrow we could—”

“No, not tomorrow, Magda,” Sarah interrupted.

“Why not?”

“You’re supposed to rest,” Sarah said, all serious now. “In fact, I can wait until Bec gets here then we can take turns looking after you while the other has a look around.”

“But she won’t be here for another two weeks! You’ll miss seeing some of the process,” Magda complained.

“It doesn’t matter,” Sarah said with a definitive shake of the head. “I’m here to make sure you get well and that you don’t overexert yourself, not for me to play tourist.”

“We have one of those golf carts for travelling around the place. I’ll be okay,” Magda mumbled before having another coughing spell.

“Let me be the judge of that,” Sarah said in a softer voice, rubbing Magda’s back gently.

“I’ll take her, Gran,” Jeff said.

“Okay.” Magda said with a resigned sigh. “I would love to go too, but I guess I should get better first. I do feel a little tired now. Let’s head to the hotel. I think I’ll have an afternoon nap.”

“Thank you,” Jeff said in Sarah’s ear as they walked behind Magda back to the car. “She can be stubborn when she wants something.”

“I know,” Sarah said with a smile.

Unable to stop himself, he put his arm around her shoulder and hugged her to him, grateful that his grandmother couldn’t see. God, he missed touching her. Hell, he plain missed her.

Sarah glanced up at him, her parted lips and the flare in her eyes telling him she wasn’t unaffected by his action.

Good. Because, damn it, just her proximity affected
. If his grandmother weren’t around, he would have kissed her senseless.


his is your suite, right next to Gran’s,” Jeff said, playing porter for Sarah. They’d just taken Magda to her room, and she’d promptly gone to bed to take her nap.

“Do I really need a suite?” Sarah asked in a small voice, embarrassed, as she looked around the luxurious and spacious living area. Really, the Carmichaels were just too generous.

“No one else is staying here, Sarah. When I leave on Wednesday, only you, Gran and the staff will be around. It’s not until next week that other people are arriving.”

“Okay. But when your other guests arrive, I’m happy to move.”

Jeff sighed and walked toward her. “Will you stop?” he asked softly, cupping her face. “You’ll only make Gran feel bad if you’re being so ungrateful about all this.”

Her thrill at his touch was replaced by horror at his words. “I’m not feeling ungrateful! In fact, I’m beyond grateful. I just don’t think I deserve—”

Her guilt-ridden speech was silenced by Jeff’s lips on hers, and her body immediately reacted by heating up all over. She couldn’t help the soft moaning sound that came out of her and her arms curved around his neck, unbidden.

Jeff deepened the kiss, his hand roaming freely on her body. Oh damn, if she didn’t do something now, she’d be mindless in a few seconds. Reluctantly, she pushed at his chest.

Jeff pulled back to look at her, but kept his arms tight around her waist. “You don’t want this?”

She licked her lips, heart thudding hard. “I... um... isn’t our fling already finished?”

“Then let’s start another one,” Jeff said softly.

Was this a good idea? She stared at him, her eyes searching his face for the answer.

“I still want you, Sarah. And from how you reacted to my kiss, I’d say you feel the same way,” he said gently, refusing to let go of her. To highlight his point, Jeff tightened his arms around her waist so she could feel his erection on her belly.

“Um... will it still be casual?” she dared ask.

He frowned. “That’s all I’m after,” he said, loosening his embrace and giving her a wary look. “Maybe I shouldn’t be pushing this, huh?”

Sarah’s heart pounded in her chest while her body throbbed just as hard with need.

“Okay, let’s start again,” she heard herself say.

Jeff’s narrowed his eyes at her. “You mean a new fling, right?”

“Yes. A new fling,” she said with certainty.

Jeff’s wary look remained. “And that’s all you want, right?”

No, that wasn’t all she wanted but she’d have to settle for that. She’d been literally dreaming about him almost every night—hot dreams that made her touch herself and cry out for him. She couldn’t even get her mind to focus on finding her New Year’s Resolution Guy because her mind was too full of Jeff.

What she desperately needed was to get him out of her system. Otherwise, it would be impossible to move on. Simply forcing herself not to think about him didn’t work one iota. She hoped the answer was to have her fill of him.

She snaked her arms around his neck. “If by fling, you mean lots of sex and nothing more, then yes, I agree,” she said lightly, not wanting him to worry—or discover—that she’d started to care.

Jeff grinned in relief.

