Feast of Saints (39 page)

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Authors: Zoe Wildau

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Contemporary Fiction

BOOK: Feast of Saints
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Looking around the room, Jake’s eyes lingered on her bedside table, where the array of condoms and gels he’d bought this morning were still on display. He said, “I see your alarm is still in the Lab.”

She grimaced. “Yeah, I guess I’d better go get it.” With the extremely early hour that they needed to be up and the importance of being on time, neither depended upon the hotel wakeup call service.

“You could stay with me,” he said, still staring at the bedside table. It was funny how he managed to say such a thing without any emotion. He wasn’t asking her to stay with him. He was just stating a fact. The choice was hers.

“What about the early morning visitors and such?” she asked.

Jake looked her in the eye. “I had a lock installed on the bedroom door.”

“Today?” she squeaked.

“Yes, today.” He pulled out his wallet and handed her a penthouse key card. “And I had a key made for you.”

Lilly took the key with numb fingers. That she wanted to spend the night with him was a given. That he had put so much thought into eliminating the obstacles for her to do so with everything else he had going on was startling.

Surprising herself by sounding reasonably composed, she said, “Let me just grab a few things.” Then, biting her lip and thinking she’d like to take just a few moments to herself, maybe a quick shave of her legs, she asked, “Can I meet you up there?”

Jake placed his hands on her shoulders and smoothed them down over her arms, causing gooseflesh. “It’s just to sleep, Lilly. Stay here if you’d be more comfortable.”

“No. I’d like to… sleep with you.” Why did that feel so intimate? She imagined herself twined around him in his bed, closer than close. “That would be nice,” she said honestly.

“Good.” Jake stepped toward the door. “If you take long, don’t be surprised if I’m asleep when you get there. Just let yourself in.”

After he left, Lilly rummaged through her unpacked suitcase, looking for something other than her boy shorts and tank top to sleep in. It was useless. However, she did find a pretty pink lace camisole that she usually wore as a layered piece under a T-shirt. It wasn’t lingerie, but tonight it would have to do. She paired that with clean, black, silky bikini briefs and decided it was good enough. She would have to run by the Lab, too, but she was confident that she had worked out the challenges of filming in Maui and could complete what needed to be done tonight in less than a half hour.

Hopping into the shower on her dash back from the Lab, she smoothed the hotel hair conditioner on her legs and underarms and did a quick shave, hissing as she cut her ankle. Hopping out again, she dressed in her outfit for tomorrow, another cool, casual skirt and top, and snatched up her toiletries, throwing them and her makeshift PJs into a plastic hotel dry-cleaning bag. Making sure she had her room key and phone, she headed toward the door, feeling shaky. At the last minute, she looked back at the bedside table, and swept one of the boxes and a little pink bottle into the bag.

She took Jake at his word and, instead of knocking, let herself into his suite. He wasn’t in any of the outer rooms, which were only dimly lit. She made her way to the master bedroom, where Jake was lying on the bed, his chest bare, the sheet loose around his hips. The bedside lamp was the only light in the room, except for the moonlight spilling in the open balcony doors. His chest rose and fell with the sound of the crashing surf. The rush of desire at his beautiful familiar form caused her to nearly stumble into the room. She was saved from embarrassment by the fact that he seemed to be dozing.

Heading straight into the bathroom, she unpacked her little bag, brushed her teeth and put on the camisole and panties. Feeling terribly awkward, she made her way to the bed and scrambled in on the empty side. She laid down flat on her back and folded her arms across her chest.

Looking from the tall bed posts to the vaulted ceiling, she was just starting to feel silly for coming to his room when Jake stretched his arm out toward her and grumbled, “Come closer, Pixie.”

Relieved, she scooted until she was pressed up against his side and laid her head on the shoulder of his outstretched arm. Jake wrapped his arm around her with a contented sigh.

Resting her hand on his naked chest, Lilly’s relief was short-lived as she thought about the night in the tent in the Tetons. Jake held her like this while the deer snuffled and investigated around their campsite. At the time, she had been on fire for him, and they’d been fully clothed and in separate sleeping bags.

This. Oh God. This was too much. Her super-sensitized nipples brushed his skin through the lacy fabric of the camisole. Her thighs seared where they pressed against his hip. His only clothing was the Calvin boxer briefs he favored. She wanted so badly to lift her leg and drape it over him, invite him to press his hard thigh between her legs.

