Fight With Me (Fight and Fall) (24 page)

BOOK: Fight With Me (Fight and Fall)
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I breathe out a sigh of relief. I know that he wouldn’t do what he did again, but it’s just good to hear him say that.

“I want you to get a good night’s sleep, but I have one more question for you,” he says.

I turn my face up towards his. What else could he possibly want to ask me?

“What kind of ceremony do you want to have?” he asks smiling.

I bite my lips, pondering the question.

“You, me, and Cannon Beach. That’s it,” I say finally decided.

“No friends? Your mom?” he asks me.

“Well, not to say I wouldn’t like them there, but I want just us. I think it would be too personal to have others there,” I say.

“I was hoping you’d say that. I feel the same way. Now I can officially make arrangements so we can get married in a few days,” he says matter of fact.

“A few days?!” I screech.

“Of course, Emma. I’ve waited long enough to have you all to myself,” he says brushing my hair out of my eyes.

“Damn, I guess you really want to marry me, huh?” I say smirking.

“More than anything. I want nothing more than for you to be my wife and the mother of my children. The sooner the better. It’s you and me against the world, baby. Forever.”

I start tearing up again. His words moved me and know that he means every word. I’ve known Aiden long enough to know that he means what he says and says what he means.

“I love you,” I say to him, knowing that’s all that needs to be said.

“I love you, Emma. Sleep well,” he whispers back, squeezing me gently.

I close my eyes, still resting on his warm chest. I feel my body start to finally relax, a calmness passing over me.

Before I start to feel myself falling asleep, I have
a sense of unease wash over me, almost as if things are going too well. What’s that saying? The calm before the storm?

Can everything be okay now? Am I finally allowed to be content and happy for once in my life?

I’m probably just being a pessimist and overreacting, knowing my past. I try to mellow out, thinking only good thoughts about my upcoming wedding.

Before I fall asleep, I see Marcus’s sneering face, almost mocking me. It’s not real, Emma, it’s not real, I chant to myself as the darkness drags me under.

















Chapter 15: Healing is a Bitch


I wake up to my ribs aching, feeling as if somebody stabbed me with a knife in every crevice of my stomach. Ugh, I guess last night’s activities really did a number on my body. I groan loudly, blowing out a harsh breath.

My eyes open, seeing Aiden standing in the doorway of the room, a frown etched on his face.

“Are you okay?” he asks me concerned.

He walks over to the bed, leaning down over me.

“Not really but that’s normal. I’m still not fully healed yet,” I rush out.

“I’m sorry, Emma. I shouldn’t have touched you last night. Now I have to see you in pain because of me,” he says remorsefully.

“No, I wanted you so much, Aiden. It was worth it. Shit!” I say sitting up in bed.

Okay, so maybe me cursing from the pain didn’t help convince to him.

“I’m going to get you your pain pills and until you’re fully healed, I’m not laying a finger on you,” he says seriously, his eyes torn.

“Hey, don’t be hasty,” I say trying to lighten the mood. “I’ll be fine. Honest,” I say wincing.

“No, Emma. I can’t see you like this again. I was stupid last night and it won’t happen again.”

“Uh, fine, but don’t think I won’t try to change your mind. It’s been two months of no ‘bumping uglies’ and we need to make up for lost time,” I say smirking.

“Fuck, you make it sound
appealing, Emma,” he says chuckling. “I’ve missed that smart mouth, brat.”

“There is one thing this mouth wants to do right now actually,” I say wiggling my eyebrows at him.

“Fuck, Emma, you need to rest today, baby. No more trying to distract me or argue about it,” he says arching his eyebrow. “If you feel better tomorrow, we can get married on the beach. I want to go and get the paperwork today. I called Lucas and Leslie to come over and keep you company while I’m gone. Is that okay?” he asks hesitantly.

“Yeah, yeah. But get your ass back here soon!” I say loudly.

“Oh, yeah? What’s the rush?” he asks smiling.

“The rush is that I’ll miss you. I kind of don’t want to be away from you if at all possible,” I say shyly.

Damn, I hope that didn’t come across as being too clingy. I just really don’t want to be away from him. We have so much lost time to make up for. I feel like at any time we could be torn apart again. We don’t exactly have the best track record.

“I like that you’ll miss me. Gives me a reason to come home that much quicker,” he smiles, wrapping me in his arms.

I lightly cry out, the pain from the hug hurting my bruised ribs.

“Fuck, sorry, baby. I can barely touch you, can I?” he says sadly almost to himself. “I’ll be right back with your pills.”

I watch him walk out of the room and quickly return with the prescription and a bottle of water to wash it down with. I find one of his large t-shirts on the ground and grudgingly put it on to cover myself.

“Thanks, Aiden. It will kick in soon, so don’t beat yourself up over it,” I say trying to reassure him.

Before he can reply, the doorbell rings and Aiden smiles at me, leaving to answer it.

Aiden enters the room again, with Lucas and Leslie trailing in behind him. I notice how Lucas barely makes eye contact with me, while Leslie looks a little awkward and out of place.

Shit! I forgot that we had a fight
yesterday. He probably is still pissed at me and doesn’t know that Aiden and I made up. I need to apologize and make this right.

“Hey, guys, um so, I want to apologize. You know, for the way I’ve been acting these past months. I’ve been a bitch to you two and Aiden especially. I just wanted to tell you that the old me is back,” I say looking at them.

I see Lucas crack a smile and Leslie look almost relieved.

