Fighting for Julia [Panther Cove 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (11 page)

BOOK: Fighting for Julia [Panther Cove 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“I did her last.”

“The joy is evident. You need to let go more often.”

She couldn’t help but smile. “Thanks.”

While she wanted to take home the painting, she figured this one might be picked for the semester ending show. With a renewed spirit she left.

She wasn’t halfway to the car when her cell rang. It was Daven. Her heart lurched thinking the worse. She answered. “Are you okay?”

“Worried about me?” His chuckle almost caused her to throw the phone down.

“Yes. There’s almost a war going on. You could be called into action any minute. I thought perhaps this was my mother or worse, one of my fathers telling me not to expect to see either of you for a while.”
Or ever

“I’m touched.”

She reached her car, unlocked the doors, and slid in. “Did you call to hear my lovely voice?”

“Well, I do always love listening to you, but I booked us a balloon ride tomorrow morning. Want to go?”

Kendis had told her how Jeremiah and she had chased one all the way to some wonderful vineyard. She thought the whole idea so romantic. “I’d love to.”

Chapter Ten


When the knock sounded on her front door, Julia still wasn’t awake despite lacing her coffee with a ton of sugar. Five thirty in the morning was an uncivilized hour. Shifters didn’t seem to need as much sleep as humans, but she obviously didn’t get the
need no sleep
gene from either of her dads.

She pulled open the door, and the mere sight of Daven woke her up, or at least her bottom half shot to attention. Fresh air blew in, as did he.

He swooped her up in his arms and kissed her, acting like it had been months since they’d seen each other instead of a few days.

She leaned back her head. “Where’s Breck?”

“I didn’t mention it was just the two of us?” He lowered his head and nuzzled her neck.

The fact she’d get one of them to herself might be nice. “Maybe. He couldn’t get away?”

He set her down. “You’re giving me a complex. Here I thought it would be nice to spend the day together.” He ran a thumb across her lips, which only served to mess with her mind. “We thought having two of us fawn all over you might be a little overwhelming.”

“I have to admit it is a little distracting when you’re both lavishing your attention on me.”

He grinned, dimpling his cheeks. “You mean when we’re licking your pussy and adoring your tits?”

Why did he have to go and say that? Here she thought they could have a nice, fun time together, and for once not talk about sex.

Who are you kidding?
She knew the moment she accepted the invitation that she’d probably end up having one mind-blowing orgasm after another.

Decision made
. As soon as this date was over, she’d tell Daven it might be better if they cooled things off. That way, it would give her time to get over them.

She inhaled. “No comment. Don’t we have a date with a balloon pilot?”

He wrapped an arm around her waist and escorted her out. The air was chilly, and she was glad she’d worn a heavier coat. She bet once they were high in the air, she’d have to snuggle.
Oh, darn.

Even though it was dark when they headed east, the sun’s glow began to peek over the horizon. Within fifteen minutes, he pulled on to a dirt road. Here she thought the balloon ride would have originated from the bed-and-breakfast Kendis told her about.

“We launch from here?”


There were two cars in the lot, as well as a deflated balloon. While their floating paradise might have been considered ordinary by most, she had to smile at the primary colors stripping the balloon.

“Why are you smiling?” Daven cut the engine and came around to her side.

He pulled open the door. “The colors in the balloon remind me of Breck’s paining.”

He laughed. “You do know that was probably the first painting he ever did?”

She had suspected. “So? I liked it. It was a little raw, but the emotion was intense and spoke to me.”

“I think being next to you inspired both of us.”

She ran her hands down her pants. “Oh, look. The pilot is looking at us.”

He tugged her close. “He’s here on our schedule, but if you want we can speak to him. I see the talk of emotion and being with us makes you uncomfortable.”

She inwardly groaned, not wanting to discuss the future right now. “No, it doesn’t.” She smiled and pulled away.

The balloon pilot introduced himself and told them all about his balloon and the maintenance he’d done on it. She did feel more reassured that this adventure would be safe.

“Have you ever been up in a hot-air balloon before?” Daven asked.

“No. How could you tell?”

“From the way you’ve wrapped your arms around your shoulders acting as if you’re afraid to let go.”

“I’m cold.”

He pressed his lips to her ear. “You know I can keep you warm.”

That brought a smile to her lips.

“Stand back, folks. I’m going to fire her up.”

The intense noise from the furnace surprised her. As the air heated, the balloon began to inflate and soon rose. “That’s so cool.”

While the basket couldn’t have been more than five feet by five feet, the size of the balloon was larger than she realized. She’d always been standing on the ground when looking at them.

“Hop on in.”

The pilot opened a side door and helped her in. Sure, her nerves were on edge, but standing next to Daven helped calm her.

The pilot made adjustments to the sandbags and then spoke to someone on a walkie-talkie.

“Come here, you.” Daven embraced her perhaps to prevent her from seeing them leave the earth, but at the moment she didn’t care. Having him hold her was nice.

She loved snuggling with him and closed her eyes as his lips descended on hers. Instant lust rushed through her as he pressed his body near. When his hard cock made an appearance, she backed away.

“Maybe we should table this until later.”

He burst out laughing then placed his lips to her ear. “As much as I would like to drive my cock into your ass, this is not the time or place.”

An instant visual surfaced of having his cock explore a new area, and her pussy dampened. Apparently her greedy little cunt wanted to get in the act, too. “You’re right.”

