Fate Forsaken (28 page)

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Authors: Chauntelle Baughman

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Urban, #Psychics, #Vampires, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Paranormal & Urban

BOOK: Fate Forsaken
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Eldon shook his head. “This is much too dangerous.”

“I think I understand the danger.” Evette’s voice turned soft. “I lost Lukas because of it.”

Tim rubbed his chin as he considered her. “I don’t know.”

“I understand Lukas is gone, but that’s no reason to throw your life away,” Eldon reasoned. “He wouldn’t want this for you.”

Rho turned to rejoin the group in the kitchen. “I don’t want to put you in harm’s way.”

Evette set her mug down on the table. “Lukas is gone. There’s nothing I can do to bring him back. I grieve for the loss of the greatest love of my life, but I can’t stop my existence. I can’t stop living, or serving a purpose. Without Lukas, I have no purpose. I have nothing tying me to Paris. Even my job—I can teach anywhere.” She waved a hand through the air. “I believe in what you’re doing here. This mission is important. Lukas died to preserve your life, because he believed in what you were doing.”

A lump settled into Rho’s throat. Clearly, Evette and Lukas had understood the risks when they’d taken them. They knew what could happen, and they did it anyway. To her, that was the definition of bravery.

“Let me help you,” Evette continued. “You know my protection spells are top notch, and I’m great at research. Eldon, I can work with your sisters to research that death mark. I can try to find loopholes in Rho’s sentencing with the Council. The four of you have enough on your plate in terms of action. Let me do the recon work you don’t have time to do.”

No one spoke for a moment as gazes were exchanged around the room. Rho’d never truly considered adding anyone to the team, although she considered Nick to be an honorary member. Research could be time-consuming. It wouldn’t hurt to have someone on the team who could handle things behind the scenes.

Rho finally spoke up. “I don’t have a problem with this.”

“Neither do I,” Preshea said.

After a moment, Tim chimed in. “Me neither.”

All eyes turned to Eldon, as if he were the final decision maker. Evette was a magick mover, as well as his friend. No one would proceed without his blessing.

Eldon’s eyes narrowed, studying Evette before he spoke. “I’ll allow it.” He held up a finger. “On one condition. No fieldwork. The rest of us are trained to handle combat. If you help us, your only jobs are behind the scenes.”

“Deal.” Evette didn’t hesitate. A smile crossed her face, and she brought her mug to her lips. “So what’s for dinner?”

Rho laughed, shook her head, and returned to the kitchen. As she poured her cup of coffee, she considered how far they’d come. They had three Kamens in their possession and a new member on their team. Rho’d been sentenced to death, but she’d been given at least a little time.

Eldon strode across the kitchen and took Rho’s hand in his. With a gentle tug, he pulled her away from the rest of the group and led her to the empty living room. He spun around and planted a kiss on her lips, then deepened his kiss, gently exploring her mouth.

She wrapped her arms around his waist and pulled him closer. The scent of him filled her entirely, all clean soap and spices, and she wished she could bottle it just to keep it with her. He entered her mind freely this time, and she let him in without hesitation.

Just as his kisses left her breathless, he pulled away.

“What did you do that for?” Rho panted, gazing up at him.

He gave her a lopsided smile. “I love you, Rho Vasile.”

“And I love you, Eldon Tradare.” She shook her head as she studied his eyes. They’d been the first part of him that had drawn her in. “Nothing in my life can ever be easy, can it?”

He caught her chin with the crook of his finger then bent forward and pressed a kiss to her nose. “Nothing worth fighting for ever is.” He lifted his lips to kiss her forehead. “But you’re worth the fight.” When he pulled back, he gazed down at her face. “I’ll fight for you, Rho. I’ll fight until my last breath.”

Her throat grew tight, the sincerity in his voice nearly melting her where she stood. “And I’ll fight by your side.” She shook her head slowly. “Everything happens for a reason. Meeting you, our connection, this team. It all serves a purpose.”

“I don’t care what the purpose is, as long as I’m with you.”

“I’m not going anywhere. Not until they make me.”

He let out a light laugh. “They’ll have to get through me to get to you.”

She smiled and gave him a playful shove. “And good luck with that.”

Eldon cupped her face in his hands and dipped down, kissing her deeply. Their height difference meant she had to stand on her toes, but she didn’t care. She wrapped her arms around his neck to pull him closer, embracing the warmth of his skin touching her and her connection with his soul.

Nothing in her life had been easy, but everything happened for a reason. She’d joined this team for a reason. She’d met Eldon for a reason. Even if she didn’t have all the answers, she at least had today. As long as she was here, she had a lot to be grateful for.

Not to mention a hell of a lot more work to do.

Thank You



tremendous thank you to all of my readers. I’m so grateful for all of the love and support you’ve shown me since this series started. You guys are amazing.

Few people get to see what happens behind the curtain when I’m working on a novel, and I couldn’t achieve my goals without such an incredibly talented team backing me up. A special thank you to Deanna, my awesome critique partner in crime and a fabulous author, without whom I’d never get anything done. Thanks for pushing me and keeping me on my toes. Rhonda, my editor who takes no prisoners; Minx and Leslea, my beta readers; Claudia, my brilliant cover artist; Ashley, my gifted typographer; Jennifer at Red Adept for proofreading; and Crystalle at Victory Editing for catching the tiniest of errors. Thank you all for everything you do.

Last but certainly not least, thank you to my husband for his support and my gorgeous baby girl. Her impending arrival inspired me to get this story finished, and just in the nick of time. Everything I do in this world, I do for her.

Also by Chauntelle Baughman

The DarqRealm Series:


Magick Marked

About The Author



hauntelle is a writer with a special love for the genres of paranormal romance and urban fantasy. She also adores musical theater, walking around barefoot, wearing scarves and eating chocolate – not necessarily in that order. When she’s not busy working in the Houston oilpatch, you find her spending time with her husband and daughter at the lake. For more updates and information on her latest releases, please visit her website at

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