Read Fighting Back (Mercy's Angels) Online
Authors: Kirsty Dallas
In the end I won. I made it out on the other side with a brand new love, loyal friends, and I have my sister back. For a short time, I feared that I was lost, that my heart had been crushed under the cruel hands of a stranger in my bedroom, violating me, invading a place I should feel nothing but safe in. But Charlie helped me find myself again and I finally feel like I can breathe once more. I know I’m not completely healed, I know there will be some lingering nightmares in my future, but in the warm embrace of Charlie’s arms I feel safe.
This is where I would come home to from now on: to Charlie’s embrace, to Charlie’s warmth, to Charlie’s heart.
She had cried so many fucking tears, they simply didn’t come anymore. She was dry, spent. I fell to my knees before her and she immediately wrapped her little arms around my neck, hanging on to me for dear life. I held her close and gathered the strength I would need to carry both of us, not physically, but emotionally.
Braiden had woken us before dawn with a loud pounding on the door, scaring the fucking shit of me, let alone Rebecca. I met him at the door, Glock in hand. She was gone, Emily had disappeared. Braiden had been watching Emily around the clock at the hospital, and finally agreed to go home to freshen up when one of Frank’s boys offered to take up post at her door. He had left to take a piss, was gone not more than five minutes, and she disappeared. They had scrambled for security footage and witnessed, via CCTV, Emily wake to a phone call. She picked up the receiver, and if not for the sharp eye of Braiden and Dillon, who noticed her fist clench and shoulders tighten, we would have assumed nothing out of the ordinary. Emily hung up the phone without uttering a word, her lips sealed shut. She pulled out her IV and slid from the bed. On bare feet, in nothing but a hospital gown, she walked through the hospital, out the front doors, and straight into a waiting limousine.
Rebecca now sat on her couch, her hands hanging limply in her lap, a faraway look in her eyes. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. The bad shit was supposed to be behind us, we were moving forward, together. Braiden looked just as shell-shocked, while Dillon made phone calls from his cell in the kitchen.
“They boarded a private jet ten minutes ago,” he confirmed, strolling back into the living room. Braiden’s attention swung to Dillon. “My source picked out Emily easily, she’s pretty banged up after-all, clearly recognizable. She was in the company of a man who could only be described as Jonas Levier. He’s travelling with one other white male, unknown, but I’ll find out who it is. I’m sure Jonas only has a few people that he would keep that close.” Dillon turned to Braiden. “When you get to the airport, you’re gonna want to find a guy who goes by the name of Marsh. I’ve been assured he’s who you want to speak to, and he will more than likely be armed.” Dillon hadn’t asked Braiden to follow up on this. I guess, like me, he assumed Braiden would go looking for Emily. We had all seen the protective watchfulness in Braiden’s eyes as he had watched over Emily for the last week. He even managed to get her eating and talking. Though not much, it was more than anyone else could get from her. Braiden nodded and moved to stand before Rebecca. He sank to his knees and took her hands in his.
“Rebecca.” His voice commanded attention and I found myself wondering if it was his ‘master’ voice. As soon as I wondered that, I wanted to kick the shit-head’s ass for possibly using it on my girl. Rebecca’s glassy eyes focused on him. Whatever command he had over women, in that
moment, I was glad it had roused Rebecca from the catatonic state she had been sitting in for nearly forty minutes now. “I will get her back,” he said with determination. “I promise you I will not come home without her, you have my word.” I didn’t miss the fact that he hadn’t said he’d return with her alive, but I appreciated his resolve, and how much he obviously cared. Rebecca needed that, hell, Emily needed that. Rebecca nodded, her jaw set firmly. She stood with Braiden and gave him a quick hug before wrapping herself tightly around my waist. I wish I could wrap both my arms around her. Damn gunshot wound made me want to kill William Levier all over again.
“I’ll let you know what I get as it comes in,” said Dillon, walking Braiden to the front door.
“Appreciated,” Braiden said rigidly before leaving.
“And I’ll keep you both up to date,” Dillon said over his shoulder to Rebecca and me.
“Thank you,” Rebecca whispered.
I didn’t want to think what Emily might be going through right now. I couldn’t bring myself to understand why she had simply walked from the safety of the hospital and straight into his waiting limousine. The only reason I could fathom was that he threatened Rebecca’s life. I knew Emily would do anything to keep her sister safe. She carried a world of guilt over the shit with William, and she would do anything to keep Jonas away from her only family. I held Rebecca a little tighter at the thought of the abuse Emily had already endured and wondered how much more she could handle before she broke beyond repair. I had no idea what kind of girl Braiden would return to Claymont with, if he returned with her at all. There was no doubt in my mind, she would carry one tortured soul.
“Strength is overcoming your worst fear.”
Stay tuned for Tortured Soul, Mercy’s Angels Book 3
Coming Early 2014
More reads by Kirsty Dallas
Saving Ella, Mercy’s Angels Book 1
Breeze of Life
Thank you to my family who totally get my hazed out writing zone. My mum is a Photoshop genius and the legend behind my covers and merchandise, thanks Mumma. My S.I.L. and manager Kylie, you girl keep this book train perfectly oiled and moving, thank you! My W.P. Beta Team (Mum, Kylie, Trish, Kim and Nadine), thank you, thank you, thank you!
Ami Johnson! Ami, oh, Ami, what the hell did I do before you? My editing queen, THANK YOU for taking the solid, yet rough words I penned and turning them into a polished piece of perfection!
Jess and Rach at Bookslapped, thank you for EVERYTHING! Especially my last blog tour that you totally blitzed, and all future blog tours, because I will use no other, EVER!
Bloggers! Gah, you guys ROCK. I’m going to rattle off a few and miss heaps, ‘cause there are just so many of you! A Love Affair with Books – Seriously, Desiree! BEST...STALKER...EVER! Bethany at The Reading Vixens, My Aussie gals: Jess at A is for Alpha B is for Books and Jodie at Fab, Fun and Tantalizing Reads. Bookslapped, TotallyBooked, Reading Renee, Can’t Read Just One, A Book and a Latte, Novel Grounds, Holly’s Hot Reads, Keepin’ It Real Book Blog, Books Babes and Cheap Cabernet, The Book Hookers, My Fictional Boyfriend and Book Whore Page. These are just the tip of the iceberg. There are so many of you that give so much support to indie authors and it goes without saying, but I’m gonna say it anyway – Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. Without you, people wouldn’t be reading my books.
Finally, my readers and devoted fans that have jumped on board the Kirsty Dallas rollercoaster and are screaming with me, right by my side! I hope I never disappoint you. I swear I’ll always try and raise the bar, and take that extra step to make my reads perfectly epic adventures! I adore each and every one of you. Keep reading peeps!