Finally (18 page)

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Authors: Miranda P. Charles

BOOK: Finally
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“I didn’t know that,” Jeff said in dismay. Sarah had asked him a while back if he thought of Bianca while he was with other women. Now he knew why she’d asked such a probing question.

God, he wanted to punch the man who’d dared hurt Sarah like that. And if he could wring his own neck, he would, for making such an insensitive, idiotic mistake of hiding Bianca from Sarah in the first place.

“Zach, Greg
to work with Bianca,” he said hoarsely. “I don’t want anything to do with her. And if Bianca working for us still gets between me and Sarah, then we’ll have to get a new ad manager.”

Zach opened his mouth, looking like he was going to disagree.

“Put yourself in my shoes, Zach. What would you do if Bec left you for similar reasons?”

Zach exhaled gustily. “Okay, I get it. Have your talk with Sarah, then we’ll do what we have to do.”

“Thank you.”

Now if only he could resolve things with Sarah as easily as getting rid of Bianca.


arah, honey. Smile,” Amanda teased.

Sarah gave her friend the biggest fake smile she could manage. It was tiring having to pretend she was enjoying herself when she was feeling miserable that Jeff seemed to be avoiding her.

“I’m sure he’s around somewhere,” Rebecca said.

“He didn’t look like he was happy to see me. He stormed off after saying ‘happy birthday’ and now he’s been gone for ages,” she said in an almost-whiny tone. “Maybe he just couldn’t stand to be in the same room as me anymore.”

Amanda and Rebecca rolled their eyes and groaned in unison.

“He has feelings too, you know, Sarah,” Rebecca said with a hint of impatience. “You were the one who broke up with him.
probably thinks you don’t want him to be in the same room as you.”

Sarah bit her lip, guilt and regret at not answering Jeff’s calls in the past week pounding her mercilessly. “Well, I’m ready to talk... if I can find him.”

“He’ll be at our table during dinner,” Rebecca said. “He’s going to be sitting directly opposite you, but if you want, we can swap the place cards and sit him next to you. Do you want me to do that?”

“No. We’re not likely to discuss our issues over dinner,” she answered. “I think him being directly opposite me is better. That way I can easily stare at him all night.”

Amanda chuckled. “Yes, just send him—”

“Amanda?” a male voice said, interrupting them.

Amanda gasped audibly. “What are you doing here?” she asked, horrified.

“Enjoying the party. I’m a friend of the Carmichaels’. And I see that you’re Rebecca and Sarah’s friend. Interesting.”

“Hi Connor,” Sarah said with a slight frown. Connor was smiling, although his eyes were not, as he stared at Amanda.

“Hello Sarah. Happy birthday,” Connor replied, his glance softening. He gave her a kiss on the cheek. “And Rebecca, congratulations again.”

“Thank you,” the two of them murmured.

“Well, Amanda, I must say it’s a... surprise to see you here,” Connor said with what looked like a smirk rather than a smile. “Have fun tonight, girls,” he added, then walked off.

“What was that about?” Rebecca demanded when Connor was out of earshot.

“Oh my God. I don’t believe this,” Amanda said, looking utterly dismayed. “He’s a friend of the Carmichaels? Ugh!”

“What was that about?” Sarah echoed, her own dramas temporarily forgotten.

“Remember when I went to the Formula One Grand Prix in Melbourne last month?” Amanda asked.

“Nooo. He wasn’t that guy!” Sarah said with round eyes.

“Yes, he was that jerk that put me off one-night stands forever,” Amanda said, eyes flashing.

“He was your first and only one-night stand,” Rebecca said dryly.

“Well, he ensured I didn’t do it again,” Amanda said with a glare in the direction of where Connor went. “How close is he to the brothers?”

“Quite close,” Sarah answered. “Apparently, they’re childhood friends since his parents own the neighbouring property.”

“Oh no,” Amanda lamented. “Does that mean I’ll have to see him every time there’s a party like this with the Carmichaels? Argh! I need another a drink,” she said, walking off in a huff.

Sarah and Rebecca stared at each other in disbelief.

“Is it just me or is that reaction way over the top?” Rebecca asked.

“Way over the top,” Sarah confirmed. “I wonder if there’s something else Amanda hasn’t told us.”

“Connor looked equally bemused.”

