Fighting Malevolent Spirits: A Demonologist's Darkest Encounters (2 page)

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Authors: Samantha E. Harris

Tags: #ghost, #spirit communication, #true ghost, #haunted, #real haunting, #haunting, #ghost hunting, #real ghost, #true

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Since then I have been contacted by numerous production companies, producers, television and radio shows, and various news outlets. I always enjoy working with the media not because of fame or fortune (and it should be noted that there is no fortune to be made in reality shows or docu-dramas), but because I try to expand the minds of the producers to demonstrate that the media has only scraped the surface of “paranormal television.” There is so much more to film, document, and share with the public. Personally, I’d like to see the media focus on the positive and healing side of the paranormal more, much like
Long Island Medium
and other shows, which are loving and reassuring of life after death. There is so much negative junk on television; it would be nice to see the fun and positive side once in a while!


Working with the paranormal community is a continuous lesson as well. On a rare occasion I will network with other individuals in the field to participate in a case or to compare notes. There are both benefits and setbacks to working with others in the paranormal field. You can meet some amazing and experienced individuals, but you can also run into politics, ego, and religious battles, or territorial issues. Human error will wiggle its way into any field of study, and as shown in the following cases in this book, I’ve had both wonderful and alarming experiences working with others. My quest for the truth is never finished and each person I encounter helps me grow closer to knowing.



s a paranormal investigator and demonologist, I never grew up thinking about battling demons nor did I really give the concept of “demons” a thought; however, the lifestyle of fighting these entities chose me. I was soon guided down the path to helping others and found myself offering solutions to hauntings and demonic oppression outside of conventional religious methods. Frustrated by the lack of help from churches, many individuals began seeking my help as a last resort.

Handling demonic cases has altered the way I view myself, the world, and the safety of those around me, and yet it has also enlightened me through the reward of helping others. God and I have an agreement, or so I like to think—I will always work for Him and battle his enemies as long as my loved ones and animals are never harmed as a consequence of my actions. To this day we both have kept our word and I intend to honor our Creator for as long as my soul exists.

Oddly enough, I do not adhere to one religion and instead am a very spiritual individual. I was raised as a Christian but have come to respect all religions and beliefs. I believe in a Christ-figure because of an out-of-body experience I had after a surgery and the effectiveness “Christ” has on the demonic, but I do not follow mainstream religion.

If you were to combine an exorcist, demonologist, paranormal investigator, counselor, and a spiritual healer, you would discover something along the lines of how I function. I became a reverend through a universal ministry and incorporate various methods in the removal of both human spirit and demonic hauntings. Demons exist in all civilizations around the world and I have found, through years of studying various cultures and religions, that there is more than one way to remove them, which proves to me that God transcends any specific denomination or religion.

I have researched the paranormal for over fourteen years, since I was about eleven years old, and have come to practice the art of spiritual healing for many distraught families. As of early 2013, I have performed over eighty cleansings for families and individuals experiencing a severely negative haunting.

Surprisingly, I was a pretty normal child—aside from my fascination with spiritualism and the metaphysical. In high school, as the newspaper’s entertainment editor, I wrote articles about local paranormal hauntings and crazy adventures at rock concerts. I unintentionally created an odd reputation for myself, but no one seemed to mind. One thing that has always remained true about me is my desire to fight for and protect those who can’t defend themselves, both humans and animals alike. This aspect of my soul is what led me into some of the darkest places of this world in an effort to help others. I never really knew what I wanted to do with my life, but I did know that I wanted to assist others and to make a positive impact on the world.

During my college career I began performing house cleansings for individuals and families—it gave me the sense of helping and healing others I so deeply craved.

In college I studied abnormal psychology and received my B.A. from Michigan State University (go Green!) in communications and media studies in May of 2011. I am delighted that our society has progressed beyond demonizing mental illnesses and claiming individuals were simply possessed; however, I have witnessed instances in which modern science cannot simply explain away certain phenomena.

For the skeptics reading this, thank you for taking the time to read this book. I respect skeptics because unless you have truly experienced something, you can’t really believe in it. However, if a person does not go out of their way to experience or research something, such as demonology, they are likely not going to encounter it. And thank goodness for that! If you are a true skeptic, then this book may persuade you to believe in the supernatural. If you are a disbeliever and already have your mind made up … well, this might just be an amusing book for you to read. Either way, enjoy! This is not a book to provide scientific proof that demons exist but rather to share true accounts of demonic hauntings and the evidence that I have gathered.

It is said that nearly three out of four Americans believe in the paranormal realm, and yet some fear being ostracized for even discussing such matters. More often than not, the stranger next to you in the grocery store or movie theater has experienced something “unexplainable.”

