Fearless (21 page)

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Authors: Cheryl Douglas

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Fearless
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“Nothing,” she said quickly. “I mean, I don’t want him to know we’re on our way.”

He glanced over at her. “Why the secrecy?”

She didn’t want to tell Derek she was having second thoughts about her decision. “I just need a little more time, okay?”

He glanced at the clock on the dashboard. “Hope twenty minutes will be enough time.”  


“I can’t believe my sister’s life was in jeopardy and you two didn’t even have the decency to tell me.” She punched Trey on the arm. “How could you do this? I thought I could trust you.”

Trey tried to pull her into his arms, but she pushed him away. She turned on Josh and pointed a finger at him. “And you were in Arkansas with her and you didn’t even think to pick up the phone and fill me in? If anything happens to my sister, I’ll never forgive you, Josh Cooper.”

If anything happened to Lexi, Josh would never be able to forgive himself. Derek had sent a brief text to let him know everything was fine, but that was the last text he’d responded to and that was hours ago.

“Sierra, don’t blame Josh for this,” Trey said. “I wanted to keep it from you. The last thing you need is to get stressed out right now. It’s not good for the baby.”

Ashley wrapped an arm around her shoulder and led her to the couch. “Trey is right, Sierra. You need to sit down and try to relax. I’m sure your sister is fine.”

Sierra sank down on the couch and looked around the room at her husband and two friends. “But what if she isn’t? What if something’s happened to her?”

“She’s in good hands, Sierra. Derek is the best cop I know,” Josh said.

“And Derek is a friend; you know he wouldn’t let anything happen to Lexi,” Trey said, claiming the seat beside her.

She leaned her head on his shoulder. “I hope you’re right. I don’t know what I’d do without her.” She looked up at Josh. “I still don’t understand why you left her there with Derek. Why didn’t you stay there with her until she was ready to come home?”

Josh sat down on the chair opposite Sierra. He had been dreading this moment, but he knew he couldn’t put it off any longer. “Honey, Lexi’s not coming back to Nashville.”

She frowned as Trey reached for her hand. “What are you talking about? She told me she planned to move back here. She said she wanted to be closer to me and the baby. Are you telling me she plans to stay in Arkansas knowing those lunatics have it in for her?” She grasped Trey’s hand, her eyes swimming with tears. “We can’t let her do that. It’s not safe.”

Josh leaned forward. “She’s not staying in Arkansas. I don’t know where she’s headed; I just know it’s not back here.”

She glared at him. “Did something happen between the two of you while you were there? Is there something you’re not telling me?”

Josh did not want to have this conversation with his ex-wife breathing down his neck, but Sierra wasn’t giving him much choice. “Lexi and I...” He breathed a sigh of relief when the doorbell rang, interrupting his confession. 

“I’ll get it,” Trey said, heading in the direction of the front door.

Josh waited for Trey to welcome his guest, hoping the interruption would prevent Sierra from asking any more questions about his relationship with Lexi.

“Omigod, am I glad to see you. Do you know my wife is going out of her mind worrying about you, kiddo? Get in here.”

Josh turned around to see Trey pulling Lexi into his arms. Derek was standing just behind her. Josh tried to make eye contact with his friend to get a read on the situation, but Derek’s gaze drifted to Ashley, who shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Josh had a sinking feeling his friend was keeping something from him.

He was surprised to see Lexi, but even more surprised to see Derek. He thought she would have been on a plane, destined for her new life by now. He couldn’t help but wonder what or who had made her change her mind. She may have been feeling guilty for worrying her sister, but Josh couldn’t help but think there was more to her unexpected appearance than a guilty conscience. 

“Thank God you’re here,” Sierra cried, running toward her sister. “I’ve been worried sick about you.” She held Lexi by the shoulders, keeping her at arm’s length. “Are you okay?”

Lexi rolled her eyes. “I’m fine. Would you guys relax?” She stepped out of Sierra’s reach. “You and Trey remember Derek, right?”

Trey grinned and extended his hand. “Good to see you, man. It’s been too long.”

Sierra gasped and covered her mouth before lunging at Derek. “I can’t believe you’re here.” She pulled back to look at him. “Look at us, you, me and Trey, Ashley and Josh, just like old times.”

