Fight With Me (Fight and Fall)

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Fight With Me
Fight and
Fall (Book 2)

There is a fine line between love and hate…

“I should’ve listened to my instinct. That little voice inside my head is screaming at the top of its lungs. I knew he would break me.” -Emma

When the love of your life, the person you thought you trusted, reveals something so damaging, how do you begin the healing process?

When Emma finds out that Aiden is still married, her life is turned upside down once again. Her co-worker, Lucas, offers her a place to stay, inviting temptation into their complicated friendship. Will she finally succumb to his charms or will her heart inevitably stay true to Aiden?

“I knew I would do what I do best; I would mess this up. She deserves so much more, but I just can’t stop wanting her. I’ve dragged her into my hell and I have to fight for her. I have to fight for us.” –Aiden

When you realize that the person you love the most may be the person you have to hurt the most, what do you do to repair the wreckage?

Aiden tore out Emma’s heart when he rev
ealed that he was still married, but is there more to the story that she doesn’t know? Aiden’s union is not one of love, only one of lies, greed, and blackmail. A damning secret changes him, driving him to alter everything he thought he wanted.

An unimaginable event throws Aiden and Emma together again, forcing them to help each other through turbulent waters. Will they finally revive what was, or will fresh wounds eradicate them forever?

Emma’s painful reason for moving to Astoria is finally revealed, opening her eyes to just how far Aiden will go to protect her. New friends and old foes test how much they are both prepared to go into the darkness to find the light.

In Fight
With Me, questions are answered, secrets are laid to rest, and love is pushed to its absolute limit.

© 201
4, Nicole Callesto
Self published

Cover photo by

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.

Prologue: Just Kill Me Now


I feel like I’m having an out of body experience right now. Me sitting here with Jessica and looking directly at Emma…this shit isn’t really happening. It’s all just a bad fucking dream, right?

Wrong. This hell is my reality, and I can
pat myself on the back for that. I know that I have to explain everything to Emma as soon as possible, before she loathes me even more. Just looking at her, I see the mask of hatred. Hatred directed at me. Her eyes have clouded over with disgust and betrayal.

How can I possibly repair th
e damage that I’ve done? I know that she has feelings for me. Well, maybe
feelings for me before I just sprung my marriage on her. I love her so fucking much, it hurts not being able to grab her in my arms right now and tell her the truth. I can’t, though. It’s not about us right now. It’s about
, my flesh and blood. I hope that she hears me out and forgives me for all that I’ve put her through. I will never forgive myself but maybe she can.

I notice Lucas glance over at us a few times, a victorious smirk on his face. The fucking prick probably thinks he has a chance with Emma now. Not.
Gonna. Fucking. Happen. I have a gut feeling that Lucas and I will have some issues when it comes to boundaries. The boundaries consist of being nowhere near her. If she fucks him or even kisses him for that matter, it will destroy me. There’s been a lot of shit I’ve had to deal with over the years but seeing her with another man…that will just rip me to shreds.

She will always be mine,
no matter what. We belong to each other and if I have to fight to show her that, I will. I’ve found my future wife, the mother of my children. I had never even thought about having kids until today. I never wanted to bring them into this fucked up world, with me as their damaged father. But she makes me want it all. I want what I never had growing up, a family that loves unconditionally. I want a reason to wake up every morning and fall asleep every night. She has no idea where my thoughts have gone and what I want from her. She holds my heart in the palm of her hand. It’s hers and I don’t want it back. I’ll have hers soon too. When she allows me to, that is.

Please forg
ive me for what I’m about to do. For the man that I have to be right now. I’ll come back to you. Forgive me, Emma.







Chapter 1
: Shit Hits the Fan


I feel like I’m going to blow chunks. How did all of this happen to me? How did I get here? This past week has been the best in my entire life and in only a few seconds, it all crashed and burned. I moved to Astoria, met Aiden, fell in love with him, and now I find out that he has a wife! A wife that I thought he divorced years ago. Oh, how I just love surprises like this! All this time, I’ve been the
, someone who believes in the sanctity of marriage and would never, I repeat,
, cheat on or with someone. How could I be attracted to a man who did just that? What does that say about me?

I’ll tell you what it says. That I’m one fucked up individual that has little to no good
judgment when it comes to men.

I blink a few times,
fully digesting Aiden’s confession.

What the fuck do I even say or
do now? I’m here at work and I still have to serve their table. What I want to do is punch Aiden right in the throat and punch her fake tit so hard it pops out. But I can’t do that. Why? Because I have to keep my cool and pretend that I don’t give a shit about Aiden. Never make yourself vulnerable, never lose your shit over a man. That’s my mantra. Easier said than done but I’m kind of running out of options. I’ll wait until after my shift is over until I break down and bawl my eyes out like a newborn.

Aiden’s still looking at me intently, probably waiting for me to explode and vent my anger. Sorry to disappoint
, Aiden, but you’re not worth it. Not anymore.

“Well, I guess a congratulations is in order for you two,” I say to them with a perky voice, trying to avoid Aiden’s stare.