She bit her lip to keep from pressing a kiss to the flat nipple that was so close to her mouth. “Just to sleep, Lilly,” he’d said. The echo of his words was the only thing that checked her from nuzzling into him, kissing and licking and nipping and… Oh God, she was not going to be sleeping. Her body hummed like a live wire.

Jake wrapped his other arm around her. “Are you cold?”

She cleared her throat. “Hmm, no, not at all. Is this uncomfortable for you?”

“Not for me,” he said, hugging her closer, tighter. “But you’re trembling.”

“It’s fine. I’m fine. I was just rushing around before I came up here. I’ll settle down in a minute.”

He kissed the top of her head and took a deep breath. “You smell good.”

She smiled into his chest, starting to relax at his casual manner. But then he reached down, grasped her thigh, and pulled her leg up over him, over his erection, and rested it there. “Don’t mind me,” he said with a smirk. She felt a whimper rise in her throat as her crotch was pressed against his hipbone.

Reaching up, he turned off the light. “Sleep now,” he said, and rested his hand back on her thigh, gently stroking, feather light with his fingers. When he made no further move, she clamped down on her intense arousal until, in a daze of desire and heat, she meandered into sleep.

She dreamt of crashing waves and fire-lit, sweat drenched bodies.

Still sleeping in the dead of night, Lilly’s mind registered a growing heat and weight over her – on her – running the length of her side. Her back was pressed into the mattress, and the heavy, hot weight moved against her breast, her chest, her belly, her thigh. The rhythm of the crashing surf and the dream of undulating bodies had her writhing into the heat, pressing up against the weight. She felt a sweet pressure between her legs and lifted her hips higher to meet it. In her dream, she raised her arms, accepting with abandon the pleasure of the dance.

“Ahhh, God, Lilly, stop. Shhhh, stop moving. You’re driving me crazy, stop.”

Hard hands clamped down on her thrusting hips. Jake lay half on top of her, his thigh pressed hard between her legs, his own hips pulsing in time with hers, sliding his erection against the curve of her waist.

Lilly’s eyes flew open.
Not a dream
. Her arms above her head came down to circle Jake’s neck. Not slowing, she pushed her hips against the pressure of his hold and locked her lips onto his. Against his mouth she moaned in time with their thrusting.

“Lilly, wake up!”

At the harshness in his voice, Lilly did pull back. “I am awake.”

Jake rolled off of her, breathing hard. “I’m sorry. We were sleeping, and then we were… moving. I almost…. God, I’m sorry.”

Realizing the harshness of his voice was directed inward, at him, and not at her, she slid on top of him, looking down into his guilty face. “Don’t be sorry. You feel wonderful.” Rubbing herself against him, she said, “There’s no way I’m going back to sleep, so don’t even think of it.”

Jake groaned, pushing up to meet her, grabbing her hips again to grind her down on him, but stilling her movements just the same. She could feel the protest rising in him before it left his lips. He was worried about hurting her.

Kissing him hard, she didn’t give him a chance to speak. She swung her leg over him, climbed out of the bed and shimmied into the bathroom to grab the box of condoms and little pink bottle. Back at the bedside, she flicked on the bedside lamp and peeled off her panties, leaving them in a puddle on the floor.

Jake regarded her, wide-eyed. He wanted to lunge for her, but he’d hurt her and frightened her enough for one day. Lilly grabbed the waistband of his briefs. “Lift,” she commanded. Obediently, Jake lifted his hips off of the bed so that she could slide off the briefs.

She re-mounted him, and, with her knees on either side of his thighs, she tore open the condom packet. Jake watched, enthralled, as she smoothed the latex down the hard shaft of his penis. Just above her hands moving over his cock, between her spread legs, his eyes locked on the lips of her vagina, inviting and wet. When Lilly began rubbing the warming gel over his sheathed erection, he thrust into her palms, wanting to be in her again, tight and hot.

“That’s right, Pixie,” Jake growled, all protest gone. Striving for restraint, Jake grabbed the headboard above his head to keep from grabbing her hips and tossing her onto her back, slamming into her.

She positioned herself over him, and slid slowly, halfway down his shaft, then up again, testing her soreness. It was a tight fit, like this morning, but it didn’t burn or sting.

With a quavering moan, Lilly pushed down farther, then fell forward over Jake, pushing herself all the way down until his hip bones dug into her inner thighs. Her toes curled, and she gripped him with her knees at the delicious fullness.

