Fighting Malevolent Spirits: A Demonologist's Darkest Encounters (18 page)

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Authors: Samantha E. Harris

Tags: #ghost, #spirit communication, #true ghost, #haunted, #real haunting, #haunting, #ghost hunting, #real ghost, #true

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pen a few doors and windows throughout the house to “let the spirits out” and to prevent the white sage smoke from becoming too thick. You may close the doors and windows after the cleansing is over.

Break off pieces of the white sage smudge stick and place them in a heat-resistant bowl or abalone shell.

Light your charcoal disc on the stovetop or with a lighter, until the charcoal begins to glow orange around the bottom of the disc.
Use tongs or heat-resistant cooking utensils to safely remove the hot charcoal disc and place it on to the pieces of white sage. You can use a hot mitten to hold the bowl or shell if it becomes too hot during the ceremony. Very hot! Use caution!

Using your feather, begin to waft the smoke around the house and in every room. Waft the smoke into closets, corners, and all areas of each room.

As you travel through the house burning the white sage, begin saying a prayer out loud in every room: “
In the name of God, I cast out any demons or evil entities in this house. You are no longer welcome here and you are no longer allowed here. In God’s name I pray. Amen!”
You can also pray for positivity and blessings: “
God, I ask that you fill this house with white light, love, positivity, prosperity, good health, and happiness. May no negative energy or entities reside here anymore. Amen!

Repeat your prayers out loud during the entire ceremony and during each step.

Once you have smudged all areas of the house, closets, garage, and so on, you can set the bowl and white sage in the kitchen sink. Run water over the charcoal disc and it will extinguish.

Using your olive oil bottle, dab some of the oil onto your finger and anoint above each doorway and window in the sign of the cross or a symbol of God. Keep repeating your prayers out loud and with conviction.

Grab a pinch of salt and sprinkle it in every corner of each room. Take the salt and draw a line in front of each doorway, entrance, and exit to the home. You can also sprinkle salt into each closet. Keep saying your prayers.

Take your bottle of holy water and begin walking through the house, splashing the water in the sign of the cross or a holy symbol while praying. Bless each room and sprinkle the water in all areas of the home.

After all steps have been completed, gather together as a family. All family members should command the demon(s) and spirits to leave out loud and claim their home back. Take turns telling the entity(s) to leave in the name of God.

Read the Warfare Prayer and/or St. Michael’s Prayer (provided in this book) out loud as a family. All family members should obtain a copy or practice the repeat-after-me method for reading the prayer.

The spirit or entity should have departed, but you may repeat the cleansing as frequently as you like until you feel the entity has left. When an entity leaves, the house should feel lighter, brighter, and more “airy.” Most people will feel a sense of peace. For severe cases, several cleansings may be required to fully remove the demon. Do not lose faith; it can be a tough and long battle but it is worth it in the end!

Give thanks to God and to each of the family members for working together to remove this entity.

Close the doors and windows after the smoke has thinned out and the cleansing is complete.

Extra Information & Techniques

You may also burn a section of a dried “sweet grass” braid after the cleansing is completed to promote positive and healing energy.

Burning Palo Santo sticks can also clear out negative energy and they are used to remove evil spirits.

I also recommend purchasing a Himalayan rock salt lamp to use as a nightlight. It is believed that demons have a harder time manifesting when there is a light present at night. The salt rock also emits ions that promote a positive environment and energy—further dispelling negative entities. They are great for creating a calm and relaxed atmosphere in your home, regardless of a negative haunting.

Some clients choose to play a gospel music or a worship CD during their cleansings to help drive out the evil spirits.


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