Read Fatal Desire Online

Authors: Valerie Twombly

Tags: #Paranormal Erotic Romance, #Shapeshifter

Fatal Desire (29 page)

BOOK: Fatal Desire
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Her gaze slid from Diego to the three benches on either side of the room. Massive wooden structures with ornate dragons climbing up the sides. At her feet was a burgundy carpet that ran from the entrance to where Diego stood.

A commotion came from the door. Six oversized men and three beautiful women descended on the room. From what Lileta had been told, these were the other leaders and their mates. There were seven houses of the Draki now left with Odage gone. One day, Leria could reestablish her father’s house when she mated.

The Draki leaders took a seat on the benches, and Caleb led her and Leria to where Diego stood. Caleb reached for a silver goblet adorned with diamonds and emeralds that sat on the mantel. Diego produced a silver dagger, the handle carved in the design of dragon scales. He made a slice across his right wrist, handed the dagger to Caleb and took the goblet. His blood trickled into the chalice then the wound healed over. Caleb repeated the process, allowing his blood to pour into the vessel. He then offered the goblet to Leria. She accepted; palming it in both hands, she brought it to her lips and sipped. Leria turned and handed the chalice to Lileta. She brought the cool metal to her lips and let the coppery liquid coat her tongue before letting it slide down her throat. Her eyes closed for a moment while she let the power of those few drops of blood course through her. Even though she and Caleb had mated, she now carried the blood of the Draki. These were her people. She hoped to make them proud.

“Qadira, goddess of fire. The house of
welcomes Lileta as the mate of Caleb.” Diego pinned those sitting on the benches with his gaze. “Does anyone wish to object?”


He gave a nod then looked to his brother.

“Qadira, goddess of fire. The house of
welcomes the daughter of Odage into its fold.” Caleb reached for Leria’s hand. “My mate and I wish to raise her as our own and call her daughter.”

Energy engulfed the room and prickled Lileta’s skin. The flames in the hearth flared and snapped at the air. A woman’s silhouette formed in the center of the room. Blue flames danced around her feet.

“Your request is granted, Caleb, son of Andreas and Jonet.” The goddess completed her transformation. Her crimson gown dragged the floor as she approached Leria. “You will follow the path your new family provides for you.” She touched the girl’s cheek. “One day, when the time comes, you will fulfill your prophecy.”

“What if I choose not to?” Leria whispered.

Qadira smiled. “You will. Your heart will not allow you to do otherwise.” She turned and took a step toward Lileta. “Welcome, daughter, I am pleased you and Caleb have finally joined.” She stepped back.

A shift in power swirled through the room. Caleb growled, and Lileta’s jaw dropped. A man clad in only black leather pants, his raven hair tied back, revealing a strong jaw and smoldering eyes.


“I come with a gift.” Hades moved forward.

“You left my mate to suffer at the hands of her father,” Caleb growled through clenched jaw.

“It made you stronger, didn’t it, Lileta?” He ignored the dragon.

“I did terrible things, My Lord.” She fought back the tears. “Why are you here?”

Hades reached for her hand and placed it in Caleb’s. “I am here to show you a glimpse of your future.” He closed his eyes, still embracing their hands, and projected the image of a tiny babe into their minds. The little bundle was a boy with dark blond hair and golden eyes.

Lileta gasped. “Is he?” She held her breath, afraid to finish the question. Her hands trembled.

The god opened his eyes and leaned closer. “He is your son.”

Lileta shook her head. “I don’t understand. How is it possible?”

“You are the daughter of a demigod. Your power will protect you during the birth of your children.” Hades stepped back beside the goddess. “A son of the goddess of fire and a daughter of Hell. Qadira, I could not have made a better match myself.”

Caleb squeezed her hand, and Lileta realized tears were running down her cheeks. “Thank you.” She could scarcely contain her joy and watched as the images of Qadira and Hades faded away.

“Welcome to the family.” Diego pulled Leria into a bear hug, and she squeezed him back before breaking away to hug Caleb and Lileta.

Caleb kissed her forehead. “I am proud to call you daughter.” He pulled Lileta closer. “Come, I must introduce you to the others before we proceed to the funeral.” He leaned in. “We can practice making that baby later,” he whispered in her ear.