“Oh, there, yes, there,” she moaned.

Wrapping her arms around his neck, her elbows on the pillow, she began a cat-like arching and flexing of her back, pulling her hips back and pushing down again.

Jake let her set the pace. She started slowly and leisurely at first, stretching and adjusting to accommodate the enormity of him, her camisole riding up with the friction of her chest rubbing against his. As her soreness was relieved, not aggravated, by the invasion and warmth, she moved faster and more aggressively, until she was echoing the rhythm of the Pahu drums from the dance, from her dream. Jake let go of the headboard long enough to rip her camisole over her head so that he could feel her slick skin slide against him, then resumed his supplicant position.

He was anything but still, though, matching her pounding rhythm by digging in his heels and thrusting up against her with each stroke. His face was fierce and passionate. The tendons in his neck stood out, and his triceps bulged as he pulled at the headboard with his effort to keep his hands off of her. In a move she’d only learned earlier in the evening from her hula teacher, she gyrated her hips with Jake inside her, pulsing her inner muscles at the same time.

“Lilly!” Jake shouted, and letting go of the headboard, he grabbed her hips and thrust himself hard into her as he came, his shout dissolving into a series of grunting moans as she continued to grind her hips against him. His excited sounds in time with the grinding pleasure drove Lilly to her own climax. She clamped her thighs around him and rocked herself and him in spasmodic release. Her face pressed against his chest, her thighs still clamped tight to his hips as the percussive aftershocks rolled through her, Lilly reached up to stroke his hair, his cheek.

“Hmmm. Thank you, thank you,” she mumbled fervently into his skin, kissing him, nuzzling, not allowing him a moment to think she felt anything less than the intense and gratifying pleasure that she had.

Jake slid his hands over her hips and around her back, holding her gently against his chest and stroked the back of her hair. Lilly didn’t move for several minutes, drifting in and out of consciousness, until she felt Jake’s muscles relax, his softening penis slipping out of her. “Now sleep,” she said, content, rolling off of him, and promptly she did.

All too soon, she awoke, disoriented at the sound of unfamiliar music. Squinting at the source of the sound, she saw an IPod docked in a high-end bedside alarm. The warm tones of Takenobu’s cello nudged her awake. Looking around, she recognized her surroundings. She could hear the shower running. She could hear Jake humming. Bouncing out of bed, naked, she stepped into the monolithic bathroom, knocking first so as not to startle him. Unlike
people, she didn’t think it was funny to sneak up and scare the wits out of others.

Jake’s running clothes were piled on the floor where he’d dropped them before stepping into the cavernous shower. One eye closed against the shampoo suds dripping off of his hair, Jake smiled at her as she stepped in next to him and slid her arms around his naked body. This was just too glorious for words. Pivoting so that she was under the warm spray, Jake rubbed his hands over her hair, her back.

Smiling down at her, he said, “Good morning, Pixie. Sleep well?”

“I had the most erotic dream,” she said mischievously.

Raising his eyebrows in mock surprise, Jake said, “You too? Was there a luau party and a tiny gyrating nymphomaniac?”

“Yes to the party, but mine had a sexy hulk of a man, about this size,” she said, grasping his growing erection.

This time, he didn’t stop her as she lathered up and began stroking him. Lilly thrilled at the pleasure of him thrusting into her hands, the hot spray of the shower amplifying their pleasure. Slippery as an eel but hard as steel, he bowed over her, pressing his hands into her back. She found a rhythm that he obviously enjoyed, signaling his immense pleasure by sliding his hands down and squeezing her ass. Hard. She sucked, then bit him on one nipple then the other as she pumped him, matching the strength of his grip on her ass. She didn’t let up until, with a shout, Jake jetted hot semen onto the skin of her belly, her breasts and her neck.

Chuckling, happy for making him feel so good, she rubbed against him and then pulled them both under the huge rain showerhead to rinse off. Standing in the soft downpour, Jake kissed her deeply then picked her up, wrapping her legs around him and stepped out of the shower. He grabbed a thick towel, draped it over the cold marble counter and set her down on it. Throwing a folded towel on the hard tile floor in front of her, Jake knelt and put his mouth between her legs, licking and sucking the water from the shower, the moisture from her arousal. He plunged two fingers into her as he nipped, licked and sucked her clitoris. His hair was wet and dark from the water. As he moved his head and mouth, cool water droplets fell onto her heated inner thighs.

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