It is important to note that I do not demonize the paranormal; not everything is evil and ghosts are not demons. I have seen very powerful and loving divine beings that have healed and consoled others, but I do know and acknowledge the darkness that exists in this world on the opposite side of the paranormal spectrum.

Reading this book and fighting demons does not require a certain faith. I believe we are all children of God and can act as spiritual warriors on His behalf. Individuals should respect the concept of evil and the demonic, and never antagonize or welcome in such spirits.

From this book, you will learn different methods of self-
protection, how to remove hauntings, and you will gain an understanding of demonic entities through actual accounts. These stories may disturb you, as there are graphic details I have chosen to include; I feel it is important to remain truthful and realistic. These are true stories about real families, real clients, and demons that I believe to be very real.

To respect the privacy of individuals and families, the names mentioned in this book have been changed; however, the stories remain true. It should also be noted that in this book I may refer to “God” as Great Spirit, Creator, God, Lord, and so on. Readers are welcome to substitute “God” with their preferred name for a Higher Power.



What is a demon?

n theory and according to holy texts, a demon is a fallen angel that betrayed God. Some cultures believe they are evil spirits who have always roamed the earth in spirit form and were never “good” to begin with. Others believe they are “tricksters” or spirits that exist as a result of our bad human behavior. Regardless, almost every single culture and religion around the world recognizes a negative spirit or entity that preys on humans for a number of reasons.

I think that demons are universal spirits, meaning they are experienced globally and cross-culturally and are very ancient beings. I have learned and witnessed that their main objective is to destroy and break down relationships, emotions, finances, health, and most of all, to isolate their targeted victims. They feed off of negative energy and wreak havoc in order to thrive. If they can destroy one’s faith in Spirit and God, all the better. From my research, demons seem to exploit and corrupt any positive or enjoyable human experience (i.e., relationships, sex, happiness, etc.) seemingly out of jealousy and hate. They are intelligent creatures that should not be underestimated.

Never antagonize a demon or challenge it. Simply ignore the entity and command it out in the name of God until you are able to have a cleansing performed. It should be noted that demons are not ghosts or human spirits, although they can disguise themselves as such. Most hauntings consist of human spirits, but on occasion we will find that a demon(s) is residing in the house. A list of characteristics and telltale signs to differentiate between human spirits and demons is given next.

How can you tell if it’s a demon?

Demons usually have a set of characteristics and behaviors that make them identifiable for us. More often than not, demons will come into the person or family’s life subtly and then get progressively worse. In the beginning, they are frequently mistaken for being a human ghost, until things turn violent, aggressive, and dark. Most human spirits do not have the energy and power to cause physical harm or throw large objects as seen in demonic cases. Demons may exhibit “poltergeist” activity by throwing objects, moving furniture, making messes, screaming, and so on. Here is what most of our demonic cases have consisted of (not all characteristics must match for the spirit to be demonic):

• Hearing: Growling, scratching and banging on the walls, knocking, feathers fluttering, pig grunts and squeals, cat howling, wolf howling, hissing, shrieking, screaming, voices and singing coming from the heating vents, hooves clicking, sinister laughing or chuckling, mimicking of family members’ voices, voices instructing the individual to harm themselves or others, and to do inappropriate or harmful things, etc.

• Seeing: Tall and lanky figures, shrouded or cloaked silhouettes, shadows, black clouds or matter that move on the floor, walls, or ceiling, evil faces, writing on the mirrors, floors, or walls that may be threatening, symbols, footprints in the shape of hooves, claws, or inhuman feet.

Sometimes demons will actually appear as a sinister human spirit. Essentially, they are shape-shifters and can really appear as anything (fake angels, black dogs, children, creatures, beasts, and so on).

• Smelling: Sulfur or rotten eggs, burning, burnt rubber or plastics, decaying or rotting odors. Any foul smell is usually associated with demonic entities. Smells will appear without a logical cause and can become overpowering, sometimes leading to nausea or fainting.

How do demons come into someone’s life?

There are numerous reasons why an individual or a family may begin to experience a demonic haunting or demonic oppression. Demons prey on the weak and the ill—anything that weakens you is something a demon capitalizes on. The most common causes I have seen in our cases are alcoholism, substance abuse, sexual abuse, domestic violence, depression and anxiety issues, chronic illness, and unprotected meddling with the occult.

Some religions will teach you that
involvement with the metaphysical will create an opportunity for the demonic; however, I disagree. After encountering numerous cases, I have the following views on astrology, psychics, and Ouija boards:

1) To those who believe astrology is a satanic practice, I like to reference the Three Wise Men, who were astrologers. I do not believe it is evil to study God’s amazing creation, the universe and stars, in the form of astrology, unless
you put it
God. I have never encountered a demonic case stemming from the reading of “daily horo
scopes.” Some people use divination as a way of connecting
God, much like when people attend church to feel connected with God. Worship can be demonstrated in numerous ways and it is important to be accepting of other cultures, practices, and religions.