When she shot her gaze over his shoulder, she gasped. “We’re so high. I didn’t feel us move.”

“We didn’t. The earth fell.”

She liked that thought. Carefully, she stepped to a different side and looked down.

The pilot motioned to the top of a tree. “Want to see if we can pick a leaf?”

“You have that much control?”

“Yup. Well, I do if the wind doesn’t mess with us.”

He rode the current for a few hundred feet then turned off the burner, and they slowly drifted down. The man was a genius at making the balloon go where he wanted. While they didn’t literally pick a leaf off the tree, she was impressed he could move it with such precision.

“That was awesome.”

The rest of the flight was a dream. When the pilot wasn’t lighting the fire to make them go higher, the silence cocooned them. For the time they were in the air, there were no members of The Sword trying to steal away her men, no need to rush around and bring drinks to customers, and no deadlines to meet. It was just the two of them enjoying the wonder of life.

Daven nudged her. “There’s the bed-and-breakfast Jeremiah and Mario took Kendis to.”

“Are we landing there?”


It was too early for lunch. That was too bad, as it would have been nice to eat there. Actually, she yearned to bring her canvas and paints so she could capture the mellow scene.

The pilot expertly maneuvered the balloon to the ground where a car was waiting. A woman who might have been his daughter got out and rushed over. Together, they tied down the craft.

Once the balloon was secure, they both stepped out.

While the pilot began packing their craft, the young woman motioned them behind the car. The setup stunned her.

“What is this?”

Daven grinned. “It’s tradition to have a champagne breakfast after your flight.”

“Really? That’s so cool.” She’d lived seventy-six years and had never eaten a meal like this in a field with a man she was falling in—
don’t go there

The younger woman pointed to the small table that had a wonderful selection of breads, cheeses, jellies, and champagne. “Enjoy your breakfast. I’m going to help my dad.” While the two worked on packing up the balloon, she and Daven indulged in the decadent meal.

There was something magical and incredibly romantic about being in a field, with only the wind as their companion, sipping champagne.

“How did you like the ride?” Daven polished off the rest of his glass.

“It was amazing, but you didn’t have to go to such lengths.”

“I wanted to impress you.”

“You have, but the question is why?”

“I’ll leave the answer to your imagination.”

. She looked over at the balloon team. They’d loaded the basket into the truck. Just as she wondered how they were going to get back to their car another vehicle arrived.

“I believe our ride is here.”

He smiled. “Indeed.” Not wanting to spoil the moment, she took his offered hand and let him lead her to the backseat of the car. “My lady.”

It was almost as if they’d gone back in time to another century. Despite being alone in the backseat, Daven behaved himself. They talked about her painting class and if she had any plans of maybe starting her own gallery.

“I’ve never thought of that. Maybe someday.”

Her parents had always wanted her to help at Panther Cove. Her mom thought it would be nice if during wartime, Julia could man the phones and do whatever was needed, but she’d never wanted any part of it.

Sooner than she would have liked, they arrived back at Daven’s car. He helped her out and guided her over to his vehicle. In what seemed like only minutes, they were in front of her house. It was too soon to say good-bye. “You want to come in?”

He had implied he wanted to talk to her about something. “Sure. There was one thing our adventure didn’t have.”

She couldn’t think of anything she’d have wanted to be different. “What?”


Even with her back to him, she could hear the smile in his voice. Her body had been vibrating ever since he came to pick her up, and she couldn’t wait to taste his goodness. She removed her coat and tossed it over the dining room chair. As she turned around to ask if he wanted something to drink, he zeroed in on her.

With no warning, he lifted her up and kissed her. “I can’t wait any longer.” He opened his mouth and showed her how his fangs had extended. “See how you drive me crazy with need?”

The intensity took her breath away. “I want you, too.”

“Then you shall be mine.”

Nothing after that registered, as he walked her down the hall. “Next right.”

With his foot, he nudged open the door. She never took her gaze off him. His strength permeated from every cell on his body. His full lips were made for kissing and his eyes had such depth, she could get lost in them.

He set her on the bed—a bed she hadn’t made, but Daven didn’t seem to mind or probably even notice.

He knelt in front of her. “I know I should take my time, but I’m too weak.” He slipped off her shoes and discarded her socks.

This time when she attempted to help the process by undoing her pants, he didn’t stop her. In fact, he let her continue undressing while he disrobed. By the time she’d tossed off her shirt and slipped off her pants, he was gloriously naked. Her mouth turned dry looking at him.

“Wow. I think you’re better looking than the last time I saw you.” She finally drew her gaze away from his big cock. “Did you lose weight or something?” That might explain why his definition seemed more visible.

“I’ve been pining for you.”

She refrained from rolling her eyes, but she did give him a smile. As she reached around to undo her bra, Daven rushed behind her and stopped her hands.

“This is the part I like the most.” He unhooked the back and wrapped his hands around to her tits, lifting the bra in the process.

He started nibbling her ear then ate his way down to her neck and finally landed on her shoulder. With his teeth, he lowered one strap then the other. She shimmied out of the bra and tossed it on the floor.

“You want to take off my panties with your mouth?” Her pussy was weeping so bad because she needed his touch.

“I’m busy with the top half.”

He would say that. She reached behind her and grabbed his cock, causing him to jump. “You do know our sexual exploits are too one sided?”

Daven let go of her tits and twisted her shoulders to the side so that she was facing him. “Are you unhappy, kitten?”

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