Fatal Purity: Robespierre and the French Revolution (55 page)

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MR becomes president of

MR defends Danton vs. Hébert in

MR denounces Desmoulins, Danton, and Hébert

MR denounces fraternal banquets

MR dominates

MR power at height of terror and

MR’s rise to power and Danton

MR vs. Louvet and

new federal army and

petition on deposition of king and

protests of 20 June 1792 and

republican constitution and

separation of power ended by

speeches published by

Terror supported by

war debated in


Jefferson, Thomas

Jemappes, battle of



Journal de Louis XVI et de son peuple

Jura revolt


“Korff, Baroness de,”


Labille-Guyard, Adélaide

Lafayette, Marquis de

Danton vs.

flees country

flight to Varennes and

Louis XVI and

MR vs.

National Guard and

runs for mayor of Paris

La Force prison massacre

Lally-Tollendal, Triophime Gérard, Marquis de

Lamballe, Princesse de

Lameth brothers

Lamoignon, Chrétien François de

Lamoignon Edicts (8 May 1788)

Lanthenas, François-Xavier

La Salpêtrière prison massacre

la Tour du Pin, Henriette Lucie Dillon, Marquise de

Launay, Bernard-René

Law of 14 Frimaire

Law of 22 Prairial

Law of Suspects

Lebas, Elizabeth

Lebas, Philippe

Le Gay, M.

Legislative Assembly

Châteauvieux soldiers and

fall of monarchy and

20 June 1792 and

ultimatum to Leopold II

legislative power

Leopold II, Holy Roman Emperor

Lettres à ses commettans

lettres de cachet

levée en masse

Lewes, G. H.


Lindet, Jean

Loizelier, Frances

Louis XIII, king of France

Louis XIV, king of France (Sun King)

Louis XV, king of France

Louis XVI, king of France

absolute power of monarchy and

armed intervention of major powers requested by

Austria threatens war, after Revolution vs.

bankruptcy of

bodyguard of, abolished

Bourbon threat of war vs. Britain and

captured by women and returned to Paris, in 1789

constitution of 1791 signed by

coronation and early reign of

dismisses Brissot ministers

dismisses ministers and appoints Brissot circle

Estates General convened by

fall of constitutional monarchy and

Festival of Federation and

Feuillants ministers appointed by

flight to Varennes and

imprisoned in Temple

Lafayette’s last audience with

Lamoignon Edicts and

lettres de cachet and

life of, at Versailles

list of complaints vs. National Assembly and constitution

Mirabeau and

MR advocates deposition of

MR welcome speech to, at Collège Louis-le-Grand

Napoleon on fall of

National Assembly debates executive veto by

protests of 20 June 1792 and

Revolution of 1789 and storming of Bastille and

trial and execution of

in Tuileries as virtual prisoner

veto threat by, on refractory priests and federal army

Louis, Antoine

Louis Capet (dauphin, son of Louis XVI)

regency threatened

Louison, Antoine

Louvet, Jean Baptiste

Lyon, revolt and siege of

Lyonnais Jacobins


Maillard, Stanislas

Maison Robespierre

Malesherbes, Chrétien Guillaume de Lamoignon de

Malouet, Pierre-Victor

Mandat, Marquis de

Marat, Jean-Paul

assassination of

censorship and

early arrest of

Jacobins vs. Girondins and

insurrection of Paris and

Louis XVI and

Mirabeau and

MR and

National Convention and

Revolutionary Tribunal and

Terror and

Marboeuf, Henrietta Frances de

Marie Antoinette, queen of France

execution of

execution of Louis XVI and

fall of monarchy and

flight to Varennes and


Marseille Jacobins

martial law

Maury, Jean-Sifrein, abbé

Mémoires authentiques de Maximilien Robespierre
(1830 forgery)

