Fighting for her Mate: Shape Shifter Paranormal Romance (Sassy Mates Book 5) (15 page)

BOOK: Fighting for her Mate: Shape Shifter Paranormal Romance (Sassy Mates Book 5)
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The Las Vegas wolves were a smooth fighting machine. Packs weren’t normally that trained in team combat. Aric wondered what they had gone through to see the need for this type of battle. Maybe the men were ex-military, or maybe their pack lifestyle required such knowledge just to stay alive. He hoped Jake knew what he was getting into there.

Aric had never witness Jake fight until they were in Vegas rescuing his mate Nicole from Grady Harris. His brother was vicious and efficient with his attack. Swiping claws and ninja wolf moves that Aric had never seen allowed Jake to take down everyone stupid enough to approach him. Damn. Aric was more than impressed.

Rogues fell like a swarm of bugs landing on a zapper. One of the mercenaries shifted in the middle of the field and walked toward Rahound’s sidelines. “Fuck this shit. I’m not being paid enough to die for that baby penis bastard. I’m outta here.” Others quickly followed. Soon the battle slowed and the Wolfe pack watched the paid fighters leave. Money can’t buy loyalty. Something Rocco had yet to learn.

Aric looked around for Rocco and found him and Caleb facing off toward the top of the circle. He headed for them as those on the field made way for him. A council member called above the noise. “Do not interfere, Alpha Wolfe. The challenge remains legal until one leaves the ring.”

“What about his mate’s fighting for him?”

The female councilor answered. “She legally invoked her right to fight in place of her mate. Wolf law recognizes that as an equal exchange. With her mate’s return, where he didn’t leave the ring, the exchange was again equal. His mate has left the ring which makes her ineligible to return.”

Aric gave a nod and headed for his side of the field. There was nothing he could do to help Caleb.

The two original competitors were bloody and beaten, but neither had backed down during the group melee. Both in human form, they slowly circled while regaining strength.

Rocco sneered. “Just give up, boy. I’m the alpha of this pack for a reason.”

“The reason being I haven’t killed you yet. No other right keeps you there. The pack despises you. They hate everything about you—from your complete biasness to allowing their children to be taken. You’ve failed and I’ll see your reign end now.” Caleb launched at Rocco, both meeting midair as wolves.

Muzzles scraped together, teeth grinding against flesh and bone. Both rolled, Caleb coming out on top, his jaws around Rocco’s neck. Caleb made note of how close they were to the top of the circle. He didn’t want to accidentally go out and lose on a technicality.

Caleb heard in his connection with Rocco.

What, Rocco? There is nothing I want to hear except you’ll leave the circle.

You’ll want to hear, more importantly see, this.
Movement on the Rahound side caught Caleb’s eye, but he didn’t remove his death grip on his uncle’s neck.

The crowd parted and two big men hauled an emaciated, bedraggled third man between them. Caleb’s eyes narrowed. He was sure he wasn’t seeing what his eyes told him. Then his nose proved his sight correct. He shifted into human form without thought, eyes never moving from the third man.


Gasps filled the air.

Caleb felt a jab and found himself on his back. Rocco straddled Caleb’s prone body, hands wrapped around his neck. He looked at his uncle, questions in his eyes.

Rocco snorted. “Yes, your pathetic daddy lives.”

“How? Why?”

“The bastard crawled from the wreck, refused to die. I could’ve killed him, but if your mother died, I’d have no control over you. So I kept him locked in the cells below the house. Good thing I did.”

“What cells?”

“Oh, you’d never guess what was found when they remodeled the alpha house. Seems when the house was built, a small prison was included, then somewhere along the way someone sealed up the entrance.”

Fire shot from Caleb’s eyes. “My father has been in a hole this entire time? He barely looks alive.”

“We couldn’t have him shifting and breaking free, now, could we?”

“You son of a bitch!” Caleb started to shift to attack.

His uncle raised a brow. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you. I could have his arms torn off while you lay here and watch.”

“Fuck!” Caleb screamed with frustration. “Get off me, prick.” He tried to push Rocco to the side, but his uncle remained on his knees, hands locked on his throat. “I’ll leave the circle. Just let him go.”

Rocco smiled. “Not good enough. I want you dead and your father will join you thereafter. Or I could torture him for a few more years. Bastard always thought he was better than me.”

Ellie’s cry reached him. “No, Caleb. You can’t die.” Her tearful eyes looked at her brothers. “We have to help him. Do something.”

Aric shook his head. “Ellie, there’s nothing we can do to interfere with the fight or Caleb forfeits.”

