Fantasyland 04 Broken Dove (54 page)

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Authors: Kristen Ashley

BOOK: Fantasyland 04 Broken Dove
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His eyes went to Frey.

“What was it?” he barked.

“Hewcrows,” Frey answered. “Minerva,” he went on, telling Apollo something he already knew.

Everyone knew the bird-headed hewcrows were Minerva’s magic.

But the black mist that he’d seen envelope Maddie was something else.

He couldn’t think of his Madeleine being attacked in the forest by hewcrows. Not then. His nerves were frayed, his fury at the surface. The thought of his broken dove battling hewcrows in the snow would cause him to lose control.

Instead, he glanced around at the destruction, taking in the three dragons at rest.

Hostilities had escalated.

“Lo,” Maddie breathed.

He ignored her and looked back to Frey.

“You’re here because?” Apollo asked.

“I’m here because my family gathers,” Frey answered.

Enough said.

“I’m also here to seek Lavinia,” Frey added.

“The others?” Apollo went on.

“We’ve had a message from the Circe of the other world. She wishes to help with our plight and she’s discovered a way to recover her magic. It’s a dangerous process and she would still consume all she recouped if she made the journey between worlds. We need Lavinia and Valentine to transport her here. Once here, she’ll be a formidable addition. That said, she’s explained this process and Circe, Cora, Tor, Lahn and their men journey to the font where Lahn’s Circe can recoup her magic as well.”

Apollo nodded.

“Lo,” Madeline whispered.

He again ignored her and noted that Frey’s men Ruben and Thaddeus had arrived and Annar, Lund, Oleg and Orion were riding to join their group. He turned his head and saw Laures, Remi, Hans and Alek had also made it. All of the men were still mounted, except Hans, who was close to Loretta, holding her while Meeta tied a strip of fabric she’d torn from her dress around a shoulder wound Loretta had sustained.

At the sight of the maid’s blood, Apollo’s mouth got tight and that burn in his chest came back.

“Get Loretta back to Brunskar,” he ordered Hans.

Hans looked to him and nodded.

“Lo,” Madeleine repeated.

“My mother?” Frey asked over her and Apollo looked to him, knowing the question.

That question being why Apollo was there.

And Frey knew the likely reason.

“She, or your father, Franka or Kristian. They’re all here,” Apollo answered.

This time, Frey’s mouth got tight and his eyes slid to Ruben.

“I want them in the dungeons before night’s end,” he commanded.

Without delay, Ruben, Thad, Annar, Lund and the others whirled their horses, dug their heels in and shot through the smoke.

Apollo heard more horses and turned to see Draven and Gaston arrive.

They’d barely stopped their mounts before Apollo caught Laures’s eyes. “One of you, assist Hans with Loretta and Meeta. The rest, aid Frey’s men.”

Gaston approached Hans and the women. The rest of his men dug their heels in their horses and galloped away.

“Lo!” Maddie wheezed into his throat.

He took the pressure off the back of her head and looked down at her. “Dove,

She tipped her head back. “You’re squeezing the breath out of me.”

His arm around her back relaxed but he did not let her go.

She collapsed into him and pressed her face in his chest.

Seeing her do that, feeling it, he felt a muscle tick in his cheek right before he whistled sharply.

Maddie jumped in his arms and lifted her head but Apollo turned his eyes to the wolf who ran to him and stopped five feet away.

He heard Maddie catch her breath but he spoke to the king of the wolves.

“How many did you lose?”

“Twenty-seven.” He heard in his head as the wolf barked.


Twenty-seven wolves.

damn it.

“They will be avenged,” Apollo promised.

The wolf yipped, bobbed his muzzle, turned and ran through the smolder.

“What was that?” Maddie asked, her voice breathy, now for a different reason.

Apollo looked down at her.

She was staring after the wolf.

He lifted his head and gave a different kind of whistle.

Anguish trotted to him.

He heard Maddie gasp as he lifted her up and planted her arse on his mount. He didn’t delay in swinging up behind her, jerking up his chin to Frey, dipping it to Finnie, clamping Maddie close to him and bending into her and his steed.

He dug his heels in Anguish’s flanks.

His horse shot through the smoke.

Destination Brunskar.

And the path to vengeance.

* * * * *

His boots sounding sharp on the black stone floors of the Brunskar dungeons, Apollo was not surprised at what he saw at the end of the hall when he turned the corner.

Madeleine and Frey facing off.

She was wearing what he assumed was one of Melba’s soft, peach gowns. He assumed this as he’d left her to Melba, a guard, one of Calder’s witches, a physician called in from the village, as well as Meeta. They were all seeing to Loretta.

In other words, outside Melba, who’d essentially been elbowed aside by a rabidly protective Maddie and an equally rabidly protective Meeta, they were generally getting in the physician’s way.

As he had things to do that didn’t include watching a physician stitch flesh as his Maddie fanned Loretta and Meeta threatened the poor man if the stitches weren’t tidy and straight, he’d left them to it.

Now she had found her way to the dungeons, the torches lit along the walls casting spare light into the gloom.

He was finding that was his Maddie. Assassins. Hewcrows. Dark magic. She was a fighter. She most definitely did not like to be kept in the dark and she didn’t shy away from much.

Except emotion.

And she was learning to face that head on too.

And all of this, all of Maddie, pleased him very much.

Which meant the thirty minutes where he knew not whether she was still with him in this world, or she was not in any world, had been unadulterated anguish.