“Awe, you’re too sweet. We went through some hard times but now everything is settled between us. You can’t fight love, can you sweetie?” Jessica says, practically batting her eyelashes at Aiden.

this bitch really disgusts me. What did, or should I say
, Aiden see in this woman? Fake much? I see him out of the corner of my eye, and I subconsciously glance at him.

“No, you can’t,” Aiden says deeply, looking right at me.

Whoa! What the fuck is wrong with him? Is he trying to tell me something? Too bad I don’t give a shit anymore, motherfucker. You’re nothing but a goddamn liar in my eyes.

“Well, enjoy your drinks. I’ll be back to check on you guys in a little bit,” I say turning on my heel, hauling ass back to Lucas at the bar.

God, what a mess this night turned out to be. I feel a tear start to form in my eye, as I try to repress it.

Shit, Emma. Pu
ll it together. You can do this. All you did was find out that your boyfriend is a liar and cheater. It could’ve been way worse. He could’ve died or something, just like Jeremiah. I instantly sober myself, not even wanting to compare the two situations.

“So, you want to tell me what the hell is going on?” I hear Lucas say with evident
curiosity and anger.

“Just what it looks like actually.
Aiden and Jessica are back together. The only shocker is that they never divorced,” I say to him with a poker face. 

He looks at me, his
jaw practically hanging out of its socket. Yeah, that was my reaction too, Lucas. Welcome to the “jaw-dropping, I just shit my pants” club. Current members: two and counting.

“They’ve be
en married this entire time and have only been separated. So basically I’ve been the other woman, and he always expected to get back together with her. I’m just the rebound or whatever. I didn’t even realize that they kept in contact. From what he told me, he didn’t even know where she was. But then again, he’s a fucking liar, so no big surprise there,” I say snorting with disgust, the walls of my composure starting to crack.

Em, that’s the most fucked up thing I’ve heard. I don’t like Aiden by any means, but I would’ve never pegged him as that kind of guy, the type to have a wife and girlfriend on the side. That’s just…I’m at a loss for words, I guess,” he says bewildered.

“You and
me both, pal. Let’s just forget about this whole thing and just get through the night. I can’t wait to go home,” I say sighing.

Shit! I just realized I don’t have a home
anymore. The one I shared with Aiden is non-existent now. Fuck me! Roach infested motel, here I come. Oh, how I’ve missed you so!

“What’s wrong,
Em?” Lucas asks with concern.

“I just realized I’m kind of
homeless…again. I’ll have to get a room since me and Aiden are quits,” I sigh. “Ugh, this fucking sucks! If I don’t show up to work tomorrow, just assume I’ve made I noose and tied it around my neck. You can find my body at the motel across the street,” I say dramatically, rolling my eyes.

“Whoa, calm down now. Look, my apartment is around the corner from here. It’s not much
, but it has an extra bedroom. I was thinking about getting a roommate soon, to help out with the bills, and now seems like the perfect time to have one. Em, I’d like to officially ask you to be my new roomie. And if you want, you can even sleep in my bed with me,” he says smirking.

Oh my God, Lucas! I can’t believe he actually wants me to move in with him. He hasn’t even gotten in my pants yet, which I now know he wants
desperately, and he wants to live with me? I arch my eyebrow at him, finding the entire suggestion incredulous. I already moved in with one man almost instantaneously. Can I actually do this again? Seems like the same song and dance.

“We barely know each other, Lucas. You might not even like me as your roommate,” I say to him.

I can’t believe that I might actually be thinking about moving in. I’ve completely lost it.

“That’s a
lame excuse and you know it. You moved in with Aiden and you guys only knew each other a day! C’mon, Em. You know you want to. Don’t lie and say you wouldn’t like waking up to this face and body every morning. I sleep commando. Think of all the possibilities,” he says winking at me.

That conceited bastard! I laugh at him, to my own horror
, because I know that I will agree to his offer. I also know that I will enjoy seeing him naked. I’m newly single now and Lucas would be the perfect distraction. I’m getting over Aiden ASAP! I’ll make it my mission to forget all about him, every single detail engrained into my brain will be wiped clean.

I having Deja-vu? Because I think I’ve thought this very same thing before. Hmm…

His gaze travels up and down my body, probably
imagining what I look like underneath my clothing. Um, does someone have secret x-ray vision that I don’t know about? I mentally gulp, nervous now.

Can I really do this with him? Can I fuck him and just forget about Aiden? And why do I feel like if I touch another man, it’s
a form of betrayal?

, knock that shit off, Emma! It’s not cheating because you’re not with him anymore. And besides, he cheated on his wife with you. It’s not the same thing.

I mentally shake myself, putting on a determined face. It’s game time, Emma. Show Lucas what you’re really made of.

“I’d like that, Lucas,” I reply boldly.

Jesus, Emma. Way to be direct, you slut.

His mouth twitches, probably shocked by my response. His eyes become darker, and he bites his bottom lip. Oh no, I know that look. He’s the wolf now, and I’m the lamb ready for slaughter.