A gleam sparked in her eye. “Nobody said anything about interfering with the fight.” With her supernatural speed, she disappeared then reappeared in front of the two men holding Caleb’s father. She karate chopped the two guards in the balls before they realized what was happening and was back on her side of the battle lines with her father-in-law in tow. “I’ve got this, honey,” she hollered out. Then in her best Mortal Kombat voice, she added, “Finish him.”

Caleb grinned up at his uncle who just stared between Ellie and his two enforcers. He saw Rocco’s disbelief that she took their prisoner so easily and quickly. Still kneeling over Caleb’s body, Rocco’s fingers morphed into claws, ready to slash his jugular.

Caleb tightened his eight-pack stomach and drove his knees up, slamming Rocco squarely in the ass. Rocco flew forward, releasing his death grip, and landed on his back. In a heartbeat, Caleb rolled his uncle onto his stomach, pinning him in a classic wrestling hold.

Caleb snarled, “This is it, you piece of shit. Family or not, you don’t deserve to live. The fear and torment you’ve inflicted on
pack is done.” Caleb turned Rocco’s head to stare at his father on the sidelines with the Wolfes. “Your last sight will be of a man born to guide his people. A brother you abused out of jealousy.”

Caleb transformed his fingernail into a claw and held it at Rocco’s neck. “Seems fitting that you die the way you intended for me without a thought.” With a pluck of his finger, Caleb severed the main vessel in Rocco’s neck. Blood flowed to the ground like water from a hose. “This is for my dad and mate, you piece of shit. You will die slowly, watching them remain alive. You lose, Rocco. You will never hurt my family or my pack again.”

The pumping blood slowed and Rocco’s body under Caleb relaxed then deflated. To ensure the horror was over, Caleb snapped the interim alpha’s neck. There was no fucking way he was coming back from that.

The Wolfe clan exploded into cheers. And to Caleb’s relief, so did his side of the battlefield.

Ellie ran to him and helped him off the ground. He wrapped his arms around her, giving her his weight. “It’s done, sweetheart. It’s finally over.”

Backslaps and hugging continued among both groups. Paul Montgomery with the Vegas pack slapped Jake on the shoulder. “Well done, Alpha. You alone fight as well as our teams. We’re glad to have you.”

Jake squeezed Nicole’s hand. “We’re glad to join the pack. And I thank you for volunteering to help us out here.”

“Eh,” Paul started, “that’s what pack does for family.” He stepped toward the rental van they drove from the airport then turned. “By the way, Alpha. The challenge has been withdrawn. Guess he saw he’d lose in a fight one-on-one with you.”

Behind the group, a scratchy feminine voice said, “Thank God!” All turned to see Tristan and Barbara coming from the parking area.

“Mom. Dad. They let you out?” Aric said, a grimace on his face.

His dad harrumphed. “Don’t look so pleased, eldest son of mine.” They walked slowly as their mom leaned on their father.

Aric looked at him, hands on his hips. “You know that’s not what I meant. My concern is that both of you are healed enough to take back alpha. It was fun for a while, but I have other things to do than stress over stuff like this right now. Why didn’t you both stay overnight?”

Dad snorted. “Do you honestly think your mother would remain in bed after hearing about the shoot-out here at the corral? I don’t think so.”

She slapped him on the shoulder. “Sure, blame me. Who was in a hurry to get here?”

Aric looked around the parking lot in the direction they walked from. An ambulance sat not far from the triage area and the EMS team was patching up his pack members with real medicine. “Don’t tell me—”

His mom stood straighter. “Yes, your father
an ambulance and its crew as soon as I was able to stand from the bed.” They watched as a technician wrapped gauze around the head of a pack member. “It was a good idea, anyway. I knew you wouldn’t have professional help. You alphas and your damn sense of pride will get someone killed.”

Aric’s father smiled. “But not tonight, dear. Not tonight.”

Two others joined the group. Caleb dragged Ellie with him and threw an arm around his father being held up by Emma and Jordan. Tristan sucked in a sharp breath. “Conly, oh my god, you’re alive.” He looked at his wife. “He’s alive, right. I’m not seeing dead people now, am I?”

Barbara patted him on the chest. “No, dear. He appears living to me.”

Tristan carefully put an arm around the frail man and gave a soft tap. “You look like shit, man. You need a lot of doctoring to get healthy again. I can’t wait to hear this story.” Tristan popped is chin toward the medical crew as Aric took the other side of Conly. “Let’s take him to the ambulance and have them check him in. Once he regains his strength, he’ll be fine.”