“It’s okay, Em. We know that these months have been hard for you. We just didn’t know what to do to make you feel better. I wouldn’t abandon our friendship ever but…it was hard seeing you like that. It’s like you were angry at the world,” he says.

“I was, I guess. You guys were just handy to take it out on. I wanted to push you away. I wanted to see how far I could take it before you all were sick of my shit. I know that sounds stupid and immature but I kind of wanted to punish myself. For not protecting our baby,” I say, now looking at Aiden.

I see a shadow reach Aiden’s eyes, a silent knowing between us.

“Damn, Em,” Lucas says coming towards me.

He pulls me into his arms, wrapping me in a bear hug. I see Aiden over his shoulder, a look of horror on his face. This is the first time it’s not jealousy I see. He’s just worried that I’ll be hurt from the embrace.

“Lucas buddy, you’re gonna bust another rib,” I say breathlessly.

He pulls away from me abruptly, startled.

“I’m sorry, Em. I thought you were getting better. When did your ribs start hurting you again?” he asks concerned.

“I was a little too rough with Emma last night,” Aiden says answering for me.

He has a sad smile on his face, proud but hurt by his actions. He doesn’t say this maliciously to get a rise out of Lucas though.

Geez, when did they get so chummy? It’s almost like they’re kind of friends
now. I have to say, I like the dynamic.

I hear Lucas chuckle, looking over at Aiden.

“So, I’m assuming you guys are back together…” he says looking pointedly at me.

“We’re a little more than back together,” I smile putting up my left hand in the air.

“Holy shit, Em! That is one big ring,” he says happily shocked. “Took you long enough, man,” he says looking at Aiden.

I look over at Aiden baffled. Wait…so Aiden told Lucas that he was going to propose to me?

“What the fuck, Lucas?! You knew he was going to pop the question and you didn’t tell me? I thought we were best friends?!” I say gently smacking his arm.

“Hey, he told me in confidence,” he says putting his hands in the air. “We didn’t think you would have accepted him by the way things have been going. I guess you guys made some
-way last night, if you know what I mean,” he says smirking.

“Fucking perv,” I smirk as Aiden chuckles in the background.

“Damn, girl. That is a beautiful ring,” Leslie says finally coming over to the bed to admire my new hand bling.

I see her look at it wistfully and glance at Lucas slyly. He notices Leslie’s expression and he smiles knowingly. Hmmm, I wonder what that was about. I’ll have to ask him about it later.

“We’re getting married in a few days. I needed to run down to get the paperwork for the license. That’s why I wanted you guys to come down here and keep Emma company,” Aiden says from the doorway.

“You’re getting married that soon?” Lucas asks shocked.

“I’m making sure to do it as soon as possible. Don’t want Emma to back out and change her mind,” Aiden replies smirking.

“It’s just going to be the two of us and a minister, I guess. Behind the house on the beach,” I say smiling.

“Well, congrats, you guys. I know you’ll be happy. I was getting kind of worried there for a while,” Lucas says.

“Yeah, well, I realized that I was ruining not only my happiness but Aiden’s as well. It’s like I woke up from a haze and realized that I couldn’t keep doing what I was doing. It wasn’t fair to any of you,” I say pointedly looking at Aiden.

“I love you, baby,” he says to me nodding.

“Love you more,” I say seriously.

“Okay, well, either get it on right now or let Aiden leave and do his thing. This sexual tension is too much for me, you guys,” Lucas says smartly.

I chuckle at him, loving the fact that we can all be friends, no awkwardness or jealousy present any longer. I’m so thankful to be surrounded by people I love and in turn have proven they love me no matter what.

Aiden walks over the bed, kissing my forehead.

“I’ll be back soon, Emma. Be a good girl while I’m gone,” he says smiling.

I stick my tongue out at him good-naturedly.

“You don’t want a good girl, Aiden. You love me just the way I am,” I retort.

“Fuck, you got me there, brat” he says chuckling. “I’ll see you soon,” he smiles.

I smile, nodding at him as he leaves the room. I look back over at Lucas and Leslie, amused by their shocked expressions.

“It’s like you pulled a one-eighty overnight,” Lucas says bewildered.

“Yeah, well, something happened last night that made me wake the hell up. I realized the path I was going down wasn’t worth it. I don’t want to be alone and hate the world because of an unfortunate incident. Aiden made me realize what was worth fighting for again.
was worth fighting for,” I say truthfully.

“Well, it’s good to have the old Em back. I missed her,” he says smiling at me.

“Me too,” Leslie says while holding Lucas’s hand.

I smile back at them, finally happy at how far I’ve come. I feel the change inside of me. The sense of contentment, hope, relief. It took me awhile to get to this place but I think I finally made it.

“Well, if you weren’t feeling so awful and sore, I would say that we need a night out. You know, to celebrate your last night of freedom,” Lucas says winking at me.

“It sounds to me that somebody needs an excuse to get drunk tonight? That wouldn’t be the case would it, Lucas?” I ask him arching my eyebrow.

“No way, Em! This is like a rite of passage for you. I wouldn’t be doing my job as your best friend if I didn’t take you out,” he says with a wounded expression.

“Uh huh,” I murmur. “Well, I guess I could pop a few pain pills and go out later. Just fair warning though, Aiden will need some convincing. He’s all protective of me, and
the one who’s going to have to persuade him to let me leave the house,” I say amused.

“Okay, okay, Em. I’ll see what I can do,” he says smirking.

“Aiden it’s just for a few hours, man. We’ll take care of her and make sure she doesn’t get into any trouble,” Lucas says, practically pleading his case.

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