Falling Snow (14 page)

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Authors: Graysen Morgen

BOOK: Falling Snow
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“Can I help you?” The nurse said.

“I am a friend of Dr. Cason Macauley. I need to speak with her.” Adler said. She watched the woman type a few keys on the computer.

“I’m sorry. Dr. Macauley isn’t on shift. If it pertains to the hospital, is there anyone else you would like to speak with?”

“Is there another trauma doctor available?” She asked, hoping one of her friends on staff knew where she lived. She typed a few more keys and then picked up the phone. A few minutes later, a light-skinned black guy wearing dark blue scrubs walked up to her.

“I’m Dr. Jennings, is there something I can do for you?” He asked.

“I’m a friend of Dr. Macauley’s. Apparently, she’s off today and I’m from out of town. Do you or one of her colleagues happen to know where she lives?” She asked.

He eyed her up and down and raised an eyebrow. “I know where she lives, but it won’t help you. She’s in Aspen. Sorry.”

“What do you mean she’s in Aspen?”

“She’s working there for the next five weeks. She works a rotation at the hospital there.” He looked her up and down again. The young woman was very beautiful. He’d definitely have questions for Cason when she returned.

“She goes to Aspen in the winter.” Adler furled her eyebrows in confusion.

“She’s covering for another doctor that had a family emergency. She’s been there about three weeks…” He watched her walk away quickly before he could finish his sentence or get her name.




Cason was sitting at the kitchen counter bar working on her laptop. She had written and rewritten her article three times over and still didn’t like it. She was about to start a fourth draft when a loud knock on the door startled her. She hoped to god Serena hadn’t found out where she was staying. She cursed the door not having a peephole as she pulled it open.

“Were you planning on telling me you were back?” Adler said. She was standing there in jeans and a light green v-neck t-shirt that was made out of that thin material that made it look like an old throw-back shirt from the eighties. Her hair was pushed back off her face by the white sunglasses she had on the top of her head, just looking at her made Cason nervous.

Cason stepped back and let Adler walk inside the small condo. The citrus and flower scent she smelled made her want to smile, but the tone in Adler’s voice wasn’t exactly sunshine and roses. “I wasn’t aware I needed to let you know I was asked to fill-in for someone on rotation. Besides, aren’t you supposed to be out of the country anyway?”

“I came back early. My divorce was final a couple of weeks ago.”

“Should I say, oh I’m sorry, or congrats?”

“My divorce is none of your business.” Adler growled.

Cason threw arms in the air. “Then why the hell did you just tell me about it?”

“For some stupid reason I tell you about everything.”

“You confuse the hell out me. I still don’t understand why you’re standing here right now. The last time you saw me you told me to leave, remember.”

“Because I can’t fucking stop thinking about you…” Adler crossed the distance between them and pressed her lips to Cason’s. She kissed her like her mouth supplied the oxygen she needed to stay alive. Cason backed her against the wall, pressed her hips into Adler’s, and opened her mouth to take in the tongue begging for entrance. Adler kissed her with three and a half months of built up tension. If she could crawl inside her she would have. Cason pulled her mouth back slightly and Adler chased her trying to continue the kiss. Cason bit her bottom lip teasingly and traced her tongue over the soft flesh. She froze when Adler’s hands snaked under her shirt and ran up and down her naked back. The desire Cason saw in Adler’s bluish-green eyes was almost frightening. She leaned down and ran her moist lips over Adler’s neck and up towards her ear. The feel of Adler’s hips grinding against her made her instantly wet. She wouldn’t be able to stand up much longer, not with the way Adler’s body was physically attacking her from both sides. She ran her hands down Adler’s lithe body and grabbed her tight ass and raked her teeth over the sensitive flesh her lips were just on. Adler reached up with her hand and tugged Cason’s hair just enough to find her lips again for another searing kiss. Cason turned her away from the wall and walked her backwards until she bumped into the back of the couch. Adler pulled Cason’s shirt up over her head and tossed it on the floor. She ran her hands up Cason’s rippled stomach and across her chest to palm her breasts while Cason’s hips pressed tightly against her.

