Falling Snow (16 page)

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Authors: Graysen Morgen

BOOK: Falling Snow
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“What made you want to be with me?” Cason asked.

Adler grinned. “That day in the village I cruised you when I got off of you. I thought you were sexy as hell, then I realized you were a woman and I was surprised, but somehow I think I knew. I thought about that day a few times before I saw you at the hospital. I guess it sort of happened slowly for me. We got to be friends and I knew you were gay, but it never bothered me. When you kissed me my strong exterior shattered. I fell apart and left the country to grieve over my failed marriage and deal with the fact that kissing you, a woman, was the most incredible feeling I have ever felt in my life. My mind drove me crazy thinking about you and dreaming about you. Then, I started wondering what it would be like to make love with you and my mind sure painted a vivid picture for me. I couldn’t stand it anymore. I had to see you, touch you. I didn’t know what would happen the next day or worry about the repercussions, I just wanted you so damn bad.”

“Why.” Cason grinned. “What made you stay?”

“I can’t explain how you make me feel, I just know being with you, even like this just sitting here, it is the best feeling in the world. It’s not an adrenaline rush or thrill ride like snowboarding, it’s more like ecstasy, pure happiness, and I guess I’m scared that bliss will disappear or fizzle out eventually.”

“You make me happier than I’ve ever been in my life. I know we haven’t been together that long, but I’ve been falling for a long time. I love you Adler.” Cason watched her face go from surprise to shock to sadness. She stood up and pulled her wetsuit back on. She was in the water with her board before Cason could say anything else. She knew it was way too soon, but she did love her and she wanted to reassure her that this wasn’t a fluke or anything else that she might think it was.

Adler caught the second wave that rolled under her and cut back inside the small wave riding her board low with her hand dragging the water next to her. She sliced back to the right before running out of wave. No, she wasn’t a pro, but she looked like she knew what she was doing and she was enjoying it, that was all that mattered.



Twenty Eight






In September Adler was getting ready for the season to start when the first snow fell in October. She’d been to Chile for two weeks for the end of the international tour where she finished second and Amy finished third. She was working on some new tricks and doing a lot more riding for herself versus riding the way people expected her to ride. She was riding a lot freer and fell more times than she liked during the last leg of the international tour, but she was picking up new tricks and going to new heights. If she could pull everything together perfectly she would be virtually unbeatable. As soon as she got home she dumped her gear and packed for a weeklong trip to Denver before her loaded schedule of photo shoots, training, interviews, and everything else that came with the start of a new season.

She felt bad for leaving Clyde again, but the lady next door spoiled him so much she wondered if the cat preferred it when she was out of town. She told him bye and grabbed her suitcase. She was excited to get on the road. It had been about a month since she’d seen Cason. She missed her more than she ever imagined. She was nervous about seeing her after their little vacation in California. It scared her when Cason said she loved her. She felt strongly towards her, she just couldn’t say it back. Everything was still too new and her old wounds were still too fresh. She wasn’t ready to love someone again.




Cason finished her shift at the hospital and rushed home to shower and clean her condo one last time before Adler arrived later that afternoon. She had no idea why she was so nervous. She wondered if it would always be like that since they often spent weeks apart. The excitement still hadn’t worn off. When she heard the knock on her door she almost tripped and fell rushing to answer it.

“You’re early.” Cason said when she opened the door.

“Would you like me to go and come back later?” Adler asked with a raised eyebrow and a sexy grin.

“Hell no,” Cason grabbed her and pulled her inside. “God I missed you.” She wrapped her arms around Adler and kissed her like her life depended on it. She ran her tongue around the edge of her lips before slipping inside. Adler’s hips moved against her involuntarily.

“I missed you too.” Adler said when they parted enough to breathe. “I was sure I was going to get a ticket on the way here.”

“You could have just said you hadn’t seen your girlfriend in a month and you were hot and bothered thinking about making love with her and that made you drive faster.” Cason smiled.

Adler rolled her eyes. “I’m sure that would’ve gotten me out a ticket.”

“You’d be surprised.”