Chapter Twenty-Eight




Caleb led the ladies back into the main hall and wondered if they should have saved the ceremony for after Odage’s funeral. Lileta had insisted it was better this way. Leria would be in a black mood after coming to terms with her father’s death and would want to be alone to process her feelings. He gazed at his mate through desire-filled eyes. Her raven hair had been piled on top of her head, leaving her long neck exposed. The black dress she wore was simple, but on her, it looked like a million bucks. Thin straps crisscrossed across her back, showing off soft skin and a slim backside. The dress continued past her hips and stopped a few inches above the knee. The silver high-heeled shoes showed off toned calves and manicured toenails. He wanted to lick every inch of her body.

She cast him a fiery look.


This is not the time to think about sex,
she chided.

Then you should have worn a sack.

She chuckled.
I somehow doubt that would have helped.

You’re probably right.
He sighed.

Caleb, I don’t feel right.
She gave a weary glance around as they entered the cavern.

What’s wrong, are you ill?

No. I just have a bad feeling. Furia is screeching to get out.

He flared out his senses and his dragon stirred. He didn’t like hearing that Furia, Lileta’s dark side, was restless. He sensed nothing out of the ordinary other than the guardians had arrived. He pulled Lileta close and brushed a kiss across her lips.

“Stay connected to me no matter what happens.”

She nodded, worrying her bottom lip. They continued on to meet Aidyn on the other side of the expansive cavern. The vampire warrior stood tall, hands locked behind his back. Leria approached him, her chin up.

“Where is my father’s body?” Her hands clenched at her side.

The vampire looked down at her, his eyes filled with sorrow. “He has been taken to his chambers.”

She turned to Caleb. “I will go oversee the preparations.”

Caleb nodded his approval and watched the girl leave before he turned back to Aidyn. “Are all your warriors here?”

“Yes. Lucan insisted we all come except for the children, of course. He said something about a nagging feeling crawling up his spine.”

“Yes, I have felt it too.” Lileta said, her voice shaky. “Caleb, what if my father is up to something?”

Caleb scratched his chin then waved Diego over. He wasn’t taking any chances. “Tell the others to be on the lookout for trouble. Post a guard at every entrance to this mountain.”

Diego tipped his head, turned on his heel and strode out of sight.

“We should head out, the ceremony will begin soon.”

Minutes later, Caleb stood at the water’s edge and helped his daughter light the fire that would consume her father’s body. Several Draki pushed the small barge, with the shroud-covered form into the water and watched it float to the middle of the small lake that flowed through their cavern community. By the time it reached the center, it was fully engulfed. Caleb and Lileta stood on either side of Leria and held her close. The girl blinked back her tears.

“I’d like to visit Erebos and the others. With their family’s permission, of course,” Leria stated.

“I will arrange for it as soon as the ceremony is over.” Caleb couldn’t blame her for wanting to see her half-brothers, the only family she had left. He watched as she walked toward the water and placed a red rose at its edge.

An explosion rocked the mountain, shaking the ground under his feet. Screams rang out as rocks rained down upon them. Dragons shifted and took flight.

“Oh my gods, what’s happening?” Lileta shouted.

“Flash out of here.” Caleb grabbed her. “Go!”

“No! Where’s Leria? I’m not leaving you guys.”

More screams reverberated off the rock walls and pierced his ears. Demons. Hundreds of demons filtered in through cracks, flew down from the open sky above, and emerged from the water. They were everywhere.

Dragons dropped fire balls on the demons. Swords clanged together as hand-to-hand battles took place all around him. He could see Leria through the dust and smoke that wafted through the air.

“Leria?” Caleb shouted at the top of his lungs. Diego flashed beside him. “Status report.”

“All the guards are dead. They looked to be taken out with a blade,” Diego replied.

“Lowan’s secret weapon,” Lileta shot back.

“Fuck!” Caleb grabbed Diego by the shirt. “Have you seen Leria?”

He shook his head. “No.”

“We need to evacuate, there are too many of them to fight in here.” Caleb shoved Lileta toward Diego. “Get her out of here.” The need to get his mate to safety overrode every instinct he had to save his people. He could think of nothing else until he knew she was out of harm’s way. She was going to be sorely pissed at him, but right then, he didn’t give a fuck.