Cason pulled away from the kiss panting. She was so close, if she wasn’t careful she’d go off in her pants. She wrapped her arms around Adler’s slightly smaller body and picked her up. Adler wrapped her legs around Cason’s mid-section and her arms around her neck. She ran her tongue over Cason’s lips as Cason walked towards her bed on the other side of the room in the studio style condo. Cason laid her down on the bed, sliding on top of her at the same time. She dipped her head and kissed her softly, then pulled back and looked into her eyes.

“Tell me to stop.” Cason whispered.

“Never,” Adler said softly as she leaned up to kiss her, Cason met her lips with wild abandon. Adler wrapped her legs around Cason and her hips resumed their grinding motion causing the crotch of Cason’s pants to rub against her clit with every other movement, teasing her.

Cason backed away just enough to pull Adler’s shirt over her head. She quickly shed her bra and moved to unbutton her jeans when Adler’s hands covered hers. Cason moved to the side and Adler stood up. She unbuttoned her pants and slid them down her legs along with the tiny pair of panties she wearing. Very thinly trimmed blond hair formed a small V where her thighs came together. Cason ran her eyes leisurely up and down her body. Adler Troy was beautiful with an amazing body. She was slender and well toned. Adler reached her hand out and pulled Cason to her feet. Cason removed her pants and women’s jockey style underwear that she always wore. They were the only type of underwear she could find that didn’t sneak into the crack of her ass at the most inopportune times. It was just impossible to pick a wedgie in the middle of a life-saving procedure.

Cason sat back down on the bed and laid back. She pulled Adler on top of her. Warm wet liquid rolled down her thigh when their bodies pressed together. She wrapped her arms around Adler and slid her thigh up slightly between Adler’s. Adler moved against her, sliding her wet center back and forth over Cason’s thigh as she kissed her again. Cason ran her hands up and down Adler’s back and through her long curly hair. When she reached down and cupped Adler’s ass she slid harder against her coating her leg. Cason finally wrapped her arms around Adler and rolled them over. She settled between Adler’s legs and ran her mouth over her small round breast in light kisses before licking circles around her nipple. Adler grasped her head when Cason sucked her nipple into her mouth. She ran her hand up her side and gently squeezed her other breast as she sucked. Adler’s hips rose and coated her stomach with the same warm wetness that was on her leg.

“Touch me Cason...” She said breathlessly.

Cason slid lower slowly running her lips and tongue over Adler’s stomach until she reached the blond patch. She parted her legs and revealed the glistening folds begging to be touched. She met her eyes one last time and ran her tongue through the folds careful not to touch the center. Alder’s hips rose forcefully off the bed, but Cason’s weight held her down as she licked and sucked every crevice working her way to the pulsing center. When she finally wrapped her lips around her clit Adler writhed under her. Cason took her time licking around it in circles then sucking it into her mouth. Adler grabbed her hair and tugged.

“God that feels so good…” She moaned, moving her hips in rhythm with Cason’s mouth.

When Adler’s moving became more frantic Cason knew she was close. She pulled her lips away and slid back up her body as her fingers entered her softly. Adler’s breath hitched and her body tightened. When Cason kissed her the taste of herself on her mouth drove her completely over the edge. She slammed her hips into Cason’s hand as she rode the waves of orgasm over and over. Cason stayed inside of her until she felt her body calm and go limp. She wrapped her arms around her and held her tight. She ran her hands through the long curls lying over her shoulders and on her back.

Adler had her head on Cason’s shoulder and her thigh draped over her legs. She ran her hand up and down the center of Cason’s chest going lower with each pass. Cason grabbed her hand and stopped its progression.

“Show me how to touch you.” Adler rose up and looked into her blue eyes. She moved her hand lower and ran her fingers through the warm wet folds.

Cason spread her legs and put her hand over Adler’s. She moved her hand in slow circles around her clit, moving gradually towards the center. She was so close it wouldn’t take much. She nearly came while touching Adler so her body was wound tight. She pulled Adler’s head down and kissed her. When their tongues met she moved Adler’s fingers over her clit in even strokes. Her hips jerked and bucked and she sucked Adler’s tongue into her mouth and moaned as her body went to heights she didn’t know existed. She’d never come that hard in her life.