“Oh my god, you’ve used that line?”

“No.” Cason laughed. “But, if it had been a guy he would let you go to hide the tent forming in his tight uniform pants.”

Adler giggled. “That’s a visual I don’t want.” She raised an eyebrow when she finally looked past Cason’s eyes. “You’re hair’s shorter.”

Cason ran a hand through her short dark hair. “Yeah, the girl that usually cuts my hair was off when I went in so I let the other girl do it and she buzzed my head. It was like a damn flat top. Thank god it’s grown out a little bit.”

“I like it.” Adler said.

“Good.” Cason said as she moved her hands from Adler’s waist to her ass and picked her up. Adler wrapped her legs around Cason and ran her hands through her short hair as she kissed her. Cason deposited her on the bed and crawled on top of her.





“I promised Warren we would go out with him tonight.” Cason said when they finally came up for air. “He’s been dying to meet you and he was driving me crazy at work. Do you mind if we meet him at this club downtown?”

“Haven’t I met him?”Adler asked.

Cason smiled. “Yes, but he doesn’t know that.”

“Trying to keep me all to yourself huh,” She laughed. “I don’t care if we go out.”

“We won’t stay out long enough for him to embarrass me.” She grinned.

“Oh, this should be good then. How long have you known him?”

“About six years. I guess he’s kind of like my best friend, I mean he’s the only person I see outside of work, and I don’t really associate with many people anyway. He and I use to spend a lot of time going to clubs or bars, but this year I sort of became a homebody.”

“Well, I’m looking forward to seeing you in action then.” Adler wiggled her eyebrows. “What kind of club is this?”

“It’s a mix, black and white, gay and straight, you name it everyone kind of fits together.” She shrugged. “Before you ask, no I have not taken anyone home from there. I have gotten my fair share of numbers, but no one night stands. He however has left me stranded on more than one occasion which is why I learned to just meet him there.”

Adler laughed. “So he’s a charmer. He was pretty curious about me when I was here asking about you.”

“He was probably checking you out.”

“Yeah right,”

Cason shook her head. “He checks out anything in a skirt.”

“I wasn’t wearing a skirt.”

She laughed. “You know what I mean. Oh my god, this one night about three years ago this nice looking black woman asked him to dance. She was wearing a short leather skirt, high heels, and a tank top style blouse. The place isn’t exactly lit up like a runway so it took me a little while to realize he was dancing with a cross dresser. He didn’t believe me until he went to the bathroom and she was in there standing at a urinal with her skirt pulled up and her package showing. He ran out of there and we didn’t go back for six months.” Cason couldn’t stop laughing. “Ask him about Darlene the Queen tonight.”

Adler was hysterical. “Oh man, I bet he was scarred for life.”

“No kidding. He isn’t a homophobe at all, I think he was more shocked that the guy in a skirt danced, and moved like a woman and I think they kissed a few times while dancing. He was hot and ready to take her home just before he noticed the twig and berries. It sure as hell gave me a laugh. I still use it as leverage when I need to bend his arm at the hospital for a favor.”

Adler got out of the bed and stretched her naked trim body causing tight muscles to show in various places. Cason grew wet all over again. She had never been that easily turned on by just looking at a woman in her life, not constantly. She wondered how long it would last, this instant readiness every single time Adler was in her presence. Maybe the distance between was causing her to feel like it was the first time every time because they spent so much time apart.

“Where are you going?” Cason asked as she followed her out of the bed.

Adler’s heart skipped a beat when Cason stood in front of her. She still wasn’t use to the excitement her naked body caused. “If we’re going out then I need to shower now. I hate blow drying my hair and I’m sure you don’t have a blow dryer anyway.”

“That is correct. Not much here to blow dry.” Cason rubbed her short messy hair. “Want some company in there?”

“If you get in here we won’t get out.” Adler smiled.





Warren was sitting on a stool at a small, high-top table close to the edge of the dance floor when he saw Cason walking towards him with a pretty blond in tow. He looked her up and down when he stood to shake hands with Cason. She looked familiar.