Derek glanced into the living room where Josh and Ashley were sitting. “Yeah, just like old times.”

Josh knew his friend too well. He wasn’t happy about being thrust back into the midst of his old college friends. Derek was always the life of the party, at ease in any situation, so who or what was making him so uncomfortable?

Lexi grabbed his hand and pulled him into the living room. “Derek was nice enough to make sure I got back here in one piece,” Lexi said, smiling at Ashley. “Wasn’t that sweet of him?”

Ashley looked at their clasped hands. “Yeah, he’s a real sweet guy.”

Derek inclined his head. “Good to see you, Ash. It’s been a long time.”

Josh watched the exchange between his friend and his ex-wife. They had always gotten along; Josh wondered what had happened to change that. More importantly, he wanted to know why Derek felt the need to accompany Lexi on her trip from Arkansas and why he was standing not more than ten feet away from him, holding Lexi’s hand and refusing to look him in the eye. If something had gone down between them at Lexi’s house, Josh would have to kill him with his bare hands. Lexi was scared and vulnerable when he left her, and if his friend had taken advantage of her in that state, he would make him pay.

“Why didn’t you answer my calls?” Josh asked, leaning back in his chair.

Derek looked at Lexi. “We were, ah, busy when you called.”

Josh gripped the armrests until his knuckles turned white. “Busy doing what?”

Trey laughed. “Relax, buddy, they just got here. Why don’t we offer them a drink before we start grilling them?”

Josh fought the urge to grab Derek by the neck and usher him out of the room. He wanted answers and he wanted them now. He looked at Derek and Lexi, their hands still clasped. “You two certainly seemed to have hit it off.”

Lexi looked up at Derek and smiled. “Derek’s the best. I can’t thank you enough for asking him to stay with me. I don’t know what I would have done without him these past few days.”

Derek released her hand to pull her against his side. “It was my pleasure, Lex.”

“I’ll just bet it was,” Josh muttered. He got to his feet. He couldn’t stand to watch or listen to any more of this. He couldn’t stop the woman he loved from worshiping one of his best friends, but he’d be damned if he was going to sit there and watch it happen. “You ready to go, Ashley?”

She jumped up. “Anytime you are.” She looked at Lexi. “I’m glad you’re back home safe and sound, Lexi.” She waved at Derek. “Nice to see you again. Hope you have a safe trip back.”

“Oh, I don’t plan on heading back right away. We might see each other again soon.”

Her eyes darted to Josh. “Uh, ready to go?”

Josh frowned. There was obviously a hell of a lot more going on with this group than he was privy to and he hated being kept in the dark. One way or another, he was going to get some answers. He looked at Derek. “Where are you staying?”

“I’ll just grab a room at one of the hotels.”

Sierra held up her hand. “No way, you’re staying here with us. Don’t even think about arguing with me. You’re the guy who brought my sister home to me; it’s the least I can do to repay you.”

Josh grunted. “Stop by my place later, Derek. We need to talk.” He didn’t wait for a response before heading for the door.


Josh spent the next two hours killing time, waiting for a phone call or a knock on the door. He didn’t care if he had to wait up all night; he was not going to rest until someone gave him some answers. The exchange between Derek and Lexi was bizarre, Derek’s reaction to Ashley even more so. He was obviously being kept in the dark by the people closest to him, and he was ready to confront them and demand to know what the hell was going on and why he was the last to know.

He grabbed his car keys, preparing to drive back to Trey and Sierra’s house and have it out with Lexi and Derek when the doorbell rang. “It’s about time,” he muttered, crossing the foyer. He yanked the door open and glared at his friend. He would have preferred to see Lexi standing on his doorstep, begging forgiveness for making the wrong choice, but he would have to settle for Derek.

“Hey, Josh, sorry it’s so late. Can I come in?”

He said nothing, just took a step back and walked toward the bar. He heard the soft click of the door followed by booted footsteps across the wood floor. “Can I get you a drink?”

“Yeah, how ‘bout a scotch? I sure could use it.” He sank into the leather seat cushions and propped his feet on the upholstered ottoman.

Josh poured two glasses of scotch, handing one to Derek before he claimed the leather club chair across from him and leaned forward. “Why don’t you start by telling me what the hell happened between you and Lexi back in Arkansas?”

