Fighting Temptation (Bay State Series Book 1) (11 page)

BOOK: Fighting Temptation (Bay State Series Book 1)
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New traditions




I am so in love with you.” The way she's looking at me right now could make a mother fucker weep.

“I'm in love with you too Braydon.” She kisses me so passionately, I can't help but take it further into the sweetest, slowest love we've ever made.

I slowly kiss my way down her body until my mouth is right were I need it to be. Inches from her sweet pussy. I lean in those couple of inches and run the tip of my nose along her folds, brushing her clit, making her whimper.

“Braydon, please?”

“I love it when you beg, it's so fuckin' sexy. Tell me what you want Ilyanna.” I continue to torture her with just the tip of my nose while inhaling her delicious scent.

“Make me cum, lick me until I cum.” And I do just that, taking her lips into my mouth and sucking hard. “Oh God.....” Pushing my tongue deep, I devour her like she's my last meal, making her buck up against my face. When she finally lets go of her release I slowly kiss my way up her body.

Taking her mouth in a scorching kiss I slowly inch my cock inside of her silkiness. “Your so wet baby.” I remain as still as possible once I'm fully seated in her depth.

“Braydon.... move...please....god...please.....?”

“Oh no baby, we're taking this nice and slow. I want to show you just how much I love you.”

I set a slow and steady pace until we both explode from mutual orgasms. She grips me so tight when she cums I have no choice but to join her. I feel like I'm going to pass out from the force of it.

I get up and go to the bathroom to get a wet cloth and when I get back to the bed Ilyanna's spread eagle, snoring and is positively the most gorgeous thing I've ever laid eyes on. I gently wipe away the remains of our love making, toss the cloth on the floor until morning and gather my beautiful girl in my arms. Stroking her hair until I too fall into a deep sleep.


“Wake up beautiful.”

“Hmmm... already? Come back to bed, baby.”

“Yes already sleepy head, it's ten thirty. And as much as I would love to come back to bed and fuck you after being so gentle last night, it'll just have to wait.”

She throws back the covers, groans and flings herself off of the bed. “Shit, why did you let me sleep so late?” She asks as she rushes to the bathroom and immediately starts the shower.

“Relax, we're planning on leaving around noon. That should give us plenty of time.” I answer as I shed my clothes so I can join her in the shower.

I close the curtain once inside and wrap myself around her from behind, kissing her neck and rubbing her tits, making her moan.


“I love this one,” Ilyanna tells me while holding up some kind of floral pattern dress. “I think your mom would look really pretty in it.”

She's looking at me smiling and I shrug. “If you say so, I'm not big on female fashion. Then again I think my mom always looks pretty.”

“Aww well aren't you sweet.” She reaches up and kisses my cheek as she flings the dress into the cart. “Now we need to find something for your dad. Any suggestions?”

“Let's head over to the sporting goods store, I need to look around and find something he doesn't already have. There's not much that man needs. He has quite a collection.”

“Lead the way handsome.”

After looking around the store and not finding anything, I call my mom. “Did you miss me already? You just saw me twenty minutes ago when we parked,” she laughs into the phone.

“I'm at a loss with what to get dad. The man has everything.”

“You could always just get him a bottle of scotch. He never has enough of that. Or renew his membership at the country club.”

“Thanks mom. I'll figure something out before we meet back up at the car.”

I end the call and look at Ilyanna and shrug again, telling her what my mom suggested. “I have an idea. We passed a travel agency a few stores back. Lets go in there and get them a cruise. We can keep the dress for her birthday.”

“This is why I love you, I would have never thought about that. Mom's actually mentioned a cruise to Nova Scotia. That's perfect babe.” I link my hand with hers as we head back the way we came.

“What can I help you with today?” The agent asks us as we approach her desk.

“I'm interested in purchasing a cruise to Nova Scotia for two. I was wondering what your different packages include.”

  Looking over several options we finally decide on an eleven night cruise in May. All inclusive master suite with their own private balcony.

“I can't wait to see their faces when they open these tickets,” Ilyanna smiles brightly up into my eyes.

“I can't either baby.” I mirror her grin. “This was a great idea.”


    It makes me so happy seeing Ilyanna getting along so well with my parents. We're at the local tree farm and they're letting her choose. She looks so beautiful all bundled up from the chilly air. Her cheeks and nose are a nice red color, just like she looks after I make her cum. Damn we're with my parents. I really don't need to get a hard on right now.

“Oh! Look at this one. It's perfect.” She looks at  both of my parents before her eyes find mine. “Don't you think so?”

I wrap my arms around her and kiss her cheek. “I think it's perfect too.” I look to my dad. “Do you still have your decorations in the attic?” It's been a few years since they've decorated. They said they just don't feel the need to anymore.

“We donated most of it to charity at our church but we still have our ornaments. We want to pass those down to our grandchildren, too many years invested in them to ever just give them away.”

Oh no, it's a good thing Ilyanna doesn't see the look in my mother's eyes as she looks at her. Trust me mom, I feel the same way. I can't wait to have a family with her.

Handing her the saw, I grin at her. “Here you go, time to cut it down.”

“What? You want me to cut this monstrosity down?” She asks while stifling a laugh. “You must be crazy to trust me with that thing. I'll probably cut off someone's leg.”

Laughing at her I say, "Let's take turns baby. You saw a little and pass it on, we can start a new family tradition.” I swallow the lump suddenly stuck in my throat at my assumption.

“That doesn't sound so bad.” She winks at me and my parents share a look. My gaze meets theirs and I give them a private smile. They know exactly how I feel about her. Shit, I haven't shut up about it.