Caleb heard his father-in-law say, “Man, do you know Glen Fry of the Eagles died? No more tequila nights for us. And that race car, I still got it in the garage…” His voice faded as more distance filled the space between Caleb and the three alphas headed toward the ambulance. Tristan was the perfect alpha and friend.

Nate joined the group. “I’m headed home to see Karla and the babies. We’ll call you later this morning.”

Tired and beat to hell, the others agreed that going home and talking later worked perfectly. All mates, hand in hand, shuffled toward the parking lot. Caleb heard his name called. Lael waved at him. He told Ellie to go on, he’d catch up in a moment.

“What’s up, Lael?”

“I’m glad you’re fine, but I knew you would be, so I wasn’t worried. Anyway, you need to keep on your toes. Don’t assume there isn’t danger lurking in the shadows.” She glanced toward Ellie, smiled, and turned back to Caleb. “You’ve got your own family to watch out for now. Keep your guard up. I gotta help close down the bar, so see y’all later.” She jogged away.

Caleb needed a minute for the words to set in. Then a jolt of electricity shot through him. “Lael, wait. What do you mean my own family?” She waved a hand overhead as she disappeared into the dark.






Ellie rubbed oil over her skin and smiled at the scene of their bathtub. Caleb had done one hell of a job once she’d healed, trying to pamper her. There were candles all over their bathroom, a glass of her favorite wine, and soft lighting. The man knew how to work it so he could get some. She laughed at her own thoughts. Like he’d have to do much to get her to give it up. Being in heat had him doing all kinds of things to be at her side. Down to getting her spaghetti whenever she pouted.

He even thought he’d gotten away with secretly hiring someone to build them a small cabin while a brand new alpha house was constructed. For so long, she hadn’t believed this could be possible. Him and her, together and not having to worry about Rocco.

She left the bathroom with her glass of wine in hand and stood at the open doorway for a second, waiting to watch her husband’s reaction. He was busy fixing flowers on a dresser. Flowers that had not been there before. He’d gotten to know how much she loved tulips, especially the blue ones. He’d made it his business to find them for her.

It took a second before the breeze from the open window carried her scent to him, and he stopped and turned to face her.

She’d waited so long for this. Them, alone in their own home. Even if this was a temporary place, she was finally with him.

“How are you feeling?” He licked his lips.

She saw the brightness of his animal light in his eyes, roaming down her naked body. “I feel like you owe me something.”

He raised his brows. “Oh yeah? What’s that, sweetheart?”

“A mating.”

He gripped the dresser hard. She wondered when the wood would splinter from the force he was clearly putting on it. Heck, his knuckles had turned white. “I don’t know if now’s the right time, Ellie. With everything you’ve been through—”

She shook her head and took soft steps toward him, her eyes never leaving his. “No, this is where you’re mistaken, husband.” She stopped in front of him and raked her nails down his shirt, bunching the material and sliding her hands under it to feel his hot, muscled chest. “I didn’t just spend hours shaving for nothing.”

He barked a chuckle at her pout. “Hours shaving? What, do you have a Brazilian rainforest for legs?”

She tugged his shirt off and gripped his shoulders. “It will be okay, baby,” she teased. “I’ll prove it to you.”

He leaned down and meshed their lips together into a kiss so hot, so raw, it melted her from the inside. She pulled away, licking his jaw and that short beard that drove her absolutely crazy. She moved down his torso, placing kisses and hungry bites on his abs and down his hip. On her knees, she got a chance to caress his cock with her fingers. The gentle massage got a groan out of him. He stood still, his body tense, almost vibrating.

“Ah, Ellie. You know just what to do to get me to lose my mind. Do it,” he urged, sliding his fingers into her hair and gripping her strands hard. “Suck my dick.”

She wrapped a hand around his length as her head lowered to cover the head of his cock with her lips. He was velvety soft, but steel hard and smoking hot. With a flick of her tongue, she licked off the bead of moisture at the tip, moaning. She loved the way he groaned and thrust his hips forward.

“Ah, baby girl. Open wide and take me. I want to see your spit coating my dick,” he grunted as he urged his length into her mouth. “I want to see it disappear into your mouth.” He gripped her hair tighter. “That’s it, sweetheart. Let me watch my cock fuck your beautiful lips.”

She sucked him deeply, slowly pulling her head back and leaving a trail of wetness over his dick. Then she sucked him in again, using one hand to fondle his balls and the other to grab his ass. Warmth curled in her belly and traveled to her sex, dripping down her legs.

