Fighting for Julia [Panther Cove 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (18 page)

BOOK: Fighting for Julia [Panther Cove 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Daven’s fingers disappeared. “I have to have you. I love you so much, Julia.”

Those sweet words helped her relax as he pressed his cock against her rear opening. Gently, he edged his way in, hitting nerve after nerve and electrifying her body.

“That feels good.”

“You are so damn tight. If I go any faster, I’m going to lose it.”

She loved how every inch he traveled brought him closer to his climax. She’d concentrated so hard on what Daven was doing that she hadn’t noticed that Breck had moved out of reach. He edged around the side, reached under her body again, and continued to pleasure her breasts. Between the two of them, her climax was building fast, especially since Daven had finally fully seated himself in her ass. He leaned over and nibbled on her shoulder. She inhaled, waiting for him to sink his fangs into her shoulder, but only his tongue darted out and licked the sensitive area below her ear.

“What you do to me, kitten.” The tenderness and sincerity made her soar higher.

He eased out then drove back in, sending streaks of molten pulses straight to her needy pussy.

“I need another cock!” That might have been too crude, but she didn’t care.

“Let’s see about that.” With Daven’s cock implanted in her, he untied her hands, lifted her shoulders, and then leaned her back.

The change in angle pinched for a moment before turning into glorious bliss. He stretched his legs on either side of her, forcing her to completely sit on him. To support herself, she leaned back on her hands.

Breck moved in front. “Let’s open those legs real wide for me. I can’t wait to taste your sweet honey. Daven lift her up.”

Daven pressed up on his feet, raising his hips and causing her to seemingly float in the air. She clasped on to his knees for support.

Breck got on his stomach and thumbed open her pussy lips. When his velvety tongue licked her opening, steam churned inside her and the fire in her blood ignited.

“Oh, my God. Don’t stop.”

His response was to add a finger into her hole and swirl it around until she was in a wild frenzy of desire. She tried to wiggle her hips, but Daven had a strong hold on her. Only then did she realize he hadn’t moved. His cock was lodged inside her.

“You okay, Daven? Don’t you want to fuck me?”

“Kitten, I’m just waiting for Breck, and then I plan on fucking your ass until it’s my name you scream.”

Before she could toss back a comeback, Breck nipped her clit and her world blanked for a moment as the passion pushed her higher.

“Hurry, Breck.”

He lifted his head. “You want me to fuck your pussy hard?”

“Oh, yes.”

He grinned and his fangs extended. She swallowed hard, knowing this was the moment that would define her for the rest of her life. Right now, her two men would anoint her body and the three of them would become one.

Chapter Sixteen


Breck planted one foot on the bed and knelt on the other leg. He leaned forward and kissed her as softly as a leaf falls to the ground after a gust of wind separates it if from its limb. She nipped his bottom lip, and he pulled back and smiled.

“Ready, my love?”

Her mouth was so dry it was hard to form any words, so she nodded.

He aimed his cock at her opening and slipped in. He stopped after an inch, probably because her eyes had widened and her breath had caught. She hadn’t imagined having two cocks in her would take up so much room.

Daven reached around and rubbed a breast. Like that was going to help with the overwhelming sensation of having two cocks in her.

“Breathe, kitten. We’ll both fit.”

She hoped that was true, but she needed a moment to get used to the sensation. When she nodded again, Breck’s smile returned. He leaned forward and nibbled on her earlobe as he forged in farther. While Daven didn’t move, his fingers held more tension as if he was using all of his learned control not to fuck her fast and furiously.

Between Daven’s fingers playing with her nipple and Breck gliding in and out in short spurts, her body began to relax. Soon, every movement spewed torrents of delight all over her body. Now she was ready to take on both men.

“Breck, I need you.”

He must have understood because he closed his eyes and plowed into her in one strong thrust. He grunted. She grunted, and her body burst into flames.

That must have been the signal Daven needed because he withdrew partway and returned with a vengeance. The two men seemed lost in their own world, as was she. Holding her still, Daven drove his cock into her ass over and over again while Breck kept hitting her back wall. Heat built to near boiling as her climax soared, taking her to the highest mountain.

It was as if she was about to dive into a bubbling volcano that was ready to erupt. Once more Breck leaned over and licked her neck. She felt his fangs sink into her a second before Daven bit her neck. Together the men sank their teeth into her, sending their life’s blood in to her to seal their union. Never before had such power zoomed through her. No love could have eclipsed theirs.

As soon as they’d marked her, wild passion ensued. She bucked and screamed as her orgasm squeezed her tight. She milked both of their cocks, and they each growled as their seeds shot out of them. Swirls of chaos slammed into her as stars lit up the back of her lids and her body rose to unparalleled heights.

Once they finished spewing their seed, both men held still and hugged her tight in a warm embrace. Her pulse raced and their cocks still vibrated. She was so incredibly happy that she never wanted to move.

Breck leaned back. “Babe. Oh, shit. I forgot the condom.”

She swore there was a twinkle in his eyes. “I’ve waited seventy-six years for the right man. I’m okay with having a few little panthers running around. What about you guys?”

“Yes!” they said in unison.