My mom takes the saw from me and smiles at Ilyanna. “You just watch me honey, you'll get the hang of it.” She tells her as she starts to make a shallow cut in our first family Christmas tree. I start to imagine many more including our children with their mother's dark brown hair. Giggling and laughing while we all take turns doing this. She hands the saw to Ilyanna who looks hesitant. “Don't worry dear, it won't bite you.”

My dad joins in the fun of teasing her. “Just make sure the sharp side's facing the tree.” Her jaw drops but she recovers quickly. Taking the saw from my mom she sticks her tongue out at him in the process.

Holding the saw to the tree she starts to move it back and forth, quickly getting frustrated that it's not cutting into the wood. I walk and stand behind her, placing my hands on hers. Putting pressure on the saw I start moving our hands. She turns and places a quick kiss on my lips. “Thanks babe. I think I've got the hang of it now.”


“There all finished,” Ilyanna says as she climbs down the ladder after putting the star on the top of the tree. I can't help the twitch in my dick from watching her climb up and down, seeing the way her ass moves in those jeans. Mmmmm. When we finally make it upstairs later she is so gonna get it. I know she put just a little extra jiggle in it for me. Not that I'm complaining but if we were home I'd attack her right here and now.

My thoughts are broken when my mom announces it's present time, she decided that we keep tonight strictly Christmas and tomorrow Thanksgiving and my birthday. Which means I have to wait a little while longer to undress my sexy as fuck girlfriend. And the way she's looking at me makes me think her thoughts aren't too far from mine. I give her a smirk and a wink before joining her on the love seat.

My parents come back into the living room with two boxes, my mom hands one to each of us. “You open yours first,” She says to Ilyanna. “And I must say how happy we are to have met you and look forward to spending much more time together.” She smiles down at her before taking a seat next my dad.

Ilyanna looks happier than I've ever seen her. I understand completely. I feel the same way. She tears the paper off, opens the box, unfolds the tissue and gasps. “How?... When?.... I love them. Thank you.” She has tears in her eyes as she shows me the three picture frames that were in the box. They're all pictures of us. One is of us in my parents kitchen sitting side by side at the island looking at each other and smiling. The second's of us sitting on the couch, again looking at each other. Obviously oblivious to what's going on around us, looking so much in love. The third my mom must have taken in the car on the way home from shopping. Ilyanna fell asleep in the back seat, her head on my shoulder and I'm kissing the top of her head. They're all absolutely breathtaking to look at, capturing the love we share.

“Well honey, it was pretty easy when you two are so wrapped up in each other. I just pulled out my phone any opportunity I had to capture your feelings for each other. I just wanted you to see what everyone else sees.”

“They're so beautiful, thank you so much. This is the perfect present.” The tears are flowing down her cheeks and I reach up to brush them away with my thumbs.

I lean in to kiss her cheek and whisper in her ear. “I love you baby.”

She looks at me with so much emotion. “I love you too.” After wiping her face on her sleeve she turns back to me. “Your turn love.”

I make quick work removing the paper from my gift. I've never had any patience when opening them. “Oh, wow! How did you know I wanted a new Gronk jersey? This is awesome. And a new hat, sweet.”

“Well son, when it comes to you we know we could never go wrong with Pats gear.” My dad laughs. “Your too easy to shop for.”

“We're going to the game in a couple weeks. These will definitely be put to good use. I'll be right back. I have to go get your presents.”

We decided to give my mom the dress to wear on the cruise so we found my dad some khaki shorts and an obnoxious floral print shirt to complete the gift. Kinda cheesy considering they're not going anywhere tropical. But it's fun and they're gonna shit bricks....

When I return to the living room they're all laughing. I can't express how relieved I am that they've welcomed her so easily. The damage Heather did to me. I never thought my parents would be able to act civil towards the woman in my life again. They had already loved her like a daughter. I think my mother was more upset than I was when she found out about the horrible mess that girl put me through. I can say with absolute certainty that Ilyanna is nothing like that black hearted bitch. “Now before you open these,” I say as I hand them the three boxes. “The small one is to be opened by both of you. Open the others first.” I share a smile with my girl as I take my seat next to her facing my parents.

“Wow this dress is beautiful. Thank you.” She comes over to use to give us a hug and kiss before sitting down next to my dad again.

My dad on the other hand looks a little puzzled at his gift. “It's November. Don't you think it's off season for this?”

Giving him a shrug and a grin, I ignore his question. “Okay, now open the other one.”

Pulling out the tickets and itinerary my father's jaw drops. “What the hell?”

“Oh my goodness Braydon... Are these what I think they are?” My mother asks excitedly while cupping her hands over her mouth.

“Yup, we're sending you to Nova Scotia. It's not until May. And I know it's not a tropical destination but we thought the clothes would be fun.” I smile at the tears in my mom's eyes and the look of shock on my dad's face.

“Oh you shouldn't have Braydon. But thank you. I can't wait. We've always wanted to go on this cruise.”

“I know. I honestly hadn't thought about it. Ilyanna suggested we check out the travel agency to get you a trip and I remembered you guys talking about it.”

“Well damn boy. How are we ever gonna top this?”

“You don't have to of course, it was our pleasure.”

“Thank you. This is the best present ever. Besides you of course.” Wow my dad getting sentimental. Just wow.....

“Your very welcome.” We say in unison. Looking into her eyes I get the message to wrap this up for some alone time.

“Alright, time for bed. We have to get up early to put the bird in and start food prep.”

Ilyanna gets up and starts cleaning up the ripped paper littering the floor. “Nonsense girl, we'll clean up. Your our guest.” My mom says without too much enthusiasm. I'm sure she's pretty tired. We've had a busy day.

“I don't mind really. It'll just take a minute.”

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