Fate Forsaken (26 page)

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Authors: Chauntelle Baughman

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Urban, #Psychics, #Vampires, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Paranormal & Urban

BOOK: Fate Forsaken
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“Sorry for interrupting,” Cadence said dryly.

Eldon turned to her and gave a quick nod. “No problem.”

Cadence kneeled beside Max and fiddled with something in his hand. When she rose again, she turned toward Rho. “I believe this belongs to you.”

Rho cupped a hand over her mouth then nodded slowly.

With graceful strides, Cadence stepped forward until she was standing directly in front of Rho and Eldon. She extended a hand forward. “I hope this makes my alliance with your team clear.”

Rho nodded again and extended a hand, palm facing up.

Cadence offered a gentle smile before setting a massive gold ring at the center of Rho’s hand. A flash of red caught Eldon’s eye, and he leaned forward. Set between six gold prongs was a massive red diamond, at least ten carats.

“Is that—” Eldon started.

“The vampire Kamen,” Rho answered before she glanced up at him. “Back where it belongs.”

Chapter Twenty-Eight

ho readjusted herself in the uncomfortable airplane seat then glanced out the window to her right. Thank God the flight attendant had brought more coffee. Without the delightful aroma distracting her, she might have lost her mind. They’d been trapped for fifteen hours in a metal tube.

Her heart was heavy with the events of the last week. When she’d made the trip the first time, she’d been excited to see Paris during the day. The ride back home turned out to be a far more somber occasion.

She stared down at the impressive red diamond on her left ring finger. It was the only finger the ring would fit on. She’d been terrified to pack such a valuable item. Regardless of street value, the stone was priceless to the DarqRealm. The only way she could know it was safe was to keep it somewhere she could see it.

“You okay?” Eldon asked. Luckily the flight wasn’t full, so they had the entire row to themselves.

“Fine.” She shrugged a shoulder. “I still don’t see why we had to fly back home.” Jumping the lines would’ve been far more convenient, considering she now had the amulet to keep her safe. At least temporarily, until they could find a more permanent fix.

“This is safer. We don’t know that the amulet will protect you.”

“It will.”

“Hopefully we’ll never test the theory.” Eldon’s brow furrowed and he turned his attention to the headrest in front of him.

Something was bothering him, but she couldn’t quite put her finger on it. Ever since Lukas had died, he’d been a little off. Not that she could blame him. The death had been a horrible shock to her, and she didn’t have nearly the history with Lukas he did.

Evette didn’t plan on having an elaborate funeral, but Rho supposed she didn’t need to. Only the magick mover traditions would do. They all knew exactly what had happened. Lukas was the definition of a hero, and Rho would never let anyone forget it. Evette had said she’d cremate her late husband and then spread his ashes when the time felt right. The team agreed to come back whenever she was ready to say her final goodbyes.

Maybe Eldon felt he lacked some sort of closure, and that was causing him to act a little strange? There was no way to know. But whenever he was willing to talk about it, she’d listen.

She changed the subject. “You think Evette will take you up on your offer?”

When Eldon had suggested allowing Evette to come and stay at his safe house, at least until she got on her feet again, Rho’d immediately told him yes. In the span of a week, Evette had lost everything. Her home. Her husband. Even the loft she’d used as a safe house had been discovered and ransacked. The idea of leaving Paris without knowing the woman was safe didn’t sit well with either of them.

Eldon sighed. “I’m not sure. Evette is proud. She doesn’t like the idea of accepting charity.”

“It isn’t charity. It’s friendship.”

“That’s what I told her.”

Rho shook her head. She couldn’t imagine the hell Evette was going through right now. The idea of losing Eldon made her sick to her stomach, and he was sitting in the seat beside her.

She reached over and took Eldon’s hand, threading her fingers through his. “It isn’t good for her to be alone. Not right now. Not after everything that happened.”

Eldon stared down at their joined hands then met her eyes. “Nick’s going to check on her.”

Rho arched a brow but didn’t say anything.

When Eldon finally glanced over at her, he said, “And before you ask, no, Nick’s not back yet. He wants to stay with Trinador until she’s completely healed.”


“They’re dating now.”

Rho smirked. “Not a surprise.”

They sat quietly for the remainder of their flight, which suited Rho just fine. She released her grip on him and reclined her seat back, settling into the pathetic excuse for a pillow the flight attendant had handed her earlier. The past few days had been emotionally and physically exhausting, and she wanted nothing more than a little peace and quiet. Eldon was lost in an old episode of
while Rho sipped her airline coffee and stared out the window.