“I warned you,
Em. You didn’t believe me but I told you,” he says huskily.

I look
at him with confusion. He comes closer to be, moving his lips next to my ear.

“I told you that I’d
get you. I’m just glad it was sooner rather than later,” he breathes.

I shiver, oddly uncomfortable and simultaneously turned on by his words. My
traitorous nipples harden, obviously flattered by the attention he’s giving me. He pulls away from my ear and stands directly in front of me.

“If I get someone to cover the bar and your tables, will
you go outside for a break with me? There’s something I need to do right now, but I can’t in here,” he says smiling.

Uh, holy shit! What is
it that he needs to do right now? And why does it involve me?

I nod my head in silence, oddly curious. He nods back at me and walks away, obviously taking car
e of the bar situation.

I blow a long breath that I had been holding in, feeling the oxygen pump out of my lungs. I turn my body towards my tables to make sure nobody needs anything. I subsequently lock eyes with Aiden and he looks murderous. Smoke is practically comi
ng out of his nostrils and ears, his death glare making me uneasy. I’d chuckle at his cartoon-like expression but this situation is not humorous in the least.

I’m guessing he saw Lucas and
I together, looking more than friendly. I sneer at him, hating that judgmental glower of his. How dare he act like I’m the one committing adultery! Fucking hypocrite. His eyes narrow and I bunch my fists in anger. I turn away from him, not able to handle anymore of him. Ugh, hurry up Lucas so we can go on break. Save me!

Lucas appears suddenly, almost as if he could hear my sudden pleas for rescue. He smiles at me and en
closes my hand in his. We walk around the bar and start heading for the door. Aiden looks at us and it almost seems like he’s going to jump out of the booth to stop us from leaving. I hear Jessica say something to him but not loud enough for me to comprehend the words. His demeanor instantly changes and he looks away from us, turning his attention back to Jessica. God, Aiden, your wife must have you really pussy-whipped.

s and I finally make it outside, my tense body finally able to relax. He starts to sit down on the curb of the street, gently pulling me down to sit beside him. I look over at him, admiring his ever present boyish grin. He really is a handsome guy. He’s one of those guys who wakes up in the morning, doesn’t have to even brush his hair, and he just looks sexy. It’s like he has permanent bedroom eyes, dammit!

I clear my throat, trying to get my straying thoughts under control. I’ve always been attracted to Lucas and now I can actually act on it. It’s like
the invisible string that tied me to Aiden has broken, the frayed pieces now allowing me to move on with Lucas. I look into his eyes and am instantly drawn into the blue oceans that are his irises.

Oh my God
, Emma! Are you a fucking poet now? Enough with the eloquent verses. You’re no Shakespeare, that’s for damn sure. Just find out what he wanted to come outside for.

“So, um, what’s u
p?” I ask nervously, biting my lip.

He chuckles, his eyes
clearly amused by my question.

“Well, I kind of wanted you all to myself for a little bit. Plus, I was getting tired of Aiden starring daggers at me. The guy needs to accept that his time with you is over. He blew it and now you’ve moved on,” he says smirking.

I frown by his words, saddened by him bringing up Aiden. He’s dead right though. Our time together has come to an end. I need to thicken my skin right fucking now and move on, just like Lucas said.

“Hey, I didn’t mean that the way it sounded,” Lucas says, grabbing my chin in his hand. “I know that you have feelings for him and you guys literally just broke up. All I’m saying is that I’m sad that you’re hurt but at the same time, I’m happy that it didn’t work out between you guys. I’ve been waiting on the sidelines ever since I first laid eyes on you,
Em. I could practically kick myself for not moving in on you before Aiden did. That asshole didn’t cherish you and appreciate you…not like I will. I want you so much, Em. It sucked seeing you with him. Whenever you guys kissed, I thought it should be me on the other side of your lips. And now I can be,” he says looking deeply into my eyes.

I inhale sharply. Did he seriously just admit that to me? I knew that he wan
ted in between my legs but this…shit, this is insane. I’ve always had the hardest time with guys, not knowing if they liked me or just wanted a quick fuck. Now just this week, I’ve had
guys practically throw themselves at me. Damn, Emma. You are one potent bitch! A poor version of a femme fatale but one none the less.

, Lucas. I had no idea you felt that way. I’m just shocked, I guess. I’ll admit that the first night we met, I had a thing for you. I figured that we’d eventually hook up or something but then the whole Aiden thing happened. I focused only him because that’s just the kind of person I am. When I’m in a relationship, I’m devoted solely to that person,” I say to him.

“That’s what I
admired and frustrated the hell out of me. I liked that you didn’t stray from Aiden, but at the same time, I wanted you to stray with
. I respect the fact that you’re totally committed when you’re in a relationship. I’ve never met a woman who made me want to trust, someone that actually caught my attention and held it. That’s why I always just hook up or have fuck buddies. I don’t want that anymore, though. I want you, Em,” he says huskily.

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