He grunted and groaned, pushing her face into his thrusts. She brought a hand down between her folds and played with herself. Her body tightened as she sucked him harder and faster.

He tugged her off his cock and took a step back. “Keep going. I want to watch you.”

She sat back on the rug, her legs wide open, and continued to finger her pussy while meeting his gaze. “Caleb, I need—”

He grasped his slick cock. “I know what you need. I have it right here and as soon as I see you come, I’ll fuck you for all the times we haven’t been together, baby.”

She pressed at her clit, rubbing wet fingers over it and strumming it hard. Her breaths became choppy. She tugged a nipple with her other hand and felt the orgasm gathering at her core.

“That’s it, baby. Come. Let go.” He continued jerking off and lowered to place his cock by her mouth. She sucked him and fingered herself faster.

“Ah, sweetheart. I’m going to fill your pretty mouth with my cum. You want that, don’t you, Ellie?”

She moaned, his dick deeply down her throat and the sweet taste of his seed filling her mouth. He pushed hard, coming in her mouth and grunting with each jerk of his hips.

She pressed harder on her clit, her stomach went tight and her muscles tensed before they went lax. Loud moans tore from her throat as the orgasm flowed through her.

She was still feeling it take a hold of her body when he put her over the edge of the bed and took her in one quick, hard drive. The movement pushed a new climax to soar in her. She grasped the sheets in her fists, her ass pushing out to meet each of his thrusts.

The orgasm ripped through her hard, leaving her shaking and gasping for air. He continued his hard thrusts until he became stiff and roared by her ear, his canines embedding in her shoulder as he filled her with his seed. The animal came close to the skin. She sensed it. The fingers holding her hip had turned to claws.

“We’re not done yet,” he said in an almost unintelligible growl.

With a gruff groan, he pulled out of her, went to the bedside table and returned, a bottle of lube in his hand. She grinned at what was coming. In order to be fully mated, she needed to take him in every way possible. Cool liquid landed on her ass, dripped between her cheeks and down to her pussy.

He slid human fingers into her ass, working her hole the same way he always did. She moaned at the spike of fire in her pussy. She whimpered at how good it felt to push into his fingers, to feel him add a second and increase the wide thrusts to get her ready for him.

“Fuck, sweetheart. You have such a gorgeous ass. So pale and perfect. The exact shape of a heart. My fucking heart.”

She found herself rocking, moaning with each wiggle of her hips.

“I wish I could eat your pussy and fuck your ass at the same time,” he growled.

“I don’t know how you’d accomplish that. I love your flexibility but I don’t want to see you broken in half.” She grinned into the bedding. Her mate was one horny wolf she’d never get enough of. “Fuck me, already.”

His fingers came out and were replaced with his cock. He pushed in slow at first, taking his time to ensure she was ready. She was more than ready. She shoved back, embedding his cock into her ass to the hilt. God dammit, that felt so good! Better than good. It was like floating in a sea of absolute pleasure.

She slipped a hand under her to rub over her wet folds. Then she pressed hard at her clit. He thrusted and retreated with quick, harsh drives. Every time he slammed into her ass, she tapped at her clit, sending a combination of pleasure and pain to her core. Another thrust and she tapped harder.

She gasped for air, her body slick with sweat and her muscles shaking from the nearing climax.

“Fuck, Ellie. I love you so damn much, baby girl.” He went deep, balls deep, and retreated. “I will never want another woman the way I want you. You’re meant for me. Only me.”

She tapped her clit again. The nubbin ached and hardened with her furious taps. “I love you, too,” she managed to get out.

Another thrust, this one faster. He increased in speed and she sensed his impending orgasm nearing. “Forever, sweetheart.”

One final tap and she squeezed hard at his cock and let her body shake with the overwhelming sensations raking her body. He howled loudly, his cock pushing its way into her tight anal muscles and stopping. His canines embedded in her other shoulder, deeper this time and held her still as he shook above her, filling her ass with his cum.

It took some really long fucking moments before either could breathe normally or move at all. They’d stayed as they were, with him in her ass and her body still twitching from how hard she’d come. He licked her shoulders and kissed her gently over her already healed wounds.

“My Ellie. Always mine.”

When he pulled out of her and she was able to turn over, she straddled him and curled her arms around his neck. “We belong to each other. Mates. Fated. There’s never been any doubt.”

“Never, baby girl. I love you.”

She grinned and kissed him. Loving Caleb had been her whole life from the moment she’d laid eyes on him so long ago. Now she knew with enough time and perseverance, anything was possible. Even the love she thought might be lost in a never-ending war.

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