When they finally touched down and began to taxi toward their gate, Eldon reached out to grab Rho’s left hand. His thumb stroked the large rock as he spoke. “Does it bother you I’ll never be your mate?”

“What?” The question completely caught Rho off guard. Her mate? Since when was he worried about that?

He lifted her hand with the red diamond on it. “Just curious. Does it bother you?”

Rho opened her mouth to answer then shut it again. What could she say? She couldn’t say she hadn’t thought about it before. Ever since they’d been soul struck, she’d considered him a part of her. She definitely loved him. But a true mate? Since Eldon wasn’t a vampire, she couldn’t create a blood bond with him. In her world, that was the only type of bond that mattered.

Finally, she answered, “I guess it does, a little. It would be nice to know we could…be mated. If we wanted to.”

He nodded. “Yeah.”

“Why do you ask?” Of all the questions she’d expected, that one had been at the bottom of the list.

“Just curious.”

Rho turned the question on him. “Does it bother

He lifted a shoulder. “Sometimes.”

The plane turned toward an open gate then paused.

“What kind of ceremony does your race have?” Rho asked. They’d never really discussed magick mover ceremonies before, but she imagined they were nothing like the vampire blood exchanges she’d witnessed. Movers seemed far less dramatic than that.

“They’re normal.”

“And ours are…” Rho stifled a laugh.

Eldon’s cheeks turned a delicious shade of pink. “I mean, yours are normal, too.”

“Of course.”

“I just meant ours are more…human. Traditional. White dress, tuxedo, flowers.”

“No magick?”

“It’s part of the ceremony.”


The plane rolled forward again until it jarred to a stop. The “fasten seatbelt” light flashed off, and Eldon rose quickly from his seat. Guess that was the end of that conversation.

What could have prompted that? Rho gazed down at the ring on her left finger. She hadn’t put it on that finger on purpose. It just happened to be the only finger the ring would fit, and she wasn’t taking any chances with it. Although, now that she considered it, she probably shouldn’t be walking around with it in such plain view.

She tugged the ring off her finger and opened the clasp of the moonstone amulet around her neck. With quick hands, she strung the ring onto the chain and clasped the necklace once again. She pulled the diamond to the front, alongside the moonstone, and glanced down to make sure it was safely hidden. At least this way the Kamen would be on her person but out of sight. Eldon removed Rho’s black suitcase from the overhead bin and set it in the seat beside her.

She studied his profile as he stared toward the front of the plane. Now that she really thought about it, she wasn’t opposed to the idea of commitment. She just wasn’t sure if it was for her.

Sure, things were different with Eldon. She’d never felt this way about any man before, so she’d easily say she was more committed to Eldon than anyone in her life. He meant everything to her. But still, with her line of work and their current mission, she wasn’t willing to put him in a compromising position.

Not to mention the rumors that would fly around the DarqRealm regarding an interracial couple. She wouldn’t care if anyone talked trash about her, but Eldon was far too prominent in the mover community to subject him to that.

Although it would be nice to have a little sliver of normalcy for once. To experience the same commitment so many others had before her. But it just wasn’t in the cards.

She sighed as she rose to her feet and grabbed her suitcase. Eldon shot her a smile. The aisle began to clear, and he finally moved forward. She followed him off the plane, through the maze of the airport, and finally to the car.

After they loaded the luggage and got back onto the road, Rho pulled her cell phone from her pocket. They’d gotten new ones again, and would probably have to keep switching them every few days to maintain a low profile. She powered it back on, only to find a text message from Preshea.


Frederick was there again? Rho ran a hand through her messy blond hair and let out a heavy sigh. The last time he’d come to the safe house, he’d informed her she’d been summoned by the Council, and she’d been told she’d go to trial. The fact that he’d turned up again, in person, couldn’t mean anything good.

“Frederick is at the safe house again,” Rho said.

Eldon put his turn signal on and glanced over his shoulder. “Did she say why?”

Rho held up the phone and wiggled it in her hand. “I’m calling her now.” She punched Preshea’s name on her favorites list and waited.

The line began to ring, and Preshea’s voice came on the line a moment later. “Finally.”

Rho snorted. “It’s a fifteen-hour flight. Give me a break.”

“Your boss is here.”

“So your text says.”

“He’s been here for an hour.” Preshea’s voice clearly portrayed her irritation. “Says he needs to talk to you.”

“Did he say what about?”

“No. He only wants to talk to you.”