Apollo could not dwell on that however, for as he got close, he saw her face was set.

As was Frey’s.

She heard his boots, looked his way and greeted, “Hey, honey.”

Even as fury and fear still smoldered in his chest, at her greeting, Apollo nearly smiled.

However, he did not.

This was because she turned instantly back to Frey and opened her mouth.

But Frey got there first.

“You will not enter.”

Apollo stopped close behind Maddie but had no chance to speak.

“Finnie’s in there,” she returned heatedly. “I saw her when you opened the door.”

“My Finnie is an unusual woman and princess of this realm,” Frey retorted.

an unusual woman too. Seeing as she’s of my people, we’re the same kind of unusual and it was
my girls
”—she jerked her thumb at herself with each stressed word then threw out an arm—“who were out there with those

Apollo felt his jaw grow tight at a reminder of the danger Madeleine had been in.

But Frey was not swayed

“What you would see in there is not for women’s eyes.”

“Huh,” Maddie huffed in disgust, and at that noise, Apollo lost his disquiet and rage at the events of earlier that night and again almost smiled. “I’ve seen Lo slit a man’s throat, gut another one, slice another one in the neck and cut off a man’s hand.” She twisted her neck and looked up at him. “What other carnage have you wrought in front of me, sweetheart?”

At that, there was no hope of stopping it, he smiled down at her.

“Lo, this is your decision,” Frey stated and Apollo looked to him.

“Let her enter.”

He felt Maddie relax in front of him.

Frey nodded and turned instantly to the door he was blocking, opened it and moved inside.

He left it open and Maddie began to move there but he caught her arm and turned her to him.

“Apollo—” she started impatiently.

“One moment, my dove,” he interrupted her gently. “Before you enter that room, you must be warned. You have seen Laures at work but you were in no state to let it register and he had just gotten started. Oleg, Frey’s man, is also skilled at extracting information. He does not relish using these skills, but he has them. What you may see in that room may be difficult to witness no matter the…” he paused, “carnage you’ve already beheld.”

Boots were sounding down the hall but he didn’t look, nor did Madeleine.

Instead, she assured him, “I’ll be fine, honey.”

“If you wish to leave. You go. But you do not go alone. I or one of my men goes with you and takes you immediately to the witch.”

“They have a witch in there,” she told him. “I saw her too.”

“Regardless, do as I say. Understood?”

She held his eyes as he felt others join them and he only looked to them when she nodded.

Alek and Hans had arrived.

“They have them?” Hans asked.

“All of them,” Apollo answered. “Save Franka. She’s staying at a cottage not far from here. They’re collecting her. ”

Hans jerked up his chin.

“The children?” Apollo asked.

“Quincy and Balthazar play guard. Calder has sent a witch as well.”

This time, Apollo jerked up his chin.

Hans looked to Maddie. “Word on Loretta?”

“She’s fine, Hans,” Maddie said quietly. “Stitched up and now resting.”

With mild surprise, Apollo watched a cloud shadow Hans’s face before he moved into the room. And this cloud formed even as the news he received about Loretta was good.

Alek had already gone in.

Apollo took Maddie’s hand and led her in.

When they entered, he saw Eirik and Calder nose-to-nose. He also saw Valeria standing to the side, watching in a detached way, arms crossed on her chest. And last he saw Kristian squatting in a corner, head down between his knees, the fingers of both hands shoved in his hair.

Kristian. Clearly the weak link.

Apollo cast his eyes further through the room and saw Frey and his own men standing about, as well as Garik. Finnie was standing in the shadows resting one shoulder against the stone. Her booted feet were crossed at the ankle, her arms crossed on her chest, eyes to Calder and Eirik.

When they entered, she looked over her shoulder, caught Apollo’s eyes, then hers moved to Madeleine, down to their clasped hands and back to Apollo whereupon she winked.

He again felt his lips twitch.

Then his attention was taken by the action.

“Three witches I paid a fortune to watch over my wife, my unborn child, and my home and you connive to tear that protection away?” Calder clipped into his father’s face.

Clearly, the interrogation had advanced during his absence. No one knew about the conspiracy.

Except the conspirators.

Apollo knew, however, that Frey had warned his brother and Calder had taken precautions. This was the reason why Apollo felt safe bringing the children and Maddie to Brunksar.

In his fury, Calder had obviously informed the occupants of this room who previously might not have known.

Unless they did.

Something they would soon find out.

“I’ve done no such thing,” Eirik returned.

Calder’s eyes sliced to the witch who was standing shoulders against the stone wall, eyes to the action.

“Indeed, as I reported, the enchantments we cast were broken,” she stated.

Calder looked back at his father.

“Explain that,” he demanded.

“I’d hardly connive to put my own son and unborn grandson in jeopardy,” Eirik returned.

“Just to say, she carries a daughter,” the witch put in.

“Your further input is hardly welcome,” Eirik bit out.

Maddie leaned into him and whispered in his ear, “Cool that Melba and Calder are expecting a daughter.”

Apollo shook his head while tipping his chin to look down at her and lifted a hand to press his finger to her lips.

She rolled her eyes.

He felt his mouth quirk as he looked back to Eirik and Calder, dropped his finger from her lips but lifted the hand he was holding and folded it into his chest, drawing her nearer.

“You fail to grasp your position here, father,” Frey noted and Eirik looked to him.

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