She pulled Jeff’s head down to resume their kiss, his approving moan delighting her. He clutched the hem of her top to lift it off her. She was more than happy to help by raising her arms. Her bra was next to go, easily unclasped by Jeff’s deft fingers. Then her panties came off.

She was already panting loudly and they’d barely started. She just missed him so much!

Jeff hastily discarded his shirt then leaned down to kiss her as his thumbs drew circles around her already hard nipples. Bolts of pleasure travelled from those points straight to her female core. She moaned against his mouth as moisture pooled between her legs.

Jeff snaked an arm around her waist and placed a hand at the back of her head. He walked forward, taking her with him, until she felt the wall on her back. He trapped her there with his hard body.

It frustrated her that Jeff wasn’t fully naked yet, so she undid his zip and pushed his jeans down to his knees. Jeff grunted, bending slightly to take over his undressing without taking his lips off her. His face was now buried between her breasts.

“Jeff,” she whispered, raking her hands on his head and back, burning for him.

He captured a nipple with his lips, and her breathing became heavier. Ah, he was driving her crazy with lust. She reached down for his erection and stroked him eagerly, loving his rock-hard and velvety smooth feel.

“Sarah,” Jeff groaned, his hand going to the apex between her legs. “Oh, baby, you’re so wet for me.”

“Jeff,” she moaned, pleasure and need clear in that one word, as he found her swollen nub.

He continued to lave and suckle on her nipple as he rubbed her clit over and over. Then he inserted two fingers in her as his other hand played with her other breast.

“Oh God,” she cried, her hand on his length tugging faster.

Jeff groaned, increasing the tempo of his fingers going in and out of her, while pleasuring her nipples with his mouth and other hand.

She mewled. Maybe a little too loud, and she hoped no one had heard. But frankly, she was beyond caring. Jeff was raising her pleasure to fever pitch and she could no longer help her reactions.

He must be feeling the same, because he made hot moaning sounds against her breast. Then he angled his hand so his palm hit her nub while his fingers drove in her.

That took her over the edge. “Jeff!” she cried, trembling and clenching hard.

“Sarah,” Jeff groaned. Then she felt the spurting of his hot come on her.

He straightened, breathing heavily, and kissing her softly on the lips. “I’m all over you,” he whispered.

She giggled, still slightly delirious from all that pleasuring.

“Next stop, shower,” he declared, lifting her up in his arms and taking her to the en suite bathroom. “This time it’s going to be real slow, like our second time.”

“I like the sound of that,” she murmured against his neck, pushing away the little nagging worry that threatened to ruin the moment.


’m not allowed to have a small sip?” Magda asked with disappointment.

“No, sorry,” Sarah said apologetically. “You’re not supposed to mix alcohol with your current medication.”

Magda sighed, reluctantly putting down the glass in her hand. “Fine. I’m feeling much better, though. I think I can stop taking my meds in a few days so I could start enjoying a glass or two, don’t you think?”

“If you continue your rate of improvement, then I’d say yes.”

“Good. It’s just a shame I can’t try any more today. But you can drink, Sarah. Don’t hold yourself back.”

“Yeah, Sarah. Don’t hold yourself back. If you like, we can start the tasting again from start to finish,” Jeff said encouragingly.

Sarah made a face at him, knowing his game.

Jeff chuckled and winked at her, making her heart flutter.

She was glad they had the chance to visit the winery before Jeff left the Hunter Valley. Magda had been begging them for the last two days, and since her health had improved considerably, Sarah didn’t see a problem as long as Magda didn’t push herself to the limit, and took constant breaks.

Jeff had been true to his word in making her try their different wines. She even got to taste a new blend that they were currently experimenting with. She was sure it would be a winner too.

But the highlight for her was the 'behind the scenes' tour. The whole winemaking process fascinated her, and the staff who'd explained the steps and shown her how the machinery worked clearly had a lot of love and pride for what they did.

She could see why The Carmichael Corporation had become so successful. It had been inspiring to watch Jeff and Magda interact with their staff with respect and appreciation. There was no question why they fostered loyalty among them, and engendered hard work and productivity.

Jeff hadn’t always been nice to everyone though. One of the workers—she couldn’t even remember his name—had quite openly flirted with her. Jeff had told the man off, saying that he wasn’t needed to show them around and that he should get back to work. The poor guy was the only one who got that treatment. Others had been allowed to chat freely with them.

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