What followed was insane. They must have kissed every inch of her body ten times. She laughed so hard her stomach hurt. “Enough, guys.” Cum had dripped down her legs and was getting everywhere.

“I’ll get something to clean us up,” Daven said. He came back in a flash and wiped her pussy. “I say we wait a little while and try this again. We need to make sure our seed took.”

All thoughts of ever working again flew out of her head. She’d never have the time.


* * * *


The next two weeks were crazy. Breck and Daven told her she only needed to work if she wanted to. Since she loved being at the coffee shop and mingling with the customers, she decided to keep that job. Besides, working side by side with Kendis would be so cool. Alexandre was so disappointed to be losing her, that she agreed to come in when needed. While Trish was quite upset to lose a friend, she totally got that by quitting, Julia would have much for time for her men.

As for school, she’d been attending classes for over fifty years around the country, and after this semester, she was going to take a break.

The men insisted she move up to their house, so she needed to pack her stuff. Her parents were over-the-top excited that she’d be so close. In truth, when her men were out doing their thing, it would be nice to have her mom near.

A knock sounded on her front door, but she wasn’t expecting anyone. When she pulled open the door a big grin stole across her face. Both Breck and Daven were there.

“Hey. I didn’t expect to see you.”

“We want to take you on a painting expedition.”

“Come in.” The air was cool today. “Tell me about this adventure you’ve got planned.”

“We haven’t been together to paint since we first met. We found a great place on the Blue Ridge Parkway that overlooks John’s Rock. It’s a cozy little alcove, and we wanted to try our hand at painting again.”

She loved the idea. “I’m game. I have what I call my spontaneous painting kit in the car. I’ll just need to grab a warm coat, put on some hiking boots, and I’ll be good to go.”
How cool was this?
The men really did seem to have an interest in art. She hurried to gather her gear. “I’m set.”

Her dads would never have been this spontaneous. Maybe she had lumped all beings who worked at Panther Cove into the same category. Shame on her.

The drive along the parkway was fabulous. The fall colors were fading, but the yellows and oranges still inspired. After a forty-five-minute drive, Breck pulled into an overlook parking lot. The view from on top of the parkway never failed to bring her joy. “This is glorious.”

“Wait until you see the view from down this path.” Daven had pulled on a backpack and put all of their supplies inside, leaving her free to traipse down the path.

They didn’t have to walk more than ten minutes, but the path was steep as they neared the cliff.

“Here we are.” Breck planted his hands on his hips and looked over the vista with a serene look on his face.

She wasn’t sure about the ten-foot-wide ledge that dropped about a thousand feet to the ground. “I’ll sit back here.”

Daven slipped next to her. “We’ll make sure you don’t fall.”

They plopped down, and she withdrew her easel and paints from the backpack. She and Daven faced the view while Breck turned to the side. The back of the easel faced them.

“You don’t want us to see what you’re painting?”


Only she and Daven were in his view, but she let him do his thing. They worked for about an hour when Breck announced he was done.

She laughed. “You can’t be done.” She’d only outlined the design and hadn’t even applied the paint. “Let me see.”

He turned his easel around. It took her a minute to figure out what he’d painted. It did look like two people sitting with easels in front of them, but there was a big glare in the middle of his scene, almost like it was a star. “What’s that white thing in the middle?”

“Oh that? Hmm. I used my imagination.”

She had no idea what he was talking about. “What did you intend it to be?”

Daven waved something sparkly in front of her face. “I think he thought we’d already given this to you.”

She looked down. The most beautiful diamond solitaire adorned a gold band and shone in the light. “Oh, my God. Is this what I think it is?”

In a flash, the men were on one knee in front of her. Daven pressed the ring over the fourth finger of her left hand. “I know we’ve already mated, and we hope there might even be an addition on the way, but we thought you might be more of a traditional girl and want a real wedding like your two friends.”

Tears formed in her eyes at the wonderful sentiment. “Did I ever tell you that you two are the best men in the whole world?”

They glanced at each other. “No,” they said in unison.

“Well, you are.”

Breck puffed out his chest. “I think you should prove it to us.”

A cold gust of wind nearly toppled her easel. “If you think I’m going to get naked in this weather, you are dead wrong.”

“But you said you wanted us so bad you’d be willing to have sex in the snow.”

“Yes. In the snow. Do you happen to see any?”

With that, Daven dropped to the ground next to her and pulled her on top of his body. Breck rested next to her with an arm around her back. The kisses were numerous and the love priceless. From now on, she’d always put love above all else.

“We need to come back here when it’s warmer.”

Both men shared a glance. “Now that’s a promise we definitely want to keep.”









Unlike most other authors, I started writing late in life. Writing stories in high school and college was not for me. Only after I graduated did I fall in love with romance novels. For the next twenty years, I read voraciously. It got to a point where my book-buying habits cost as much as my groceries. At that point, my husband suggested I write a book. Hey, it looked easy, right? All the stories started in the same spot (hero and heroine at odds) and ended the same way (happily ever after). Only it was anything but easy. Eleven years and fifteen completed romantic suspenses later, I finally published. I never would have gotten that far had it not been for two local chapters whose generous members shared their amazing wealth of knowledge.



For all titles by Melody Snow Monroe, please visit

BOOK: Fighting for Julia [Panther Cove 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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