Rho stifled a laugh at Preshea’s tone. Preshea absolutely hated when she didn’t get her way, and no doubt Frederick wasn’t in the giving mood. He was a prince. He didn’t have to take orders from anyone. “Put him on the line.”

Static filled the line as Preshea transferred the phone.

“Rho?” Frederick’s voice was familiar yet foreign. She hadn’t spoken to him for weeks, and it felt like eternity.

“Frederick? What are you doing back at the house?”

“You haven’t been checking in,” he accused.

Guilty as charged. She hadn’t called him since the day she’d left for Paris. “I’ve been busy. Top-secret stuff.”

“You should still check in.”

She sighed, unwilling to argue. “I’m sorry. So what’s wrong now?”

“The Council has requested a meeting with you. Tomorrow night.”

Her stomach dropped to her feet. Could they have decided her fate already? Had Cadence had a chance to tell them what happened? Would she come to Rho’s defense? “They’ve come to a decision?”

“That’s what Costel says.”

Anticipation churned in her gut. “And?”

“That’s all I know,” Frederick snapped. “Costel won’t tell me a thing.”

“That’s not good.”

He was silent for a long moment before he finally responded. “Listen, no matter what happens, I’m here to help you. We’ll figure this out.”

“Will you be with me tomorrow?” She could only hope he could be. It would be nice to have someone in her corner when the verdict came.

“If they let me.”

“Good enough. Thanks for letting me know. And I won’t be home for a while, so you can go ahead and leave if you want.” After saying her goodbyes, Rho hung up the phone and stared at the blank screen in her lap.

“That was Frederick?” Eldon asked as he merged onto the highway.

Rho nodded. “He’s at the house. Wanted to talk.”


She blew out a long breath before turning to him. “Council meeting, tomorrow night. My attendance is requested.”

Eldon frowned. “I don’t like this.”

“It’s not optional.”

“I know.” He gripped the steering wheel tighter and glared at the roadway as if it were an enemy. “I’m coming with you.”

The steely tone of his voice told her there’d be no arguing with him. She wasn’t going to be the one to say he couldn’t tag along. She’d let the Council tell him that, and then he’d be mad at them, not her.

Yet even though she knew the chances of the Council allowing him into that meeting were slim to none, she couldn’t think of anyone she’d rather have at her side.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

rder! Order!” Cadence rapped her knuckles against the table. “This Council session is now in order. Please take your seats.”

Eldon sat in his designated spot and surveyed the room. Far too much power in one place for his liking.

Rho settled into the seat to the right of her boss. Frederick placed his arm on the back of Rho’s chair, and Eldon fought the urge to knock it out of the way. No matter how many times she’d told him there was nothing between her and her maker, he hated the two of them together. He hated the fact they shared a mental connection, and he despised the idea of Frederick doing anything to control her.

But this wasn’t about romance. This was about Rho’s life. And if Frederick was willing to stand by Rho’s side and defend her actions against the Council, Eldon was prepared to let him. Anything to keep her safe.

Eldon took his seat in the far corner of the room. The Council didn’t accept onlookers, so it had taken quite a bit of convincing for them to even allow him to be here. His status as a member of the Collective didn’t entitle him to attendance at Council meetings, but Cadence had offered to speak on his behalf.

Ultimately, they’d agreed to let him come as long as he remained quiet and vowed not to repeat anything discussed. No problem. He could keep his trap shut. All he wanted was to be here for Rho, in case things didn’t go as they’d hoped. His stomach churned as he considered the possibilities, but he quickly shoved his doubts aside. Negativity would get him nowhere, and regardless of the outcome, he would find a way to make things work. He had to.

“Thank you all for coming today. I do hope this will be a short meeting.” Cadence sat in the chair at the head of the table and folded her hands together. An empty chair sat to her right, no doubt the seat Max had usually occupied. Eldon had no clue what Cadence had done with him, but he was sure no one would be seeing him anytime soon.

Uncomfortable silence stretched across the room as the Council members joined her and took their seats. Around the table sat faces Eldon had never seen before in person, but their status in the DarqRealm communities were legendary. Costel, the Lamia King, sat to Frederick’s left. His slicked, black hair and Gothic attire weren’t a surprise, a typical staple of an older vampire’s wardrobe.

Ash, the forerunner of the werewolves, sat across from the king, sporting faded jeans and a collared shirt. David, the temporary leader of the shifters, sat beside him. His thin, sunken appearance nothing like Alexander had been—although no one had seen or heard from Alexander since their run-in with Rhyannon, who was also mysteriously absent.