Mercure de France

Michelet, Jules

Miles, William Augustus

Mirabeau, Comte de

death of

on MR

secret letters to Louis XVI discovered

mob violence


Momoro, Antoine, François

Montesquieu, Baron de

Montmorin, Comte de

Moore, John


Morison, Charles

Mort de Mirabeau, La

Mounier, Jean-Joseph


Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus

Musée Carnavalet


Napoleon Bonaparte

Narbonne, Comte de

National Assembly

Bastille storming and

censorship and

closes Versailles session and reconvenes in Paris

death penalty and penal code reform

debate in, over church and clergy

debate in, over constitution

debates in, over Paris municipal government

declared by third estate, creating Revolution

ends feudalism and monarchy

Festival of Federation and

Jacobin Club and

last day of, after signing of constitution

letters of Duke of Artois and

Louis XVI and

Mirabeau and

mob violence and

MR proposes prohibition of deputies from becoming ministers of king

MR’s pay as deputy to

war threat and

war threat and, and monarch’s right to declare war

women’s delegation to Versailles and

National Convention

Committee of Public Safety created by

constitution suspended and Terror by

Danton’s arrest and execution and

declares war on England, Dutch Republic, and Spain

East India Company and

education reform and

end to separation of powers and

establishes worship of Supreme Being

formation of

Girondins attacked and arrested

Girondins battle Mountain in

Law of 14 Frimaire and

Law of 22 Priarial and

Louis XVI tried and sentenced to death by

MR addresses, on 8 Thermidor on patriotism leading to his arrest

MR addresses, on public morality and Terror

MR as president of

new executive commissions created by

Paris insurrection and storming of Tuileries and

price controls and

republican constitution adopted by

revolutinary calendar and

second Revolutionary Tribunal established by

National Guard

Champ de Mars massacre and

formed of citizen militia

limited to active citizens

new federalist army to replace

professional army vs.

Necker, Jacques

Necker, Suzanne Curchod

Neerwinden, battle of

Neuvéglise, Le Blond de

Newton, Isaac

Nicolas, Léopold

Nîmes, archbishop of


Estates General and

parlements and

privileges abolished

taxation and

Nootka Sound dispute

Nouvelle Héloïse, La


Offrande a la patrie (Offering to the Fatherland)

Orateur du peuple, L’


Osselin, Charles Nicholas



Paine, Thomas

Palloy, Pierre-François



bread riots of 4 October 1789

daily life in, of 1791

Estates General and

48 sections

Insurrectionary Commune and

insurrection of 1793

insurrection of 1794 fails to materialize

Municipal Assembly

municipal elections abolished

municipal government of

National Convention and

Pétion elected mayor of

punishment centralized in

Revolution of 1789 and

Paris, University of

Paris Commune

Parlement of Besançon

Parlement of Bordeaux

Parlement of Paris


Patriote français

patriotic cockade

Payan, Claude

Peel, Robert

Pelletier, Nicholas Jacques

Père Duchesne

Pétion, Jérôme

flees to Caen

Girondins and

as mayor of Paris

MR opposes

National Convention and

petition for dethronement of Louis XVI (17 July 1791)

Pitt, William

Plaisant, Mary Angelica


Poitou clergy

Police Bureau

police laws of 1794



Pope, Alexander

Prelude, The

Premonstratensians of Dommartin (religious order)

price controls

Prise de la Bastille, La

prison massacres of 1792


property rights

protests of 20 June 1792

Provence, Count of (brother of Louis XVI)

Proyart, Liévin-Bonaventure, abbé

Prudhon, Pierre Paul


Pujoulx, Jean-Baptiste

Pye, Henry James


Quarterly Review,

Qu’est-ce que le Tiers Etat? (What Is the Third Estate?)


Rabelais, François

Racine, Jean

Raigecourt, Marquise de

Rape of the Lock, The

Renaudin, Léopold

Renault, Cécile

Réplublicain, Le

Report on the Principles of Political Morality
(speech of 5 Feb. 1794)

republican government, theory and debate over


Rêveries du Promeneur solitare, Les (Reveries of the Solitary Walker)

Revolutionary Army

revolutionary calendar

Revolutionary Tribunal



Révolutions de France et de Brabant
(Desmoulins newspaper)

Reybaz, Etienne Salomon

Ricord, Jean François

rights of excluded groups

Rights of Man, The


of 1775

of 1788

Robespierre, Augustin (brother)

arrest and execution of

childhood of

Jacobins in Arras and

MR’s visit to Arras and

National Convention and move to Paris

Robespierre, aunt and uncle

Robespierre, Charlotte (sister)

Fouché and

mission to Lyon and

MR visits in 1791

in Paris

Robespierre, Henriette (sister)

Robespierre, Jacqueline Marguerite Carraut (mother)

Robespierre, Maximilien de (father)

Robespierre, Maximilien de (grandfather)

Robespierre, Maximilien Marie Isidore de (MR)

academic success of

Academy of Arras and

antiwar arguments of

antiwar position reversed

appearance of

arming people as leaders of Revolution advocated by

Arras grievance list and

arrest and execution of

Artois pamphlet of 1788 and

assassination attempts on

atheism and anticlericalism opposed by

attacks enemies after Law of 22 Prairial

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