* * * *

As soon as Caleb had shoved her into Diego’s arms, Lileta flashed. Her need to find Leria outweighed everything else. Granted, Caleb was on the same mission, but he also had his hands full. She hiked up her dress and removed the dagger she’d strapped to her thigh earlier; the warm metal felt good in her palm. That nagging fear and Furia’s scratching at the surface had warned her to be prepared. She threw off her heels and tossed them aside then began her search along the water’s edge, the last place Leria had been seen.


A demon with thick black skin and a small pair of wings stepped in her way. Furia snarled, and Lileta slashed at the beast, leaving cuts on its chest. The demon screamed and pushed its head forward only inches from her nose. She struck from the left and made a quick slicing motion to the right. The beasts head toppled to the ground.

“Teach you to stick your nose in my business.” She continued her journey. Panic rose in her throat. What if the demons had gotten to Leria?
Stop, she’s a Draki for Christ sake.

Damn it woman! You disobeyed me.
Caleb’s voice rung in her head.

I am not one of your warriors that you can bark commands at. I am your mate and I intend to find our daughter.

Caleb growled, and for some reason, she found it sexy when he did that. She shook her head. Lileta needed to concentrate or be killed. Another demon attacked. She raised her hand and let the power rip from her fingertips, sending the beast sailing into a pile of rubble.

Gods damn it! I will find Leria. Just get out of here.

You need me. I can help. These are my people now too.
It hadn’t really dawned on her until she mentally said the words. These were her people now. She and Caleb were ambassadors, bringing the two species together. Would the gods see fit to mate more of their kind?

Damn it, woman. Just don’t get hurt, and promise you’ll let me know if you need help. I’ll destroy everything that moves if something happens to you.

I love you too.
She smiled.


She turned toward the voice calling to her and found Leria running toward her. She embraced the girl in a hug. “We need to get you out of here.”

“I was so scared he was coming for me again.” The girl was shaking in her arms.

Lileta sent a quick mental message to Caleb that they were all right and flashed them both outside. She’d taken them to the base of the mountain where several injured Draki were being treated by Marcus and Cassie.

“Can I be of any help?” she asked Cassie, kneeling next to her on the rocky ground.

“We’re fine. Most of the dragons can heal themselves. Marcus and I are taking care of the worst injuries.” She glanced up from the wound she was tending, her brow furrowed in worry. “Any idea what happened?”

“No. They just suddenly poured in like ants taking over a hill.” Lileta looked over her shoulder at the once majestic mountain. A gaping hole covered a large area of the upper slope. It explained the falling debris, but how had the demons gotten into Vandeldor? “I thought this realm was off limits to Hell’s occupants?” Of course, Hades had made an appearance, but he was a god and could go anywhere he chose. Had he somehow opened a way for Lowan’s minions?

“So did I and everyone else.” Cassie stood, placed her palms at the small of her back, and stretched. The Draki she’d been working on jumped to his feet and flashed. Lileta assumed he was returning to the battle being waged inside.

Lileta worried her lip. Her mate was in that mountain, along with her brother-in-law. “I need to go back.”

“No.” Marcus stepped forward. “They found where the demons are coming from. Somehow, they opened a fracture under the mountain.”

Several dragons flew overhead, their massive bodies blocked out the sun momentarily. They were heading toward the beach. “What’s going on?” She pulled Leria close to her side.

“We need to evacuate farther away.” Marcus gave her a sympathetic look. “The only way to stop this realm from filling with the spawn of Hell is to bring that entire mountain down. Hopefully, the shift in the ground will close the opening.”

“Why are you looking at me like that?” Lileta’s nerves were already on edge, but a sudden feeling of dread crawled up her spine. It was as if someone had placed a concrete block on her chest. The weight of it constricting every breath she tried to suck in.

Diego appeared at her side. “Come on, we need to move.” He flashed her against her will; his power engulfed her and kept her feet pinned in the sand. She hardly noticed the dragons who dropped fire onto the escaping demons or the stench of burning flesh. Her mind could only focus on one thing.

BOOK: Fatal Desire
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