Eldon surveyed the leaders in the room. He had no idea what fate they would have decided for Rho, or why. His expertise began and ended with magick movers, although he’d learned quite a bit about vampire politics since he’d begun a relationship with one. Despite his disdain for Frederick, he knew he could count on that man to fight for his Rho. Which was good enough for him.

Cadence cleared her throat. “As you may have heard, my assistant Max will no longer be working with the Collective or the Council. His alliance is not with us, and I will not allow him to compromise the mission to retrieve the Kamens. I can only apologize for his actions and assure you he will be handled.”

Handled was probably the most tactful way of putting it. After stealing the vampire’s Kamen, purposefully fighting against his own family, and murdering an innocent man, Eldon could only hope Cadence was giving him what he deserved. And he hoped it was painful.

“I’d now like to turn the discussion to the possible extermination of Rho Vasile, one of the last remaining siphons in our world and a vampire under the Vasile family line. Rho, before we reach a verdict, would you like to speak on your own behalf?” Cadence asked.

Rho made a move to stand, but Frederick grabbed her arm and shook his head. She sat back down, and Frederick rose from his seat. “If it would please the Council, I’d like to speak on Rho’s behalf.”

Eldon frowned. Why couldn’t Rho speak for herself? Did he think they wouldn’t respect her side of the story? That they’d dismiss her so easily? Eldon didn’t like the idea of Rho being spoken for, especially by any man other than himself, but he held his tongue. Surely Frederick had some sort of plan here.

“Ladies and gentlemen of the Council,” Frederick started, “thank you for your consideration. I ask to speak to you on behalf of Rho Vasile because I created her, and I am also her employer. She is my responsibility.”

Frederick tugged on the edges of his suit coat. “Since being appointed as executioner for the DarqRealm vampires, I will vouch for her excellent skills in combat as well as her loyalty. In her years working for the guard, she has always exceeded expectations. Our crime rates are the lowest they have been for three generations, and I attribute that largely to her skills and dedication.

“Furthermore, since she has been on the team appointed by this very Council, she has remained loyal to our goals. It would be a travesty to waste a talent like hers, for no other reason than fear. I’d ask that so long as she abides by the laws of the DarqRealm and the vampire nation, she be allowed to remain in our world. Thank you.”

Frederick gave a quick nod and resumed his seat beside Rho. His words had been kind and generous—and truthful—but would they be enough?

The door swung open and slammed against the wall, sending the room into an uproar. Cadence jumped to her feet, and Eldon followed before rushing around the table to Rho.

A thin woman, dressed head to toe in green silk, stepped into the doorway. Her black hair hung to her waist, twigs and flowers braided into her mane. Dark eyes missed nothing as she surveyed the room.


“I do apologize for being late,” the fae queen purred as she strode into the room. “I hope I’m in time to give a little speech of my own.”

Eldon’s stomach turned as the queen eyed him, sizing him up. Rho tensed in front of him, her hands balled into fists at her side. What the hell was she doing here? How dare she stand in this room and pretend for one moment she wasn’t acting against the Council? Everything that had happened with Max reeked of her. There was no doubt in his mind Rhyannon had been training Max to do her bidding, all while convincing him she’d give him some untold power if he cooperated.

Rhyannon didn’t take her eyes off Rho as she waved a hand in the air. The door closed behind her. She stepped forward and pulled out a chair at the opposite end of the table from Cadence and sat down. “Please, sit. No need to stand on my behalf.”

Cadence shot a glance at Eldon, and he knew at once this hadn’t been planned. After what had happened with Max, she’d obviously never expected Rhyannon to show her face again. Neither had he. The queen had way more guts than he’d given her credit for. Not only did she plan on working against them all, she planned on doing it right in front of their faces.

Everyone at the table settled back into their seats. Rhyannon was a standing member of the Council, so there was nothing they could do. She had every right to be here.

Eldon wandered slowly over to the far side of the room and occupied his chair. As much as he wanted to sit closer to Rho, strategically this was the best position. They could cover more ground this way, just in case. Not that he expected Rhyannon to do anything, considering she was in a room full of very powerful people.

“Thank you for joining us,” Cadence said stiffly.

Rhyannon offered a sweet smile. “Of course.”

“I must tell you, I’m surprised to see you here. You’ve been accused of assisting in a plot against this very Council.” Cadence’s demeanor was sweet, but her eyes were sharp.

Raising a hand to her chest, Rhyannon opened her mouth with surprise and glanced around the room. “Really? Me?” Her gaze fell directly on Cadence. “What proof do you have I would do such a horrible thing?”

“We have a witness.” Cadence shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

“Who’s your witness?” Ash, the forerunner of the wolves, asked.