“I’ve seen you before.” He said to Adler, then, turned to Cason. “You said it wasn’t the girl that came looking for you.”

Cason smiled. “I never said it wasn’t I just never answered you. Anyway, I guess you two have already met. Warren this is Adler, the snowboarder from Aspen that’s had me on a rollercoaster for the last nine months.” Adler smacked her arm lightly and reached out to shake his hand.

“I’ve heard a lot about you.” Adler said.

“I’m sorry to say Cason hasn’t really said two words about you. I can see why she kept you to herself.” He winked.

“Have you two ever competed for the same girl?” Adler asked after they ordered a round of drinks from the waitress.

“No.” Warren said. “Cason and I have looked at the same woman many times, but never competed.”

“I have no problem looking at a pretty girl, but I don’t date straight women, period.” Cason said. In fact, she had gone against her rule with Adler and trusted another basically straight woman with her heart. She fell head over heels in love with her and it was too late by then. She had no defenses against the beautiful blond.

“So, do you guys dance or just sit here and check everyone out?” She raised an eyebrow and grinned. A Michael Jackson song was playing loudly and many people were grinding together on the dance floor in front of them.

“Hey you guys.” A bubbly redhead stepped up to the table and spoke before Cason and Warren had a chance to reply. “I haven’t seen you here in forever. Are you dancing for us tonight? One of my friends just requested your song.”

“I don’t think we will be dancing tonight. Sorry.” Cason said to her.

“Why not? What dance?” Adler said curiously.

“You haven’t seen them dance?” The girl asked. When Adler shook her head she continued. “There was a dance contest here about two years ago and you could enter in pairs or groups of three. The winners won a couple grand I think. Anyway, these two did the ‘Soulja Boy’ dance from the Crank That song and blew the competition away. Every now and then they do the dance again when they are here.”

“Oh really,” Adler looked a Cason questioningly with a raised eyebrow.

Cason bit her lower lip and shrugged. “We did it for the hospital. We were bored on a particularly slow night and this song was the hottest thing out so we watched it on YouTube and taught ourselves how to do it. We entered the competition kind of as a joke, but when we won we matched the winnings and gave it to the children’s center at the hospital as a donation.”

“Wow, you amaze me every time I’m with you.” Adler said as she squeezed Cason’s hand lying on the table.

“They’re really good.” The woman said.

Warren raised his eyebrows and Cason shrugged. “I guess we’re gonna do this.” He said as they walked to the dance floor and slapped hands when the song started. Adler knew the song from the radio and was completely in awe watching Cason and Warren dance back and forth doing every move almost perfectly and in unison. The floor cleared out quickly and a few people stayed in the back to follow along but they couldn’t keep up. Adler felt goose bumps rise on her arms and a puddle formed between her legs, she had never been so turned on in her life. The whole room was cheering for them. She was amazed to see Cason out there in front of the large crowd doing this crazy dance like it was second nature. When the song ended they came back to the table breathless.

“That was fucking awesome.” Adler said.

Warren made a gesture like he was wiping dust off his shoulder as he grinned. “Not too shabby. It’s been at least a year since we’ve done that here.”

“Yeah,” Cason agreed. “But, every slow night we are working together, which only happens maybe once a month in that busy place, we take over the doctor’s lounge or ER hallway and get down.”

“No wonder the nurses all want you.” Adler laughed.

“No they don’t.” Cason shook her head and downed half of her drink. She was sweating and her adrenaline level was finally coming back down to normal.

“Stop lying to this girl.” Warren said. “Half of the damn hospital has tried to get with her, but she won’t date anyone in the medical field. I guess it’s a good thing you’re an athlete.” He grinned.

“Oh really?” Adler looked at Cason.

“It’s not that bad, he’s exaggerating. A few nurses and one other doctor have showed interest and I’ve never been interested. I already told you I don’t date people I work with.”

“Maybe you need to transfer to Aspen General.” She teased.

“I’d go tomorrow if they could find it in their budget.” Cason said seriously. Adler squeezed her hand under the table. Warren was a little surprised at the statement, but he had never seen Cason so happy in all of their years as friends.

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