2) I do not believe legitimate psychics or mediums are evil—I have heard some of the most loving and compassionate messages that only brought closure and relief to the client (in no way was it a deception of evil). These messages confirmed life after death and the existence of God and Heaven, strengthening the client’s faith. I have the gift of being able to discern spirits, so I actually sense evil when it is present, and during these psychic readings nothing but God and love was present. Being able to give readings is a gift from God and, for those who may think it’s sinister, is listed in Corinthians in the Bible. Undoubtedly, there are some phony mediums and psychics out there who take advantage of others, but if you find a genuine one, you will know that it is God working through them.

3) I personally do not use Ouija boards, but I believe that spirit communication can be accomplished safely; however, many individuals do not take the additional precautionary efforts to ensure their safety. I firmly believe everyone should use an opening and closing prayer when using message boards, because you can unknowingly welcome in an entity that may or may not be demonic. I have had several cases in which Ouija boards were used, but none of the families thought to protect themselves with a prayer like, “No evil or negative entities are allowed to speak or connect with us, only positive and loving spirits may communicate. In God’s name we pray. Amen.”

I like to compare people using an Ouija board to being a telemarketer—you’re calling all these phone numbers and you have no idea what type of person is going to answer the phone. It is a very dangerous situation to be in, especially when adolescents use the board under the influence of substances, making themselves even more vulnerable. Have respect for the dangers and use a protection prayer or stay away from an Ouija board entirely.

There are other routes in which demons can enter someone’s life, but they are much less common than the above reasons. Sometimes demons are drawn to a person’s aura, energy, and personality. Demons can also be attracted to someone from a public place like a hospital and prey on that individual during their recovery or illness.

Surprisingly, there have been cases involving rape victims. If they didn’t receive adequate counseling or closure, the demon was drawn in through their resentment, anger, and depression over the incident.

Death of a family member, friend, or loved one can also create negative feelings of anguish, anger, loss of faith in God, and other problematic emotions that can attract a demon. Fully experiencing and accepting death or a tragic event is therapeutic; however, if the negative feelings continue for a prolonged period of time, an individual may be putting themselves more at risk.

I have also studied cases of “ancestral demonic oppression” in which the demonic entity is inherited through the family line over the years—meaning the demon attaches itself to different family members as time passes.

Satanic worship is also a direct way to attach a demon to an individual. Sometimes clients will admit that they worshiped the devil or dabbled with quasi-satanic rituals when they were younger, thinking that it would fade away over the years. I believe that Satanism is selfish, naïve, and cruel—it also gives the illusion of power but is very fleeting. Most of all, it gives the worshipers the delusion that they are in control. No human ever controls or owns evil, despite what the entity may convince the individual to believe. Demons are parasites and will use the Satanist until they are no longer useful. We all know good always wins over evil anyway, right? Why bother meddling with the dark?

Is a poltergeist a demon?

From my experiences, I have found that most often, “poltergeist” cases are usually demonic in nature. Some theorists believe that a poltergeist is the result of a person’s subconscious, or personal energy, manifesting the events and causing a haunting without their awareness—thus it seems that a foreign spirit is active in the home. (I no longer agree with this theory after years of experiencing supposed poltergeist cases.) However, I do believe that it is possible for a person’s energy, such as an adolescent’s, to
an entity, which may lead to a haunting. It is extremely rare for a human spirit or personal energy to manifest such power and violence that poltergeist cases exhibit. If you are dealing with a poltergeist, it’s best to perform a cleansing and remove the entity as soon as possible.

How can I perform a cleansing?

As my views and experiences have grown and evolved over time, so have my methods for house blessings. When I first started working with cleansings, I solely used white sage. From there, I incorporated olive oil, salt, holy water, and have experimented with various other herbs, plants, and incenses. In every room and area of the property I’m working in, I burn white sage (bathrooms, closets, basements, garages, etc.). I then sprinkle salt in every corner and draw a line of salt at each doorway and entrance into the home. Using the olive oil, I anoint above every doorway and window. I finish with the holy water by sprinkling it in every area. During all of these steps I recite various prayers, mostly adlibbing from the heart, commanding the entities to leave in the name of God.

In the back of this book, I have included preparations and steps recommended for performing your own house blessing. House blessings and cleansing rituals can be as unique as the readers and it is important to find a method that works and is comfortable for you!


I invite you now to read about some of the severe cases I have encountered and to form your own opinions about the possibility of demonic hauntings.


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