Cadence turned to him. “Max.”

Rhyannon barked a laugh. “Your own blood? Surely you can’t expect us to believe he’s objective in that opinion.” She leaned forward, elbows on the table as she folded her hands and tucked them under her chin. “Is that all?”

“For now.” Anger simmered just beneath the surface of Cadence’s emotions, but she kept herself in check.

The team had seen Rhyannon in action, but their word wasn’t enough. Alexander, the leader of the shifter nation, had gone missing after the team had discovered he was working for Rhyannon. By forcing people to do her work for her, she’d never gotten her hands dirty. At least, not dirty enough.

“Let’s continue, then. Shall we?” Rhyannon rose to her feet and gave Frederick a slight nod. “I believe you have had a chance to speak on Rhowen’s behalf. But I would like the opportunity to speak my thoughts on the matter.”

Seriously? Eldon clamped his hands down on either side of his chair in an effort to remain seated. He wasn’t a member of the Council and he didn’t have a right to speak in this meeting, but of all the people to speak out against Rho, he’d never imagined Rhyannon would be doing it. She’d already created the spell that gave Rho a death mark. Apparently that wasn’t enough. She wanted Rho dead, and she wanted her dead

“Rhowen Vasile is not just a siphon, nor is she just a vampire. She is both. As far as our records show, there has never been another being in existence to possess both of these qualities. She is a danger to the entire DarqRealm. A danger that must be eliminated,” Rhyannon said.

Like Rhyannon wasn’t a threat? Of all the DarqDwellers Eldon had ever known, the queen of the fae was easily one of the most powerful. She could summon more energy faster than any fae or magick mover he’d ever met. How could Rho be more threatening?

David, the shifter representative, rubbed his chin in thought. “How can you know she’s dangerous? Has she done anything to earn that reputation?”

“I’m glad you asked.” Rhyannon’s lips lifted into a sly smile. “First example, although I understand if you choose to disregard it because it is my own witness, was her use of magick against me. She siphoned my power and tried to use it against me.”

Rho sprang from her seat. “I was defending myself!”

Rhyannon brushed a hand dismissively through the air. “I never struck you with magick.”

“You struck him!” Rho pointed a hand across the room at Eldon. He nodded.

“Like I said, I never struck you with magick. And yet you siphoned my power in an effort to destroy me,” Rhyannon continued. “More recently, you used your magick to murder a magick mover.”

Eldon pinched his brow in confusion. Murdered a magick mover? He’d been with Rho when she’d siphoned the power in that room. She’d used it against Max, but she’d never murdered him.

“I was there when Max was struck by her borrowed magick,” Cadence interrupted. “I can assure you he’s not dead.”

Rhyannon shook her head. “That isn’t who I’m speaking of.” She turned to Rho. “Is it, Rhowen? You know who I speak of.”

The little color in Rho’s face drained away, leaving her even more pale than normal. She didn’t say anything.

Eldon asked into her mind.

I forgot to tell you about that.

You killed someone?
Eldon arched a brow as he stared at her from across the room. There was no question in his mind Rho could be lethal when she wanted to be, but he knew her. She wasn’t in the habit of killing people for fun. She wouldn’t have hurt anyone if she could’ve helped it, and she definitely wouldn’t have responded with deadly force unless she’d been provoked.

When you left for the train station, I was alone. A magick mover Max sent to watch us attacked me with knives then tried to kill me with magick. I defended myself.

You have to tell them the truth.
In this case, honesty would be the best policy. If she kept anything at all from the Council, it would look like she had something to hide.

Rho nodded then met Cadence’s stare. “I can defend my actions.”

“Please do.” Cadence motioned toward the table, giving her the floor.

“As part of our mission assigned by this Council, we went after Max. We had reason to believe he kidnapped our friends in an effort to blackmail us. I’d left my teammates to take a separate train, and during that time, I was attacked by a magick mover. He tried to use magick to kill me, so I siphoned his magick and countered it to use against him.”

“You used magick to kill him?” Ash asked, the surprise clear in his voice.

“Only the magick he’d intended to use to kill me.” Rho lifted her hands in front of her. “I can’t summon the energy myself. I can only use what is thrown at me. If he hadn’t tried to hurt me, I never would have been able to use his magick against him.”

“But you
use his magick to kill him,” David’s brows drew together, the accusation hanging clearly in the air.

Rho nodded. “Right.”

Rhyannon lifted a hand. “If I may, I don’t believe that’s entirely accurate.”

“But—” Rho started.

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