Derek threw back the shot of liquor and grimaced. “She’s a great girl. But I don’t have to tell you that, do I?” He set the empty glass on a side table and rubbed his eyes, looking weary.

“No, you don’t.” Josh eyed him warily, trying to get a read on his thoughts. “You two seemed pretty close earlier. What was that about?”

“Yeah, we really hit it off. I feel like I’ve known her forever, man.”

Josh gripped the glass. “How close are you two? Is there something you want to tell me?”

Derek frowned. “What are you talking about?” He glanced at Josh’s death grip on the glass and started to laugh. “You think there’s something going on between me and Lexi?” He held up his hands. “No way, man. You’re way off base. Lex and I are just friends. It’s you she wants.”

Josh set the glass down on the side table and released the breath he’d been holding. He chuckled. “I should have known better; you’re like a brother to me. I was crazy to think you would ever make a play for my...” He hesitated. Lexi was more than just a friend, but since he walked out on her, he had no idea where they stood now. If what Derek said was true and she still wanted him, maybe they still had a chance.

Derek looked him in the eye. “No, I wouldn’t make a play for your girlfriend, but I did make a play for your wife, Josh.”

Josh shook his head, certain he had misunderstood. “What the hell are you talking about?”

He leaned back and rested his head against the cushions. “I didn’t have the guts to tell you back then, but I can’t live with this anymore.” He closed his eyes. “You and Ashley were already having problems. You were fighting all the time...”

Josh leapt to his feet, staring his friend down. “Are you telling me you slept with my wife?”

Derek sighed. “Please, just let me explain.” 

Josh began to pace the floor in front of the stone fireplace. This could not be happening. Derek had been one of his best friends for more than twenty years. If he couldn’t trust him, how could he trust anyone?

Derek stared at a picture of Jay and Mike and sighed. “I was a mess when Ashley dumped me back in college, Josh. I was still in love with her, but she told me it was you she wanted. What the hell was I supposed to do, tell you to stay away from her so we could all be miserable?”

Josh turned to stare at his friend. “What are you saying, you never stopped loving Ashley?”

Derek stared out the window over Josh’s shoulder. “It ate me up inside, man. I didn’t want to feel that way about my best friend’s wife, but I couldn’t help the way I felt.”

Josh sank into the chair across from him. He tried to imagine what Derek must have been going through all those years. He was best man at their wedding, godfather to their children. He’d talked to Derek about their sex life back in the day. If the situations were reversed and Lexi hooked up with Derek, it would crush him.

“Jesus, Derek, I asked you if you were okay with it. You should have told me how you felt. You know I would have backed off.”

Derek nodded. “Yeah, but what was the point? She wanted you, not me. It’s always been you; sounds like it still is.”

“What do you mean?”

“Ashley told Sierra that you and she are going to try again.” Derek raked his hands through his hair. “You’re one lucky bastard, two gorgeous women throwing themselves at you. How do you do it?”

Josh heard the hurt beneath the humour and hoped it wasn’t too late to make things right. Derek and Ashley deserved to be happy. He shouldn’t have gotten in the way of that all those years ago. His gut was telling him Ashley was a great girl, but she wasn’t his soul mate. He should have listened and he would have saved everyone a lot of pain. “Ashley and I are not getting back together, Derek. I don’t love her.”

He rolled his eyes. “I wish I could say the same.”

“Tell me how it happened, the affair.”

Derek covered his face with his hands. “Come on, man. You’re asking me for the dirty details?” 

Josh knew he should be feeling hurt and angry, but he didn’t. He was just curious, wanted someone to fill in the blanks. “How long did it go on?”

“It just happened once, during the last year of your marriage.” He sighed. “She said she wanted to be with me once the divorce was final, but I think she was just afraid of being alone.”

“Is that why you moved to Arkansas?”

Derek looked up. “I couldn’t look you in the eye anymore. I felt like shit, Josh.”

“It’s okay, I understand.”

Derek looked surprised. “You don’t hate me?”

“You were the best friend I ever had and I repaid you by marrying the love of your life. I feel like I should be the one asking you that question.”

Derek stood up and extended his hand. “Still friends?”

Josh stood to take the hand he offered. He pulled him into a quick hug and slapped him on the back. “Always; nothing’s gonna change that.”

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