Twenty Five






Two weeks later, Cason was lying in Adler’s bed next to her. They’d spent every hour of spare time they could together and most of it was in bed, or on the couch, or one time on the floor, but the carpet burn stung like a son of a bitch the next day so they refrained from letting their passion for each other drive them to the floor again.

“I hate that you have to leave soon.” Adler said.

“I know. I feel like I just found the missing piece in my life.”

Adler smiled. “I think I found a lot more than a missing piece, more like an entire section of chapters.” She turned on her side to face Cason. “I also hate that we can’t go out in public around here because everyone knows me and the gossip hounds will be sniffing my feet now that the world knows I’m divorced.”

“You can always come to Denver. I don’t think anyone there gives two shits about the two of us sitting in a restaurant or walking through a store together.”

“That’s true. I plan on coming to visit. I have to get my ass back in the snow soon. I have two more stops on the international tour in September and then the season starts here in October.”

“What are you doing this month?” Cason asked as she ran her fingers lazily over Adler’s shoulder and down her arm.

“August is part of my international time. I’m usually in New Zealand until the middle of the month, then come home and get ready to go to Chile.” She smiled. “I came home to go get you. I was tired of thinking of you during the day and dreaming of making love with you at night.”

Cason grinned. “So that’s where you learned those moves.” She said as she ran her finger in circles around her breast.

Adler laughed and pushed her away. “I had months of practice in my sleep. When it finally turned to waking up to touch myself I knew I was no longer in control. My body wanted you and I couldn’t deny it anymore.”

“You know that just made me wet right?” Cason said.

“Maybe we should do something about that.” Adler said as she crawled on top of her and straddled her hips.

Cason put her hand between Adler’s legs and moved her thumb over her clit in slow steady strokes. Adler leaned back slightly and moved her hips back and forth matching each stroke. “This isn’t what I had in mind.” She said, but she kept moving and moaned when Cason reached up with her other hand and massaged her breast.

“Come here.” Cason stopped moving her hand and pulled Adler’s hips towards her face. Adler straddled her shoulders and lowered herself onto Cason’s tongue.

Adler moaned and grabbed the headboard moving her hips with every stroke of Cason’s tongue on her clit. Cason reached up and grabbed her hips to hold her still so she could lick and suck over and over until Adler shuddered and came with her tongue inside her.

“We were talking about something before you interrupted us.” Adler said with a smile. She slid down next to Cason and ran her finger around her stomach in long strokes over the hard muscles.

Cason grinned. “You were telling me about you masturbating.”

“Before that,” Adler smacked her lightly. “I still don’t know why the hell I just automatically tell you everything. It drives me crazy.”

“Maybe we’re soul mates.” Cason shrugged. “We were talking about your schedule.”

“Oh yeah, so anyway, I was thinking maybe if you have any vacation time and can get away maybe we can get away for a week or so and go somewhere we won’t be bothered in public.”

“I have some time available. Where were you thinking of going?”

“I usually go to Cali for a few weeks to surf and just bum around at the beach. I didn’t go this year because I went to New Zealand early hoping to clear my mind of a certain sexy trauma doctor.”

“I see.” Cason leaned over and kissed her. “Let me check with my chief when I get back and see how the schedule looks. We usually have to put in weeks and sometimes months ahead of time for vacation. If no one has any time off scheduled then he will clear it.”

“That sounds good. My schedule is pretty tight to, but hopefully it will work out or I’m dragging you to Chile with me.” She grinned.




Twenty Six






“I can’t believe you’re going on vacation, you just got back. And to California, you suck man. You get to go to all the places the hot girls hang out, no wonder you get all the action.” Warren teased. “I bet you’re going with that gorgeous blond that came here looking for you too.”

Cason shook her head and smiled. “Are you scrubbing in on this surgery or not?” She said.

“Yeah, yeah, calm down.” He began washing his hands in the scrub sink. They were about to go on an exploratory mission inside a young man’s body to find out why his abdomen was full of blood. He had been in a car accident and came in with severe stomach pain and the ultra sound in the ER showed he had a massive bleed somewhere.

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