“To say the least.”

They stood there, pondering the unexpected, when Rebecca placed a hand on Sarah’s arm. “Anyway, my dear, let’s get back to the topic of you and Jeff. Where were we?”

“Oh, that he probably thinks I don’t want to be in the same room as him,” Sarah replied, her melancholy returning.

“How do you feel right now?”

“I don’t know. Sad, nervous. I know that you girls think he likes me, but...”


Bianca, Bec. He’d wanted to marry her.
me is just not enough for me to feel secure in a relationship with Jeff, especially since he sees Bianca all the time now.”

“You want love, not like,” Rebecca murmured.

“Yes. Do you think there’s a chance he might be in love with me?” she asked hopefully.

“I can’t answer that. You have to ask him.”

She sighed. “I know. And I will talk to him tonight,” she said with conviction.

“Hey girls,” Ash said, joining them. “What’s up with Amanda?”

“Haven’t you asked her?” Rebecca said.

“She wouldn’t tell me. But she’s got that look that says she’s mighty pissed off.”

Sarah and Rebecca glanced at each other.

“Come on, tell me” Ash said cajolingly.

“I think Zach’s grand-aunt wants me,” Rebecca mused, smiling back at the elderly lady who was pointing Rebecca out to some people. “Excuse me, guys.”

“Sarah?” Ash prompted.

“You don’t need to know everything about your sister, Ash,” Sarah said.

“Ah, now you’ve done it. You’ve got me all intrigued,” Ash said, leading her out to the patio with an arm around her waist.

“You’re so nosy,” Sarah said with a laugh. “Haven’t you learned that there’s nothing you can say or do that would make the five of us betray each other’s confidence?”

“Did Amanda make you promise not to tell?”

“Err, no.”

“There you go,” Ash said jubilantly. “You can tell me.”

Sarah rolled her eyes. “It doesn’t concern you, Mr. Stickybeak.”

“Ever since my dear sister made it her mission to butt in all of my relationships, her men problems have become my concern. Tit for tat, and all that. Besides, I’m really worried. She’s got this murderous look about her,” he added seriously.

“How do you know this particular issue involves a man?” she asked innocently.

Ash smirked. “As if I haven’t been around you girls long enough to know. Remember I used to chase away boys who hurt you when you were teenagers?”

Sarah laughed out loud. “You didn’t just chase away boys who hurt us, Ash. You also chased away perfectly good guys who were boyfriend material.”

“You girls were too young then.”

Sarah squinted her eyes at him. She’d always had a sneaking suspicion that Ash chased away boys for an altogether different reason—Brenna. But that was the one thing that she and her best friends didn’t talk about. For them, it was an off-limits topic. Ash was their ‘older brother’.

“So?” Ash prompted.

She made a face. “I want to talk to Amanda first.”

Ash groaned. “At least give me something.”

“O-kay,” she said slowly. “It does have something to do with a man she really dislikes. Nothing serious.”

“Nothing serious? Why was she downing wine like it was water?”

“Was she?” Sarah asked, her eyes widening.

Ash sighed. “Yes. Can you girls make sure she’s okay? It’s not often I see her like this. And she was perfectly fine earlier.”

“I will, don’t worry,” she said, linking her arm with Ash’s and leading him back inside.

“And you’ll let me know eventually, right?”

She chuckled. “Yes, Ash. Eventually.”

They stepped back into the bar and the smile on Sarah’s face faded. Jeff was staring at them, his expression stony. Without a gesture of acknowledgement, he turned around and walked away.

“Uh-oh. I think your Mr. Carmichael just got jealous,” Ash said. “Hey, if that’s the case, that’s good news. That means he cares about you.”

Sarah’s smile returned, pleased with that thought.

“Well, you better go and run after him, Sarah. No more dilly-dallying.”

She nodded. Yes, no more dilly-dallying. “Thanks, Ash,” she said, squeezing his arm.


arah went out of the bar and into the lobby. Jeff was not there. She rushed to his suite, hoping that was where he’d gone to.

With heart pounding like it never had before, she knocked on his door.

“Who’re you looking for?”

Her head swivelled to the sound of Jeff’s voice coming from down the corridor. For a breathless moment, all she could do was stare. Then she remembered his question.

“I was looking for you,” she answered.

Jeff walked toward her, his eyes intense and searching, then walked past to head to the next suite—the one that had been hers before she’d left. He unlocked the door and held it open, wordlessly inviting her in.

“Oh. You’re not staying in this one?” she asked dumbly.

He shook his head, not saying a word, not smiling—just gaping at her with a look that made her tremble.

She bit her lip as she walked into his room, nerves running riot from a potent combination of anticipation and uncertainty.

Jeff closed the door and leaned against it, watching her.

She still couldn’t read his expression—well, more like she didn’t dare interpret it. Her head was clear as mud. Her heart—all nervous and excited—was overwhelming her brain. “Say something, Jeff,” she whispered.

His brows rose. “You’re the one who wants to talk.”

“Oh.” Her gaze went down to the ground, a sinking feeling suddenly enveloping her. So he
want to talk? She rallied her courage and looked back at him.

“I’m sorry I ran away,” she said. “I’m sorry I got scared. I’m still scared but I’m willing to talk. If you want to, that is. Because you may not want to anymore.”

Jeff’s eyes softened and he strolled toward the couch. He sat down and patted the space next to him.

With a big sigh that released some tension, she followed and sat beside him.

To her relief, Jeff wasn’t stony-faced anymore. And he seemed to be nervous too. He was rubbing his biceps with the pads of his fingertips, as if it was itching.

“Okay where do I start?” she murmured, not really having a clear plan of attack.

“Why don’t you start with why you want to talk to me right now,” Jeff said.

Her eyes started to smart as she thought about all the things she wanted to say. She really didn’t know where to begin, apart from just blabbing what was forefront on her mind. Heck, what had she got to lose but her pride? That didn’t seem important now.

“I saw you watching me and Ash earlier. I don’t exactly know what you were thinking, but
in case
you got jealous, I want you to know that Ash is just a friend. In fact, he’s like a brother to me.”

“I see,” Jeff said, a small frown appearing on his face.

“Were you... um... jealous?” she dared ask, peering at him.

Jeff smiled. “Yes.”

She returned his smile. “That’s good.”

“Are you still jealous of Bianca?” he asked softly.

Her smile disappeared as she involuntarily swallowed. “Yes.”

“Greg will be her main point of contact from now on so I won’t have to work directly with her,” Jeff said.

She inhaled sharply, her jaw slackening in surprise.

“Would that make things okay between us?” he asked, concern evident in his face.

“You... changed things around at work?”

“Yes. There will be times when I will still have to see her for important meetings. But other people should be present with us then, and they will only be occasional. For the most part, Greg would be working with her.”

“But isn’t that messing with your work too much? I thought you’ve always been the head of marketing? Wouldn’t you still have to be greatly involved with her projects?”

“You prefer that she doesn’t work for us at all? Okay.”

“What do you mean okay?”

“I mean, okay. We’ll ask the advertising agency to assign a new account manager to us.”

She stared at him in disbelief, her practical mind tempering the reaction of her heart that was dancing crazily with joy—not because Bianca might lose her role at The Carmichael Corporation, but because Jeff was willing to make that decision for her. For

“Why are you doing this, Jeff?”

It was his turn to look disbelieving. “You can’t tell why? I love you, Sarah.”

Tears sprung to her eyes as she stared at him for interminable seconds. He loved her? “Really?”

“Yes, baby. Really,” he said, sincerity pouring from his tone and his gaze.

“Oh Jeff. I love you, too.” Then she launched herself at him.

In an instant, they were in flames. Jeff raked his fingers through her hair, holding her head in place as they kissed passionately. He shifted them so he was lying on his back and she was on top, straddling him, her short dress bunched up around her waist.

“I missed you so fucking much,” Jeff said vehemently against her lips, his hands busy caressing her behind.

She moaned, feeling heady with relief and desire, her heart expanding so much she could hardly breathe. But there was a small part of her that was conscious of what was happening elsewhere in the hotel. “We should continue this later,” she said reluctantly, sitting up.

“No. Why?” Jeff said, trying to pull her back down to him.

“Dinner will be served soon. We need to be out there,” she said, giving him a conciliatory kiss on the lips. “It’s also my birthday party, you know,” she added lightly.

Jeff sighed resignedly and let her go. “You’re staying in this suite with me this weekend.
weekend,” he declared.

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